An Eye for Terror | Demons | MP: Passive | Skill Points: - | Target: Self | Use Limit: ∞
Adds Phys Pierce. Adds Null Bind.
+50% to Max HP. +20% to Phys damage.
+40% to hit rate. +100% to Critical hit rate.
Stops HP at 1 upon receiving the first 6 killing blows.
Reduces the count of Spirit Chains (Intimidation) applied to self by 1.
[Order Crest: Shudder]
Inscribes 1 Order Crest: Shudder on self upon receiving Physical, Magic, or Fractional damage, or when a new Spirit Chains effect is applied to an ally or enemy.
For every second Order Crest: Shudder inscribed on self, the following effects will activate:
Removes Barrier from all enemies, has an 80% chance to inflict Bind on all enemies, applies 2 counts of Spirit Chains (Intimidation) to all enemies, and decreases the ATK and DEF of all enemies by 20%. (1 turn)
Afterward, Order Crest: Shudder will fade.
Lv2: +5% to AC.
Lv3: +10% to AC.
Lv4: +20% to AC. |