Summoning Pool

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The Summoning Pool refers to the demons that are available to summon on a particular banner.

Permanent-Pool Demons

These summon pools are permanently available to summon on with Gems, Parchments, or Summon Files.

Icon Superior Summon File.png File Summons

Summon Files are items that can each be redeemed for a summon instead of using gems. However, these cannot be used on limited-time banners.

Files are split into Normal and Superior.

Normal Summon Files have only one type:

  • Icon Normal Summon File.png Normal (blue) - summons a 1★-3★ fusible/talkable demon (not counting multi-fusions). Will always be Clear Clear.

Superior Summon Files have multiple types, as follows:

  • Icon Superior Summon File.png Superior (white) - summons a 3★-5★ demon.
    • Rates are 1.00% for 5★, 5.00% for 4★, and 94.00% for 3★.
  • Icon Special Summon File.png Special (pink) - summons a 4★ demon.
  • Icon Ultimate Summon File.png Ultimate (gold) - summons a 4★-5★ demon.
    • Rates are 5.00% for 5★, and 95.00% for 4★.
  • Icon Absolute Summon File.png Absolute (rainbow) - summons a 5★ demon.
    • Pool is identical to the Parchment Absolute Summon pool.

Superior Summons include 3★-5★ Fusible Demons (not counting multi-fusions), as well as the following non-fusible demons:

Demon Race Grade Rarity Notes Release Date
Mot.jpg Mot Reaper 91 5★ - Dec 13, 2018
Ixtab.jpg Ixtab Reaper 84 5★ - Dec 20, 2018
Nergal.jpg Nergal Reaper 82 5★ - Dec 13, 2018
Orcus.jpg Orcus Reaper 80 5★ - Dec 20, 2018
Huang Di.jpg Huang Di Hero 88 5★ - Nov 2, 2018
Yoshitsune.jpg Yoshitsune Hero 97 5★
  • Fusible only in Clear Clear, via a limited-time multi-fusion.
  • Colored versions are gacha-exclusive.
Jul 23, 2018
Siegfried.jpg Siegfried Hero 83 5★ - Jul 23, 2018
Rama.jpg Rama Hero 86 5★ - Nov 29, 2018
Alice.jpg Alice Fiend 89 5★
  • Fusible only in Clear Clear, via a limited-time multi-fusion.
  • Colored versions are gacha-exclusive.
Jul 23, 2018
Trumpeter.jpg Trumpeter Fiend 94 5★ - Jul 23, 2018
Red Rider.jpg Red Rider Fiend 80 5★ - Nov 20, 2019
Black Rider.jpg Black Rider Fiend 82 5★ - Nov 20, 2019
Pale Rider.jpg Pale Rider Fiend 84 5★ - Nov 20, 2019
Tzitzimitl.jpg Tzitzimitl Tyrant 80 5★
  • Fusible only in Clear Clear, via multi-fusion.
  • Colored versions are gacha-exclusive.
Jun 17, 2020
Flauros.jpg Flauros Fallen 91 5★
  • Fusible only in Clear Clear, via multi-fusion.
  • Colored versions are gacha-exclusive.
Dec 9, 2020
Marici.jpg Marici Kishin 90 5★
  • Fusible only in Clear Clear, via multi-fusion.
  • Colored versions are gacha-exclusive.
Sep 17, 2020
Frost Ace.jpg Frost Ace Genma 80 5★ - Dec 11, 2019
Baal.jpg Baal Deity 86 5★
  • Fusible only in Clear Clear, via multi-fusion.
  • Colored versions are gacha-exclusive.
Oct 9, 2019
Anat.jpg Anat Megami 84 5★
  • Fusible only in Clear Clear, via multi-fusion.
  • Colored versions are gacha-exclusive.
May 13, 2020
Man Eater.jpg Man Eater Undead 60 4★ - Jan 17, 2019
Persephone.jpg Persephone Reaper 72 4★ - Dec 13, 2018
Chernobog.jpg Chernobog Reaper 64 4★ - Dec 13, 2018
Hel.jpg Hel Reaper 60 4★ - Dec 13, 2018
Jeanne d'Arc.jpg Jeanne d'Arc Hero 78 4★ - Aug 31, 2018
White Rider.jpg White Rider Fiend 74 4★ - Jul 23, 2018
Hell Biker.jpg Hell Biker Fiend 77 4★ - Oct 3, 2018
Matador.jpg Matador Fiend 73 4★ - Apr 18, 2019
Mishaguji.jpg Mishaguji Vile 65 4★ - Jan 1, 2019
Bodyconian.jpg Bodyconian Undead 40 3★ - Jan 17, 2019

Icon Parchment Piece.png Parchment Absolute Summon

The Parchment Absolute Summon includes the same 5★ as Superior Summons above, with the following additions:

Demon Race Grade Rarity Notes Release Date
Guan Yu.jpg Guan Yu Hero 85 5★ - May 28, 2019
Tokisada.jpg Tokisada Hero 92 5★ - Apr 22, 2020
Mother Harlot.jpg Mother Harlot Fiend 95 5★
  • Fusible only in Clear Clear, via a limited-time multi-fusion.
  • Colored versions are gacha-exclusive.
Nov 21, 2018
Daisoujou.jpg Daisoujou Fiend 81 5★
  • Fusible only in Clear Clear, via a limited-time multi-fusion.
  • Colored versions are gacha-exclusive.
May 8, 2019

Icon Hell Bun.png Hell Bun Summons

Hell Buns work similar to Icon Normal Summon File.png Normal (blue) Summon Files, in that summoned demons will always be Clear Clear and fusible. However, they will have a base rarity ranging from 3★-5★ instead.

Hell Bun Summons have two types, as follows:

  • Icon Hell Bun.png Normal (white) - summons a 3★-5★ fusible demon (not counting multi-fusions). Rates are 1.00% for 5★, 5.00% for 4★, and 94.00% for 3★.
  • Icon 5 Star Hell Bun.png 5★ (gold) - summons a 5★ fusible demon (not counting multi-fusions).

Normal Hell Buns (white) can be obtained from Hell's Park, while 5★ Hell Buns (gold) can be obtained from the Karma exchange and events.

Icon Gems.png Gem Summon

The permanently-available Gem Summon pool removes all 5★ fusible demons, but includes all of the 3★-5★ gacha-exclusive demons from the File Summon pools, all of the demons in the Parchment Absolute Summon, and the following additional demons:

  • Rates are 3.00% for 5★, 7.50% for 4★, and 89.50% for 3★.
Demon Race Grade Rarity Notes Release Date
Ladon.jpg Ladon Drake 83 5★ - Oct 27, 2021
Hecate.jpg Hecate Tyrant 81 5★ - Mar 18, 2020
Echidna.jpg Echidna Vile 87 5★ - Oct 27, 2021
Maya.jpg Maya Night 86 5★ - Aug 19, 2020
Demonee-Ho.jpg Demonee-Ho Fairy 84 5★ - Aug 19, 2020
Master Therion.jpg Master Therion Yoma 82 5★ - Mar 17, 2021
Kali.jpg Kali Lady 89 5★ - Jul 31, 2020
Xi Wangmu.jpg Xi Wangmu Lady 86 5★ - Jul 31, 2020
Vairocana.jpg Vairocana Deity 93 5★ - Mar 18, 2020
Atavaka.jpg Atavaka Deity 84 5★ - Mar 18, 2020
Gabriel.jpg Gabriel Herald 88 5★ - Oct 23, 2019
Raphael.jpg Raphael Herald 87 5★ - Oct 23, 2019
Uriel.jpg Uriel Herald 86 5★ - Oct 23, 2019
Aniel.jpg Aniel Herald 85 5★ - Oct 14, 2020
Sraosha.jpg Sraosha Herald 82 5★ - Mar 31, 2021

Limited-Banner Demons

Some demons are only available to summon during specific limited-time banners.

  • These demons may transition into the permanent pool over time.

Grouped Demons

Certain demons are "grouped", and are usually available at the same time as other members of their group.

Additionally, if a banner offers tomes, then demons in the same group will usually share the same type of tome.


  • Groups may transition into the permanent pool over time (for example, the Riders).
  • Banners may sometimes include multiple different groups at once. This tends to happen around big events like anniversary.
Demon Race Grade Rarity Group Release Date
Nekomata A.jpg Nekomata A Beast 60 4★ Dimensional Feb 28, 2019
Abaddon A.jpg Abaddon A Tyrant 60 4★ Dimensional Feb 28, 2019
Shiva A.jpg Shiva A Fury 93 5★ Dimensional Apr 3, 2019
Susano-o A.jpg Susano-o A Fury 82 5★ Dimensional Dec 11, 2019
Garuda A.jpg Garuda A Avian 80 5★ Dimensional Dec 18, 2019
Cu Chulainn A.jpg Cu Chulainn A Genma 81 5★ Dimensional Feb 5, 2020
Quetzalcoatl A.jpg Quetzalcoatl A Dragon 80 5★ Dimensional Mar 4, 2020
Lakshmi A.jpg Lakshmi A Megami 85 5★ Dimensional Jun 10, 2020
Thor A.jpg Thor A Kishin 83 5★ Dimensional Apr 21, 2021
Surt A.jpg Surt A Tyrant 83 5★ Dimensional Apr 21, 2021
Indrajit.jpg Indrajit Tenma 88 5★ Tenma Jul 19, 2019
Asura.jpg Asura Tenma 80 5★ Tenma Jul 31, 2019
Yama.jpg Yama Tenma 84 5★ Tenma Aug 8, 2019
Mahakala.jpg Mahakala Tenma 92 5★ Tenma Aug 31, 2019
Agni.jpg Agni Tenma 70 4★ Tenma Aug 31, 2019
Asura Lord.jpg Asura Lord Tenma 95 5★ Tenma Jan 15, 2020
Uriel.jpg Uriel Herald 86 5★ Wings of Judgement Oct 23, 2019
Raphael.jpg Raphael Herald 87 5★ Wings of Judgement Oct 23, 2019
Gabriel.jpg Gabriel Herald 88 5★ Wings of Judgement Oct 23, 2019
Aniel.jpg Aniel Herald 85 5★ Wings of Judgement Oct 14, 2020
Hecate.jpg Hecate Tyrant 81 5★ Atziluth Mar 18, 2020
Atavaka.jpg Atavaka Deity 84 5★ Atziluth Mar 18, 2020
Vairocana.jpg Vairocana Deity 93 5★ Atziluth Mar 18, 2020
Master Therion.jpg Master Therion Yoma 82 5★ Atziluth Mar 17, 2021
Nebiros.jpg Nebiros Fallen 81 5★ Wonder Jul 15, 2020
Belial.jpg Belial Nebiros 85 5★ Wonder Jul 15, 2020
Alice A.jpg Alice A Undead 89 5★ Wonder Jul 15, 2020
Xi Wangmu.jpg Xi Wangmu Lady 86 5★ Eternity Jul 31, 2020
Kali.jpg Kali Lady 89 5★ Eternity Jul 31, 2020
Demonee-Ho.jpg Demonee-Ho Fairy 84 5★ Inspiration Aug 19, 2020
Maya.jpg Maya Night 86 5★ Inspiration Aug 19, 2020
Clotho.jpg Clotho Femme 80 5★ Moirae sisters Oct 28, 2020
Lachesis.jpg Lachesis Femme 82 5★ Moirae sisters Oct 28, 2020
Atropos.jpg Atropos Femme 84 5★ Moirae sisters Oct 28, 2020
Black Maria.jpg Black Maria Lady 80 5★ Faith Nov 18, 2020
Azazel.jpg Azazel Tyrant 84 5★ Faith Nov 18, 2020
Ardha.jpg Ardha Deity 95 5★ Scripture Dec 31, 2020
Angra Mainyu.jpg Angra Mainyu Tyrant 96 5★ Scripture Dec 31, 2020
Ose Hallel.jpg Ose Hallel Seraph 90 5★ Hallel Feb 9, 2021
Flauros Hallel.jpg Flauros Hallel Seraph 91 5★ Hallel Feb 9, 2021
Cernunnos.jpg Cernunnos Reaper 81 5★ Salvation May 12, 2021
Pales.jpg Pales Vile 83 5★ Salvation May 12, 2021
Mahamayuri.jpg Mahamayuri Deity 85 5★ Salvation May 12, 2021
Gemori.jpg Gemori Fallen 83 5★ Nobility Aug 4, 2021
Murmur.jpg Murmur Fallen 83 5★ Nobility Aug 4, 2021
Ladon.jpg Ladon Drake 83 5★ Recollection Oct 27, 2021
Echidna.jpg Echidna Vile 87 5★ Recollection Oct 27, 2021
Maria.jpg Maria Megami 95 5★ Genesis Dec 31, 2021
Astaroth.jpg Astaroth Tyrant 97 5★ Genesis Dec 31, 2021
Hachiman.jpg Hachiman Deity 88 5★ Fiery Nov 30, 2022
Hinokagutsuchi.jpg Hinokagutsuchi Kishin 89 5★ Fiery Nov 30, 2022
Zeus.jpg Zeus Deity 98 5★ The Great Deity Dec 31, 2022
Demeter.jpg Demeter Megami 96 5★ The Great Deity Dec 31, 2022
Dagon.jpg Dagon Tyrant 91 5★ Deep Water Aug 9, 2023
Vivian.jpg Vivian Fairy 86 5★ Deep Water Aug 9, 2023
Yggdrasil.jpg Yggdrasil Tree 94 5★ Tree Nov 30, 2023
Narcissus.jpg Narcissus Tree 80 5★ Tree Nov 30, 2023
Mephisto.jpg Mephisto Tyrant 97 5★ Daybreak Dec 31, 2023
Idun.jpg Idun Megami 94 5★ Daybreak Dec 31, 2023

Certain demons have only appeared in D2 Festival banners. These demons use D2 festival tomes, which expire (turn into parchment pieces) when the banner ends.

Demon Race Grade Rarity Notes Release Date
Pendragon.jpg Pendragon Snake 81 5★ - Sep 27, 2023
Queen Mab.jpg Queen Mab Night 81 5★ - Feb 28, 2024
Ame no Futotama.jpg Ame no Futotama Enigma 81 5★ - Apr 3, 2024

Stand-alone Demons

Unlike grouped demons, stand-alone demons have tomes unique to themselves.


  • Stand-alone demons may transition into groups, or even into the permanent pool, over time.
  • Banners may sometimes include multiple different stand-alone demons (and/or groups) at once. This tends to happen around big events like anniversary.
Demon Race Grade Rarity Notes Release Date
Cerberus A.jpg Cerberus A Beast 81 5★
  • Dimensional
  • Uses either its own tomes, or grouped as Dimensions II.
Dec 22, 2021
Vishnu A.jpg Vishnu A Deity 97 5★
  • Dimensional
  • Uses either its own tomes, or grouped as Dimensions II.
Apr 20, 2022
Odin A.jpg Odin A Deity 95 5★
  • Dimensional
  • Uses either its own tomes, or grouped as Dimensions II.
Nov 1, 2022
Tiamat A.jpg Tiamat A Drake 90 5★
  • Dimensional
  • Uses either its own tomes, or grouped as Dimensions II.
Apr 13, 2023
Kali A.jpg Kali A Lady 89 5★
  • Dimensional
  • Uses its own tomes, instead of grouped Dimensional tomes.
Oct 4, 2023
Sukuna-Hikona A.jpg Sukuna-Hikona A Kishin 80 5★
  • Dimensional
  • Uses its own tomes, instead of grouped Dimensional tomes.
Nov 1, 2023
Tezcatlipoca.jpg Tezcatlipoca Vile 82 5★
  • Grouped as "Black Cloud", but still uses its own tomes instead of grouped tomes.
Mar 2, 2022
Vritra.jpg Vritra Snake 82 5★
  • Grouped as "Black Cloud", but still uses its own tomes instead of grouped tomes.
Apr 6, 2022
Masakado.jpg Masakado General 98 5★ - Jan 17, 2019
Masakado A.jpg Masakado A Hero 99 5★ - Dec 31, 2019
Lilith A.jpg Lilith A Witch 80 5★ - Dec 2, 2020
Demiurge.jpg Demiurge Vile 99 5★ - Jan 20, 2021
Sraosha.jpg Sraosha Herald 82 5★
  • Uses parchment instead of unique tomes.
  • Fusible only in Clear Clear, via multi-fusion.
Mar 31, 2021
Beelzebub (Human).jpg Beelzebub (Human) Tyrant 86 5★ Jul 19, 2021
Koga Saburo.jpg Koga Saburo Dragon 87 5★ - Aug 18, 2021
David.jpg David Fiend 80 5★ - Sep 21, 2021
Futsunushi.jpg Futsunushi Kishin 85 5★ - Nov 10, 2021
Adramelech.jpg Adramelech Fallen 85 5★ - Nov 24, 2021
Arioch.jpg Arioch Tyrant 90 5★ - Jan 19, 2022
Nyarlathotep.jpg Nyarlathotep Vile 92 5★ - Feb 2, 2022
Mada.jpg Mada Vile 86 5★ - Feb 16, 2022
Cthulhu.jpg Cthulhu Vile 97 5★ - Mar 16, 2022
Lanling Wang.jpg Lanling Wang Hero 81 5★ - Apr 30, 2022
Samyaza.jpg Samyaza Tyrant 84 5★ - May 18, 2022
Heimdall.jpg Heimdall Genma 82 5★ - Jun 1, 2022
Fariedone.jpg Fariedone Hero 87 5★ - Jun 15, 2022
Elohim.jpg Elohim Godly 97 5★ - Jul 6, 2022
Anahita.jpg Anahita Megami 86 5★ - Jul 20, 2022
Shaddai.jpg Shaddai Godly 95 5★ - Aug 3, 2022
Chi You.jpg Chi You Tyrant 85 5★ - Aug 17, 2022
Sabaoth.jpg Sabaoth Godly 93 5★ - Aug 31, 2022
Sukuna-Hikona.jpg Sukuna-Hikona Kishin 80 5★ - Sep 14, 2022
Mithras.jpg Mithras Tyrant 84 5★ - Oct 5, 2022
Amon.jpg Amon Tyrant 93 5★ - Oct 19, 2022
Melchizedek.jpg Melchizedek Herald 80 5★ - Nov 16, 2022
Okuninushi.jpg Okuninushi Kishin 94 5★ - Dec 15, 2022
Gozu-Tennoh.jpg Gozu-Tennoh Deity 96 5★ - Jan 19, 2023
Botis.jpg Botis Fallen 90 5★ - Feb 1, 2023
Guedhe.jpg Guedhe Reaper 83 5★ - Feb 15, 2023
Rahab.jpg Rahab Dragon 85 5★ - Mar 1, 2023
Kalki.jpg Kalki Deity 97 5★ - Mar 15, 2023
Longinus.jpg Longinus General 84 5★ - Mar 31, 2023
Kangiten.jpg Kangiten Enigma 85 5★ - May 10, 2023
Hagen.jpg Hagen Hero 89 5★ - May 24, 2023
Indra.jpg Indra Deity 87 5★ - Jun 7, 2023
Moloch.jpg Moloch Tyrant 82 5★ - Jun 21, 2023
Camael.jpg Camael Herald 94 5★ - Jul 26, 2023
Lugh.jpg Lugh Deity 89 5★ - Aug 23, 2023
Apsu.jpg Apsu Deity 89 5★ - Sep 6, 2023
Morrighan.jpg Morrighan Flight 91 5★ - Sep 20, 2023
Lost Name.jpg Lost Name (Pascal) Beast 97 5★ - Oct 18, 2023
Loup-Garou.jpg Loup-Garou Beast 85 5★ - Nov 15, 2023
Masakado B.jpg Masakado B Fury 98 5★ - Jan 17, 2024
Barbatos.jpg Barbatos Fallen 89 5★ - Jan 31, 2024
Kuzuryu.jpg Kuzuryu Godly 94 5★ - Feb 14, 2024
Metatron M.jpg Metatron M Herald 99 5★ - Mar 6, 2024
Old Ones.jpg Old Ones Foul 84 5★ - Mar 20, 2024
Osiris.jpg Osiris Deity 84 5★ - Apr 10, 2024
Cleopatra.jpg Cleopatra Megami 97 5★ - Apr 24, 2024
Queen Frost.jpg Queen Frost Yoma 80 5★ - May 15, 2024
Kumbhanda.jpg Kumbhanda Haunt 83 5★ - Jun 12, 2024
Ouroboros.jpg Ouroboros Snake 88 5★ - Jun 26, 2024
Krishna.jpg Krishna Deity 98 5★ - July 25, 2024
Baldur.jpg Baldur Genma 70 4★ - Sep 15, 2021
Ame no Uzume.jpg Ame no Uzume Megami 60 4★ - Apr 20, 2022
Cait Sith.jpg Cait Sith Beast 68 4★ - Jul 26, 2023


The following demons are only available to summon during specific collaboration events:

Demon Race Grade Rarity Event Release Date
Bayonetta☆.jpg Bayonetta☆ Witch 85 5★ Bayonetta Feb 14, 2019
Bayonetta.jpg Bayonetta Witch 65 4★ Bayonetta Feb 14, 2019
Jeanne☆.jpg Jeanne☆ Witch 85 5★ Bayonetta Feb 14, 2019
Jeanne.jpg Jeanne Witch 65 4★ Bayonetta Feb 14, 2019
Beloved.jpg Beloved Powers 70 4★ Bayonetta Feb 14, 2019
Dante☆.jpg Dante☆ Fiend 90 5★ Devil May Cry V Mar 14, 2019
Dante.jpg Dante Fiend 70 4★ Devil May Cry V Mar 14, 2019
Nero☆.jpg Nero☆ Fiend 90 5★ Devil May Cry V Mar 14, 2019
Nero.jpg Nero Fiend 70 4★ Devil May Cry V Mar 14, 2019
V☆.jpg V☆ ?? 90 5★ Devil May Cry V Mar 14, 2019
V.jpg V ?? 70 4★ Devil May Cry V Mar 14, 2019
Guts.jpg Guts Hero 85 5★ Berserk May 27, 2020
Schierke.jpg Schierke Witch 80 5★ Berserk May 27, 2020
Skull Knight.jpg Skull Knight Fiend 90 5★ Berserk May 27, 2020
Mozgus.jpg Mozgus Fiend 80 5★ Berserk May 27, 2020
Berserker Guts.jpg Berserker Guts Fiend 90 5★ Berserk (part 2) Mar 3, 2021
Griffith.jpg Griffith Hero 95 5★ Berserk (part 2) Mar 3, 2021
Zodd.jpg Zodd Fiend 90 5★ Berserk (part 2) Mar 3, 2021
Femto.jpg Femto ?? 98 5★ Berserk (part 3) May 29, 2024
Motoko Kusanagi.jpg Motoko Kusanagi Cyborg 85 5★ Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 Dec 16, 2020
Tachikoma.jpg Tachikoma Machine 70 4★ Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 Dec 16, 2020
Batou.jpg Batou Cyborg 84 5★ Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 Sep 1, 2021
Sonic.jpg Sonic ?? 70 4★ Sonic's 30th Anniversary Jun 23, 2021
Ban.jpg Ban Fiend 85 5★ The Seven Deadly Sins Dec 8, 2021
Elizabeth.jpg Elizabeth Megami 85 5★ The Seven Deadly Sins Dec 8, 2021
Meliodas.jpg Meliodas Deity 90 5★ The Seven Deadly Sins Dec 8, 2021
Unit 01 Dx2 Type.jpg Unit 01 Dx2 Type Deity 90 5★ Neon Genesis Evangelion Jul 13, 2023
The 6th Angel.jpg The 6th Angel Divine 86 5★ Neon Genesis Evangelion Jul 13, 2023
The 10th Angel.jpg The 10th Angel Divine 90 5★ Neon Genesis Evangelion Jul 13, 2023
Ainz.jpg Ainz Tyrant 90 5★ Overlord Dec 13, 2023
Albedo.jpg Albedo Night 88 5★ Overlord Dec 13, 2023
Shalltear.jpg Shalltear Jaki 88 5★ Overlord Dec 13, 2023
Homura Akemi.jpg Homura Akemi ?? 90 5★ Puella Magi Madoka Magica Jul 10, 2024
Madoka Kaname.jpg Madoka Kaname ?? 90 5★ Puella Magi Madoka Magica Jul 10, 2024
Walpurgisnacht.jpg Walpurgisnacht Witch 90 5★ Puella Magi Madoka Magica Jul 10, 2024
Game Mechanics
Resources ItemsTalkMagnetite/Fusion (Fusible Demons) • KarmaSummoning (Demon Summoning Pool, Skill Summoning Pool, Choice File) • Event Reward DemonsSeason Pass
Team Building Battle SpeedTeam restrictionsLiberatorsArmamentsDemonite
Upgrading Leveling/EvolvingAwakeningSpirit MergeTranscend
Customization ArchetypesSkill TransferBrandsMitamaSin InfusionDevil Connector
Misc FormulasAR ScannerDeviconAlignment