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Archetypes: Aragami (Red), Protector (Yellow), Psychic (Purple), and Elementalist (Teal/Cyan).

Each demon may exist in one of five possible Archetypes:

  • Clear Common (素体 [sotai] = primal form, Clear/Grey)
  • Red Aragami (荒神 [aragami] = wild god, Red)
  • Yellow Protector (加護 [kago] = divine protection, Yellow)
  • Purple Psychic (異能 [inou] = supernatural power, Purple)
  • Teal Elementalist (防魔 [bouma] = defensive demon, Teal/Cyan).

The color/archetype of a demon is shown on its status screen, or in some places on its avatar, as a hexagonal icon with Japanese ideograms inscribed.


Archetypes are assigned to demons when they are first obtained:

  • Demons from Talk and Event Rewards (such as login bonuses, item trade shops, etc) - These will always be Clear Common/Clear.
  • Demons summoned through "Normal Summon" and "Hell Bun Summon" - These will always be Clear Common/Clear.
  • Demons summoned through any other means - These will be assigned one of the four non-Common Archetypes at random.


The Archetype of a demon is solely used to determine the Awaken Skill it possesses (check each Demon's wiki entry to see the different Awaken Skills it may have). Generally speaking:

  • Clear Common skills can vary widely.
  • Red Aragami skills will be an attack skill such as Agi or Mow Down, and its MP cost is reduced by 1.
  • Yellow Protector skills are support skills such as Charge, healing, ailments, buffs, or debuffs. If it's an active skill, then its MP cost is reduced by 1.
  • Purple Psychic skills are passive skills such as Fire Boost. These do not affect elemental resistances (only Elementalist can do that).
  • Teal Elementalist skills are Resist, Null, Repel, or Drain passive skills for one or more elements.


Main Article: Awakening

Awaken Skills are locked until the demon is Awakened in Pandemonium.

  • Awakening a Demon requires Aethers, items that are mostly farmed/harvested in Strange Signal quest area.
  • Some Event-exclusive Demons require special types of Aethers, which are only available during those Events.
  • Icon Aether Crystal.png Aether Crystals may be used to Awaken Demons without using Aether, but they are rare and expensive, so only use them if really in a hurry, or if the Demon requires a special Aether and not enough is gathered during its Event.

Preferred Archetypes

For a given Demon, some Archetypes may be better than others (see Tier List, or the demon's wiki profile page to know what is the best Archetype for a given demon).

  • Some Archetypes may be better for specific uses, which may differ from those recommended in the Tier List.


Fusing a demon allows you to fully decide which Archetype it will have: it requires one of the two fusion materials to be Clear Common, and the result of the Fusion will inherit the Archetype of the other Fusion material.

  • Multi-fusions usually require only Clear Common Archetype Demons as materials, thus they usually cannot yield non-Common Demons.

Changing Archetypes

Whenever a Demon is Summoned, there's only a 1/4 chance of getting the demon's optimal/desired Archetype. This problem can be solved by items called Arch-Shifters and Arch-Selectors, which change the Archetype of a Colored Demon.

  • Clear Common Archetype Demons cannot be changed to Colored and vice versa.
  • Shifters and Selectors can be obtained as rewards, mostly from Events, or in the Icon Karma.png Karma shop.

Archetype Shifting Items

Picture of the different Arch-Shifters

Arch-Shifters are consumable items that can be used on a non-Common Archetype demon and, when used, randomly change the demon's Archetype.

  • These come in two types: one that can only be used on Natural 4★ (Arch-Shifter 4★) and the other on Natural 5★ (Arch-Shifter 5★). That is, it doesn't matter that a demon was evolved, if it's originally a 4★ or a 5★ demon, it'll still require a 4★ or 5★ Shifter, respectively.
  • The random aspect of the Archetype change means you will often need to use more than one Arch-Shifter on the same demon to obtain the desired Archetype.
Arch-Selector 3★

Arch-Selectors are similar to Arch-Shifters, but they allow you to choose the resulting Archetype. They come in three types:

  • 3★ (only changes the Archetype of Demons below Grade 60). Usually only available in time-limited events.
  • 4★ (only changes Demons of Grade from 60 to 79)
  • 5★ (only changes Demons of Grade 80 or above).

On a price-per-utility basis, Arch-Shifters are better than Arch-Selectors (on average, you only need 3 Arch-Shifters to get the desired Archetype, while Selectors cost 5 times more Karma).

Beware about the availability of the Arch-Shifters/Selectors though, as they are offered in limited quantities per month. Although expensive, it may be a good idea to have one or two Arch-Shifters in case of need.

Managing Arch-Shifters

Arch-Shifters 5★ are very expensive: 3,000 Karma represents 10 non-Common 4★ demons sold... and you usually need around 3 Shifters per demon you want to shift. The 4★ version is also expensive for what it does. As such, Arch-Shifters should be kept for:

  • Non-fusible Demons - Fusible ones should be fused with the correct Archetype instead.
  • Demons you plan to use immediately, and who would benefit a lot from having the correct Archetype - If you don't plan to use the demon in the near future, it is smarter to wait as there is a chance you would summon the Demon again but in its correct Archetype.
  • Very-expensive fusible demons - It can be acceptable to use Shifters on very-high-Grade 5★ demons (Lucifer.jpg Lucifer, Metatron.jpg Metatron, Shiva.jpg Shiva etc.) if you absolutely need them now.

Aside from the very expensive Icon Karma.png Karma shop, Arch-Shifters can be obtained through events. You can generally expect one or two Arch-Shifter 5★ each month from events.

Alternate names

Certain demons, namely The Hero.jpg The Hero and Heroine.jpg Heroine, use different names for their colors:

  • Red = Dauntless
  • Yellow = Support
  • Purple = Finesser
  • Teal = Strong Defender
Game Mechanics
Resources ItemsTalkMagnetite/Fusion (Fusible Demons) • KarmaSummoning (Demon Summoning Pool, Skill Summoning Pool, Choice File) • Event Reward DemonsSeason Pass
Team Building Battle SpeedTeam restrictionsLiberatorsArmamentsDemonite
Upgrading Leveling/EvolvingAwakeningSpirit MergeTranscend
Customization ArchetypesSkill TransferBrandsMitamaSin InfusionDevil Connector
Misc FormulasAR ScannerDeviconAlignment