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Chapter 1: Akihabara


Chapter 1-1

Chapter 1-2

Chapter 1-3

Chapter 1-4

Chapter 1-5

Chapter 1-6

Chapter 1-7

Chapter 1-8

Chapter 1-9

Leveling Quest

Chapter 1-10

Chapter 1-11

Chapter 1-12

Example Party

Physical Attacker Attacker Healer Flex
Setanta.jpg Setanta Cerberus.jpg Cerberus Horus.jpg Horus Any Demon

Setanta is the tutorial summon, and isn't bad at all. Horus is given as part of the fusion tutorial, and Cerberus is a decent demon early game.


This chapter is extremely easy and can be easily cleared with auto.


  • List with Rewards:

N=Normal, Ha=Hard, He=Hell

Mission Reward Stamina
Episode 1
Ch1 Prologue 0
Ch1-1N 2
Ch1-2N 2
Ch1-3N 2
Ch1-4N 2
Ch1-5N 2
Ch1-6N 2
Ch1-7N 2
Ch1-8N 2
Ch1-9N 2
Ch1-Leveling N 2
Ch1-10N 2
Ch1-11N 2
Ch1-12N 2
Ch1 Epilogue 0
Ch1-1Ha 3 Gems 3
Ch1-2Ha 3 Gems 3
Ch1-3Ha 3 Gems 3
Ch1-4Ha 3 Gems 3
Ch1-5Ha 3 Gems 3
Ch1-6Ha 10 Gems 3
Ch1-7Ha 3 Gems 3
Ch1-8Ha 3 Gems 3
Ch1-9Ha 3 Gems 3
Ch1-Leveling Ha 10 Gems 3
Ch1-10Ha 3 Gems 3
Ch1-11Ha 3 Gems 3
Ch1-12Ha 50 Gems 3
Ch1-1He 5 Gems 4
Ch1-2He 5 Gems 4
Ch1-3He 5 Gems 4
Ch1-4He 5 Gems 4
Ch1-5He 5 Gems 4
Ch1-6He 5 Gems 4
Ch1-7He 5 Gems 4
Ch1-8He 5 Gems 4
Ch1-9He 5 Gems 4
Ch1-Leveling He 20 Gems 4
Ch1-10He 5 Gems 4
Ch1-11He 5 Gems 4
Ch1-12He 5 Gems 4

Chapter 2: Shinjuku


Chapter 2-1

Chapter 2-2

Chapter 2-3

Chapter 2-4

Chapter 2-5

Chapter 2-6

Chapter 2-7

Chapter 2-8

Chapter 2-9

Chapter 2-10

Leveling Quest

Chapter 2-11

Chapter 2-12

Chapter 2-13

Chapter 2-14

Example Party

Physical Attacker Magical Attacker Attacker Healer
Setanta.jpg Setanta Baphomet.jpg Baphomet Cerberus.jpg Cerberus Horus.jpg Horus

Other Recommended Demons

Demon Skills
Baihu.jpg Baihu


You may not be able to fuse 3 demons to the correct archetype, and that’s ok! The archetypes are listed for when you want to invest into the demon long term, as archetypes only matter when you awaken them as it decides which awakening skill they get.

  • Horus is best fused as Clear/Teal. Clear will give higher initial and max MP, while Teal will add an Elec immunity.
  • Baphomet is best fused Teal. It will cover up his Light weakness.
  • Baihu is best fused Purple. Intimidating Stance is useful in PvP for slow teams.
  • Horus is used for Diarama as well as being able to repel Valkyrie's Mahama.
  • Baphomet nullifies Dark element attacks used by many demons in this chapter.
  • Baihu is there in case you are having trouble with the boss or other demons weak to Elec.
  • Use Templar Dragon as your Liberator if you're having trouble as she'll allow items to only use 1/2 press turn icon and increase healing amount.


  • List with Rewards:

N=Normal, Ha=Hard, He=Hell

Mission Reward Stamina
Episode 1
Ch2 Prologue 0
Ch2-1N 3
Ch2-2N 3
Ch2-3N 3
Ch2-4N 3
Ch2-5N 3
Ch2-6N 3
Ch2-7N 3
Ch2-8N 3
Ch2-9N 3
Ch2-10N 3
Ch2-Leveling N 3
Ch2-11N 3
Ch2-12N 3
Ch2-13N 3
Ch2-14N 3
Ch2 Epilogue 0
Ch2-1Ha 3 Gems 4
Ch2-2Ha 3 Gems 4
Ch2-3Ha 3 Gems 4
Ch2-4Ha 3 Gems 4
Ch2-5Ha 3 Gems 4
Ch2-6Ha 10 Gems 4
Ch2-7Ha 3 Gems 4
Ch2-8Ha 3 Gems 4
Ch2-9Ha 3 Gems 4
Ch2-10Ha 10 Gems 4
Ch2-Leveling Ha 10 Gems 4
Ch2-11Ha 3 Gems 4
Ch2-12Ha 3 Gems 4
Ch2-13Ha 3 Gems 4
Ch2-14Ha 50 Gems 4
Ch2-1He 5 Gems 5
Ch2-2He 5 Gems 5
Ch2-3He 5 Gems 5
Ch2-4He 5 Gems 5
Ch2-5He 5 Gems 5
Ch2-6He 20 Gems 5
Ch2-7He 5 Gems 5
Ch2-8He 5 Gems 5
Ch2-9He 5 Gems 5
Ch2-10He 20 Gems 5
Ch2-Leveling He 20 Gems 5
Ch2-11He 5 Gems 5
Ch2-12He 5 Gems 5
Ch2-13He 5 Gems 5
Ch2-14He 100 Gems 5

Chapter 3: Kudanshitsa


Chapter 3-1

Chapter 3-2

Chapter 3-3

Chapter 3-4

Chapter 3-5

Chapter 3-6

Chapter 3-7

Chapter 3-8

Chapter 3-9

Chapter 3-10

Chapter 3-11

Chapter 3-12

Leveling Quest

Chapter 3-13

Chapter 3-14

Chapter 3-15

Chapter 3-16

Chapter 3-17

Example Party

Physical Attacker Magical Attacker Debuffer Healer
ArchTeal.png Ose.jpg Ose ArchTeal.png Baphomet.jpg Baphomet ArchClear.png Forneus.jpg Forneus Horus.jpg Horus

Other Recommended Demons

Demon Skills
Gui Xian.jpg Gui Xian

Isis.jpg Isis


  • Ose is best fused Teal. It will give him Null Phys which is great for losing enemy press turns.
  • Forneus is best fused Clear. It will cover up its only weakness.
  • Gui Xian/Isis can be fused in any Archetype.
  • Standard combo for Ose is in wave 2/3, Charge + stall with pass to at least 6 MP, enter boss wave and use Hades Blast.
  • Transfer Bufu/Zio to Baphomet to get better element coverage.
  • Transfer Tarukaja (from Archangel) to either Horus/Isis/Forneus to better buff Ose.
  • Gui Xian is there if you feel that you require more Ice damage.


  • List with Rewards:

N=Normal, Ha=Hard, He=Hell

Mission Reward Stamina
Episode 1
Ch3 Prologue 0
Ch3-1N 4
Ch3-2N 4
Ch3-3N 4
Ch3-4N 4
Ch3-5N 4
Ch3-6N 4
Ch3-7N 4
Ch3-8N 4
Ch3-9N 4
Ch3-10N 4
Ch3-11N 4
Ch3-12N 4
Ch3-Leveling N 4
Ch3-13N 4
Ch3-14N 4
Ch3-15N 4
Ch3-16N 4
Ch3-17N 4
Ch3-1Ha 3 Gems 5
Ch3-2Ha 3 Gems 5
Ch3-3Ha 3 Gems 5
Ch3-4Ha 10 Gems 5
Ch3-5Ha 3 Gems 5
Ch3-6Ha 3 Gems 5
Ch3-7Ha 3 Gems 5
Ch3-8Ha 3 Gems 5
Ch3-9Ha 3 Gems 5
Ch3-10Ha 10 Gems 5
Ch3-11Ha 3 Gems 5
Ch3-12Ha 3 Gems 5
Ch3-Leveling Ha 10 Gems 5
Ch3-13Ha 3 Gems 5
Ch3-14Ha 3 Gems 5
Ch3-15Ha 3 Gems 5
Ch3-16Ha 3 Gems 5
Ch3-17Ha 50 Gems 5
Ch3-1He 5 Gems 6
Ch3-2He 5 Gems 6
Ch3-3He 5 Gems 6
Ch3-4He 20 Gems 6
Ch3-5He 5 Gems 6
Ch3-6He 5 Gems 6
Ch3-7He 5 Gems 6
Ch3-8He 5 Gems 6
Ch3-9He 5 Gems 6
Ch3-10He 20 Gems 6
Ch3-11He 5 Gems 6
Ch3-12He 5 Gems 6
Ch3-Leveling He 20 Gems 6
Ch3-13He 5 Gems 6
Ch3-14He 5 Gems 6
Ch3-15He 5 Gems 6
Ch3-16He 5 Gems 6
Ch3-17He 100 Gems 6

Chapter 4: Shibuya


Chapter 4-1

Chapter 4-2

Chapter 4-3

Chapter 4-4

Chapter 4-5

Chapter 4-6

Chapter 4-7

Chapter 4-8

Chapter 4-9

Chapter 4-10

Chapter 4-11

Chapter 4-12

Leveling Quest

Chapter 4-13

Chapter 4-14

Chapter 4-15

Chapter 4-16

Example Party

Physical Attacker Magical Attacker Debuffer/Magical Attacker Healer
ArchTeal.png Ose.jpg Ose ArchTeal.png Baphomet.jpg Baphomet ArchYellow.png Illuyanka.jpg Illuyanka ArchTeal.png Feng Huang.jpg Feng Huang
Bufu Tarukaja Tarunda
Zio Hama

Other Recommended Demons

Demon Skills
Forneus.jpg Forneus

Dominion.jpg Dominion

Isis.jpg Isis


  • Illuyanka must be fused Yellow and awakened for Acid Breath.
  • Feng Huang must be fused Teal and awakened to be used. Use Horus until you can do so.
  • Dominion is best fused Teal for Null Elec against the Elec users in this Chapter.
  • In boss battle 4-16, a Horus will be present using Diarama. Focus it down first with your Ose.

Chapter 5

Example Party

Physical Attacker Magical Attacker Debuffer/Magical Attacker Healer
ArchTeal.png Ose.jpg Ose ArchTeal.png Baphomet.jpg Baphomet ArchYellow.png Illuyanka.jpg Illuyanka ArchTeal.png Feng Huang.jpg Feng Huang
Oni-Kagura Bufu Tarukaja Tarunda
Zio Hama Zio

Other Recommended Demons

Demon Skills
Forneus.jpg Forneus

Efreet.jpg Efreet

Isis.jpg Isis


  • Efreet is best fused Purple for Back Attack. Once he has Zio transferred, he can solo the boss stage 5-16.

Chapter 6

Example Party

Physical Attacker Magical Attacker Debuffer/Magical Attacker Healer
ArchTeal.png Ose.jpg Ose ArchYellow.png Sandalphon.jpg Sandalphon ArchYellow.png Illuyanka.jpg Illuyanka ArchTeal.png Feng Huang.jpg Feng Huang
Oni-Kagura Bufu Tarukaja Tarunda
Zio Zio Zio

Other Recommended Demons

Demon Skills
Isis.jpg Isis


  • Sandalphon is one of the strongest 4, and is easily fused. Using the 300k Magnetite from the chapter 5 reward, you should definitely fuse one if you don’t own one. Sandalphon is best fused Yellow/Red (Yellow for the revive, Red for AoE Light magic).
  • At the boss stage, the boss has no weaknesses, so take out the mob enemies first before attempting to fight the boss.
  • Use Templar Dragon for difficult stages.

Chapter 7


Chapter 7 Alternate

Chapter 7 Alternative needs to be unlocked by doing the following:

  1. Go to chapter 6-12 and replay the mission. When prompted to CHOOSE YOUR FATE choose the top option (better than being wiped out).
  2. Go to chapter 6 epilogue (appears only on normal) and when prompted choose "tell me more" and agree to the plan.
  3. This should unlock Chapter 7 Alternate.




  • Small fan-service Side Story showing the Liberators on a Beach.
  • Available after completing Chapter 1-7 of the Story.

  • A total of 1241 Gems and 2,421,000 Mag can be received from fully clearing it, as well as two Ultimate Summoning Files!
  • Also, the leveling quests give more than Chapter 7a's Leveling Quest, which makes this one the best to farm!


  • List with Rewards:

N=Normal, Ha=Hard, He=Hell

Mission Reward Stamina
Prelude ? 0
Episode 1
Ep1 Prologue - 0
Ep1-1N 3000 Mag 8
Ep1-2N 3000 Mag 8
Ep1-3N 10000 Mag 8
Ep1-4N 10000 Mag 8
Ep1-5N 10000 Mag 8
Ep1-6N 25000 Mag 8
Ep1 Epilogue 500000 Mag 0
Ep1-1Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep1-2Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep1-3Ha 10 Gems 9
Ep1-4Ha 10 Gems 9
Ep1-5Ha 10 Gems 9
Ep1-6Ha 25 Gems 9
Ep1-1He 5 Gems 10
Ep1-2He 5 Gems 10
Ep1-3He 20 Gems 10
Ep1-4He 20 Gems 10
Ep1-5He 20 Gems 10
Ep1-6He 50 Gems 10
Episode 2
Ep2 Prologue - 0
Ep2-1N 10000 Mag 8
Ep2-2N 10000 Mag 8
Ep2-3N 10000 Mag 8
Ep2-4N 10000 Mag 8
Ep2-5N 10000 Mag 8
Ep1-6N 25000 Mag 8
Ep2 Epilogue 500000 Mag 0
Ep2-1Ha 5 Gems 9
Ep2-2Ha 10 Gems 9
Ep2-3Ha 10 Gems 9
Ep2-4Ha 10 Gems 9
Ep2-5Ha 10 Gems 9
Ep2-6Ha 25 Gems 9
Ep2-1He 20 Gems 10
Ep2-2He 20 Gems 10
Ep2-3He 20 Gems 10
Ep2-4He 20 Gems 10
Ep2-5He 20 Gems 10
Ep2-6He 50 Gems 10
Episode 3
Ep3 Prologue - 0
Ep3-1N 3000 Mag 8
Ep3-2N 3000 Mag 8
Ep3-3N 3000 Mag 8
Ep3-4N 3000 Mag 8
Ep3-5N 50000 Mag 8
Ep3-Leveling 3000 Mag 8
Ep3 Epilogue Ultimate Summon File 0
Ep3-1Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep3-2Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep3-3Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep3-4Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep3-5Ha 50 Gems 9
Ep3-Leveling 3 Gems 9
Ep3-1He 5 Gems 10
Ep3-2He 5 Gems 10
Ep3-3He 5 Gems 10
Ep3-4He 5 Gems 10
Ep3-5He 100 Gems 10
Ep3-Leveling 5 Gems 10
Ep4-1N 3000 Mag 8
Ep4-2N 3000 Mag 8
Ep4-3N 10000 Mag 8
Ep4-4N 3000 Mag 8
Ep4-5N 10000 Mag 8
Ep4-6N 25000 Mag 8
Episode 4
Ep4-Epilogue 500000 Mag 0
Ep4-1Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep4-2Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep4-3Ha 10 Gems 9
Ep4-4Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep4-5Ha 10 Gems 9
Ep4-6Ha 25 Gems 9
Ep4-1He 5 Gems 10
Ep4-2He 5 Gems 10
Ep4-3He 20 Gems 10
Ep4-4He 5 Gems 10
Ep4-5He 20 Gems 10
Ep4-6He 50 Gems 10
Episode 5
Ep5-1N 3000 Mag 8
Ep5-2N 3000 Mag 8
Ep5-3N 3000 Mag 8
Ep5-4N 10000 Mag 8
Ep5-5N 10000 Mag 8
Ep5-6N 25000 Mag 8
Ep5-Epilogue 500000 Mag 0
Ep5-1Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep5-2Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep5-3Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep5-4Ha 10 Gems 9
Ep5-5Ha 10 Gems 9
Ep5-6Ha 25 Gems 9
Ep5-1He 5 Gems 10
Ep5-2He 5 Gems 10
Ep5-3He 5 Gems 10
Ep5-4He 20 Gems 10
Ep5-5He 20 Gems 10
Ep5-6He 50 Gems 10
Episode 6
Ep6-1N 3000 Mag 8
Ep6-2N 3000 Mag 8
Ep6-3N 3000 Mag 8
Ep6-4N 25000 Mag 8
Ep6-5N 25000 Mag 8
Ep6-6N 50000 Mag 8
Ep6-Leveling N 3000 Mag 8
Ep6-Epilogue Ultimate Summon File 0
Ep6-1Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep6-2Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep6-3Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep6-4Ha 25 Gems 9
Ep6-5Ha 25 Gems 9
Ep6-6Ha 50 Gems 9
Ep6-Leveling Ha 3 Gems 9
Ep6-1He 5 Gems 10
Ep6-2He 5 Gems 10
Ep6-3He 5 Gems 10
Ep6-4He 50 Gems 10
Ep6-5He 50 Gems 10
Ep6-6He 100 Gems 10
Ep6-Leveling He 5 Gems 10

Intermission Leveling

  • 3 Waves of the same enemies

Episode 3 Hell:

Oni Yaksini

IntermissionLevelingHellOni.jpg IntermissionLevelingHellYaksini.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Oni - - - Wk - - -
Yaksini - - - Wk Nu - -
Battle Speed 14000

Episode 6 Hell:

Fomorian Take-Minakata

Intermission6LvFomorian.jpg Intermission6LvTake.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Fomorian - Wk Rs - - - -
Take-Minakata - Wk - Rs - - -
Battle Speed 14300
Quest Areas
Permanent Content StoryDx2 QuestsAlter-WorldAura Gate (1, 2, SP)
Farming Quests Strange SignalBrands of SinWanted
Recurring Events Hell's Park (Underside) • AdventKiwamiTokyo AbyssTake Back TokyoDemon Alliance Invasion
Competitive DemocalypseD2 DuelBattle Tower
Retired Events Eclipse