Recover MP

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Recover MP is when a demon gains MP other than by its natural recovery.


Through certain effects, demons can recover MP at moments other than the start of their turn to act (which would be Naturally recovered MP). Effects that restore MP will recover a set amount - unlike HP, there is no formula to calculate the amount of MP restored.

Steal MP is also a form of MP Recovery, but depends on getting another demon to Lose MP, and thus will not be discussed in this page.

MP Recovery

Skills that give MP Recovery

Type Name MP Cost Target Amount Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Mana Aid Passive Self 10 MP 12 -
Passive Passive Phys Prana Passive Self 5 MP 14 -
Passive Passive Fire Prana Passive Self 5 MP 14 -
Passive Passive Ice Prana Passive Self 5 MP 14 -
Passive Passive Elec Prana Passive Self 5 MP 14 -
Passive Passive Force Prana Passive Self 5 MP 14 -
Passive Passive Light Prana Passive Self 5 MP 14 -
Passive Passive Dark Prana Passive Self 5 MP 14 -
Phys Phys Impartial Fist 6 MP All Allies 2 MP - Mitra-Buddha.jpg Mitra-Buddha
Ice Ice Frost Comet 6 MP All Allies 2 MP - Queen Frost.jpg Queen Frost
Elec Elec Glorious Bolt 6 MP All Allies 2 MP - Aniel.jpg Aniel
Elec Elec Summon: Pixie 6 MP All Allies 2 MP - Heroine.jpg Heroine
Force Force Wind Trick 5 MP All Allies 2 MP - Harpy.jpg Harpy
Light Light Noble Bright 6 MP All Allies 2 MP - Danu.jpg Danu
Almighty Almighty My Harvest! 6 MP All Allies 2 MP - Demeter.jpg Demeter
Almighty Almighty What a Handful! 6 MP All Allies 1 MP - Pixie A.jpg Pixie A
Phys Force Phys/Force Discipline 6 MP All Allies 2 MP - Hariti.jpg Hariti
Multi.png Support Barrier's Blessing 7 MP All Allies 1 MP - Madoka Kaname.jpg Madoka Kaname
Multi.png Support Lotus Dance 6 MP All Allies 1 MP - Lakshmi.jpg Lakshmi
Multi.png Support Orlean Prayer 6 MP Single Ally 3 MP - Jeanne d'Arc.jpg Jeanne d'Arc
Multi.png Support The Cat Spirit's Gift 3 MP Single Ally 3 MP - Cait Sith.jpg Cait Sith
Passive Passive 6th Day Miracle Passive Self 4 MP - Vanitas.jpg Vanitas
Passive Passive Ashihara no Nakatsukuni's Might Passive All Allies 1 MP - Sukuna-Hikona A.jpg Sukuna-Hikona A
Passive Passive Baphomet (Underside) Passive All Allies 5 MP 25 Baphomet.jpg Baphomet
Passive Passive Between Heaven & Earth Passive Self 3 MP - Vritra.jpg Vritra
Passive Passive Black Sabbath Passive All Allies 2 MP - Baphomet A.jpg Baphomet A
Passive Passive Blazing Sacrifice Passive All Allies 1 MP - Moloch A.jpg Moloch A
Passive Passive Call of the Dead Passive All Allies 1 MP - Nebiros.jpg Nebiros
Passive Passive Diwali Passive All Allies 1 MP - Lakshmi A.jpg Lakshmi A
Passive Passive Elusis's Blessing Passive All Allies 2 MP - Demeter.jpg Demeter
Passive Passive Empress of Thunder Passive All Allies 2 MP - Arshes Nei.jpg Arshes Nei
Passive Passive Everything Evil Passive All Allies 3 MP - Angra Mainyu.jpg Angra Mainyu
Passive Passive Faith in Wealth Passive All Allies 1 MP - Ganesha.jpg Ganesha
Passive Passive Fallen Grigori Passive Self 3 MP - Azazel.jpg Azazel
Passive Passive Flag of Salvation Passive All Allies 2 MP - Tokisada.jpg Tokisada
Passive Passive God's Grace Passive All Allies 2 MP - Aniel.jpg Aniel
Passive Passive Good Fortune Passive All Allies 2 MP - Ame no Futotama.jpg Ame no Futotama
Passive Passive Guardian of the East Passive All Allies 2 MP - Masakado A.jpg Masakado A
Passive Passive Hawk of Light Passive Self 3 MP - Griffith.jpg Griffith
Passive Passive Joy Song Passive All Allies 1 MP - Parvati.jpg Parvati
Passive Passive King of Hell Passive Self 3 MP - Beelzebub☆.jpg Beelzebub☆
Passive Passive Life & Death Passive Self 2 MP - Cernunnos.jpg Cernunnos
Passive Passive Lord of Clouds Passive Self 3 MP - Indrajit.jpg Indrajit
Passive Passive Loyal God of War Passive Self 3 MP - Guan Yu.jpg Guan Yu
Passive Passive My Prayer Passive All Allies 1 MP - Madoka Kaname.jpg Madoka Kaname
Passive Passive One Who Sees God Passive All Allies 2 MP - Camael.jpg Camael
Passive Passive Pixie (Underside) Passive All Allies 1 + 2 MP 25 Pixie.jpg Pixie
Passive Passive Power of the Three Jewels Passive All Allies 2 MP - Mitra-Buddha.jpg Mitra-Buddha
Passive Passive Proof of Determination Passive Self 3 MP - Fionn mac Cumhaill.jpg Fionn mac Cumhaill
Passive Passive Sabaoth's Voice Passive All Allies 2 MP - Sabaoth.jpg Sabaoth
Passive Passive Strongest Magic Caster Passive Self 3 MP - Ainz.jpg Ainz
Passive Passive Supreme Creator Passive All Allies 2 MP - Demiurge.jpg Demiurge
Passive Passive The Seven Mes Passive Self 4 MP - Inanna.jpg Inanna
Passive Passive The Wings of Darkness Passive All Allies 2 MP - Femto.jpg Femto
Passive Passive Time Traveller Passive Self 3 MP - Homura Akemi.jpg Homura Akemi

Panels that give MP Recovery

Demon Panel # Effect
Alice A.jpg Alice A Panel 2 +5 to max MP. Activates the following Chain Effect when an enemy is defeated: All party members recover 1MP. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -20% to damage received from Cursed enemies.
Beelzebub☆.jpg Beelzebub☆ Panel 1 +10% to Almighty damage. Activates the following Chain Effect when own HP is at 80% or under at end of enemy turn: Heals 25% of own HP and recovers 3 MP.
Black Frost.jpg Black Frost Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect when an enemy becomes Cursed: Increases ATK and DEF of all party members by 20% (3 Turns). Restore 1 MP to all party members. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will deal +15% damage to Cursed enemies.
Danu.jpg Danu Panel 2 Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of the 1st turn: Restores 2MP to the skill holder. Activates the following Chain Effect when a party member is downed: Increases the ATK, DEF, and EV/AC of all party members by 20%. (1 turn)
Flauros Hallel.jpg Flauros Hallel Panel 2 Activates the following Chain Effect when this character downs an enemy: Recovers 2 MP.
Hecate.jpg Hecate Panel 2 Activates the following Chain Effect when Lunar Awakening is activated: Recover 2MP.
Kali.jpg Kali Panel 2 Activates the following Chain Effect when this demon downs an enemy: Recovers 2 MP.
Kuzuryu.jpg Kuzuryu Panel 1 +5 to max MP. Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of the 1st turn: The one with this skill recovers 2 MP.
Lakshmi.jpg Lakshmi Panel 3 Activates the following Chain Effect after Lotus Dance is activated: All party members recover 1 MP.
Lanling Wang.jpg Lanling Wang Panel 1 +15% to Phys damage. Recovers 5 MP when clearing a wave.
Macha.jpg Macha Panel 2 Adds Null Bind/Mute/Curse. Activates the following Chain Effect a party member is about to act: Restores 2MP to all party members, then casts Tarukaja+ on all party members. (1 turn) *Activates once per turn.
Marici.jpg Marici Panel 2 +2 to max MP. Activates the following Chain Effect when a party member downs an enemy: Recovers 2 MP to all party members. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +15% to damage dealt when landing a Critical hit.
Masakado A.jpg Masakado A Panel 3 Reduces the cost of skills that target all or random enemies/allies by 1 MP. Activates the following Chain Effect when a party member downs a demon: Restores 2 MP to all party members and increases their ATK and EV/AC by 20% (1 turn).
Shiva A.jpg Shiva A Panel 2 The effect of normal Attacks will be changed to the following: Inflicts Almighty damage (Physical, Power: 120) with Bulwark Pierce on a single enemy, and places the one with this skill into a state of Charge and restores own MP by 1. (Chain Effect Activates once per turn) *Damage inflicted by this skill is dependent on MAG ATK.
Susano-o A.jpg Susano-o A Panel 2 Adds Null Bind/Mortal. Activates the following Chain Effect when the one with this skill downs a demon: Recovers 2 MP.
Tokisada.jpg Tokisada Panel 3 +10% to Light damage and recovers 3 MP for all party members when clearing a wave while this demon is alive.
Walpurgisnacht.jpg Walpurgisnacht Panel 2 Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of the 1st turn: Restores 4 MP to self and grants self 1 count of Fortify.
Cait Sith.jpg Cait Sith Panel 2 Activates the following Chain Effect when The Cat Spirit's Gift is used: Restore 1MP to three party members at random.

Chain Effects upon MP Recovery

Skills that activate when a demon Recovers MP

Type Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Sun God's Majesty Passive All Enemies - Adramelech.jpg Adramelech
Skill Effects
Phys PhysFire FireIce IceElec ElecForce ForceLight LightDark DarkAlmighty AlmightyMulti Multi Skills
(Bad Status Effects)
Icon Bind.png BindIcon Charm.png CharmIcon Curse.png CurseIcon Mute.png MuteIcon Poison.png PoisonIcon Weak.png WeakStatus Ailment ResonanceCleric
Good Status Effects Icon Barrier.png BarrierIcon Charge.png ChargeIcon Concentrate.png ConcentrateIcon Critical.png MightIcon Lydia.png LydiaIcon Repel Magic.pngIcon Repel Almighty Magic.png Repel MagicIcon Repel Physical.pngIcon Repel Almighty Physical.png Repel PhysicalIcon Null Mortal.png Evade Mortal
Spirit Chains Icon Spirit Chains of Corrosion.png CorrosionIcon Spirit Chains of Indignation.png IndignationIcon Spirit Chains of Intimidation.png IntimidationIcon Spirit Chains of Salvation.png SalvationIcon Spirit Chains of Suppression.png Suppression
Other Special Effects Icon Youre Next.png You're NextIcon Revive Ban.png Revive BanIcon Zenith.png ZenithIcon Gloom.png GloomIcon Attribute Affinity Reinforcement.png Attribute Affinity ReinforcementIcon Elec Resistance Down 2.png Attribute affinity downIcon Fortify.png FortifyIcon Decay.png DecayIcon Malice.png MaliceOrder Crest
Buffs Icon ATK Buff.png ATK BuffIcon DEF Buff.png DEF BuffIcon EVAC Buff.png EV/AC Buff
Debuffs Icon ATK Debuff.png ATK DebuffIcon DEF Debuff.png DEF DebuffIcon EVAC Debuff.png EV/AC Debuff
HP Max HPHealingSteal HP
MP Max MPNaturally recovered MPRecover MPSteal MPLose MPMP cost upMP cost down
Stats Strength (Str)Magic (Mag)Vitality (Vit)Agility (Agi)Luck (Luk)
Offense PierceMortalFractional DamageFixed DamageAccuracy and EvasionCritical hitWeak pointStandard/Normal AttackDamage boostReverse damage reduction
Defense Pierce Negation (Anti-Pierce)BulwarkCounterDeath Prevention (Endures)RevivalReverse damage boostDamage reductionPreferential TargetSuper Reaction
Other Press TurnRemnantsPassingBattle SpeedChain Effect turn orderBoost LevelParty EffectField Effects
Non-Combative Trap NegationIcon Tome of Exp 12h.png EXP UpIcon Macca.png Macca Up