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A Cleric (unofficial term) is a demon used to cleanse ailments.

  • These demons are able to cleanse all ailments (usually for the whole party at once).
  • They are also immune to all ailments (or at least to Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, and Icon Mute.png Mute, which are all the ones that could disrupt cleansing). Note that immunity (for example Null Charm) is a flag that makes the affected ailment always fail, regardless of its success chance.

It's possible to make pseudo-clerics through a high Luck stat and ailment-chance-down skills such as Infernal Mask, but those can still fail against foes with a high ailment chance. It's much safer to just bring fully-immune clerics.


These demons are ready to be used as cleansers without needing transfers.

Demon Immunities Cleansing range Notes
Daisoujou.jpg Daisoujou All All Targets All Targets The cleanse is tied to Cleansing Shout, but there is a chance he will use Almighty Soul Drain (bad) instead.
Femto.jpg Femto All All Targets All Targets
Lugh.jpg Lugh All All Targets All Targets
Mahamayuri.jpg Mahamayuri All All Targets All Targets
  • Cleanse occurs automatically at the start of his team's turn. He does not have a manual cleanse.
  • Problematic in Sloth 14, where if his team outspeeds, then his cleanse happens before the ailments every turn - i.e. no cleanse for you. This can be fixed with a Prayer/Silent Prayer transfer.
Maria.jpg Maria All All Targets All Targets
  • Her cleanse (via Salvation) is limited to 3 uses and costs 9 MP per cast. If panel 1, this is upgraded to 9 uses at 6 MP per cast.
  • Limited uses can be a problem in long fights. If not panel 1, the MP cost is also very high.
Okuninushi.jpg Okuninushi All All Targets All Targets
Peri.jpg Peri Icon Bind.png Bind All Targets All Targets
  • Automatically cleanses the entire team at the start of any team member's action. She does not have a manual cleanse (but she also doesn't need one).
  • This timing avoids Mahamayuri's issues, as her cleanse happens after Sloth 14's ailments are applied each turn.
  • Since she is immune to bind, her cleanse will always happen.
Raphael.jpg Raphael Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute All Targets All Targets
  • Cleanse is tied to Force Tailwind.
  • In Sloth, he might not consistently use Tailwind to cleanse unless the enemies are weak to Force (via Force affinity down).
    • Raphael can provide this himself at p2, but you'll need to bring 2 other angels to activate it.
    • Alternatively, his Yellow Yellow archetype offers Prayer as another method of cleansing.

Needs transfers

These demons can be used as cleansers, but require transferring one or more skills first - generally any missing Bind/Mute/Charm immunities, or Prayer/Silent Prayer to do cleansing.

  • Since Silent Prayer removes your party's Good Status Effects, Prayer is preferred as a cleansing skill.
Demon Immunities Cleansing range Notes
Albedo.jpg Albedo Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None
Anthrasax.jpg Anthrasax Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None
Artemis.jpg Artemis All None
Baal.jpg Baal All None
Beelzebub☆.jpg Beelzebub☆ Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None
Dark Schneider.jpg Dark Schneider Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None
Elizabeth.jpg Elizabeth Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Mute.png Mute All Targets All Targets
  • Needs a Null Charm transfer.
  • Her innate cleanse is automatic (she doesn't have a manual cleanse) and only covers Mute/Bind/Poison/Weak (doesn't cover Charm and Curse)
  • Needs a Prayer/Silent Prayer transfer for consistency.
  • Setting her up as a cleanser requires using both of her transfer slots for it.
Elohim.jpg Elohim Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None
Hariti.jpg Hariti All None
Hecate.jpg Hecate Icon Bind.png Bind
auto-cleanses All (on self)
  • Auto-cleanses all ailments on self.
  • To cleanse the party, needs a Prayer or Silent Prayer transfer.
Heroine.jpg Heroine Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None
Homura Akemi.jpg Homura Akemi Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None
Hydra.jpg Hydra Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None
Idun.jpg Idun All None
Inanna.jpg Inanna Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None Needs a Prayer or Silent Prayer transfer.
Kinmamon.jpg Kinmamon All None Needs a Prayer or Silent Prayer transfer.
Kalki.jpg Kalki Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Mute.png Mute All Targets All Targets
Krishna.jpg Krishna Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None Needs a Prayer or Silent Prayer transfer.
Kuzuryu.jpg Kuzuryu Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None
Lakshmi A.jpg Lakshmi A Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute All Targets All Targets Needs a Null Bind transfer.
Macha.jpg Macha Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None
Madoka Kaname.jpg Madoka Kaname Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None
Maya.jpg Maya Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm
auto-cleanses Icon Mute.png Mute
Mitra-Buddha.jpg Mitra-Buddha Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None Needs a Prayer or Silent Prayer transfer.
Moloch A.jpg Moloch A Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None
Nuwa.jpg Nuwa Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None
  • Needs panel 1 to get Null Charm, and panel 2 to get Null Mute.
  • Needs a Prayer or Silent Prayer transfer.
Party Pixie.jpg Party Pixie All Single Target Single Target
Sabaoth.jpg Sabaoth Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None
Shaddai.jpg Shaddai Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None
Thoth.jpg Thoth All None
  • Needs panel 1 to get immunities.
  • Needs a Prayer or Silent Prayer transfer.
  • Recovery's Wisdom is another transfer option, but it's an automatic cleanse upon his team taking Magic/Fractional damage.
Vanitas.jpg Vanitas All None
Walpurgisnacht.jpg Walpurgisnacht Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute None

Edge cases

The following demons could work as cleansers in theory, but have some issues limiting their performance in that role.

Demon Immunities Cleansing range Notes
Apsu.jpg Apsu All None
  • Grants immunity to party members that have Icon Lydia.png Lydia. But he can't re-apply Lydia, so this is not practical in long fights.
  • Is not immune to anything while Lydia is not up, creating a vulnerability window.
  • Does not have an innate cleanse, so needs a Prayer/Silent Prayer transfer.
  • Taking turns to cleanse may take away from his DPS.
Demeter.jpg Demeter All None
  • Grants immunity to party members that have Bulwark.
  • Is not immune to anything while Bulwark is not up, creating a vulnerability window.
  • Does not have an innate cleanse, so needs a Prayer/Silent Prayer transfer.
  • Taking turns to cleanse may take away from her Bulwark casting (which can then take away from the immunities)
Griffith.jpg Griffith Icon Bind.png Bind, Icon Charm.png Charm, Icon Mute.png Mute All Targets All Targets
  • Needs panel 1 to get his immunities.
  • Only cleanses when he scores a kill - this is not practical for long fights. May need a Prayer/Silent Prayer transfer for consistency.
  • Taking turns to cleanse may take away from his DPS.

Misc notes:

  • Narcissus.jpg Narcissus: Despite his good immunities, he will always Charm himself and attack his teammates, meaning he won't cast a Prayer/Silent Prayer transfer.
Skill Effects
Phys PhysFire FireIce IceElec ElecForce ForceLight LightDark DarkAlmighty AlmightyMulti Multi Skills
(Bad Status Effects)
Icon Bind.png BindIcon Charm.png CharmIcon Curse.png CurseIcon Mute.png MuteIcon Poison.png PoisonIcon Weak.png WeakStatus Ailment ResonanceCleric
Good Status Effects Icon Barrier.png BarrierIcon Charge.png ChargeIcon Concentrate.png ConcentrateIcon Critical.png MightIcon Lydia.png LydiaIcon Repel Magic.pngIcon Repel Almighty Magic.png Repel MagicIcon Repel Physical.pngIcon Repel Almighty Physical.png Repel PhysicalIcon Null Mortal.png Evade Mortal
Spirit Chains Icon Spirit Chains of Corrosion.png CorrosionIcon Spirit Chains of Indignation.png IndignationIcon Spirit Chains of Intimidation.png IntimidationIcon Spirit Chains of Salvation.png SalvationIcon Spirit Chains of Suppression.png Suppression
Other Special Effects Icon Youre Next.png You're NextIcon Revive Ban.png Revive BanIcon Zenith.png ZenithIcon Gloom.png GloomIcon Attribute Affinity Reinforcement.png Attribute Affinity ReinforcementIcon Elec Resistance Down 2.png Attribute affinity downIcon Fortify.png FortifyIcon Decay.png DecayIcon Malice.png MaliceOrder Crest
Buffs Icon ATK Buff.png ATK BuffIcon DEF Buff.png DEF BuffIcon EVAC Buff.png EV/AC Buff
Debuffs Icon ATK Debuff.png ATK DebuffIcon DEF Debuff.png DEF DebuffIcon EVAC Debuff.png EV/AC Debuff
HP Max HPHealingSteal HP
MP Max MPNaturally recovered MPRecover MPSteal MPLose MPMP cost upMP cost down
Stats Strength (Str)Magic (Mag)Vitality (Vit)Agility (Agi)Luck (Luk)
Offense PierceMortalFractional DamageFixed DamageAccuracy and EvasionCritical hitWeak pointStandard/Normal AttackDamage boostReverse damage reduction
Defense Pierce Negation (Anti-Pierce)BulwarkCounterDeath Prevention (Endures)RevivalReverse damage boostDamage reductionPreferential TargetSuper Reaction
Other Press TurnRemnantsPassingBattle SpeedChain Effect turn orderBoost LevelParty EffectField Effects
Non-Combative Trap NegationIcon Tome of Exp 12h.png EXP UpIcon Macca.png Macca Up