Brands of Sin

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A quest area where you can get special equipment for demons called Brands. It will become available as you progress through the game.

Within the Brands of Sin are four areas: Sloth, Deceit, Vanity, and Avarice. The sets of Brands you can get from each will differ.
Quests will initially be easy. The higher the difficulty of the quest, the higher the probability of receiving a higher rarity brand.
Each area contains 14 stages, divided into 2 or 3 encounters with the last being a boss. Approximate Levels for enemies encountered are:

  • Stage 1-5 (Lv 12-38)
  • Stage 6-9 (Lv 39-57)
  • Stage 10-12 (Lv 65-73)
  • Stage 13 (Lv 65-75) (Boss has Panel 3)
  • Stage 14 (Lv 65-77) (Boss has Panel 3)

Drops improve as stage level increases:

  • Stage 10 has a chance to drop 6★ Brands.
  • Stage 13 drops only 6★ Brands.
  • Stage 14 has a chance to drop 7★ or 6★ Brands.


Lucifer.jpg Sloth

Main page: Brands of Sin: Sloth

Sloth stages focus on enemies that inflict ailments.

In stage 14, enemies take reduced damage from all elements except Force Force and Light Light, and have large refreshing Bulwarks that must be pierced.

The following brand sets can drop in Sloth quests:

  • Icon BrandEffect War.png War - Physical Attack +20%.
  • Icon BrandEffect Guard.png Guard - Physical Defense +30%.
  • Icon BrandEffect Speed.png Speed - Battle Speed +25%
  • Icon BrandEffect Life.png Life - HP +50%.

Metatron.jpg Deceit

Main page: Brands of Sin: Deceit

Enemies in Deceit stages have minimal weaknesses and additional resistances.

In stage 14, enemies take reduced damage from all elements except Phys Phys and Almighty Almighty. Enemies also only take damage from Random Targets Random Targets attacks.

The following brand sets can drop in Deceit quests:

  • Icon BrandEffect Sick.png Sick - Ailment Infliction rate +20%.
  • Icon BrandEffect Spell.png Spell - Magical Attack +20%.
  • Icon BrandEffect Shield.png Shield - Magical Defense +30%.
  • Icon BrandEffect Ward.png Ward - Auto Icon Barrier.png Barrier (prevents status ailments for 3 turns) at start of every wave/battle.

Quetzalcoatl.jpg Vanity

Main page: Brands of Sin: Vanity

Vanity enemies specialize in healing and revival skills to draw out fights.

In stage 14, enemies take reduced damage from all elements except Elec Elec and Dark Dark.

The following brand sets can drop in Vanity quests:

  • Icon BrandEffect Aim.png Aim - Physical Accuracy +10%.
  • Icon BrandEffect Dodge.png Dodge - Physical Evasion +10%.
  • Icon BrandEffect Heal.png Heal - Healing Amount +30% (how valuable this is depends on the demon's skills).
  • Icon BrandEffect Lead.png Lead - Act one turn earlier in your party (how valuable this is depends on your team order).

Shiva.jpg Avarice

Main page: Brands of Sin: Avarice

Avarice enemies specialize in death prevention (endure) skills, and damage reduction of all elements except Fire Fire and Ice Ice.

The following brand sets can drop in Avarice quests:

  • Icon BrandEffect Glee.png Glee - Critical hit rate +35%.
  • Icon BrandEffect 6th sense.png 6th sense - Critical hit rate of damage received -50%.
  • Icon BrandEffect Trail.png Trail - Act one turn later in your party (how valuable this is depends on your team order).
  • Icon BrandEffect Hasty.png Hasty - Battle Speed +50%

See also

Quest Areas
Permanent Content StoryDx2 QuestsAlter-WorldAura Gate (1, 2, SP)
Farming Quests Strange SignalBrands of SinWanted
Recurring Events Hell's Park (Underside) • AdventKiwamiTokyo AbyssTake Back TokyoDemon Alliance Invasion
Competitive DemocalypseD2 DuelBattle Tower
Retired Events Eclipse