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Force Force is an attribute.

Physical Force Damage

Skills that deal Physical Force damage

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Force Force Wind Slash 5 MP Single Target Single Target 10 -
Force Force Rending Wind 6 MP All Targets All Targets 10 -
Force Force Barbed Spear 6 MP All Targets All Targets + Random Targets Random Targets - Cu Chulainn A.jpg Cu Chulainn A
Force Force Soaring Blades 6 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Koga Saburo.jpg Koga Saburo
Force Force Spin Dash 5 MP Random Targets Random Targets - Sonic.jpg Sonic
Force Force Summon: Cu Chulainn 6 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - The Hero.jpg The Hero
Force Force Tathlum Strike 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Lugh.jpg Lugh
Force Force Weird Pain 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Old Ones.jpg Old Ones
Phys.pngForce.png Phys/Force Ouas 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Seth.jpg Seth
Ice.pngForce.png Ice/Force Souljack 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Kumbhanda.jpg Kumbhanda

Magic Force Damage

Skills that deal Magic Force damage

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Force Force Zan 4 MP Single Target Single Target 1 -
Force Force Zanma 5 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Force Force Zanma L 4 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Force Force Zandyne 6 MP Single Target Single Target 9 -
Force Force Killing Wind 7 MP Single Target Single Target 12 -
Force Force Mazan 5 MP All Targets All Targets 2 -
Force Force Mazan L 4 MP All Targets All Targets 2 -
Force Force Mazanma 6 MP All Targets All Targets 6 -
Force Force Mazandyne 7 MP All Targets All Targets 9 -
Force Force Mazandyne H 8 MP All Targets All Targets 9 -
Force Force Mazanbarion 8 MP All Targets All Targets 12 -
Force Force Wind Breath 4 MP Random Targets Random Targets 7 -
Force Force Twister 5 MP Random Targets Random Targets 10 -
Force Force Turbulent Advent 6 MP Random Targets Random Targets 12 -
Force Force Blossoming Cyclone 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Mahamayuri.jpg Mahamayuri
Force Force Fallen Impact 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Barbatos.jpg Barbatos
Force Force Force Technique 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Thoth.jpg Thoth
Force Force Gale Talon 6 MP Random Targets Random Targets - Garuda A.jpg Garuda A
Force Force Great Calamity 6 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Walpurgisnacht.jpg Walpurgisnacht
Force Force Kusanagi 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Susano-o.jpg Susano-o
Force Force Love Pain 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Narcissus.jpg Narcissus
Force Force Otherworldly Force 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Nyarlathotep.jpg Nyarlathotep
Force Force Ruthless Death Gale 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Morrighan.jpg Morrighan
Force Force Salvation's Melody 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Krishna.jpg Krishna
Force Force Sanction 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Sabaoth.jpg Sabaoth
Force Force Tailwind 6 MP Random Targets Random Targets - Raphael.jpg Raphael
Force Force Tempest 8 MP All Targets All Targets - Baal.jpg Baal
Force Force Wind Trick 5 MP All Targets All Targets - Harpy.jpg Harpy
Phys.pngForce.png Phys/Force Discipline 6 MP Random Targets Random Targets - Hariti.jpg Hariti
Ice.pngForce.png Ice/Force Dragon King's Rage 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Pendragon.jpg Pendragon
Ice.pngForce.png Ice/Force Ruler of the Skies 7 MP All Targets All Targets - Pendragon.jpg Pendragon
Fire.pngIce.pngForce.png Fire/Ice/Force Elemental Magic 5 MP All Targets All Targets - Schierke.jpg Schierke
Fire.pngIce.pngForce.png Fire/Ice/Force Summon Elementals 7 MP All Targets All Targets - Schierke.jpg Schierke
Fire.pngIce.pngElec.pngForce.png Fire/Ice/Elec/Force Four Raging Calamities 7 MP Single Target Single Target - Inanna.jpg Inanna
Fire.pngIce.pngElec.pngForce.png Fire/Ice/Elec/Force Mother Goddess's Fury 6 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Inanna.jpg Inanna
Fire.pngIce.pngElec.pngForce.png Fire/Ice/Elec/Force Severed Fate 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Atropos.jpg Atropos
Passive Passive Black Sabbath Passive Single Target Single Target - Baphomet A.jpg Baphomet A
Passive Passive Brilliant Wings Passive All Targets All Targets - Garuda A.jpg Garuda A
Passive Passive Dragon Chief Passive All Targets All Targets - Pendragon.jpg Pendragon
Passive Passive Hariti (Skill) Passive Random Targets Random Targets - Hariti.jpg Hariti
Passive Passive Harpyia's Wings Passive All Targets All Targets - Harpy.jpg Harpy
Passive Passive Hell's Gunner Passive All Targets All Targets - Barbatos.jpg Barbatos
Passive Passive Merciless Love Passive Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Narcissus.jpg Narcissus
Passive Passive Narcissism Passive All Targets All Targets - Narcissus.jpg Narcissus
Passive Passive Rains of Canaan Passive Single Target Single Target - Baal.jpg Baal
Passive Passive Thunderforce Passive Single Target Single Target - Samyaza.jpg Samyaza

Demon Panels that deal Magic Force damage

Demon Panel # Effect
Baal.jpg Baal Panel 2 Reduces the cost of Tempest by 1MP. Activates the following Chain Effect when the skill holder uses a Force Attribute Skill while in a state of Lydia: Inflicts Force damage (Magic, Power: 70) with Bulwark Pierce to all enemies, then places the skill holder into a state of Concentrate. (Once per turn)
Garuda A.jpg Garuda A Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of own turn: Inflicts Force damage (Magic, Power: 40) 4 times to random enemies, when the attack is successful, decreases the ATK, DEF, and EV/AC of all enemies by 20%. (1 turn)
Pendragon.jpg Pendragon Panel 2 Activates the following Chain Effect when Ruler of the Skies is used: Inflicts Ice/Force damage (Magic, Power: 60) to all enemies.*The attribute will be selected automatically based on the situation.
Raphael.jpg Raphael Panel 4 When there are 3 or more Divine or Herald demons alive in your party, activates the following Chain Effect at the beginning of a boss battle: Inflicts Force damage (Magic, Power: 200) with Bulwark Pierce on all enemies. Places self into a state of Concentrate if the attack is successful.
Schierke.jpg Schierke Panel 3 While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will deal +20% Fire/Ice/Elec/Force damage. Activates the following Chain Effect when Summon Elementals is used: Inflicts Fire/Ice/Force damage (Magic, Power: 40) on all enemies.

Armament Skills that deal Magic Force damage

Armament Type Name MP Cost Target
SwordIcon.png Baal.jpg Baal Sword Force Force Rainstorm 6 MP All Targets All Targets
SwordIcon.png Garuda.jpg Garuda Sword Force Force Immortal Shrine 7 MP All Targets All Targets
SwordIcon.png Garuda A.jpg Garuda A Sword Force Force Tempest Talon 6 MP Single Target Single Target + Random Targets Random Targets
SwordIcon.png Susano-o.jpg Susano-o Sword Force Force Serpent Killer 7 MP All Targets All Targets
ShieldIcon.png Garuda A.jpg Garuda A Shield Passive Passive Dazzling Wings Passive All Targets All Targets

Force Damage Up

Skills that increase Force damage

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points
Passive Passive Force Boost Passive Self 6 -
Passive Passive Force Amp Passive Self 21 -
Passive Passive Force Debuff Passive Self 14 -
Passive Passive Force Enhancement Passive Self 16 -
Passive Passive Force Prana Passive Self 14 -
Passive Passive Force Accele Passive Self 16
Passive Passive Force Slowda Passive Self 16 -
Passive Passive Force Survivor Passive Self 14 -
Passive Passive Force Vital Passive Self - -
Passive Passive Elemental Cycle Passive Self 14 -
Passive Passive Chaos Seeker Passive Self - Baphomet A.jpg Baphomet A
Passive Passive Culann's Hound Passive All Allies - Cu Chulainn A.jpg Cu Chulainn A
Passive Passive Firestorm's Gleam Passive Self - The Hero.jpg The Hero
Passive Passive God's Blessing Passive Self - Raphael.jpg Raphael
Passive Passive Hariti (Skill) Passive Self - Hariti.jpg Hariti
Passive Passive Harpyia's Wings Passive Self - Harpy.jpg Harpy
Passive Passive Hell's Gunner Passive Self - Barbatos.jpg Barbatos
Passive Passive Hope's Awakening Passive Self - The Hero.jpg The Hero
Passive Passive Passionate Rage Passive Self - Atropos.jpg Atropos
Passive Passive Path of the Mage Passive Self - Samyaza.jpg Samyaza
Passive Passive Plague Passive Self - Pale Rider.jpg Pale Rider
Passive Passive Radiant White Storm Passive Self - Lugh.jpg Lugh
Passive Passive Rains of Canaan Passive All Allies - Baal.jpg Baal
Passive Passive War Goddess Passive Self - Morrighan.jpg Morrighan

Demon Panels that increase Force damage

Demon Panel # Effect
Atropos.jpg Atropos Panel 3 +20% to Fire/Ice/Elec/Force damage.
Baal.jpg Baal Panel 1 Reduces the cost of Tempest by 1MP. +20% to Force damage. -70% to Force damage received.
Baal.jpg Baal Panel 3 Becomes immune to all status ailments. As long as this demon is alive, +10% to Force damage inflicted by all allies, +10% to status ailment auto cure rate.
Baal.jpg Baal Panel 4 +40 to Ma. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Force damage, and +10% to damage dealt when striking a weak point.
Baphomet A.jpg Baphomet A Panel 1 +15% to Force damage. +15% to Max HP.
Baphomet A.jpg Baphomet A Panel 3 Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of the 1st turn: Adds 1 Boost Level to the one with this skill's Black Sabbath skill. +20% to Force damage. +20% to Max HP.
Barbatos.jpg Barbatos Panel 1 +15% to Force damage. Reduces the cost of Fallen Impact by 1 MP.
Barbatos.jpg Barbatos Panel 3 +20% to Force damage. +20% to Max HP.
Cu Chulainn A.jpg Cu Chulainn A Panel 3 +20% to Phys/Force damage. Activates the following Chain Effect when attacking first at the start of a battle: Adds 1 Boost level to the one with this skill's Barbed Spear, and then decreases the DEF of all enemies by 20%. (3 turns)
Garuda.jpg Garuda Panel 1 Reduces the cost of Force Skills by 1 MP. +10% to Force damage.
Garuda A.jpg Garuda A Panel 3 +25% to Force damage. Activates the following Chain Effect when attacking first at the start of a battle: Adds 1 Boost level to the one with this skill's Gale Talon, and then increases the ATK of all party members by 20%. (3 turns)
Hariti.jpg Hariti Panel 3 +20% to max HP. +20% to Phys/Force damage.
Harpy.jpg Harpy Panel 3 +30% to Force damage.
Koga Saburo.jpg Koga Saburo Panel 3 +20% to Phys and Force damage. +20% to Critical hit rate.
Krishna.jpg Krishna Panel 1 Reduces the cost of Force skills by 1MP. +15% to Force damage.
Krishna.jpg Krishna Panel 3 +20% to Max HP. +20% to Force damage.
Kumbhanda.jpg Kumbhanda Panel 1 +15% to Ice/Force damage. Reduces the cost of Souljack by 1 MP.
Kumbhanda.jpg Kumbhanda Panel 3 +30% to Ice/Force damage.
Lugh.jpg Lugh Panel 1 +15% to Force/Light damage. Decreases the cost of Tathlum Strike by 1MP.
Lugh.jpg Lugh Panel 3 +20% to Force/Light damage.+20% to hit rate.
Mahamayuri.jpg Mahamayuri Panel 3 +20% Force damage inflicted. +20% to HP Healing skill effectiveness.
Morrighan.jpg Morrighan Panel 3 +20% to Force damage. +20% to Max HP
Narcissus.jpg Narcissus Panel 1 +20% chance to inflict status ailments. +20% to Force damage. +20% to max HP.
Narcissus.jpg Narcissus Panel 2 Adds Null Mortal. +20% to Force damage. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -20% to damage taken while inflicted with a Bad Status.
Narcissus.jpg Narcissus Panel 3 -50% to the Critical hit rate of attacks taken. +20% to Force damage. +20% to max HP.
Nyarlathotep.jpg Nyarlathotep Panel 1 +15% to Force damage. -30% to Force damage received.
Nyarlathotep.jpg Nyarlathotep Panel 3 +20% to Force damage. +20% to max HP.
Old Ones.jpg Old Ones Panel 1 Adds Null Mortal. +15% to Force damage.
Old Ones.jpg Old Ones Panel 3 +20% to Force damage. +20% to hit rate.
Pale Rider.jpg Pale Rider Panel 2 +20% to Force damage. Activates the following Chain Effect after using Pestilence: +20% to the DEF of all party members and -20% to the DEF of all enemies. (2 turns)
Pale Rider.jpg Pale Rider Panel 3 +15% to Force damage. +15% Phys evasion rate. +15% chance to inflict status ailments.
Pendragon.jpg Pendragon Panel 1 +20% to Ice and Force damage.
Pendragon.jpg Pendragon Panel 3 +30% to Ice and Force damage.
Raphael.jpg Raphael Panel 1 -50% to Force/Light damage received. +20% to Force/Light damage dealt.
Raphael.jpg Raphael Panel 3 Activates the following Chain Effect when the one with this skill is revived by a demon skill: Increases the party's Press Turn Icons by 1. (Can only be used on own turn and up to once per turn.) While the one with this skill is alive, all Divine/Herald demon party members receive an increase to Force/Light damage dealt by 40%.
Samyaza.jpg Samyaza Panel 1 +15% to Elec/Force damage. -30% to Elec/Force damage received.
Samyaza.jpg Samyaza Panel 3 +20% to Elec/Force damage. +20% to own affect on Battle Speed.
Schierke.jpg Schierke Panel 1 Adds Fire/Ice/Elec/Force Pierce. +15% to Fire/Ice/Elec/Force damage.
Schierke.jpg Schierke Panel 3 While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will deal +20% Fire/Ice/Elec/Force damage. Activates the following Chain Effect when Summon Elementals is used: Inflicts Fire/Ice/Force damage (Magic, Power: 40) on all enemies.
Seth.jpg Seth Panel 1 +15% to Phys/Force damage. +20% to Phys hit rate.
Seth.jpg Seth Panel 4 +50% to max HP. +25% to Phys/Force damage.
The Hero.jpg The Hero Panel 1 Adds Null Charm. +15% to Fire/Force damage. Reduces the cost of Summon: Cerberus and Summon: Cu Chulainn by 1 MP.
The Hero.jpg The Hero Panel 3 +20% to Max HP.+20% to Fire/Force damage.
Walpurgisnacht.jpg Walpurgisnacht Panel 1 Adds Null Mute/Charm. +15% to Force damage.
Walpurgisnacht.jpg Walpurgisnacht Panel 3 +20% to Force damage. +20% to Max HP.
Jikokuten.jpg Jikokuten Panel 3 +8% to Phys/Force damage.
Long.jpg Long Panel 3 +10% to Force damage.
Oberon.jpg Oberon Panel 3 +10% to Force damage.
Sonic.jpg Sonic Panel 3 +15% to Force damage. +10% to own affect on Battle Speed.

Armament Talents that increase Force damage

Armament Name Effect
SwordIcon.png Baal.jpg Baal Sword Chief God of Canaan While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Force damage, +5% to status ailment auto cure rate.
SwordIcon.png Susano-o.jpg Susano-o Sword Father of Swords While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +15% to Force damage.
SwordIcon.png Long.jpg Long Sword Blue Emperor Blade While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Force damage.
ShieldIcon.png Baal.jpg Baal Shield Blessed Storm +5% to Force damage.
ShieldIcon.png Susano-o.jpg Susano-o Shield Savage Aura +5% to Force damage.
ShieldIcon.png Oberon.jpg Oberon Shield Fairy King Armor +5% to force damage.

Armament Panels that increase Force damage

Armament Panel # Effect
SwordIcon.png Baal.jpg Baal Sword Panel 1 +15% to Force damage.
SwordIcon.png Baal.jpg Baal Sword Panel 3 While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Force damage, +5% to status ailment auto cure rate.
SwordIcon.png Garuda A.jpg Garuda A Sword Panel 3 +20% to Force Damage.
SwordIcon.png Susano-o.jpg Susano-o Sword Panel 1 +15% to Force damage.
SwordIcon.png Susano-o.jpg Susano-o Sword Panel 3 While the one with this effect is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Force damage.
ShieldIcon.png Baal.jpg Baal Shield Panel 1 +10% to Force damage.
ShieldIcon.png Baal.jpg Baal Shield Panel 3 +10% to Force damage. +15% to status ailment auto cure rate.
ShieldIcon.png Garuda.jpg Garuda Shield Panel 1 +10% to Force damage.
ShieldIcon.png Garuda A.jpg Garuda A Shield Panel 1 +10% to Force damage.
ShieldIcon.png Garuda A.jpg Garuda A Shield Panel 3 +10% to Force damage. +20% to max HP.
ShieldIcon.png Susano-o.jpg Susano-o Shield Panel 1 +10% to Force damage.
ShieldIcon.png Susano-o.jpg Susano-o Shield Panel 3 +20% to Force damage.

Damage Reduction

Demon Panels that reduce Force damage

Demon Panel # Effect
Baal.jpg Baal Panel 1 Reduces the cost of Tempest by 1MP. +20% to Force damage. -70% to Force damage received.
Cthulhu.jpg Cthulhu Panel 1 Adds Null Bind. -20% to Fire, Ice, Elec & Force damage received.
Cu Chulainn.jpg Cu Chulainn Panel 2 -70% to Force damage received.
Garuda.jpg Garuda Panel 2 -70% to Force damage received.
Hresvelgr.jpg Hresvelgr Panel 1 -50% to Ice/Force damage received.
Hresvelgr.jpg Hresvelgr Panel 3 +20% to max HP. -20% to Force damage received by all party members while this demon is alive.
Huang Long.jpg Huang Long Panel 2 -20% to Fire, Ice, Elec & Force damage received.
Mahamayuri.jpg Mahamayuri Panel 1 -50% to Force damage received. +15% Phys evasion rate.
Nyarlathotep.jpg Nyarlathotep Panel 1 +15% to Force damage. -30% to Force damage received.
Pale Rider.jpg Pale Rider Panel 1 Reduces the cost of Force Skills by 1MP. -50% to Force damage received.
Raphael.jpg Raphael Panel 1 -50% to Force/Light damage received. +20% to Force/Light damage dealt.
Samyaza.jpg Samyaza Panel 1 +15% to Elec/Force damage. -30% to Elec/Force damage received.
Susano-o.jpg Susano-o Panel 1 -70% to Force damage received.
Dantalian.jpg Dantalian Panel 2 -25% to Force damage received.
Ganesha.jpg Ganesha Panel 2 -25% to Force damage received.
Hanuman.jpg Hanuman Panel 2 -25% to Force damage received.
Jikokuten.jpg Jikokuten Panel 2 -25% to Force damage received.
Kikuri-Hime.jpg Kikuri-Hime Panel 2 -25% to Force damage received.
Long.jpg Long Panel 2 -25% to Force damage received.
Oberon.jpg Oberon Panel 2 -25% to Force damage received.
Pazuzu.jpg Pazuzu Panel 2 -15% to Force/Dark damage received.

Armament Talents that reduce Force damage

Armament Name Effect
SwordIcon.png Garuda.jpg Garuda Sword Rasayana While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect:-10% to Force damage received.
SwordIcon.png Moh Shuvuu.jpg Moh Shuvuu Sword Demon Bird Blade While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -5% to Force damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Garuda.jpg Garuda Shield Rakta-paksa -5% to Force damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Huang Di.jpg Huang Di Shield Symbol of the Four -5% to Phys, Fire, Ice, elec and force damage received.

Armament Panels that reduce Force damage

Armament Panel # Effect
SwordIcon.png Garuda.jpg Garuda Sword Panel 3 While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -5% to Force damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Garuda.jpg Garuda Shield Panel 3 +20% to max HP. -10% to Force damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Garuda A.jpg Garuda A Shield Panel 2 +10% Phys evasion rate. -10% to Fire/Force damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Huang Di.jpg Huang Di Shield Panel 3 +20% to max HP. -5% to Phys, Fire, Ice, Elec and Force damage received


Skills that grant resistances to Force

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Resist Force Passive Self 8 -
Passive Passive Null Force Passive Self 12 -
Passive Passive Drain Force Passive Self 20 -
Passive Passive Repel Force Passive Self 16 -


Skills that grant Force Pierce

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Force Pierce (weak) Passive Self 16 -
Passive Passive Force Pierce Passive Self 32 -
Passive Passive Brilliant Wings Passive Self - Garuda A.jpg Garuda A
Passive Passive Chaos Seeker Passive Self - Baphomet A.jpg Baphomet A
Passive Passive Crawling Chaos Passive Self - Nyarlathotep.jpg Nyarlathotep
Passive Passive Culann's Hound Passive Self - Cu Chulainn A.jpg Cu Chulainn A
Passive Passive Dragon Chief Passive Self - Pendragon.jpg Pendragon
Passive Passive God's Blessing Passive Self - Raphael.jpg Raphael
Passive Passive Guardian of Records Passive Self - Thoth.jpg Thoth
Passive Passive Hariti (Skill) Passive Self - Hariti.jpg Hariti
Passive Passive Harpyia's Wings Passive Self - Harpy.jpg Harpy
Passive Passive Hell's Gunner Passive Self - Barbatos.jpg Barbatos
Passive Passive Hope's Awakening Passive Self - The Hero.jpg The Hero
Passive Passive Kumbhanda (Skill) Passive Self - Kumbhanda.jpg Kumbhanda
Passive Passive Narcissism Passive Self - Narcissus.jpg Narcissus
Passive Passive Origin Avatar Passive Self - Krishna.jpg Krishna
Passive Passive Path of the Mage Passive Self - Samyaza.jpg Samyaza
Passive Passive Plague Passive Self - Pale Rider.jpg Pale Rider
Passive Passive Play's Editor Passive Self - Walpurgisnacht.jpg Walpurgisnacht
Passive Passive Rains of Canaan Passive Self - Baal.jpg Baal
Passive Passive Sabaoth's Voice Passive Self - Sabaoth.jpg Sabaoth
Passive Passive Samildanach Passive Self - Lugh.jpg Lugh
Passive Passive Unknown Predator Passive Self - Old Ones.jpg Old Ones
Passive Passive War Goddess Passive Self - Morrighan.jpg Morrighan

Demon Panels that grant Force Pierce

Demon Panel # Effect
Garuda.jpg Garuda Panel 4 Adds Force Pierce. +50% Phys evasion rate. -50% chance of receiving status ailments.
Schierke.jpg Schierke Panel 1 Adds Fire/Ice/Elec/Force Pierce. +15% to Fire/Ice/Elec/Force damage.
Susano-o.jpg Susano-o Panel 4 Adds Force Pierce. +25% to single-target attack damage. Reduces the cost of Kusanagi by 1 MP.

MP Cost Reduction

Demon Panels that reduce MP cost of Force skills

Demon Panel # Effect
Garuda.jpg Garuda Panel 1 Reduces the cost of Force Skills by 1 MP. +10% to Force damage.
Harpy.jpg Harpy Panel 1 +20% to Battle Speed. Reduces the cost of Force skills by 1MP.
Krishna.jpg Krishna Panel 1 Reduces the cost of Force skills by 1MP. +15% to Force damage.
Pale Rider.jpg Pale Rider Panel 1 Reduces the cost of Force Skills by 1MP. -50% to Force damage received.
Samyaza.jpg Samyaza Panel 2 Reduces the cost of Elec/Force Skills by 1 MP.
Skill Effects
Phys PhysFire FireIce IceElec ElecForce ForceLight LightDark DarkAlmighty AlmightyMulti Multi Skills
(Bad Status Effects)
Icon Bind.png BindIcon Charm.png CharmIcon Curse.png CurseIcon Mute.png MuteIcon Poison.png PoisonIcon Weak.png WeakStatus Ailment ResonanceCleric
Good Status Effects Icon Barrier.png BarrierIcon Charge.png ChargeIcon Concentrate.png ConcentrateIcon Critical.png MightIcon Lydia.png LydiaIcon Repel Magic.pngIcon Repel Almighty Magic.png Repel MagicIcon Repel Physical.pngIcon Repel Almighty Physical.png Repel PhysicalIcon Null Mortal.png Evade Mortal
Spirit Chains Icon Spirit Chains of Corrosion.png CorrosionIcon Spirit Chains of Indignation.png IndignationIcon Spirit Chains of Intimidation.png IntimidationIcon Spirit Chains of Salvation.png SalvationIcon Spirit Chains of Suppression.png Suppression
Other Special Effects Icon Youre Next.png You're NextIcon Revive Ban.png Revive BanIcon Zenith.png ZenithIcon Gloom.png GloomIcon Attribute Affinity Reinforcement.png Attribute Affinity ReinforcementIcon Elec Resistance Down 2.png Attribute affinity downIcon Fortify.png FortifyIcon Decay.png DecayIcon Malice.png MaliceOrder Crest
Buffs Icon ATK Buff.png ATK BuffIcon DEF Buff.png DEF BuffIcon EVAC Buff.png EV/AC Buff
Debuffs Icon ATK Debuff.png ATK DebuffIcon DEF Debuff.png DEF DebuffIcon EVAC Debuff.png EV/AC Debuff
HP Max HPHealingSteal HP
MP Max MPNaturally recovered MPRecover MPSteal MPLose MPMP cost upMP cost down
Stats Strength (Str)Magic (Mag)Vitality (Vit)Agility (Agi)Luck (Luk)
Offense PierceMortalFractional DamageFixed DamageAccuracy and EvasionCritical hitWeak pointStandard/Normal AttackDamage boostReverse damage reduction
Defense Pierce Negation (Anti-Pierce)BulwarkCounterDeath Prevention (Endures)RevivalReverse damage boostDamage reductionPreferential TargetSuper Reaction
Other Press TurnRemnantsPassingBattle SpeedChain Effect turn orderBoost LevelParty EffectField Effects
Non-Combative Trap NegationIcon Tome of Exp 12h.png EXP UpIcon Macca.png Macca Up