6★ Stats
976 (335/441)
129 (335/441)
90 (335/441)
216 (41/441)
205 (67/441)
172 (34/441)
Innate Skills |
Elec Accele Passive +15% to Elec damage. +20% to own affect on Battle Speed. Dark Eclipse Voltage Passive Adds Elec Pierce and Null Mute.
+30% damage dealt to enemies that are Muted.
While the one with this skill is alive, all enemies will take +40% damage from Elec attacks.
Activates the following effect when using Accursed Lightning or Vile Lightning, or when an ally (excluding the one with this skill) uses an Elec Attribute Skill:
Decreases the ATK, DEF, and EV/AC of all enemies by 20% (1 turn) with a 50% chance to inflict Mute.
If the attack is successful, inflict Elec damage (Magic, Power: 60) to a single enemy. Accursed Lightning 6 MP Inflict Elec (Magic) damage 4 times (Power: 70, Total: 280) to a single enemy, with a 50% chance to inflict Mute.
Gacha: -
Awaken: Vile Lightning 6 MP Inflict 4 Elec attacks (Magic, Power: 30 (Total: 120)) to all enemies, with a 50% chance to inflict Mute.
Awaken: Solar Prosperity Passive Activates the following Chain Effect when attacking first:
Increases own party's ATK and EV/AC by 20%. (1 turn) Gacha: Elec Amp Passive +25% to Elec damage.
Awaken: Elec Debuff Passive +15% to Elec damage. +15% chance to inflict status ailments. Gacha: Elec Enhancement Passive +15% to Elec damage. +10% damage when attacking the enemy's weak point.
Spirit Merge Panel Upgrades
Panel 1 |
Panel 2 |
Panel 3
Panel Completion Bonus |
+20% to own effect on Battle Speed. Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of the 1st turn: Removes Barrier from all enemies. |
+20% to Elec damage dealt. Activates the following Chain Effect after using Accursed Lightning: +20% to all party members' ATK. (1 turn) |
+20% to Elec damage dealt. +30% chance to inflict status ailments.
Panel Step Stat Bonus |
HP +25 (MAX +250) |
Mag ATK +10 (MAX +100) |
Speed: +20% (MAX)
Only available from a banner specific event.
Available from the gacha.
Role Summary
Best Archetype(s)
Offense |
B |
B |
B |
- |
Pros |
- Good AGI, high MAG, and innate Elec Accele make him a clear choice for T1 Elec teams, making him a great teammate for Zeus, Odin A, and Loup-Garou.
- Dark Eclipse Voltage adds Elec Pierce, Null Mute, Deadly Mute, and makes enemies take 40% more damage from Elec attacks, making him similar to an Elec Mithras. In addition, when he uses Accursed Lightning or Vile Lightning, or anybody on his team uses an elec skill, a one turn Debilitate is cast, along with a 50% chance AoE Mute, and a 60 BP Elec attack on a single enemy.
- Accursed Lightning is a 4-hit ST Elec skill with 280 total BP and 50% chance to mute with each hit. The multi-hit Mute is particularly relevant because it can remove a demon's Bulwark and then inflict Mute.
- Vile Lightning in red is an AoE version with 120 total BP, while Solar Prosperity gives him buff control or Elec Debuff for more damage and higher ailment chance.
- Strong panels, granting an automatic Barrier Break if his team goes first, more Battle Speed, Buff control, stronger damage, and a higher ailment infliction chance—everything he could need.
- Him being a Magic unit means he doesn't have the risk of missing that Zeus and Odin A do.
Cons |
- 216 AGI is on the lower side for a fast unit, making speed a concern for his teams.
- Without Zeus on his team in particular, he loses a lot of potency and won't work as well, making him a hard unit for people without Zeus to run.
- Even with Zeus and Odin A, tanky teams are so tanky these days it can be challenging to break through their team in a single turn.
- Most of the current meta's most threatening units block Mute, which hinders his ailment utility.
Notes |
- |
Synergies |
PvE Builds
PvP Builds
Official Profile
One of the 72 demons of King Solomon's Ars Goetia. He is a Great President and Earl that leads 60 legions. It is said that he appears in the form of a fearsome viper and has knowledge of the past, present and future. He will answer any question he is asked. He can also take a human form with large teeth, two horns, and a sword. All who see him are stricken with fear.