Pralaya | Demons | MP: 5 | Skill Points: - | Target: All Enemies | Use Limit: ∞
Inflicts Almighty (Magic, Power: 120) damage on All Enemies with Bulwark Pierce and Remnants while removing Repel Phys/Mag. Inflicts Almighty damage (Magic, Power: 100) with Bulwark Pierce to the enemy with the lowest current HP if successful.
*The damage inflicted by this skill is dependent on Phys ATK.
Lv2: +4% to damage dealt using this skill.
Lv3: +6% to damage dealt using this skill.
Lv4: +8% to damage dealt using this skill.
Lv5: +10% to damage dealt using this skill.
Lv6: +12% to damage dealt using this skill. |