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Icon Karma.png Karma:

  • is mainly obtained by selling Demons in the Pandemonium, which is the easiest way to get rid of demons you consider useless.
  • isn't a "farmable" resource, but more a resource that is accumulated.
  • is mainly used to purchase Arch-Shifters to change the Archetypes of Demons, though it may also be spent to summon some Clear Common Demons.
  • may be spent in the Compendium, at the Hideout, or in the Exchange area, accessible in the Store (button below) or in the Sell Demons facility at the Pandemonium (button at the lower left).

Karma management

Karma sell values

There is no place to directly harvest Karma in the game - instead, you accumulate Karma by selling 3★, 4★ and 5★ demons. The amount of Karma you get depends on the demon's base rarity, and whether they are Clear or have a color:

Demon Rarity Icon Karma.png Karma gain
Clear Clear Red Yellow Purple Teal Colored
3★ 1 10
4★ 30 300
5★ 250 2,500

Selling Genomes

As of Patch 3.2.00, you can sell Icon Skill Genome.png Skill Genomes in the items menu at the following rates:

Genome Rarity Icon Karma.png Karma gain
3★ 5
4★ 100
5★ 1,000

However, due to the scarcity of 4/5★ Genomes, it is ill-advised to sell Genomes for Karma.

It is possible to obtain a supply of 4/5★ Genomes by spending 250 Icon Battle Points.png Battle Points on Elemental Skill Boxes, which hand out 4/5★ Genomes. The Almighty Almighty Skill Box contains not-very-useful almighty attacks such as Necro Dogma, which are considered 5★ Genomes, at the cost of 500 Duel Points.

As of September 2020, reaching Diamond 1 in PvP at the end of each ranked season will net you a "H" elemental skill such as Maragidyne H which is useful for Democalypse, but also are 5★ Genomes worth 1000 karma.

Cost-per-Karma analysis

If aiming to intentionally obtain demons to sell for Karma, the profit for doing so depends on the cost and difficulty of obtaining the demon.

There are basically three ways of obtaining demons:

  • talking and convincing them to join you
  • summoning them using items
  • fusing two or more demons to create a new one.

The cost of summoning is, simply put, time: it takes playing time to obtain items for Summoning, like Icon Gems.png Gems and Summoning Files.

The cost of fusing is Icon Mag.png Magnetite, which also requires time to harvest, as events give a large amount of it. However, it is also possible to farm a decent amount of Mag passively from auto-play in the Aura Gate - see Farming Magnetite for details.

The cost of talking is kind of a mix between those two: the game has an auto-talk feature, but it fails a lot, as it doesn't learn from previous conversations. Thus, although the game has a way of automatically gathering demons, it doesn't perform as well as manually talking to them, yielding less demons per Stamina spent.

Summarizing, Icon Mag.png Magnetite (usually) requires less effort to harvest than talking or summoning Demons, so fusing demons seems like a better way of obtaining higher-grade demons and, therefore, collecting more Karma.

Karma efficiency from fusion

NOTE: DO NOT FUSE TO GENERATE KARMA IF YOU ARE NEW. This is ONLY for endgame people who have nothing left to fuse, and have a large excess of Magnetite. New players should instead put Magnetite towards demons and panels that they will actually use.
If you need arch shifters/selectors, just wait a couple weeks and an event will probably give you some for free.

The table below contains the costs for fusing some of the cheapest demons (rounded up):

Demon Cost Icon Karma.png Karma Profit Cost-per-Karma
Icon Gems.png Gems Icon Mag.png Mag Other
3★ Clear Clear rare demon talk 1 Karma - - 1 Demon
3★ Red Yellow Purple Teal Colored (50~100 Gems for summoning) 10 Karma 5-10 Gems - -
4★ Clear Clear fusing Sandalphon.jpg Sandalphon: 171k Mag + about 13x 1★ Clear Demons 30 Karma - 5700 Mag -
4★ Red Yellow Purple Teal Colored fusing Sandalphon.jpg Sandalphon: 50-100 Gems + 2x 1★ Clear Demon + 330k Mag 300 Karma 5-10 Gems ~1100 Mag -
5★ Clear Clear fusing Alilat.jpg Alilat: about 1M Mag + 60x 1★ Clear Demons 250 Karma - ~3850 Mag -
5★ Red Yellow Purple Teal Colored fusing Lilith.jpg Lilith: 50-100 Gems + about 36x 1★ Clear Demons + 3.7M Mag 2500 Karma 5-10 Gems ~1500 Mag -

Idea 1: sell 3★ Colored demons immediately

Because the procedure to obtain "Gacha Demons" will surely crowd up the inventory with lots of useless 3★ Colored Demons, their 5 Icon Gems.png Gem cost's irrelevant (they'd be spent anyway). This leads to the conclusion that the most inexpensive way to collect Karma is by selling 3★ Colored Demons for 10 Karma each, at a cost of effectively nothing. However, your Karma income will be *very* slow by doing that!

For example, to purchase an Icon Arch Shifter 5 Star.png Arch-Shifter 5★ for 3,000 Karma, it would be necessary to sell 300x 3★ Colored Demons for 10 Karma each. 300 pulls happens to also be the amount of pity tomes needed to guarantee a banner 5★. If we assume you use that method with a step-up banner (first step costing 500 gems, steps 2-6 costing 1,000 gems each, and cycling), you can expect to spend about 27,000 gems to accumulate your 300x 3★ Colored Demons. Gem income per month is between 5,000 and 12,000, assuming you play daily and with all content, with the variance coming from PvP ranking. Therefore, you're looking at between 3-6 months just to collect the gems, likely on the longer end if you aren't a PvP god.

Of course, this estimate assumes the worst-case that only 3★ Colored Demons will be pulled (technically unrealistically bad, since step-ups have guaranteed 4★/5★ on certain steps; but other than the guarantees, your luck can be close to that bad), or that the player won't want to sell away any of the eventual 4★ Colored Demons that they get (maybe it's a beginner, seeking quantity more than quality at the time).


  • In terms of getting steady Karma income, it's way too slow.
  • If you just need to make space in your inventory, selling the 3★ is fine, and should be your default action.

Idea 2: fuse 3★ Colored demons up, then sell

If you've reached a point in the game where you can harvest Magnetite fast enough, have a lot of it to spare, and are in a hurry to get Karma, it can be worth spending some Mag to fuse 3★ Colored Demons into a higher rarity before selling them. But how far should we go with this: 4★ or 5★?

Looking at the table above, the most Mag-efficient method is fusing a 3★ Colored Demon into a 4★ Colored Demon, with a cost of ~1100 Mag per Karma gained.

If we assume this method, an Icon Arch Shifter 5 Star.png Arch-Shifter 5★ at 3,000 Karma is still quite expensive - you'd need to fuse 10x 4★ Colored Demons, at a cost of 3.3 mil Mag. That's approximately the Mag cost of fusing one 5★ Colored Demon.

Cost-saving tactics for fusion:

  • Every month or so, some demon races will have a 30% off Fusion price discount, making the conversion rates more attractive.
  • Plan for the Colored Demon fusion to be used in the last step of the fusion (the step that actually creates the 4★). If you insert it earlier, you'll end up spending extra Mag on creating 3★ Colored demons.


  • If your Mag income is good, you can consider fusing 3★ Colored Demons into 4★ Colored Demons, then selling.
  • You should NOT expect to be able to do this with every 3★ Colored Demon that you pull - it'll cost too much Mag for you to keep up. If you just want to free up inventory space, sell the 3★ Colored demons raw.

What's worth selling?

First of all, do not sell 5★ Demons, EVER!

Unwanted 5★ Demons have several better uses to consider:

  • Fusion - If the 5★ demon is fusible, you could fuse into a different 5★ that you actually want to keep. However, do not consider doing this if the demon is gacha-exclusive!
  • Paneling - Spiritizing dupes of a 5★ demon to unlock its Panels.
    • Fusing-then-Paneling - If the demon's panels don't look interesting, you could also fuse the 5★ into a different 5★ that you want to Panel instead, then spiritize it.
  • Armaments - Creating, Paneling or Upgrading Armaments in Alter-World.
    • Note 1: Make sure you have the armament first before Spiritizing! Creating a new armament requires spending the actual demon - you cannot create an armament by spending spirits!
    • Note 2: while Paneling is Demon-specific (that is, it requires Spirits of the same Demon), Upgrading requires Demon Compound or any 4★ or 5★ Demon Spirits (5★ Spirits yields 100% success on Upgrading.)

It's also less-efficient to fuse-then-sell 5★ compared to fuse-then-sell 4★, anyway.

Which 3★ and 4★ to sell?

Not every 3★ and 4★ Demon is suitable for being sold, though (they aren't all useless):

  • Skill Transfer - If they have rare or useful transferable Gacha skills, you should keep them as fodder for those skills. See the Skill Transfer article for some examples of what to look for.
  • Don't sell 3★ and 4★ Clear Common Demons - They yield very little Karma (1 and 30 respectively), and are a lot more useful as fusion materials.
  • Democalypse fillers - Some 4★ Demons can be useful for Democalypse (bi-weekly Faction Event), at least as long as you still lack 5★s.
    • Generally speaking, if the demon has an elemental boost skill such as Fire Boost, then they are probably worth keeping. Additionally, it's worth keeping multiple copies of Anubis.jpg Anubis and Titania.jpg Titania to cover different elements of Democalypse. Check the Democalypse article for additional notable demons.
    • That being said, gathering Magnetite to fuse 4★ will become easier the further you are in the game, so you shouldn't worry too much about selling fusible 4★.
  • Fusion fodder - If a 4★ is "useless" by the above rules, but still has a high Grade (generally 66 or higher), it may be worth keeping them around for performing future 5★ fusions.

Only sell demons if you immediately need an Arch-Shifter, or you feel flooded with too many Demons and are urged to do some cleaning. Also, consult the [Beginner's_Guide#Managing_Demon_Inventory|Managing Demon Inventory]] section in the Beginner's Guide for more space-saving tips.

Spending Karma

Exchange shop

Picture of the different Arch-Shifters

Arch-Shifters are the primary items for Karma spending. But you can buy a few other items with Karma:

  • Icon Tendency Selector.png Tendency Selectors: This item allows you to change a demon's AI when auto mode is on. 10 Karma for 10 Tendency Selectors is a very good price, so this is good item to spend a little Karma on.
  • Low-rarity demons (1★-3★): These can be purchased in the Compendium (not the Karma shop). Kanbari.jpg Kanbari is one of the best Compendium demons to purchase (see Leveling).
    • Compendium summoning is the fastest and most-consistent method of obtaining fusion fodder, as it removes the randomness. For the best cost-efficiency, use the Fusion Calculator to find a recipe that uses 2★, then summon those 2★ from the compendium.
  • Common 4 star choice file karma.png Common 4★ Choice File (Karma) This offers your pick from a pool of 4★ demons. Don't buy it, ever. You can easily fuse any of the demons on the file by using the Fusion Calculator and 2★ summoned from the compendium, for significantly-lower Karma cost.
    • Odin.jpg Odin, the hardest to fuse of the bunch, can be made with 15x 2★, which totals to just 150 Karma from the compendium. That's 85% less than buying the file!
    • At best, you might be saving the Icon Mag.png Magnetite required to do the fusion, which in Odin's case is a little less than 500k. However, Magnetite is significantly more abundant than Karma, so it's still not worth buying the choice file. For comparison: Magnetite income from events and such is around 5mil per month, while getting 1,000 Karma requires selling either 100x 3★ or 4x 4★ from the gacha.
  • Icon 5 Star Hell Bun.png 5★ Hell Buns: These are ridiculously expensive, especially considering the 5★ you get is random. Don't buy these.
    • For comparison, consider that the hardest-to-fuse demon in this pool, Metatron.jpg Metatron, would need 40x 2★ demons to make from scratch, costing a total of 400 Karma and 8.5 million Mag. While these buns could theoretically save you the Mag, actually obtaining the Karma for this would require selling a staggering 1,500x 3★ or 50x 4★ from the gacha.
  • Icon Extreme Summon File.png Extreme Summon File: Extremely expensive, the demon you get is random, and several of the demons in its pool are woefully outdated. Don't buy it.
    • Obtaining the Karma for this would require selling 25,000x 3★ or 834x 4★ from the gacha.

Karma shop listings:

Item Icon Karma.png Karma cost Cap
Icon Extreme Summon File.png Extreme Summon File 250,000 1 / month
Icon Transcend Stone.png Transcend Stone for Indrajit.jpg Indrajit 2,000 182
Icon Transcend Stone.png Transcend Stone for Mahakala.jpg Mahakala 2,000 182
Icon Transcend Stone.png Transcend Stone for Yoshitsune.jpg Yoshitsune 1,500 182
Icon Transcend Stone.png Transcend Stone for Alice.jpg Alice 1,500 182
Common 4 star choice file karma.png Common 4★ Choice File (Karma) 1,000 6 / month
Icon 5 Star Hell Bun.png 5★ Hell Buns x50 15,000 2 / month
Icon Arch Selector 5 Star.png Arch-Selector 5★ 15,000 1 / month
Icon Arch Selector 4 Star.png Arch-Selector 4★ 2,500 1 / month
Icon Arch Shifter 5 Star.png Arch-Shifter 5★ 3,000 5 / month
Icon Arch Shifter 4 Star.png Arch-Shifter 4★ 500 5 / month
Icon Tendency Selector.png Tendency Selector 5★ x10 10 No cap

Common 4★ Choice File (Karma)

The Common 4 star choice file karma.png Common 4★ Choice File (Karma) lets you choose one of the following demons to receive:

Demon Race Grade Rarity
Clear Odin.jpg Odin Deity 73 4★
Clear Anubis.jpg Anubis Avatar 70 4★
Clear Azrael.jpg Azrael Herald 67 4★
Clear Rangda.jpg Rangda Femme 67 4★
Clear Sandalphon.jpg Sandalphon Herald 61 4★
Clear Wu Kong.jpg Wu Kong Fury 61 4★

Extreme Summon File

The Icon Extreme Summon File.png Extreme Summon File gives a random demon from the following pool. Demons are sorted into 3 rate tiers, with each demon in a tier having the same rate.

Tier 1 (3.518%)

Demon Race Grade Rarity
Ose Hallel.jpg Ose Hallel Seraph 90 5★
Flauros Hallel.jpg Flauros Hallel Seraph 91 5★
Ladon.jpg Ladon Drake 83 5★
Cernunnos.jpg Cernunnos Reaper 81 5★
Lanling Wang.jpg Lanling Wang Hero 81 5★
Fariedone.jpg Fariedone Hero 87 5★
David.jpg David Fiend 80 5★
Samyaza.jpg Samyaza Tyrant 84 5★
Chi You.jpg Chi You Tyrant 85 5★
Mithras.jpg Mithras Tyrant 84 5★
Amon.jpg Amon Tyrant 93 5★
Pales.jpg Pales Vile 83 5★
Echidna.jpg Echidna Vile 87 5★
Nyarlathotep.jpg Nyarlathotep Vile 92 5★
Mada.jpg Mada Vile 86 5★
Tezcatlipoca.jpg Tezcatlipoca Vile 82 5★
Cthulhu.jpg Cthulhu Vile 97 5★
Adramelech.jpg Adramelech Fallen 85 5★
Vritra.jpg Vritra Snake 82 5★
Master Therion.jpg Master Therion Yoma 82 5★
Futsunushi.jpg Futsunushi Kishin 85 5★
Sukuna-Hikona.jpg Sukuna-Hikona Kishin 80 5★
Hinokagutsuchi.jpg Hinokagutsuchi Kishin 89 5★
Heimdall.jpg Heimdall Genma 82 5★
Mahamayuri.jpg Mahamayuri Deity 85 5★
Hachiman.jpg Hachiman Deity 88 5★
Melchizedek.jpg Melchizedek Herald 80 5★

Tier 2 (0.361%)

Demon Race Grade Rarity
Yggdrasil.jpg Yggdrasil Tree 94 5★
Narcissus.jpg Narcissus Tree 80 5★
Longinus.jpg Longinus General 84 5★
Guedhe.jpg Guedhe Reaper 83 5★
Rahab.jpg Rahab Dragon 85 5★
Kangiten.jpg Kangiten Enigma 85 5★
Hagen.jpg Hagen Hero 89 5★
Moloch.jpg Moloch Tyrant 82 5★
Botis.jpg Botis Fallen 90 5★
Loup-Garou.jpg Loup-Garou Beast 85 5★
Kalki.jpg Kalki Deity 97 5★
Indra.jpg Indra Deity 87 5★
Apsu.jpg Apsu Deity 89 5★

Tier 3 (0.300%)

Demon Race Grade Rarity
Morrighan.jpg Morrighan Flight 91 5★


Karma can be spent to re-summon certain demons from the Compendium. However, there are several restrictions:

Demon Icon Karma.png Karma Cost
most 1★ 3
multi-fusion 1★ 6
most 2★ 10
multi-fusion 2★ 20
most 3★ 300
multi-fusion 3★ 600

See also

For other uses of fodder demons:

Game Mechanics
Resources ItemsTalkMagnetite/Fusion (Fusible Demons) • KarmaSummoning (Demon Summoning Pool, Skill Summoning Pool, Choice File) • Event Reward DemonsSeason Pass
Team Building Battle SpeedTeam restrictionsLiberatorsArmamentsDemonite
Upgrading Leveling/EvolvingAwakeningSpirit MergeTranscend
Customization ArchetypesSkill TransferBrandsMitamaSin InfusionDevil Connector
Misc FormulasAR ScannerDeviconAlignment