A weak point refers to one of a demon's elemental weaknesses.
Striking a weak point will multiply damage dealt by x1.5. For more details, see Damage Formula. Weak-point damage is displayed in yellow text instead of the standard white.
If a weak point is struck at the start of a Press Turn, then only half of that Press Turn icon will be consumed, and a Bonus Turn (the second half of a Press Turn icon) will start.
A demon's affinities can be changed to Weak through the use of
Attribute affinity down.
Change an affinity to weak
Skills that change an affinity to weak
Type |
Name |
MP Cost |
Target |
Skill Points |
Holy Immunity
Amount of weak points in party
Skills that increase damage dealt depending on the amount of weak points in the party
Type |
Name |
MP Cost |
Target |
Boost |
Skill Points |
Duke of Hell
10% per (max 50%)
Skills that decrease damage taken depending on the amount of weak points in the party
Chain Effects upon striking a weak point
Skills that activate upon striking an enemy's weak point
Demon Panels that activate upon striking an enemy's weak point
Demon |
Panel # |
Panel 3
+20% to Fire damage. +20% to max HP. Activates the following Chain Effect when the one with this skill strikes an enemy's weak point: Inflicts Fire damage (Magic, Power: 120) with Bulwark Pierce to all enemies. *Activates once per turn.
Cu Chulainn A
Panel 4
Activates the following Chain Effect when a party member (including the one with this skill) strikes a weak point: Grants the party an additional Press Turn Icon. (Once per turn)
Metatron M
Panel 2
Adds Null Mortal. Activates the following Chain Effect when a party member strikes a weak point: Decreases the DEF of all enemies by 20%. (1 turn)
Dx2 Skills that activate upon striking an enemy's weak point
Dx2 |
Skill |
Chalk Eater
Sixth Sense
10% chance for all party members to recover 1 MP when attacking enemy's weak point.
Chalk Eater
WEAK Killer (I · II)
10% · 25% chance to cast Tarukaja when attacking enemies weak point.
Chalk Eater
WEAK Freak (I · II)
10% · 25% chance to cast Rakukaja when attacking enemies weak point.
Chalk Eater
WEAK Sniper (I · II)
10% · 25% chance to cast Sukukaja when attacking enemies weak point.
Skills that activate when own weak point is struck
Demon Panels that activate when own weak point is struck
Demon |
Panel # |
Panel 2
Activates the following Chain Effect if a party member's weak point is attacked. Increase ATK of all party members by 20%.(2 turns)
Additional Effects when a weak point is struck
Skills that grant additional effects when striking an enemy's weak point
Demon Panels that grant additional effects when striking an enemy's weak point
Demon |
Panel # |
Boost |
Panel 4
+40 to Ma. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Force damage, and +10% to damage dealt when striking a weak point.
Baphomet A
Panel 2
Adds Null Mortal. While the one with this skill is alive, all enemies will receive the following effect: -50% to damage dealt, except for when striking a Weak Point.
Dark Schneider
Panel 2
Adds Null Charm/Mute. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +20% to damage dealt when striking a weak point.
Homura Akemi
Panel 2
While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effects: +20% to hit rate, and +15% to damage dealt when striking a weak point.
Panel 2
While the one with this skill is alive, +20% to the hit rate of all party members and +15% to damage dealt when striking a weak point.
Panel 2
While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +15% damage when attacking an enemy's weak point and -15% to damage received when own weak point is attacked.
Panel 4
+15% damage dealt when striking an enemy's weak point. Activates the following Chain Effect at the end of own turn and when Summon Elementals is used: Enters a state of Concentrate.
Panel 2
While the one with this skill is alive, +20% to the hit rate of all party members and +15% to damage dealt when striking a weak point.
Panel 2
While the user is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +20% to damage dealt when striking a weak point.
Skills that grant additional effects when own weak point is struck
Demon Panels that grant additional effects when own weak point is struck
Demon |
Panel # |
Reduction |
Panel 2
While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -20% to Dark damage received and while being the recipient of Bulwark, -30% to all damage received except when a weak point is struck.
Panel 4
+50% to max HP. Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of the first turn: Adds a Bulwark of approximately 1,000 HP to self. (1 turn). The demon with this skill takes -15% damage when own weak point is attacked.
Panel 2
While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +15% damage when attacking an enemy's weak point and -15% to damage received when own weak point is attacked.
Gain Press Turn
Dx2 Skills that grant additional Press Turns when a weak point is hit
Dx2 |
Skill |
Chalk Eater
Press Hack (I · II)
?% · 7% chance to gain 1 Press Turn Icon when attacking the enemy's weak point.
Prevent spending Press Turn
Skills that prevent spending a Press Turn when striking an enemy's weak point
Prevent Bonus Turn
Skills that prevent Bonus Turns from being granted when own weak point is struck