Madama Uppercut | Demons | MP: Passive | Skill Points: - | Target: Self | Use Limit: ∞
Activates the following Chain Effect when an enemy is Charmed: Inflict Almighty (Magic) damage on a single enemy with a 30% chance to inflict Bind.
Power: 100
Lv2: +4% to Ailment Infliction. +4% Phys evasion rate.
Lv3: +6% to Ailment Infliction. +6% Phys evasion rate.
Lv4: +8% to Ailment Infliction. +8% Phys evasion rate.
Lv5: +10% to Ailment Infliction. +10% Phys evasion rate.
Lv6: +20% to Ailment Infliction. +20% Phys evasion rate. |