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Phys Phys is an attribute.

Physical Phys Damage

Skills that deal Physical Phys damage

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Phys Phys Cleave 4 MP Single Target Single Target 1 -
Phys Phys Fatal Sword 5 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Phys Phys Fatal Sword L 4 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Phys Phys Berserker God 6 MP Single Target Single Target 9 -
Phys Phys Megaton Raid 7 MP Single Target Single Target 12 -
Phys Phys God's Hand 8 MP Single Target Single Target 15 -
Phys Phys Lunge 4 MP Single Target Single Target 2 -
Phys Phys Oni-Kagura 5 MP Single Target Single Target 5 -
Phys Phys Mortal Jihad 6 MP Single Target Single Target 7 -
Phys Phys Binding Claw 5 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Phys Phys Dark Sword 5 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Phys Phys Sweet Bite 5 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Phys Phys Toxic Sting 5 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Phys Phys Eat Whole 5 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Phys Phys Binge Eating 6 MP Single Target Single Target 8 -
Phys Phys Bleeder 6 MP Single Target Single Target 8 -
Phys Phys Muscle Punch 6 MP Single Target Single Target 9 -
Phys Phys Power Hit 7 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Phys Phys Mow Down 4 MP All Targets All Targets 2 -
Phys Phys Herculean Strike 5 MP All Targets All Targets 4 -
Phys Phys Herculean Strike L 4 MP All Targets All Targets 4 -
Phys Phys Hades Blast 6 MP All Targets All Targets 6 -
Phys Phys Vorpal Blade 7 MP All Targets All Targets 8 -
Phys Phys Gigantomachia 8 MP All Targets All Targets 10 -
Phys Phys Gigantomachia H 9 MP All Targets All Targets 10 -
Phys Phys Heat Wave 5 MP All Targets All Targets 2 -
Phys Phys Megaton Press 6 MP All Targets All Targets 4 -
Phys Phys Titanomachia 7 MP All Targets All Targets 6 -
Phys Phys Blight 6 MP All Targets All Targets 8 -
Phys Phys Earthquake 7 MP All Targets All Targets 10 -
Phys Phys Rampage 3 MP Random Targets Random Targets 3 -
Phys Phys Deathbound 4 MP Random Targets Random Targets 5 -
Phys Phys Madness Nails 5 MP Random Targets Random Targets 7 -
Phys Phys Nihil Claw 6 MP Random Targets Random Targets 9 -
Phys Phys Tempest Slash 5 MP Random Targets Random Targets 7 -
Phys Phys Myriad Arrows 7 MP Random Targets Random Targets 9 -
Phys Phys Ashura 8 MP All Targets All Targets + Random Targets Random Targets - Asura.jpg Asura
Phys Phys Astral Saintstrike 6 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Artemis.jpg Artemis
Phys Phys Berserk 5 MP Single Target Single Target - Berserker Guts.jpg Berserker Guts
Phys Phys Bloody Frenzy 6 MP Random Targets Random Targets - Kali A.jpg Kali A
Phys Phys Boar Rush 5 MP Single Target Single Target - Albedo.jpg Albedo
Arioch.jpg Arioch
Phys Phys Cleaving Aura 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Astaroth.jpg Astaroth
Kalki.jpg Kalki
Morrighan.jpg Morrighan
Nuwa.jpg Nuwa
Phys Phys Crushing Force 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Gozu-Tennoh.jpg Gozu-Tennoh
Phys Phys Dancing Strike 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Nuwa.jpg Nuwa
Phys Phys Daylight Blade 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Marici.jpg Marici
Phys Phys Dragon Blade 7 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Guan Yu.jpg Guan Yu
Phys Phys Dragon Slayer 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Guts.jpg Guts
Phys Phys Flying High 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Lanling Wang.jpg Lanling Wang
Phys Phys Gae Bulg 7 MP Random Targets Random Targets - Cu Chulainn.jpg Cu Chulainn
Phys Phys Gomorrah (B) 7 MP Single Target Single Target - Bayonetta☆.jpg Bayonetta☆
Phys Phys Gomorrah (J) 7 MP All Targets All Targets - Jeanne☆.jpg Jeanne☆
Phys Phys Hassou Tobi 7 MP Random Targets Random Targets - Yoshitsune.jpg Yoshitsune
Phys Phys Heavenly Sword 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Ose Hallel.jpg Ose Hallel
Phys Phys Hell Claw 5 MP Random Targets Random Targets - Cerberus.jpg Cerberus
Phys Phys Hell Thrust 7 MP Random Targets Random Targets - Mara.jpg Mara
Phys Phys I'll Finish Up Alone 6 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Homura Akemi.jpg Homura Akemi
Phys Phys Iai Isshin 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Futsunushi.jpg Futsunushi
Phys Phys Impartial Fist 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Mitra-Buddha.jpg Mitra-Buddha
Phys Phys Indra (Skill) 5 MP Single Target Single Target - Indra.jpg Indra
Phys Phys Iron Fist 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Flauros.jpg Flauros
Phys Phys Iron Judgement 5 MP Single Target Single Target - Demonee-Ho.jpg Demonee-Ho
Phys Phys Lionfall 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Arioch.jpg Arioch
Phys Phys Lord Astaroth 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Astaroth.jpg Astaroth
Phys Phys Macha Slash 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Macha.jpg Macha
Phys Phys Mantra 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Gozu-Tennoh.jpg Gozu-Tennoh
Phys Phys Merciful Slaughter 6 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Albedo.jpg Albedo
Phys Phys Million Stab 8 MP All Targets All Targets - Dante☆.jpg Dante☆
Phys Phys Mist Slashes 6 MP Random Targets Random Targets - Attis.jpg Attis
Phys Phys Moon-White Blade 6 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Fionn mac Cumhaill.jpg Fionn mac Cumhaill
Phys Phys Occult Flash 8 MP Single Target Single Target - Masakado.jpg Masakado
Phys Phys Paralyzing Bite 5 MP Single Target Single Target - Kamiotoko.jpg Kamiotoko
Phys Phys Physical Hunt 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Ban.jpg Ban
Phys Phys Rip 7 MP All Targets All Targets - Zodd.jpg Zodd
Phys Phys Ruin and Grace 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Ardha.jpg Ardha
Phys Phys SEBURO C-40A 4 MP Single Target Single Target + Random Targets Random Targets - Batou.jpg Batou
Phys Phys Serpentine Glare 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Medusa.jpg Medusa
Phys Phys Soul Break 5 MP Single Target Single Target - Sraosha.jpg Sraosha
Phys Phys Sword of Fealty 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Hagen.jpg Hagen
Phys Phys Tempest Slash + 6 MP Random Targets Random Targets - Fariedone.jpg Fariedone
Futsunushi.jpg Futsunushi
Phys Phys Violent Dance 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Kali.jpg Kali
Phys Phys Violent Slash 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Susano-o A.jpg Susano-o A
Phys Phys Yinglong Killer 8 MP All Targets All Targets - Huang Di.jpg Huang Di
Phys Phys Beloved Slash 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Beloved.jpg Beloved
Phys Phys Gungnir 7 MP All Targets All Targets - Odin.jpg Odin
Phys.pngElec.png Phys/Elec Divine Spear Gungnir 6 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Odin A.jpg Odin A
Phys.pngForce.png Phys/Force Discipline 6 MP Random Targets Random Targets - Hariti.jpg Hariti
Phys.pngForce.png Phys/Force Ouas 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Seth.jpg Seth
Phys.pngLight.png Phys/Light Holy Lance of Longinus 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Longinus.jpg Longinus
Multi.png Support Arms Dance 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Chi You.jpg Chi You
Multi.png Support Dance of Rebellion 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Kali A.jpg Kali A
Multi.png Support Demonsbane 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Fariedone.jpg Fariedone
Multi.png Support Enemy Annihilation 8 MP All Targets All Targets - Atavaka.jpg Atavaka
Multi.png Support Fury Raid 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Ladon.jpg Ladon
Multi.png Fractional Blade of Terror 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Red Rider.jpg Red Rider
Passive Passive Counter Passive Single Target Single Target 6 -
Passive Passive Retaliate Passive Single Target Single Target 12 -
Passive Passive Death Counter Passive Single Target Single Target 18 -
Passive Passive Faithful Counter Passive Single Target Single Target 16 -
Passive Passive Zealous Rebel Passive Single Target Single Target 18 -
Passive Passive Bloodstained Divine Queen Passive Random Targets Random Targets - Kali A.jpg Kali A
Passive Passive Burgundy's Resentment Passive Random Targets Random Targets - Hagen.jpg Hagen
Passive Passive Destruction's Origin Passive All Targets All Targets - Shiva.jpg Shiva
Passive Passive God 1000 Fist Cannon Passive Random Targets Random Targets - Mozgus.jpg Mozgus
Passive Passive Hariti (Skill) Passive Random Targets Random Targets - Hariti.jpg Hariti
Passive Passive Heavenly Valor Passive All Targets All Targets - Susano-o A.jpg Susano-o A
Passive Passive Hell Leopard Passive All Targets All Targets - Flauros.jpg Flauros
Passive Passive Jingu's Divine Light Passive All Targets All Targets - Hachiman.jpg Hachiman
Passive Passive Omen of Rebellion Passive All Targets All Targets - Chi You.jpg Chi You
Passive Passive Optical Camouflage Passive All Targets All Targets - Motoko Kusanagi.jpg Motoko Kusanagi
Passive Passive Pure-White Devil Passive All Targets All Targets - Albedo.jpg Albedo
Passive Passive Rapid Shot Passive Single Target Single Target - Dante☆.jpg Dante☆
Passive Passive Ryujin Reflection Passive All Targets All Targets - Futsunushi.jpg Futsunushi
Passive Passive Sahasrara Passive Single Target Single Target - Ardha.jpg Ardha
Passive Passive Soul Judgement (Sraosha) Passive All Targets All Targets - Sraosha.jpg Sraosha
Passive Passive Thunder God's Fighting Spirit Passive Single Target Single Target - Indra.jpg Indra
Passive Passive Andalucia Passive All Targets All Targets - Matador.jpg Matador
Passive Passive Terror of London Passive Random Targets Random Targets - Jack the Ripper.jpg Jack the Ripper
Passive Passive Yaksha Claw Passive Random Targets Random Targets - Gurr.jpg Gurr

Demon Panels that deal Physical Phys damage

Demon Panel # Effect
Asura.jpg Asura Panel 4 +20% to hit rate. Activates the following Chain Effect after Ashura is activated: Removes all Stat Debuffs from all party members, and inflicts Phys damage (Physical, Power: 25) with an 80% Critical hit rate 10 times to random enemies. (Activates once per turn) *Ignores the effect of all counter skills
Fafnir.jpg Fafnir Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect when an ally takes Physical/Magic/Fractional damage: Inflicts Phys damage (Physical, Power: 80) with Bulwark Pierce and a 30% Critical hit rate on all enemies. *Activates up to 2 times per turn.
Flauros.jpg Flauros Panel 2 Activates the following Chain Effect after Hell Leopard is activated: Inflicts Phys (Physical) Pierce effect damage (Power: 30) 3 times on random enemies. Counter effects will not work on this skill.
Ladon.jpg Ladon Panel 2 Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of own turn: Increases the ATK of all party members by 20% (1 turn). Activates the following Chain Effect when an ally is defeated: Inflicts Phys damage (Physical) with 100 Power and Bulwark Pierce to all enemies in a state of Gloom.
Masakado.jpg Masakado Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect if the one with this skill dies: Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage (Power: 130) on all enemies. (Once per battle; will not activate when your party is wiped out)
Motoko Kusanagi.jpg Motoko Kusanagi Panel 1 Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of every own second turn: Inflicts Phys (Physical) Pierce effect damage (Power: 160) with 50% crit rate on a single enemy. Counter effects will not work on this skill.
Nergal.jpg Nergal Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect when enemy is poisoned: Inflict Phys damage (Power: 70) on all enemies. (Once per turn)
Shiva.jpg Shiva Panel 3 Reduces consumed MP of Phys attack skills by 2MP. Reduces consumed MP of Phys attack skills by 2MP. Activates the following Chain Effect when an ally Nulls, Repels or Drains an attack: Inflict Phys damage (Magic, Power: 140) with Bulwark Pierce to all enemies. (Twice per turn) *The damage inflicted by this skill is dependent on Phys ATK.
Siegfried.jpg Siegfried Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect when the one with this skill activates a Phys skill: Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage (Power: 180) on a single enemy. Nullifies all death prevention skills. (Once per turn)
Susano-o A.jpg Susano-o A Panel 3 +25% to Phys damage. Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of the enemy turn: Inflicts Phys damage (Physical, Power: 50) to all enemies, and decreases hit enemies' MP by 1.
Zodd.jpg Zodd Panel 4 +30% to Max HP. Activates the following Chain Effect when the one with this skill receives a Physical attack: Inflicts Phys damage (Physical, Power: 80) with Bulwark Pierce to a single enemy, causing them to lose 1 MP and self recovers 100% of the damage dealt.
Abaddon A.jpg Abaddon A Panel 3 Activates the following Chain Effect when Lord of the Abyss is activated: Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage (Power: 50) 3 times on random enemies.

Armament Skills that deal Physical Phys damage

Armament Type Name MP Cost Target
SwordIcon.png Asura.jpg Asura Sword Phys Phys Unholy Strike 7 MP Random Targets Random Targets
SwordIcon.png Cu Chulainn.jpg Cu Chulainn Sword Phys Phys Tie-Breaker 7 MP All Targets All Targets
SwordIcon.png Gogmagog.jpg Gogmagog Sword Phys Phys Albion Giant 7 MP All Targets All Targets
SwordIcon.png Huang Di.jpg Huang Di Sword Phys Phys Yinglong Flash 6 MP All Targets All Targets
SwordIcon.png Masakado.jpg Masakado Sword Phys Phys Divine Flash 5 MP Single Target Single Target
SwordIcon.png Yoshitsune.jpg Yoshitsune Sword Phys Phys Kurama Flash 7 MP Single Target Single Target
ShieldIcon.png Asura.jpg Asura Shield Passive Passive Unholy Delusion Passive All Targets All Targets
ShieldIcon.png Masakado.jpg Masakado Shield Passive Passive Righteous Rebellion Passive Single Target Single Target

Magic Phys Damage

Skills that deal Magic Phys damage

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Phys Phys Breakneck Dance 6 MP Random Targets Random Targets - Masakado B.jpg Masakado B
Phys Phys Heavenly Sword Stroke 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Masakado B.jpg Masakado B
Phys Phys Jet-Black Light 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Femto.jpg Femto
Phys Phys Vajra Rend 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Femto.jpg Femto
Homura Akemi.jpg Homura Akemi

Phys Damage Up

Skills that increase Phys damage dealt

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points
Passive Passive Phys Boost Passive Self 6 -
Passive Passive Phys Amp Passive Self 21 -
Passive Passive Phys Debuff Passive Self 14 -
Passive Passive Phys Enhancement Passive Self 16 -
Passive Passive Phys Prana Passive Self 14 -
Passive Passive Phys Accele Passive Self 16
Passive Passive Phys Slowda Passive Self 16 -
Passive Passive Phys Survivor Passive Self 14 -
Passive Passive Phys Vital Passive Self - -
Passive Passive Epitome of Carnage Passive Self 14 -
Passive Passive An Eye for Terror Passive Self - Medusa.jpg Medusa
Passive Passive Arms Mastery Passive Self - Siegfried.jpg Siegfried
Passive Passive Ascended General Passive Self - Masakado B.jpg Masakado B
Passive Passive Berserker Armor Passive Self - Berserker Guts.jpg Berserker Guts
Passive Passive Bloodshed Passive Self - Red Rider.jpg Red Rider
Passive Passive Chief God's Rage Passive All Allies - Odin A.jpg Odin A
Passive Passive Chief God's Mastery Passive Self - Odin A.jpg Odin A
Passive Passive Culann's Hound Passive All Allies - Cu Chulainn A.jpg Cu Chulainn A
Passive Passive Desperate Hit Passive Self - Demonee-Ho.jpg Demonee-Ho
Passive Passive Determined Hero Passive Self - Masakado B.jpg Masakado B
Passive Passive Goddess of Madness Passive Self - Kali A.jpg Kali A
Passive Passive Guardian Deity's Aid Passive Self - Hachiman.jpg Hachiman
Passive Passive Hariti (Skill) Passive Self - Hariti.jpg Hariti
Passive Passive Majesty of the Creator Passive Self - Nuwa.jpg Nuwa
Passive Passive Moon's Luster Passive Self - Artemis.jpg Artemis
Passive Passive Omen of Rebellion Passive Self - Chi You.jpg Chi You
Passive Passive Patriotic General Passive Self - Masakado B.jpg Masakado B
Passive Passive Power of the Three Jewels Passive Self - Mitra-Buddha.jpg Mitra-Buddha
Passive Passive Proof of Determination Passive Self - Fionn mac Cumhaill.jpg Fionn mac Cumhaill
Passive Passive Pure Maiden Passive Self - Artemis.jpg Artemis
Passive Passive Red-Feathered Macha Passive Party Effect - Macha.jpg Macha
Passive Passive The Three Crimson Sovereigns Passive Self - Nuwa.jpg Nuwa
Passive Passive The Wings of Darkness Passive Self - Femto.jpg Femto
Passive Passive Time Traveller Passive Self - Homura Akemi.jpg Homura Akemi

Demon Panels that increase Phys damage dealt

Demon Panel # Effect
Albedo.jpg Albedo Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage. +30% to Healing skill effectiveness.
Arioch.jpg Arioch Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to max HP.
Artemis.jpg Artemis Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to max HP.
Astaroth.jpg Astaroth Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to own affect on Battle Speed.
Atavaka.jpg Atavaka Panel 1 +15% to Phys damage. +20% to Critical hit rate.
Ban.jpg Ban Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to max HP.
Batou.jpg Batou Panel 3 +15% to Phys damage. +25% to max HP.
Bayonetta☆.jpg Bayonetta☆ Panel 3 +20% to Phys/Almighty damage inflicted.
Belial.jpg Belial Panel 3 +40% to Phys and Fire damage. While the one with this skill is alive, all enemies will receive the following effect: +30% to damage received while Cursed.
Berserker Guts.jpg Berserker Guts Panel 1 +15% to Phys damage. +40% to Phys hit rate.
Berserker Guts.jpg Berserker Guts Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to Critical hit rate. Increases the uses of Berserk by 6.
Cerberus A.jpg Cerberus A Panel 3 +20% to Phys/Fire damage. +20% to Critical hit rate. +30% to own effect on Battle Speed. Activates the following Chain Effect when the enemy is inflicted with Spirit Chains of Intimidation: Decreases the Fire Attribute Affinity of the enemy with the lowest current HP by 3 levels (1 turn) *Activates once per turn.
Chi You.jpg Chi You Panel 1 +15% to Phys damage. +20% to max HP.
Chi You.jpg Chi You Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to Phys hit rate.
Cu Chulainn A.jpg Cu Chulainn A Panel 3 +20% to Phys/Force damage. Activates the following Chain Effect when attacking first at the start of a battle: Adds 1 Boost level to the skill holder's Barbed Spear, and then decreases the DEF of all enemies by 20%. (3 turns)
Dante☆.jpg Dante☆ Panel 3 +15% to Phys damage. +20% to max HP.
Demonee-Ho.jpg Demonee-Ho Panel 3 +20% to Phys/Almighty damage inflicted. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +20% to Phys hit rate. +20% to Critical hit rate.
Demonee-Ho.jpg Demonee-Ho Panel 3 +20% to Phys/Almighty damage inflicted. Activates the following Chain Effect when the enemy is inflicted with a Bad Status: Places the one with this skill into a state of Charge. *Activates up to two times per turn.
Fariedone.jpg Fariedone Panel 1 +15% to Phys damage. +20% to own affect on Battle Speed.
Fariedone.jpg Fariedone Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to max HP.
Femto.jpg Femto Panel 1 +15% to Phys damage. Reduces the cost of Jet-Black Light by 1MP.
Femto.jpg Femto Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to max HP.
Fionn mac Cumhaill.jpg Fionn mac Cumhaill Panel 1 +15% to Phys damage. Decreases the cost of Moon-White Blade by 1MP.
Fionn mac Cumhaill.jpg Fionn mac Cumhaill Panel 3 +20% to max HP. +20% to Phys damage.
Flauros.jpg Flauros Panel 3 Adds Phys Pierce. +15% to Phys damage.
Gozu-Tennoh.jpg Gozu-Tennoh Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to Phys hit rate.
Guts.jpg Guts Panel 3 +20% to Phys and Fire damage. +20% to max HP. Activates the following Chain Effect when the one with this skill is about to act: Decreases the Phys Affinity of anemies by 1 level for 1 turn. *Activates once per turn
Hachiman.jpg Hachiman Panel 1 +15% to Phys damage. +20% to own affect on Battle Speed.
Hachiman.jpg Hachiman Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to max HP.
Hagen.jpg Hagen Panel 2 +20% to Phys damage. Activates the following Chain Effect when an enemy is inflicted with Gloom: Reduces ATK and EV/AC of all enemies by 20%. (1 turn)
Hagen.jpg Hagen Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to Phys hit rate.
Hariti.jpg Hariti Panel 3 +20% to max HP. +20% to Phys/Force damage.
Homura Akemi.jpg Homura Akemi Panel 1 Adds Null Bind/Charm/Mute. +15% to Phys damage.
Homura Akemi.jpg Homura Akemi Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to Phys hit rate.
Indra.jpg Indra Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to Phys hit rate.
Jeanne☆.jpg Jeanne☆ Panel 3 +20% to Phys/Almighty damage inflicted.
Kali A.jpg Kali A Panel 1 +15% to Phys damage. Reduces the cost of Phys Skills by 1MP.
Kali A.jpg Kali A Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to Phys hit rate.
Kartikeya.jpg Kartikeya Panel 1 Reduces the cost of Mortal Jihad by 1MP. +10% to Phys damage.
Koga Saburo.jpg Koga Saburo Panel 3 +20% to Phys and force damage. +20% to Critical hit rate.
Ladon.jpg Ladon Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. While the one with this skill is alive, all enemies will receive the following effect: When in a state of Gloom, -30% to damage dealt and -40% to Critical hit rate.
Lanling Wang.jpg Lanling Wang Panel 1 +15% to Phys damage. Recovers 5 MP when clearing a wave.
Lanling Wang.jpg Lanling Wang Panel 3 +20% to Phys and force damage. +20% to Critical hit rate.
Longinus.jpg Longinus Panel 3 +20% to Phys/Light damage dealt. +20% to hit rate.
Macha.jpg Macha Panel 1 Reduces the cost of Macha Slash by 1MP. +15% to Phys damage.
Macha.jpg Macha Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to hit rate.
Marici.jpg Marici Panel 3 +20% to Phys/Light damage. Activates the following Chain Effect when Shimmer Arrow is used: Places one count of Spirit Chains (Indignation) on the enemy with the highest Phys ATK. (Activates once per turn)
Masakado B.jpg Masakado B Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to max HP.
Medusa.jpg Medusa Panel 1 +15% to Phys damage. Decreases the cost of Serpentine Glare by 1 MP.
Medusa.jpg Medusa Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage and Max HP.
Meliodas.jpg Meliodas Panel 3 +20% to Phys/Dark damage. +20% to Critical hit rate.
Mitra-Buddha.jpg Mitra-Buddha Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to max HP.
Motoko Kusanagi.jpg Motoko Kusanagi Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% chance to inflict status ailments.
Nergal.jpg Nergal Panel 3 +15% to Phys damage. +20% chance to inflict status ailments.
Nuwa.jpg Nuwa Panel 3 +15% to Phys damage. +15% to Max HP. +15% to hit rate.
Odin A.jpg Odin A Panel 1 +20% to hit rate. +15% to Phys/Elec damage. -30% to Phys/Elec damage received.
Odin A.jpg Odin A Panel 3 +20% to Phys/Elec damage. +20% to Max HP. Activates the following Chain Effect when the one with this skill lands a Critical hit: Places all party members into a state of Zenith and all enemies into a state of Gloom. (1 turn)
Ose Hallel.jpg Ose Hallel Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage. +20% to max HP.
Red Rider.jpg Red Rider Panel 3 +15% to Phys damage. +15% to Critical hit rate. +15% chance to inflict status ailments.
Seth.jpg Seth Panel 1 +15% to Phys/Force damage. +20% to hit rate.
Seth.jpg Seth Panel 4 +50% to max HP. +25% to Phys/Force damage.
Sraosha.jpg Sraosha Panel 3 +15% to Phys damage. +20% to Critical hit rate.
Susano-o A.jpg Susano-o A Panel 3 +25% to Phys damage. Activates the following Chain Effet at the start of the enemy turn: inflicts Phys damage (Physical, Power: 50) to all enemies, and decreases hit enemies' MP by 1.
Susano-o A.jpg Susano-o A Panel 4 +30% to Phys damage. Activates the following Chain Effet when Heavenly Valor is used: Puts the one with this skill into a state of Charge.
Yoshitsune.jpg Yoshitsune Panel 4 Adds Phys Pierce. +25% to Phys damage. Activates the following Chain Effet when a member of your party (including self) downs a demon: Enters a state of Charge. (This Chain Effect will only activate once per turn.)
Zaou-Gongen.jpg Zaou-Gongen Panel 1 +15% to Phys/Fire damage. -30% to Phys/Fire damage received.
Zodd.jpg Zodd Panel 3 +25% to Phys damage. +25% to max HP. Adds Null Charm.
Abaddon.jpg Abaddon Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage.
Attis.jpg Attis Panel 2 +5% to Phys damage.
Bishamonten.jpg Bishamonten Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage.
Cerberus.jpg Cerberus Panel 3 +8% to Phys and Fire damage.
Fenrir.jpg Fenrir Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage.
Girimekhala.jpg Girimekhala Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage.
Gurr.jpg Gurr Panel 2 +5% to Phys damage.
Hanuman.jpg Hanuman Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage.
Hecatoncheires.jpg Hecatoncheires Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage.
Jikokuten.jpg Jikokuten Panel 3 +8% to Phys/Force damage.
Nidhoggr.jpg Nidhoggr Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage.
Odin.jpg Odin Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage.
Ongyo-Ki.jpg Ongyo-Ki Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage.
Orochi.jpg Orochi Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage.
Pallas Athena.jpg Pallas Athena Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage.
Rakshasa.jpg Rakshasa Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage.
Tachikoma.jpg Tachikoma Panel 3 +15% to Phys and Fire damage.
Titan.jpg Titan Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage.
Vouivre.jpg Vouivre Panel 2 +10% to Phys damage, +10% to Critical hit rate.
Wu Kong.jpg Wu Kong Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage.
Yatagarasu.jpg Yatagarasu Panel 3 +10% to Phys damage.

Armament Talents that increase Phys damage dealt

Armament Name Effect
SwordIcon.png Cu Chulainn.jpg Cu Chulainn Sword All-piercing Blade While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +15% to Phys damage.
SwordIcon.png Masakado A.jpg Masakado A Sword Hero's Aid Adds Phys Pierce. While the skill holder is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Phys/Almighty damage.
SwordIcon.png Yoshitsune.jpg Yoshitsune Sword Tactical Hero Adds Phys Pierce. While the character with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Phys damage.
SwordIcon.png Wu Kong.jpg Wu Kong Sword Monkey King Blade While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Phys damage.
ShieldIcon.png Cu Chulainn.jpg Cu Chulainn Shield White Swan Shield +5% to Phys damage.
ShieldIcon.png Titan.jpg Titan Shield Colossal Armor +5% to Phys damage.

Armament Panels that increase Phys damage dealt

Armament Panel # Effect
SwordIcon.png Cu Chulainn.jpg Cu Chulainn Sword Panel 1 +15% to Phys damage.
SwordIcon.png Cu Chulainn.jpg Cu Chulainn Sword Panel 3 While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Phys damage.
SwordIcon.png Huang Di.jpg Huang Di Sword Panel 2 +10% to Phys damage. +10% to Phys hit rate.
SwordIcon.png Masakado.jpg Masakado Sword Panel 1 +15% to Phys damage.
SwordIcon.png Yoshitsune.jpg Yoshitsune Sword Panel 3 While the character with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Phys damage.
ShieldIcon.png Cu Chulainn.jpg Cu Chulainn Shield Panel 1 +10% to Phys damage.
ShieldIcon.png Cu Chulainn.jpg Cu Chulainn Shield Panel 3 +20% to Phys damage inflicted.
ShieldIcon.png Gogmagog.jpg Gogmagog Shield Panel 1 +10% to Phys damage.
ShieldIcon.png Huang Di.jpg Huang Di Shield Panel 1 +10% to Phys damage.
ShieldIcon.png Masakado.jpg Masakado Shield Panel 3 +20% to max HP. +10% to Phys damage.
ShieldIcon.png Masakado A.jpg Masakado A Shield Panel 2 +25% to max HP. +10% to Phys/Almighty damage.
ShieldIcon.png Masakado A.jpg Masakado A Shield Panel 3 +10% to Phys/Almighty damage. -10% to Phys/Almighty damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Yoshitsune.jpg Yoshitsune Shield Panel 3 +5% to Phys damage. +10% to Phys hit rate.

Damage Reduction

Skills that reduce Phys damage taken

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Drunken Giant Passive Self - Mada.jpg Mada
Passive Passive Thunder God's Fighting Spirit Passive Self - Indra.jpg Indra

Demon Panels that reduce Phys damage taken

Demon Panel # Effect
Alilat.jpg Alilat Panel 2 -20% to Phys/Light/Dark damage received.
Gogmagog.jpg Gogmagog Panel 2 As long as this demon is alive, -15% to Phys damage received by all allies.
Gogmagog.jpg Gogmagog Panel 4 Adds Phys Pierce. Reduces damage received by Phys attacks by 30%. Activates the following Chain Effect when the skill holder receives a Phys attack: Casts Final Opposition and grants Charge. (Once per battle)
Indra.jpg Indra Panel 1 +20% to own effect on Battle Speed. -50% to Phys/Elec damage received.​
Mada.jpg Mada Panel 2 +20% to max HP. -20% to Phys/Fire damage received.
Odin A.jpg Odin A Panel 1 +20% to hit rate. +15% to Phys/Elec damage. -30% to Phys/Elec damage received.
Siegfried.jpg Siegfried Panel 1 -70% to Phys damage received.
Zaou-Gongen.jpg Zaou-Gongen Panel 1 +15% to Phys/Fire damage. -30% to Phys/Fire damage received.
Girimekhala.jpg Girimekhala Panel 2 -25% to Phys damage received.
Rangda.jpg Rangda Panel 2 -25% to Phys damage received.

Armament Talents that reduce Phys damage taken

Armament Name Effect
SwordIcon.png Gogmagog.jpg Gogmagog Sword Revolt & Protect While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -10% to Phys damage received.
SwordIcon.png Valkyrie.jpg Valkyrie Sword Valhalla Blade While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -5% to Phys damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Gogmagog.jpg Gogmagog Shield Formidable Cliff -5% to Phys damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Huang Di.jpg Huang Di Shield Symbol of the Four -5% to Phys, Fire, Ice, Elec and Force damage received.

Armament Panels that reduce Phys damage taken

Armament Panel # Effect
SwordIcon.png Gogmagog.jpg Gogmagog Sword Panel 3 While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -5% to Phys damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Asura.jpg Asura Shield Panel 3 +20% to max HP. -10% to Phys damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Huang Di.jpg Huang Di Shield Panel 3 +20% to max HP. -5% to Phys, Fire, Ice, Elec and Force damage received
ShieldIcon.png Masakado.jpg Masakado Shield Panel 2 +20% to max HP. -10% to Phys damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Masakado A.jpg Masakado A Shield Panel 3 +10% to Phys/Almighty damage. -10% to Phys/Almighty damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Yoshitsune.jpg Yoshitsune Shield Panel 2 +20% to max HP. -10% to Phys damage received.


Skills that grant resistances to Phys

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Resist Phys Passive Self 12 -
Passive Passive Null Phys Passive Self 18 -
Passive Passive Drain Phys Passive Self 30 -
Passive Passive Repel Phys Passive Self 24 -
Passive Passive Null Phys-Fire Passive Self - Pixie A.jpg Pixie A


Skills that grant Phys Pierce

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Phys Pierce (weak) Passive Self 16 -
Passive Passive Phys Pierce Passive Self 32 -
Passive Passive An Eye for Terror Passive Self - Medusa.jpg Medusa
Passive Passive Berserker Armor Passive Self - Berserker Guts.jpg Berserker Guts
Passive Passive Bloodshed Passive Self - Red Rider.jpg Red Rider
Passive Passive Blood-Starved Werewolf Passive Self - Loup-Garou.jpg Loup-Garou
Passive Passive Burgundy's Resentment Passive Self - Hagen.jpg Hagen
Passive Passive Centurion Passive Self - Longinus.jpg Longinus
Passive Passive Chief God's Rage Passive Self - Odin A.jpg Odin A
Passive Passive Culann's Hound Passive Self - Cu Chulainn A.jpg Cu Chulainn A
Passive Passive Corrosive Malice Passive Self - Shiva M.jpg Shiva M
Passive Passive Desperate Hit Passive Self - Demonee-Ho.jpg Demonee-Ho
Passive Passive Determined Hero Passive Self - Masakado B.jpg Masakado B
Passive Passive Dragon of Defense Passive Self - Koga Saburo.jpg Koga Saburo
Passive Passive Dragon of Hesperia Passive Self - Ladon.jpg Ladon
Passive Passive Duke of Hell Passive Self - Murmur.jpg Murmur
Passive Passive Endless War Passive Self - Asura Lord.jpg Asura Lord
Passive Passive Eternal Order Passive Self - Kalki.jpg Kalki
Passive Passive Foe of Demons Passive Self - Skull Knight.jpg Skull Knight
Passive Passive God 1000 Fist Cannon Passive Self - Mozgus.jpg Mozgus
Passive Passive Goddess of Madness Passive Self - Kali A.jpg Kali A
Passive Passive Goddess of Slaughter Passive Self - Kali.jpg Kali
Passive Passive Guardian of the East Passive Self - Masakado A.jpg Masakado A
Passive Passive Hariti (Skill) Passive Self - Hariti.jpg Hariti
Passive Passive Hawk of Light Passive Self - Griffith.jpg Griffith
Passive Passive Heavenly Valor Passive Self - Susano-o A.jpg Susano-o A
Passive Passive Hell Hound Passive Self - Cerberus A.jpg Cerberus A
Passive Passive Hero of Prophecy Passive Self - Fariedone.jpg Fariedone
Passive Passive Jingu's Divine Light Passive Self - Hachiman.jpg Hachiman
Passive Passive King of Vengeance Passive Self - Arioch.jpg Arioch
Passive Passive Kongo Zaou Passive All Allies - Zaou-Gongen.jpg Zaou-Gongen
Passive Passive Loyal God of War Passive Self - Guan Yu.jpg Guan Yu
Passive Passive Majesty of the Creator Passive Self - Nuwa.jpg Nuwa
Passive Passive Mask of Veiled Beauty Passive Self - Lanling Wang.jpg Lanling Wang
Passive Passive Master of Hell Passive Self - Astaroth.jpg Astaroth
Passive Passive Megingjord Passive Self - Thor A.jpg Thor A
Passive Passive Nosferatu Passive Self - Zodd.jpg Zodd
Passive Passive Omen of Rebellion Passive Self - Chi You.jpg Chi You
Passive Passive Poison Dragon's Sympathy Passive Self - Fafnir.jpg Fafnir
Passive Passive Power of the Three Jewels Passive All Allies - Mitra-Buddha.jpg Mitra-Buddha
Passive Passive Proof of Determination Passive Self - Fionn mac Cumhaill.jpg Fionn mac Cumhaill
Passive Passive Pure Maiden Passive Self - Artemis.jpg Artemis
Passive Passive Pure-White Devil Passive Self - Albedo.jpg Albedo
Passive Passive Red-Feathered Macha Passive Self - Macha.jpg Macha
Passive Passive Shimmer Arrow Passive Self - Marici.jpg Marici
Passive Passive Sins of Sodom Passive Self - Belial.jpg Belial
Passive Passive Strength Blessing Passive Self - Melchizedek.jpg Melchizedek
Passive Passive Superior Power Passive Self - Huang Di.jpg Huang Di
Passive Passive Supreme Might Passive Self - Gozu-Tennoh.jpg Gozu-Tennoh
Passive Passive Sword Deity's Might Passive Self - Futsunushi.jpg Futsunushi
Passive Passive Sword of Hallel Passive Self - Ose Hallel.jpg Ose Hallel
Passive Passive The Struggler Passive Self - Guts.jpg Guts
Passive Passive The Ten Commandments Passive Self - Meliodas.jpg Meliodas
Passive Passive The Wings of Darkness Passive Self - Femto.jpg Femto
Passive Passive Three Faces Six Arms Passive Self - Asura.jpg Asura
Passive Passive Thunder God's Fighting Spirit Passive Self - Indra.jpg Indra
Passive Passive Time Traveller Passive Self - Homura Akemi.jpg Homura Akemi
Passive Passive War Goddess Passive Self - Morrighan.jpg Morrighan
Passive Passive Warlord's Wrath Passive Self - Masakado.jpg Masakado

Demon Panels that grant Phys Pierce

Demon Panel # Effect
Batou.jpg Batou Panel 1 Adds Phys Pierce.
Bayonetta☆.jpg Bayonetta☆ Panel 2 Adds Phys Pierce.
Cu Chulainn.jpg Cu Chulainn Panel 4 Adds Phys Pierce. +100% to Phys hit rate. Reduces the cost of skills that target all or random enemies/allies by 1 MP, and +25% to damage dealt.
Dante☆.jpg Dante☆ Panel 1 Adds Phys Pierce.
Flauros.jpg Flauros Panel 3 Adds Phys Pierce. +15% to Phys damage.
Gogmagog.jpg Gogmagog Panel 4 Adds Phys Pierce. Reduces damage received by Phys attacks by 30%. Activates the following Chain Effect when the skill holder receives a Phys attack: Casts Final Opposition and grants Charge. (Once per battle)
Jeanne☆.jpg Jeanne☆ Panel 2 Adds Phys Pierce.
Nergal.jpg Nergal Panel 3 Adds Phys Pierce. +20% to Phys hit rate when in a state of Might.
Shiva.jpg Shiva Panel 1 Adds Phys Pierce. +15% to all attack damage. Reduces the cost of Pralaya by 1 MP.
Siegfried.jpg Siegfried Panel 2 Adds Phys Pierce.
Yoshitsune.jpg Yoshitsune Panel 4 Adds Phys Pierce. +25% to Phys damage. Activates the following Chain Effect when a member of your party (including self) downs a demon: Enters a state of Charge. (This Chain Effect will only activate once per turn.)
Cait Sith.jpg Cait Sith Panel 1 Adds Phys Pierce. Reduces the cost of Phys skills by 1MP.
Matador.jpg Matador Panel 3 Adds Phys Pierce. Damage dealt through this skill is reduced by 30% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Phys attribute.
Tachikoma.jpg Tachikoma Panel 2 Adds Phys Pierce. Damage dealt through this effect is reduced by 30% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Phys attribute.
Vouivre.jpg Vouivre Panel 3 Adds Phys Pierce. Damage dealt through this skill is reduced by 30% if the enemy has Null, Repel or Drain Phys attribute.

Armament Talents that grant Phys Pierce

Armament Name Effect
SwordIcon.png Asura.jpg Asura Sword God of Life Adds Phys Pierce. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -60% to Critical hit rate of damage received.
SwordIcon.png Huang Di.jpg Huang Di Sword Cultural Ancestor Adds Phys Pierce. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Critical hit rate.
SwordIcon.png Masakado.jpg Masakado Sword General's Grace Adds Phys Pierce. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +15% damage to single-target attacks.
SwordIcon.png Masakado A.jpg Masakado A Sword Hero's Aid Adds Phys Pierce. While the skill holder is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Phys/Almighty damage.
SwordIcon.png Yoshitsune.jpg Yoshitsune Sword Tactical Hero Adds Phys Pierce. While the character with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Phys damage.

MP Cost Reduction

Demon Skills that reduce MP cost of Phys skills

Element Name MP Cost Target Amount Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Arms Mastery Passive Self 1 MP - Siegfried.jpg Siegfried
Passive Passive Jingu's Divine Light Passive Self 1 MP - Hachiman.jpg Hachiman
Passive Passive The Ten Commandments Passive Self 2 MP - Meliodas.jpg Meliodas

Demon Panels that reduce MP cost of Phys skills

Demon Panel # Effect
Fafnir.jpg Fafnir Panel 1 +20% to Phys hit rate. +20% chance to inflict status ailments. +20% to max HP. Reduces the cost of Phys Skills by 1MP.
Kali A.jpg Kali A Panel 1 +15% to Phys damage. Reduces the cost of Phys Skills by 1 MP.
Shiva.jpg Shiva Panel 3 Reduces consumed MP of Phys attack skills by 2MP. Activates the following Chain Effect when an ally Nulls, Repels or Drains an attack: Inflict Phys damage (Magic, Power: 140) with Bulwark Pierce to all enemies. (Twice per turn) *The damage inflicted by this skill is dependent on Phys ATK.
Siegfried.jpg Siegfried Panel 3 Reduces the cost of Phys Skills by 1MP.
Cait Sith.jpg Cait Sith Panel 1 Adds Phys Pierce. Reduces the cost of Phys skills by 1MP.

Chain Effects

Skills that activate upon a Phys skill being cast

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Shimmer Arrow Passive Single Target Single Target - Marici.jpg Marici
Passive Passive Trillion Dark Passive Single Target Single Target - Meliodas.jpg Meliodas

Demon Panels that activate upon a Phys skill being cast

Demon Panel # Effect
Gogmagog.jpg Gogmagog Panel 4 Adds Phys Pierce. Reduces damage received by Phys attacks by 30%. Activates the following Chain Effect when the skill holder receives a Phys attack: Casts Final Opposition and grants Charge. (Once per battle)
Marici.jpg Marici Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect when striking first at the start of battle or when a party member uses a Phys Skill: Inflicts Light damage (Physical, Power: 30) with Bulwark Pierce to all enemies, then places self into a state of Might. (Up to 4 times per turn) *Damage dealt by this skill is dependent on Phys ATK and ignores all death prevention skills.
Siegfried.jpg Siegfried Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect when the one with this skill activates a Phys skill: Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage (Power: 180) on a single enemy. Nullifies all death prevention skills. (Once per turn)
Skill Effects
Phys PhysFire FireIce IceElec ElecForce ForceLight LightDark DarkAlmighty AlmightyMulti Multi Skills
(Bad Status Effects)
Icon Bind.png BindIcon Charm.png CharmIcon Curse.png CurseIcon Mute.png MuteIcon Poison.png PoisonIcon Weak.png WeakStatus Ailment ResonanceCleric
Good Status Effects Icon Barrier.png BarrierIcon Charge.png ChargeIcon Concentrate.png ConcentrateIcon Critical.png MightIcon Lydia.png LydiaIcon Repel Magic.pngIcon Repel Almighty Magic.png Repel MagicIcon Repel Physical.pngIcon Repel Almighty Physical.png Repel PhysicalIcon Null Mortal.png Evade Mortal
Spirit Chains Icon Spirit Chains of Corrosion.png CorrosionIcon Spirit Chains of Indignation.png IndignationIcon Spirit Chains of Intimidation.png IntimidationIcon Spirit Chains of Salvation.png SalvationIcon Spirit Chains of Suppression.png Suppression
Other Special Effects Icon Youre Next.png You're NextIcon Revive Ban.png Revive BanIcon Zenith.png ZenithIcon Gloom.png GloomIcon Attribute Affinity Reinforcement.png Attribute Affinity ReinforcementIcon Elec Resistance Down 2.png Attribute affinity downIcon Fortify.png FortifyIcon Decay.png DecayIcon Malice.png MaliceOrder Crest
Buffs Icon ATK Buff.png ATK BuffIcon DEF Buff.png DEF BuffIcon EVAC Buff.png EV/AC Buff
Debuffs Icon ATK Debuff.png ATK DebuffIcon DEF Debuff.png DEF DebuffIcon EVAC Debuff.png EV/AC Debuff
HP Max HPHealingSteal HP
MP Max MPNaturally recovered MPRecover MPSteal MPLose MPMP cost upMP cost down
Stats Strength (Str)Magic (Mag)Vitality (Vit)Agility (Agi)Luck (Luk)
Offense PierceMortalFractional DamageFixed DamageAccuracy and EvasionCritical hitWeak pointStandard/Normal AttackDamage boostReverse damage reduction
Defense Pierce Negation (Anti-Pierce)BulwarkCounterDeath Prevention (Endures)RevivalReverse damage boostDamage reductionPreferential TargetSuper Reaction
Other Press TurnRemnantsPassingBattle SpeedChain Effect turn orderBoost LevelParty EffectField Effects
Non-Combative Trap NegationIcon Tome of Exp 12h.png EXP UpIcon Macca.png Macca Up