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m (Demon Panels that deal Magic Almighty damage)
(Skills that deal Physical Almighty damage: Shiva M)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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| {{DemonIcon|Melchizedek|size=32px}}
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|[[Piercing Tyranny]]
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| {{DemonIcon|Shiva M|size=32px}}
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| Panel 4
| Panel 4
| Activates the following Chain Effect when a party member uses an Almighty skill: Casts Mesopotamian Star and places the one with this skill into a state of Concentrate. (Activates once per turn)
| Activates the following Chain Effect when a party member uses an Almighty skill: Casts Mesopotamian Star and places the one with this skill into a state of Concentrate. (Activates once per turn)
| {{DemonIcon|Skull Knight|size=32px}}
| Panel 4
| Activates the following Chain Effect when using Sword of Actuation, or when an ally uses an Almighty Attribute Skill: Inflicts Almighty damage (Physical, Power: 100) with Bulwark Pierce to a single enemy. Self enters a state of Might if the attack is successful. *Ignores all counter and all death prevention skills.
{{Skill Effects navbox}}
{{Skill Effects navbox}}

Latest revision as of 20:38, 25 February 2025

Almighty Almighty is a special attribute.


Unlike the other elements, Almighty is a purely offensive attribute that doesn't exist in the attribute affinities (aka elemental resistances) of demons. In other words, no demons can be weak to or resist the damage of an attack of the Almighty attribute, it will always do neutral damage. In addition, Almighty attacks will naturally bypass the default Repel Magic and Repel Physical.

In exchange for this unique property to ignore common rules that apply to other elements, the Almighty attribute cannot benefit from the same piercing properties that others element can have. Consequentely, Almighty attacks do not have a way to go trough the corresponding Repel Almighty Magic or Repel Almighty Physical.

Physical Almighty Damage

Skills that deal Physical Almighty damage

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Almighty Almighty Blade of the Absolute 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Griffith.jpg Griffith
Almighty Almighty Gallows 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Yggdrasil.jpg Yggdrasil
Almighty Almighty Mighty Blow 6 MP Single Target Single Target + Random Targets Random Targets - Melchizedek.jpg Melchizedek
Almighty Almighty Piercing Tyranny 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Shiva M.jpg Shiva M
Almighty Almighty Slaughter All 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Asura Lord.jpg Asura Lord
Almighty Almighty Sword of Actuation 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Skull Knight.jpg Skull Knight
Almighty Almighty Third Eye 8 MP All Targets All Targets - Shiva A.jpg Shiva A
Passive Passive Desperate Hit Passive Random Targets Random Targets - Demonee-Ho.jpg Demonee-Ho
Passive Passive Great Trunk Passive Single Target Single Target - Yggdrasil.jpg Yggdrasil
Passive Passive Ishvara Passive All Targets All Targets - Shiva A.jpg Shiva A

Demon Panels that deal Physical Almighty damage

Demon Panel # Effect
Griffith.jpg Griffith Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect when the one with this skill enters a state of Might: 40% chance to inflict Charm on random enemies 2-4 times (Activates once per turn). Activates the following Chain Effect when an enemy is inflicted with Charm: Inflicts Almighty damage (Physical, Power: 80) with Bulwark Pierce to all Charmed enemies.
Shiva A.jpg Shiva A Panel 2 The effect of normal Attacks will be changed to the following: Inflicts Almighty damage (Physical, Power: 120) with Bulwark Pierce on a single enemy, and places the one with this skill into a state of Charge and restores own MP by 1. *Chain Effect activates once per turn. *Damage inflicted by this skill is dependent on Mag ATK.
Shiva A.jpg Shiva A Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect when Third Eye is used: Places the one with this skill into a state of Zenith (1 turn), then inflicts Almighty damage (Physical, Power: 120) with Bulwark Pierce on a single enemy. *Activates once per turn. *Damage inflicted by this skill is dependent on Mag ATK.
Skull Knight.jpg Skull Knight Panel 3 +25% to single-target attack damage. +20% to Max HP. Activates the following Chain Effect at the end of the enemy turn: Inflicts Almighty damage (Physical, Power: 100) with Bulwark Pierce on a random enemy and causes them to lose 2 MP.
Skull Knight.jpg Skull Knight Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect when using Sword of Actuation, or when an ally uses an Almighty Attribute Skill: Inflicts Almighty damage (Physical, Power: 100) with Bulwark Pierce to a single enemy. Self enters a state of Might if the attack is successful. *Ignores all counter and all death prevention skills.

Magic Almighty Damage

Skills that deal Magic Almighty damage

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Almighty Almighty Life Drain 5 MP Single Target Single Target 3 -
Almighty Almighty Spirit Drain 6 MP Single Target Single Target 3 -
Almighty Almighty Deathtouch 6 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Almighty Almighty Energy Drain 7 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Almighty Almighty Soul Drain 8 MP Single Target Single Target 7 -
Almighty Almighty Mind Break 5 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Almighty Almighty Mind Blast 7 MP Single Target Single Target 8 -
Almighty Almighty Megido 6 MP All Targets All Targets 5 -
Almighty Almighty Megidola 7 MP All Targets All Targets 8 -
Almighty Almighty Megidolaon 8 MP All Targets All Targets 12 -
Almighty Almighty Demon Birth Cry 9 MP All Targets All Targets 12 -
Almighty Almighty Judgement 9 MP All Targets All Targets 12 -
Almighty Almighty Sea of Chaos 9 MP All Targets All Targets 12 -
Almighty Almighty Necro Dogma 9 MP All Targets All Targets 12 -
Almighty Almighty Rattle 9 MP All Targets All Targets 12 -
Almighty Almighty Foresight 9 MP All Targets All Targets 12 -
Almighty Almighty Apocalypse 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Trumpeter.jpg Trumpeter
Almighty Almighty Ark 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Elizabeth.jpg Elizabeth
Almighty Almighty Ars Magna 8 MP Single Target Single Target - Beelzebub☆.jpg Beelzebub☆
Cthulhu.jpg Cthulhu
Demiurge.jpg Demiurge
Almighty Almighty Babylon Goblet 8 MP All Targets All Targets - Mother Harlot.jpg Mother Harlot
Almighty Almighty Brahmastra 7 MP All Targets All Targets - Rama.jpg Rama
Almighty Almighty Deity's Melody 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Thoth.jpg Thoth
Almighty Almighty Death Flyers 8 MP All Targets All Targets - Beelzebub☆.jpg Beelzebub☆
Almighty Almighty Destructive Beam 6 MP Single Target Single Target - The 10th Angel.jpg The 10th Angel
Almighty Almighty Destructive Light 6 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Anthrasax.jpg Anthrasax
Almighty Almighty Divine Bows' Allure 8 MP Single Target Single Target - Kama.jpg Kama
Almighty Almighty El Rey 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Shaddai.jpg Shaddai
Almighty Almighty Fallen Down 6 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Ainz.jpg Ainz
Almighty Almighty Fire of Sinai 7 MP Random Targets Random Targets - Metatron.jpg Metatron
Almighty Almighty God's Malice 7 MP Single Target Single Target - Samael.jpg Samael
Almighty Almighty Godly Judgement 7 MP Single Target Single Target - Elohim.jpg Elohim
Kuzuryu.jpg Kuzuryu
Sabaoth.jpg Sabaoth
Shaddai.jpg Shaddai
Almighty Almighty Kuyo Flash 7 MP All Targets All Targets - Masakado A.jpg Masakado A
Almighty Almighty Lost Sanity 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Cthulhu.jpg Cthulhu
Almighty Almighty Mesopotamian Star 7 MP All Targets All Targets - Ishtar.jpg Ishtar
Almighty Almighty Morning Star 7 MP All Targets All Targets - Lucifer.jpg Lucifer
Almighty Almighty My Harvest! 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Demeter.jpg Demeter
Almighty Almighty Pralaya 5 MP All Targets All Targets + Single Target Single Target - Shiva.jpg Shiva
Almighty Almighty Ratnamaru 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Kalki.jpg Kalki
Almighty Almighty Ray of Ruin 6 MP All Targets All Targets + Single Target Single Target - The 10th Angel.jpg The 10th Angel
Almighty Almighty Stout Horn 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Heimdall.jpg Heimdall
Almighty Almighty What a Handful! 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Pixie A.jpg Pixie A
Multi.png Support Path of Prominence 8 MP All Targets All Targets - Vairocana.jpg Vairocana
Passive Passive Boundless Wave Passive Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Ouroboros.jpg Ouroboros
Passive Passive Call of the Dead Passive All Targets All Targets - Nebiros.jpg Nebiros
Passive Passive False God Passive All Targets All Targets - Demiurge.jpg Demiurge
Passive Passive Glamorous Allure Passive All Targets All Targets - Maya.jpg Maya
Passive Passive Griffon-Bolt Passive Random Targets Random Targets - V☆.jpg V☆
Passive Passive Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy Passive Single Target Single Target - Anthrasax.jpg Anthrasax
Passive Passive Illusionary World Passive All Targets All Targets - Maya.jpg Maya
Passive Passive Iron Lightning Anthem Passive Single Target Single Target - Anthrasax.jpg Anthrasax
Passive Passive Kangiten's Dharma Passive Single Target Single Target - Kangiten.jpg Kangiten
Passive Passive Kangiten's Mystery Passive Single Target Single Target - Kangiten.jpg Kangiten
Passive Passive Madama Stomp Passive Single Target Single Target - Bayonetta☆.jpg Bayonetta☆
Passive Passive Madama Uppercut Passive Single Target Single Target - Jeanne☆.jpg Jeanne☆
Passive Passive Rejection Passive All Targets All Targets - The 10th Angel.jpg The 10th Angel
Passive Passive Shadow-Shock Passive Single Target Single Target - V☆.jpg V☆
Passive Passive Yaxche Passive Single Target Single Target - Ixtab.jpg Ixtab

Demon Panels that deal Magic Almighty damage

Demon Panel # Effect
Ishtar.jpg Ishtar Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect when a party member uses an Almighty skill: Casts Mesopotamian Star and places the one with this skill into a state of Concentrate. (Activates once per turn)
Ixtab.jpg Ixtab Panel 3 Activates the following Chain Effect at the beginning of every own third turn: Activates Yaxche's Chain Effect on a random enemy.
Metatron.jpg Metatron Panel 4 +40 to Ma. +50 to Vi. -20% to damage received. Activates the following Chain Effect after Fire of Sinai is activated: Inflicts Almighty damage (Magic, Power: 70) with Bulwark Pierce 3 times on random enemies. *Enemies downed by this skill will not be able to revive.
Mother Harlot.jpg Mother Harlot Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of enemy turn: Inflicts Almighty (Magic) damage (Power: 60) on all enemies and drains 1 MP.
Samael.jpg Samael Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect at the end of own turn: Inflicts Almighty (Magic) damage (Power: 40) on all enemies with 10% chance to inflict Poison, Bind, Charm and Mute.
Vishnu.jpg Vishnu Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect at the beginning of a battle if the enemy attacks first: Reduces 1 enemy Press Turn Icon. Activates the following Chain Effect at the end of own turn: Inflicts Almighty (Magic) damage (Power: 60) on all enemies.

Armament Skills that deal Magic Almighty damage

Armament Type Name MP Cost Target
SwordIcon.png Lucifer.jpg Lucifer Sword Almighty Almighty Stellar Light 7 MP All Targets All Targets
SwordIcon.png Masakado A.jpg Masakado A Sword Almighty Almighty Kuyo Sword Dance 6 MP All Targets All Targets
SwordIcon.png Metatron.jpg Metatron Sword Almighty Almighty Pillar of Godly Light 6 MP Single Target Single Target
SwordIcon.png Samael.jpg Samael Sword Almighty Almighty Red Serpent Venom 5 MP Single Target Single Target
ShieldIcon.png Ixtab.jpg Ixtab Shield Passive Passive Summons to Sacrifice Passive Random Targets Random Targets

Almighty Damage Up

Skills that increase Almighty damage dealt

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points
Passive Passive Almighty Boost Passive Self 6 -
Passive Passive Almighty Amp Passive Self 21 -
Passive Passive Almighty Debuff Passive Self 14 -
Passive Passive Almighty Accele Passive Self 16
Passive Passive Almighty Survivor Passive Self 16 -
Passive Passive Almighty Slowda Passive Self - -
Passive Passive Almighty Vital Passive Self - -
Passive Passive Desperate Hit Passive Self - Demonee-Ho.jpg Demonee-Ho
Passive Passive Drain Pierce Passive Self - Rama.jpg Rama
Passive Passive Ishvara Passive Self - Shiva A.jpg Shiva A
Passive Passive Strongest Magic Caster Passive Self - Ainz.jpg Ainz

Demon Panels that increase Almighty damage dealt

Demon Panel # Effect
Ainz.jpg Ainz Panel 1 +2 MP to natural MP recovery. +15% to Almighty damage.
Ainz.jpg Ainz Panel 3 +20% to Max HP. +20% to Almighty damage.
Anthrasax.jpg Anthrasax Panel 1 Decreases the count of Spirit Chains of Indignation applied to the skill holder by 1. +15% to Almighty damage.
Anthrasax.jpg Anthrasax Panel 3 +20% to Max HP. +20% to Almighty damage.
Asura Lord.jpg Asura Lord Panel 3 +20% to Almighty damage. +20% to hit rate.
Bayonetta☆.jpg Bayonetta☆ Panel 3 +20% to Phys/Almight damage inflicted.
Beelzebub☆.jpg Beelzebub☆ Panel 1 +10% to Almighty damage. Activates the following Chain Effect when own HP is at 80% or under at end of enemy turn: Heals 25% of own HP and recovers 3 MP.
Beelzebub☆.jpg Beelzebub☆ Panel 3 +20% to Almighty damage. +20% to max HP.
Cthulhu.jpg Cthulhu Panel 3 +20% to Almighty damage. +20% to max HP.
Demeter.jpg Demeter Panel 3 +20% to Almighty damage. +20% to max HP.
Demiurge.jpg Demiurge Panel 3 +10% to Almighty damage. +30% to max HP.
Demonee-Ho.jpg Demonee-Ho Panel 3 +20% to Phys/Almighty damage inflicted. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +20% to Phys hit rate. +20% to Critical hit rate.
Demonee-Ho.jpg Demonee-Ho Panel 4 +20% to Phys/Almighty damage. Activates the following Chain Effect when the enemy is inflicted with a Bad Status: Places the one with this skill into a state of Charge. *Activates up to two times per turn.
Elizabeth.jpg Elizabeth Panel 3 +20% to Almighty damage. +20% to Healing skill effectiveness.
Griffith.jpg Griffith Panel 1 +15% to Almighty damage. +20% to Phys evasion rate. Activates the following Chain Effect when the one with this skill gains a Repel Physical effect: Increases the ATK, DEF, and EV/AC of all party members by 20%. (1 turn)
Heimdall.jpg Heimdall Panel 1 +15% to Almighty damage. Adds Null Bind.
Heimdall.jpg Heimdall Panel 3 +20% to Almighty damage. +20% to max HP.
Ishtar.jpg Ishtar Panel 3 +30% to Max HP. +20% to Almighty damage dealt by all party members while the one with this skill is alive. Activates the following Chain Effect at the beginning of a battle if the enemy attacks first: Places the one with this skill into a state of Concent
Jeanne☆.jpg Jeanne☆ Panel 3 +20% to Phys/Almighty damage inflicted.
Kalki.jpg Kalki Panel 3 +20% to Almighty damage. +20% to Max HP.
Kangiten.jpg Kangiten Panel 3 +20% to Almighty damage. +20% to Max HP.
Lucifer.jpg Lucifer Panel 3 +25% to Almighty/Fire damage. Activates the following Chain Effect when the one with this skill downs a demon: Enters a state of Concentrate. (Once per turn)
Maya.jpg Maya Panel 3 +25% to Almighty damage.
Melchizedek.jpg Melchizedek Panel 3 +20% to Almighty damage. +20% to Max HP.
Ouroboros.jpg Ouroboros Panel 1 Adds Null Bind/Charm. +15% to Almighty damage. +15% chance to inflict status ailments.
Ouroboros.jpg Ouroboros Panel 3 +20% to Almighty Damage. +20% chance to inflict status ailments.
Samael.jpg Samael Panel 1 +15% to Almighty damage. +20% chance to inflict status ailments.
Shiva A.jpg Shiva A Panel 1 +15% to Almighty damage. +20% to Phys hit rate. +40% to Critical hit rate and +40% to Almighty damage when in a state of Zenith.
Skull Knight.jpg Skull Knight Panel 1 +20% to Phys hit rate. +20% to Max HP. +20% to Almighty damage.
Skull Knight.jpg Skull Knight Panel 2 Adds Null Bind. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will deal +15% Almighty damage.
The 10th Angel.jpg The 10th Angel Panel 1 +15% to Almighty damage. Activates the following Chain Effect at the end of enemy turn: Heals 20% of own HP.
The 10th Angel.jpg The 10th Angel Panel 3 +20% to Almighty damage. +20% to max HP.
Trumpeter.jpg Trumpeter Panel 1 +15% to Almighty damage. +20% chance to inflict status ailments.
Vairocana.jpg Vairocana Panel 1 +15% to Almighty damage. -30% to Fire/Light damage received.
Yggdrasil.jpg Yggdrasil Panel 3 +10% to Almighty damage. +30% to max HP.
Kama.jpg Kama Panel 2 +5% to Almighty damage.
Kudlak.jpg Kudlak Panel 3 +8% to Dark/Almighty damage.

Armament Talents that increase Almighty damage dealt

Armament Name Effect
SwordIcon.png Masakado A.jpg Masakado A Sword Hero's Aid Adds Phys Pierce. While the skill holder is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Phys/Almighty damage.
ShieldIcon.png Lucifer.jpg Lucifer Shield Symbol of Chaos +10% to Almighty damage.

Armament Panels that increase Almighty damage dealt

Armament Panel # Effect
SwordIcon.png Lucifer.jpg Lucifer Sword Panel 1 +15% to Almighty damage.
ShieldIcon.png Ixtab.jpg Ixtab Shield Panel 2 +10% to Dark/Almighty damage inflicted.
ShieldIcon.png Lucifer.jpg Lucifer Shield Panel 2 +20% to max HP. +10% to Almighty damage.
ShieldIcon.png Masakado A.jpg Masakado A Shield Panel 2 15% to max HP. +10% to Phys/Almighty damage.
ShieldIcon.png Masakado A.jpg Masakado A Shield Panel 3 +10% to Phys/Almighty damage. -10% to Phys/Almighty damage received.

Damage Reduction

Demon Panels that reduce Almighty damage taken

Demon Panel # Effect
Huang Long.jpg Huang Long Panel 3 -15% to Almighty damage received by all party members while this demon is alive.

Armament Panels that reduce Almighty damage taken

Armament Panel # Effect
ShieldIcon.png Masakado A.jpg Masakado A Shield Panel 3 +10% to Phys/Almighty damage. -10% to Phys/Almighty damage received.

MP Cost Reduction

Demon Skills that reduce MP cost of Almighty skills

Element Name MP Cost Target Amount Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Foe of Demons Passive All Allies 1 MP - Skull Knight.jpg Skull Knight
Passive Passive Hell's Ministry Passive All Allies 2 MP - Lucifuge.jpg Lucifuge

Demon Panels that reduce MP cost of Almighty skills

Demon Panel # Effect
Huang Long.jpg Huang Long Panel 1 Reduces the cost of Almighty Skills by 1 MP. +20% to max HP.
Lucifuge.jpg Lucifuge Panel 1 +20% to max HP. Reduces the cost of Almighty skills by 1MP for all party members of the Tyrant race while this demon is alive.
Mot.jpg Mot Panel 1 Reduces the cost of Almighty Skills by 1 MP. +20% to max HP.

Armament Panels that reduce MP cost of Almighty skills

Armament Panel # Effect
SwordIcon.png Lucifer.jpg Lucifer Sword Panel 2 Reduces the cost of Almighty Skills by 2 MP.

Chain Effects

Demon Panels that activate upon an Almighty skill being cast

Demon Panel # Effect
Ishtar.jpg Ishtar Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect when a party member uses an Almighty skill: Casts Mesopotamian Star and places the one with this skill into a state of Concentrate. (Activates once per turn)
Skull Knight.jpg Skull Knight Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect when using Sword of Actuation, or when an ally uses an Almighty Attribute Skill: Inflicts Almighty damage (Physical, Power: 100) with Bulwark Pierce to a single enemy. Self enters a state of Might if the attack is successful. *Ignores all counter and all death prevention skills.
Skill Effects
Phys PhysFire FireIce IceElec ElecForce ForceLight LightDark DarkAlmighty AlmightyMulti Multi Skills
(Bad Status Effects)
Icon Bind.png BindIcon Charm.png CharmIcon Curse.png CurseIcon Mute.png MuteIcon Poison.png PoisonIcon Weak.png WeakStatus Ailment ResonanceCleric
Good Status Effects Icon Barrier.png BarrierIcon Charge.png ChargeIcon Concentrate.png ConcentrateIcon Critical.png MightIcon Lydia.png LydiaIcon Repel Magic.pngIcon Repel Almighty Magic.png Repel MagicIcon Repel Physical.pngIcon Repel Almighty Physical.png Repel PhysicalIcon Null Mortal.png Evade Mortal
Spirit Chains Icon Spirit Chains of Corrosion.png CorrosionIcon Spirit Chains of Indignation.png IndignationIcon Spirit Chains of Intimidation.png IntimidationIcon Spirit Chains of Salvation.png SalvationIcon Spirit Chains of Suppression.png Suppression
Other Special Effects Icon Youre Next.png You're NextIcon Revive Ban.png Revive BanIcon Zenith.png ZenithIcon Gloom.png GloomIcon Attribute Affinity Reinforcement.png Attribute Affinity ReinforcementIcon Elec Resistance Down 2.png Attribute affinity downIcon Fortify.png FortifyIcon Decay.png DecayIcon Malice.png MaliceOrder Crest
Buffs Icon ATK Buff.png ATK BuffIcon DEF Buff.png DEF BuffIcon EVAC Buff.png EV/AC Buff
Debuffs Icon ATK Debuff.png ATK DebuffIcon DEF Debuff.png DEF DebuffIcon EVAC Debuff.png EV/AC Debuff
HP Max HPHealingSteal HP
MP Max MPNaturally recovered MPRecover MPSteal MPLose MPMP cost upMP cost down
Stats Strength (Str)Magic (Mag)Vitality (Vit)Agility (Agi)Luck (Luk)
Offense PierceMortalFractional DamageFixed DamageAccuracy and EvasionCritical hitWeak pointStandard/Normal AttackDamage boostReverse damage reduction
Defense Pierce Negation (Anti-Pierce)BulwarkCounterDeath Prevention (Endures)RevivalReverse damage boostDamage reductionPreferential TargetSuper Reaction
Other Press TurnRemnantsPassingBattle SpeedChain Effect turn orderBoost LevelParty EffectField Effects
Non-Combative Trap NegationIcon Tome of Exp 12h.png EXP UpIcon Macca.png Macca Up