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WIP test of a fusibles-only (+ permanent shop demons, i.e. Seraph/Norn/Thoth) tier list

5★ Summary

  • Synced daily (~24:00 JST)
Score Demons



Asherah.jpgBarong.jpgBlack Frost.jpgCybele.jpgHresvelgr.jpgHuang Long.jpgIshtar.jpgIzanami.jpgLucifuge.jpgMastema.jpgMichael.jpgNorn.jpgQuetzalcoatl.jpgSamael.jpgShiva.jpgSurt.jpgThor.jpg


Alilat.jpgAmaterasu.jpgCu Chulainn.jpgFafnir.jpgLakshmi.jpgLilith.jpgVishnu.jpg

PVP Offense
Score Demons







Alilat.jpgAmaterasu.jpgAnanta.jpgBlack Frost.jpgCu Chulainn.jpgCybele.jpgHuang Long.jpgIzanami.jpgLakshmi.jpgLucifuge.jpgMara.jpgMastema.jpgMichael.jpgNorn.jpgSeraph.jpgShiva.jpgSusano-o.jpgThor.jpgVishnu.jpg

PVP Defense
Score Demons







Alilat.jpgAmaterasu.jpgAnanta.jpgBlack Frost.jpgCu Chulainn.jpgCybele.jpgHuang Long.jpgIzanami.jpgLakshmi.jpgLucifuge.jpgMara.jpgMastema.jpgMichael.jpgNorn.jpgSeraph.jpgShiva.jpgSusano-o.jpgThor.jpgVishnu.jpg

5 star Tier List

Name Best Archetype(s) PVE PVP
PVE PVP Offense Defense
Alilat.jpg Alilat
Clear Clear D F F -
  • While alive, Repel Pierce will prevent Pierce skills from going through Repel resistances. This is very useful when combined with demons that have a lot of natural Repels.
  • Very high Luck stat allows her to be used as both an Ailment inflictor and a cleanser (especially with innate Infernal Mask and P1, which together grant -110% chance of receiving ailments).
  • Good HP and VIT stats and no weaknesses give her a lot of bulk. Panels 2, 3, 4, and levels on Repel Pierce increase her bulk further.
  • Panel 4 grants Alilat 30% Magic damage reduction and a free 15% HP self-heal whenever a party member repels an attack, helping her stay alive.
  • Very cheap to fuse, at only about 1 million magnetite per copy from scratch—the cheapest fusible 5★ in the game.
  • Megidola is a wasted skill.
  • Relies heavily on transfers to do much other than heal.
  • Attribute affinity down completely shuts down her niche.
  • Her defense against ailments, while good, is not a hard immunity - meaning it is still possible for high-ailment-chance enemies to inflict her.
  • Overshadowed by Metatron, who is also a fusible source of Repel Pierce via Divine Proxy, but has higher damage, more bulk, and is overall a more useful demon to have.
Notes -
Synergies -
Amaterasu.jpg Amaterasu
Yellow Clear Teal D F F -
  • Tenson Korin is a powerful buff that removes Debuffs then gives your team a 6 turn Luster Candy
  • Mediarahan in yellow costs only 8 MP, letting her cast it every other turn with Divine brands.
  • Panel 4 gives Tenson Korin a 1 turn Zenith, making her the only fusible source of Zenith.
  • Maragion is a waste in support builds
  • Her MP costs are absurdly high and completely outclassed by Michael.
  • Has an Elec weakness unless Teal.
  • Healing isn't particularly valuable in PvP, and her high costs make her worthless there.
  • Her Zenith only lasts one turn, compared to the 6 turns of every other buff on the skill.
  • Absolute garbage panels.
  • How the mighty have fallen. If any launch player could imagine saying "Just make Barong, Amaterasu is useless" you'd be told you're crazy.
Synergies -
Ananta.jpg Ananta
Red Purple B F F -
  • He casts all 3 Buffs at the start of both his team's turn and the enemy team's turn, offering consistent buff control at no MP cost.
  • Panel 4 also casts Debilitate at the start of the enemy turn, or when your team casts any skill with a healing effect - this includes life steal and chain effects, such as Seth's Ouas or Huang Di's panel 3. (This does NOT include Lydia, however).
  • Mabufudyne in Red plus Infinite Chakra helps him pull his weight beyond just being a buffbot in Ice Democalypse prelim. He also performs decently in any other element, except Phys.
  • Works well in slow double Intimidating Stance teams, providing buff control simply by staying alive, which Demeter can practically guarantee. Could be a decent Tetraja holder.
  • Even though he auto-casts all buffs at the start of your turn, Auto-Taruka in purple for PvP is still his best. Because of the timing of Endless One, Auto-Taruka can function mainly to counter the enemy Auto-Tarunda to ensure you get the attack buff from Endless One at the start of your turn.
  • Weak to Force.
  • Mag is only average and he has no innate pierce, so even if Red he's still more of a support than a sweeper.
  • Newer demons have buff chains on their skills, which reduces Ananta's niche substantially.
  • Offers nothing more than buff control in PvP.
  • Panels 1-3 don't offer very much, so it's panel 4 or nothing.
Synergies -
Asherah.jpg Asherah
Teal Purple Yellow Teal C D D -
  • Mother's Creation revives a unit with full HP while also generating a Press Turn, allowing the resurrected unit to act immediately.
  • Silent Prayer in Yellow allows her to act as a Pseudo-Cleric and also removes Barrier, Tetraja, Charge etc. This can work well with Gozu-Tennoh, though he is currently less popular in PvP.
  • Innate Mediarama and Recovery Amp in Purple lets her function as a decent PvE Healer.
  • Gains a lot through panels, including 70% HP helping her tank, Null Mortal, an extra use of Mother Creation, and 70% Fire reduction, helping her survive teams running Elohim or Lost Name, and revive those that did die to counter sweep.
  • Weak to Ice (unless Teal) and Dark.
  • Low AGI means she will need Lead Brands or even slower teammates to work as a Cleric.
    • Low LUK and lack of ailment immunities or resistances means she may get ailmented herself, making her unable to cleanse her team.
  • Requires Panel 4's Null Mortal and HP boost to make her a reliable tank in today's meta.
Synergies -
Barong.jpg Barong
Teal Any C D D -
  • Barong Dance provides a decent AOE heal while giving the party a full Luster Candy buff. It also has infinite uses and can be reduced to a mere 5 MP when maxed with Panel 1 unlocked.
  • Panel 4 makes Barong Dance apply a 1-turn 500 HP Bulwark, which can stack to 1,000 HP if you get 2 casts off during your turn. This increases the value of his heal significantly, as you can set up bulwarks to soak damage while patching up teammates at the same time, particularly helping him keep frail targets alive. Wth the addition of Demeter extra bulwark strength is greatly appreciated.
  • Very high AGI allows him to be used as a fast support, especially with Speedster transferred for Battle Speed requirements.
  • Can be used as a buffer for Elec Democalypse thanks to Barong Dance having high cast priority.
  • Weak to Dark (unless Teal) and Force.
  • Low MAG stat means he won't heal for much.
  • Elec attack spells (and Elec Amp in Purple) are wasted slots considering his bad Magic stat.
  • Does not have Null Mortal like some of his competition, particularly Maria.
  • Only has one revive in Recarmdra in yellow, and can be vulnerable to having teammates Revive Sealed.
  • Niche use in Aura Gate as giving him Support AI with his MATK low enough guarantees he'll heal you with Barong Dance no matter your HP. This is useful to recover HP lost from Talk and/or enemy encounters.
Synergies -
Black Frost.jpg Black Frost
Purple Red Yellow Red Purple Yellow C F F -
  • High Magic stat and innate Pierce on Go to Hell! makes him a good magic sweeper.
  • Curse of Anguish and Panels pair well with Yama, who automatically curses everyone at the start of the Boss wave.
  • Go to Hell! has a high Curse chance, which lets him setup for other curse-based sweepers like Alice A.
  • Yellow gains access to Concentrate to further increase his sweeping potential.
  • Innate Mabufudyne and Ice Amp in Purple lets him function as an excellent Ice sweeper too, especially for Democalypse.
  • P4's MP battery, buffs, and team advantage vs Curse are useful for Vanity 13 and Deceit 14 farming.
  • Weak to Light.
  • Go to Hell! has low base power and does not gain damage on level up.
  • His damage output is below average and needs his Curse gimmick. If Curse doesn't land, most of his kit will not function.
  • His low damage and reliance on ailments means Demeter shuts him down entirely.
Synergies -
Cu Chulainn.jpg Cu Chulainn
Purple Purple Teal Clear D F F -
  • Cheap fusible sweeper with Force Pierce in Purple, passable MAG stat, and can be easily fused through 4x4 fusions.
  • No weaknesses is a lifesaver early on and gives him more flexibility in transfer skills.
  • Very flexible kit. He can be either a Phys or a Force demon. Innate Savage Glee paired with Panel 4's accuracy and damage boost, as well as Gae Bulg hitting hard, makes him a great option for Phys Democalypse.
  • A whopping 100% accuracy in his panel 4 (140% if you're attacking with maxed out Gae Bulg).
  • Has a niche as a budget demon for BoS Deceit 14, as enemies there will only take damage from random Phys/Almighty attacks, which Gae Bulg happens to be.
  • High MP costs. Cannot use Mazandyne or Gae Bulg Turn 1 in PvP unless Panel 3.
  • No Phys Pierce until panel 4.
  • Low AGI and LUK means his physical accuracy is poor until Panel 4 is unlocked.
  • No Single-Target attack means he will have trouble against Anti-Pierce and in PvP in general.
  • Does nowhere near enough reliable damage to have a role in modern PvP.
  • He is mostly an early-game demon, and will fall off once you gain access to stronger Pierce sweepers like Baal and Anat.
  • Low AGI makes him useable in Intimidating Stance teams.
  • If run as a Phys attacker, transferring a better AOE Phys spell like Vorpal Blade isn't a bad idea, as he offers an impressive 100% physical accuracy in panel 4, innate Savage Glee, and another 20% crit rate from panel 1. With panels and Phys Amp / Butcher transferred on his other skill slot, whatever AOE Phys spell you transfer will hit hard as well as his own Gae Bulg.
Synergies -
Cybele.jpg Cybele
Clear Clear C F F -
  • High MAG stat, Magna Mater, Merciless Blow and innate Trisagion + Maragidyne make her an extremely good Fire caster.
  • Magna Mater provides a team-wide Fire damage boost, incredible for Democalypse.
  • Panel 4 casts a 1-turn ATK buff at the start of her team's turn, and again whenever she casts Trisagion or Maragidyne - allowing for great buff control. She also casts a Maragi-lite whenever this triggers, for a little more damage.
  • Her Fire-focused kit, fusibility, and being locked to Clear make her an excellent pick for the Spike Hell Area fusibles challenge of Hell's Park Underside.
  • Lack of Fire Pierce means she will struggle against Fire NDR.
  • Expensive multi-fusion that requires clear Asherah.
  • In PvP, Fire Pierce (weak) is insufficient due to the high prevelance of damage reduction through units like Demeter and Chi You.
  • Panel 4 specifically requires her to cast Trisagion or Maragidyne in order to trigger it, so stronger Fire transfers such as Fiery Soul Prison or Maragibarion won't work.
    • Also, only Cybele's own casts of Trisagion/Maragidyne count. Allies' casts will not activate p4.
  • Difficult to Panel due to Clear demons only giving 60 spirits.
Synergies -
Erlkonig.jpg Erlkonig
Any Yellow Purple B A A -
  • Alder King heals your team on your turn, decreases the enemy's press turns by 1 if going second, and debuffs the enemy's attack on theirs. When paired with P3, this turns into a full defensive buff swing in your favor. It also adds 1 count of Intimidation to the enemy with the highest Phys Attack.
  • Has massive survivability thanks to Power of Black Forest providing auto-Lydia, Alder King's healing, his massive HP and VIT stats (further boosted by skill levels and panels) and Null Mortal in Purple. His good bulk allows him to fully capitalize on Recarmdra.
  • Power of Black Forest heals the team for 10% HP whenever a party member adds a Bulwark, making him an amazing ally to Demeter.
  • Low AGI makes him perfect for bulky slow teams.
  • One of the very few fusible demons with PvP viability.
  • Weak to Fire. This is particularly bad when facing Elohim or Lost Name.
  • Maziodyne is a wasted slot.
  • Does not have a way to re-cast Bulwark after his initial one wears off. Consider pairing him with units who can generate Bulwarks frequently.
  • While being good for Demeter teams because he has nice healing (which helps recover after being dealt damage with Bulwark Pierce) and Null Mortal, he doesn't have powerful innate revive skills like Idun or Ouroboros, making him a subpar choice.
  • Due to Alder King's effect timing, it actually procs after most of the enemy's auto-skills have activated. When paired with demons that have similar timings (like Vairocana and Lachesis), it guarantees a full defensive buff swing regardless of what your opponent runs (Solar skills, Angra Mainyu's Panel 2, etc. all go off first, before getting wiped out).
Fafnir.jpg Fafnir
Teal Teal B C C -
  • Golden Greed automatically breaks Barriers and inflicts Poison on the enemy team at the start of their turn. This works regardless of whether Fafnir's team goes first.
    • This timing strikes during the short window where Demeter's Bulwarks (and thus her team's ailment immunity) may be offline, which combos well with Tiamat A.
  • With skill levels, Golden Greed increases Poison's damage from 5% HP fractional to 25% HP fractional, applying at the end of each demon's action. This elevates Poison from a minor annoyance to a legitimate threat.
  • Panels 2 and 3 grant him 50% damage reduction from Poisoned enemies, making it difficult for the foe to kill him to disable Golden Greed.
  • Teal ups his Elec resistance to Repel, helping his bulk against Zeus teams.
  • 2 weaknesses in Ice and Elec.
  • No boosts to attack damage in his kit, plus Blight's power being low, means his high STR is under-utilized.
  • Underwhelming if Poison does not land - neither the Poison damage pressure nor his vs-Poison bulk will apply in that case.
  • Ailments aren't helpful in lategame PvE, due to inflated enemy stats.
  • Since his main niche is chain effects before the enemy can act, you want to string together as many as possible:
    • P4 Nergal + Hachiman chains Poison into team-wide Might (Nergal) + Phys AoE (Nergal P4) + Zenith (Hachiman) + another Phys AoE (Hachiman) + team-wide Might again (Hachiman P2). This can apply a huge amount of damage pressure.
    • Fafnir + Kabuso + p3 Lilith creates a combo of Poison + Charm + Bind. If Kabuso is not available, Gurr can chain Bind from Poison.
  • To counter Demeter, Fafnir's team needs to go first, so that Demeter's start-of-battle Bulwark wears off when her team's turn comes up.
  • Buffed during the 8/1/24 data update.
Garuda.jpg Garuda
Yellow Red Purple Red Purple B D D -
  • One of the fastest and most flexible demons in the game. With Speedster transferred, he can help your team hit various PvE battle speed requirements, while fulfilling either a support or additional DPS role depending on his build.
  • P3 increases his speed even further.
  • Vahana, p3, and p4 provide additional Evasion, and can stack with other evasion passives like Evade to make him a dodge tank.
  • Vahana and p4 sum to -100% chance of receiving ailments.
  • Auto-Rakunda increases your team's damage output and synergizes well with his Turn 1 focus.
  • No innate Force Pierce until Panel 4.
  • No Fire Pierce at all.
  • Does not have Speedster innately which in turn consumes a skill slot.
  • Very low bulk.
  • Weak to Ice.
  • Modern attackers like Odin A and Lost Name either gain tons of accuracy through Gloom and Zenith, or tons of innate accuracy, making evasion tanks far less useful than they used to be, especially when Garuda has no real other benefits on a team.
  • More or less outclassed by Hresvelgr and Kartikeya as fusible speedbots in PvP nowadays.
Notes -
Synergies -
Gogmagog.jpg Gogmagog
Teal Teal B D D -
  • Very high bulk, which he can capitalize on thanks to innate Earthquake.
  • Three weaknesses makes him a good partner for Orcus.
  • Less competition for Brands compared to your other demons, as he relies on PDEF for damage.
  • Panels let him play a more support-oriented role, providing team-wide bonuses as long as he is alive. Damage reduction is particularly nice paired with Demeter.
  • Repel Phys in Teal pairs well with Repel Pierce units such as Kalki or Metatron for Phys Anti-Pierce.
  • Abysmal AGI means he misses. A lot.
  • No innate Pierce until Panel 4.
  • Only gets his Charge from Panel 4 once, limiting him as an attacker.
  • Single target nukes will still hurt him a lot, especially with bonus damage from exploiting his multiple weaknesses.
Synergies -
Hresvelgr.jpg Hresvelgr
Purple Red Purple Yellow C D D -
  • One of the highest base AGI in the game, making him great for fast teams. P3 increases his speed even further.
  • His unique North Wind deals AOE Ice damage whenever an opposing demon dies. This adds to the damage of fast Turn 1 teams and allows him to clear Endures.
  • Auto-Rakunda in Purple further increases Turn 1 kill potential.
  • Decent MAG with innate Ice Boost lets him fire off strong Bufudynes.
  • No Ice Pierce or Bulwark Pierce.
  • Does not have Speedster innately which in turn consumes a skill slot.
  • Weak to Phys and Fire, both very bad ones in the current meta. Phys Weakness is particularly terrible unless paired with Orcus for Press Turn denial.
  • North Wind chains are just not damaging enough to be anything more than a liability against Demeter. His only role in PVP is currently being a speed trap for fast teams without Demeter which are few and far between.
  • His only use in PvP is as a speedbot.
  • Red gets Mazandyne and panel 1 has -50% Ice/Force damage received, so he is helpful for Force Alter-World. However, note that nothing in his kit boosts Force damage (aside from panel 2's +100 MATK).
  • Panel 3 has -20% Force damage received for the party, but his lack of bulk does not synergize with this.
Synergies -
Huang Long.jpg Huang Long
Yellow Purple Yellow Purple C F F -
  • High AGI, good resistances and decent bulk make him a useful PvE support demon.
  • Five Elements walls every magical demon without Pierce, including Almighty mages such as The 10th Angel and Demeter.
  • Luster Candy in Yellow gives him even more support utility in buff control. Purple provides him Speedster, giving him full flexibility over which skills to transfer.
  • Trivializes Brands of Sin Stages 10, opening up brand farming on Auto.
  • If Panel 4, any team member in a state of magic repel takes 20% less magic damage (Almighty is reduced by another 15%) and deals 20% more magic damage. The defensive portion is essentially a magic version of Beelzebub (Human), while the offensive portion helps Huang Long act as an offensive support.
  • Huang Long Gaming
  • Pierce bypasses Five Elements.
  • Five Elements can be removed through Makara Break, most notably by P3 Samael.
  • When Five Elements blocks an attack, it's broken - meaning only the first attack is blocked, so if the enemy has a chance to attack again in the same turn, that attack will pass.
  • Very MP hungry, needs Divine Brands or Mana Aid to function well.
  • Yellow AI has issues on auto as it will sometimes cast Luster Candy when you want to be spamming Five Elements instead. Due to this, Yellow is mostly recommended for Manual Play, and Purple for Auto-ing.
  • Has a small niche in offense teams to block My Harvest!.
  • Skills like Makaraka Shift should work with his panel 4, giving the same effect as caveman
  • Huang Long Gaming
Synergies -
Ishtar.jpg Ishtar
Red Yellow Teal Yellow C D D -
  • Extremely high MAG stat. Panel 1 further increases her AOE damage.
    • Due to this, she works very well as an elemental caster for Democalypse, provided you transfer the appropriate elemental spell.
  • Her unique spell Mesopotamian Star deals Almighty damage with Remnants while auto-casting Luster Candy and Debilitate, allowing her to deal damage while simultaneously buffing and debuffing.
    • This allows her to be used as a manual buffer in Democalypse Boss. Red's Thunderclap synergizes with this in Light Democalypse, letting her deal good damage after buffing.
  • Gains Concentrate in Yellow, letting her nuke even harder.
  • Panel 3 offers Almighty damage to the team, and Panel 4 gives herself a free Mesopotamian Star cast plus Concentrate once per turn when anyone on her team uses Almighty.
    • This synergizes very well with Metatron in Kiwami fights, especially since Ishtar also has 2 Repels.
  • 90% HP boost from panels helps her normally-low bulk, and makes it easier to manipulate her AI to cast Mesopotamian Star in Democalypse.
  • Mesopotamian Star has low base power.
  • Weak to Force (unless Teal) and Dark.
  • Her low AGI can be a problem in PvE, especially if she doesn't have her panels' bulk yet.
  • Regarding Democalypse:
    • Since Mesopotamian Star has Remnants, she doesn't need to go second in the team order. Ideally, she should go first so the buffs + debuffs are online ASAP.
    • Making multiple Ishtars for different elements is cheap and effective.
    • Despite panel 1's AoE damage boost for Prelim, it's more important to have her manually-buff for Boss. Only consider her for Prelim if Boss's buffing is already handled by someone else.
    • Panels 2 and 3 do nothing for her Democalypse builds.
    • Panel 4's Concentrate can be useful to improve the damage of Thunderclap, or her transferred attack skill. However, she's unlikely to Concentrate more than once, due to Boss's off-element damage reduction.
    • The AI in Democalypse doesn't cast Yellow's Concentrate.
Izanami.jpg Izanami
Purple Red Purple C F F -
  • Very high Magic stat. Combined with innate Merciless Blow, her unique Yomotsu Okami and Elec Amp in Purple, she will annihilate anything weak to Elec or Dark.
  • Yomotsu Okami and panel 3 provide a teamwide increase to Dark and Elec damage, perfect for Democalypse.
  • Great set of panels that provide her MP reduction, Elec Pierce and increased damage.
  • Panel 4 grants a 1 MP discount to all Elec or Dark spells in the team.
  • Very helpful in Brands of Sin: Vanity 14, which demands Elec/Dark damage and a slow team.
  • Weak to Fire.
  • No Dark Pierce.
  • Very expensive to fuse (Only 5+5 fusion paths are available, and the cheapest ones require Vishnu or Michael, who are themselves 5+5.).
  • No innate AOE spells, and Bolt Storm is not very good. You will probably have to transfer a better attack onto her.
  • Very RNG reliant in Elec Democalypse Boss, as you cannot rely on Eileen to weather out bad Bolt Storm rolls.
  • Panel 2 for Elec Pierce is mandatory for PvP.
  • Red gives her Hell Gaze, while Purple provides Elec Amp. Both are very useful for their respective elemental Democalypse, so consider having two Izanamis if at low investment. If you decide to go for panel 4, build a single Purple Izanami and Transcend her for skill switches instead of building a Red one. (A Red one built for Dark Democalypse boss with 2 damage boosters is only a 5-11% damage gain over a Purple one with Hell Gaze transfer + 1 damage booster.)
Kartikeya.jpg Kartikeya
Clear Clear B D D -
  • One of the fastest demons in the game especially when Skanda is maxed, allowing you to hit battlespeed requirements in PvE easily.
  • Skanda provides teamwide Accuracy and Crit chance boost.
  • Mortal Jihad plus Great Aim means he will rarely miss, while having a good crit rate to generate Press Turns for your team.
  • No weaknesses and innate Speedster gives him great flexibility over transfer slots and lets him fulfill a variety of roles.
  • No innate Pierce means he will have trouble with Repel Physical effects (notably Tetraka Shift), unless you inherit Phys Pierce (weak).
  • Very expensive to fuse (approx 8 million mag per copy, 500k of that is unaffected by discounts).
  • Essentially has no role other than boosting battle speed.
  • Difficult to Panel due to Clear demons only giving 60 spirits.
Synergies -
Lakshmi.jpg Lakshmi
Red Purple Teal Purple D F F -
  • Extremely high Magic and Luck stats allow her to be built as either a Sweeper or an Ailment inflictor.
  • Her High Luck and Insanity combined with Lotus Dance's high Charm rate virtually guarantee she will Charm everything that does not Null it.
  • Lotus Dance and Panel 3 allows her to generate MP for the team, letting her work as a fusible MP battery for PVE usage.
  • Trying to use her as a force boss Democalypse unit in red can be a pain as the AI will sometimes use Twister over Killing Wind.
  • Expensive to fuse (only 5+5 fusion paths are available).
  • Weak to Force unless Teal.
  • Lack of good innate offensive skills wastes her high MAG stat.
  • Made completely useless in PvP by Demeter and Maria.
  • Very bad bulk.
  • Panel 4 requires Charm to hit, which is unlikely in both PVE and PVP, meaning it's not a very useful panel.
  • Panel 3 has its MP recovery as a chain effect, allowing Adramelech to punish the team twice for every usage of Lotus Dance.
Notes -
Synergies -
Lilith.jpg Lilith
Clear Teal Clear D D D -
  • Two strong Dark and Elec AOE skills.
  • Decent Magic allows her to deal damage while also inflicting ailments on the enemy.
  • Panel 3 casts a teamwide Bind whenever an enemy is charmed, and can be triggered multiple times per turn.
  • Can be combined with Tiamat A to do a chain of ailments that happens before Demeter's bulwark.
  • Weak to Light (unless Teal) and Force.
  • No Dark Pierce until Panel 4.
  • No Elec Pierce at all.
  • Countered very hard by Daisoujou, who clears her charms and punishes her for using them.
  • Maria is common enough to deal with her ailments as well.
  • Easy 4x4 fusion paths and good panels make her a decent Panel 4 goal to strive toward.
  • Cannot be used in the same team as Lilith A.
Lucifer.jpg Lucifer
Purple Purple B C C -
  • Morning Star is the most powerful Almighty AOE spell in the game, with 170 BP and Bulwark Pierce. Combined with Butcher in Purple, this allows him to deal massive amounts of damage.
  • Strong panels, with Panel 1 offering 15% universal damage boost, bulk, 6 additional uses of Morning Star, and a debilitate effect after casting it.
  • P2 gives him a large amount of bulk and once per battle, a 50% heal and 50% bulwark at the end of his turn. P3 offers 25% more almighty and fire damage, and grants Lucifer a Concentrate effect once per turn when he downs a demon, giving massive damage potential.
  • Fast-Debilitate from Panel 4 is incredibly useful in both phases of Democalypse.
  • Weak to Light unless Teal, a problem when facing Camael and The 6th Angel.
  • Lack of Null Mortal means his bulk can be easily bypassed.
  • Very MP hungry, requires teammates like Demeter and Maria to help with MP Management.
  • While his effects may at a glance seem enticing, he still struggles with the prevalence of MP drain in the meta, and while Morning Star is strong, with no endure pierce it's hard for him to get the first kill to get his concentrate, let alone cast the skill a second time.
  • Very expensive to fuse and panel (Only 5+5 fusion paths are available, and the cheapest one requires Vishnu, who is himself 5+5.).
  • No Pierce and full Almighty kit means he is shut down hard by Five Elements.
Notes -
Synergies -
Lucifuge.jpg Lucifuge
Clear Clear C F F -
  • Hell's Ministry reduces Almighty cost for all Tyrant-race demons and improves their bulk. Paired with his Panel 1 Bonus, this will give a whopping 3 MP discount and enable powerful Turn 1 combos such as Lucifer's Morning Star.
  • Light Devourer is a hard-hitting single target Dark spell, further amplified by innate Dark Amp.
  • Has access to discounted Necro Dogma which only costs 5 MP when maxed (4 MP if Panel 1), allowing him to fire it Turn 1 and give your whole party a defensive buff as a bonus.
  • Weak to Light.
  • Extremely expensive to fuse (approx 9 million mag per copy, 6 million of that is unaffected by discounts).
  • Middling AGI hurts Battle Speed for fast T1 teams.
  • Offers very little in the current meta, where Demeter and Maria can feed any potential MP needs.
  • Requires Panel 1 to really shine.
  • Unimpressive without good teammates. His best partner Lucifer is another very expensive fusion, and requires Panel 4 to be really competitive in PvP.
Mara.jpg Mara
Purple Purple B F F -
  • One of the few fusible demons with Phys Pierce, in Purple.
  • High STR and LUK means he will hit hard and crit often.
  • Hell Thrust is very strong against bosses and in Democalypse, especially if he is Panel 3 for auto-charge after every use. At max level it also refunds 2 MP when used, ensuring he doesn't have a big refractory period between casts - so he can spam it even without Divine brands.
  • Panel 4 grants auto-charge upon Mara's first turn, ensuring he is immediately up and running.
  • Meme
  • Ice Weakness and non-existent bulk makes him go limp at the sight of Ice skills.
  • Expensive to fuse, will quickly blow through your Magnetite reserves. (only 5+5 fusion paths are available)
  • Requires damage boost transfers to supplement his damage.
  • Middling AGI means he will have accuracy issues and occasionally miss the hole. Also doesn't slot into Intimidating Stance teams well as a result.
  • Due to Mara having no single-target attack besides his regular thrust, Anti-Pierce units like Metatron, Kalki and Demiurge are a turn off.
  • Random target skills are a liability against Demeter, and my lawyer has advised not to continue this joke.
  • A staple of Phys PvE teams with Zaou-Gongen to pound through waves and bosses (such as in AG2 Boss Rush and Hells Park 91-99), as Auto-Charge is an incredibly powerful effect.
Mastema.jpg Mastema
Purple Purple C F F -
  • Good Magic coupled with Trial of Hate's high base power makes him a great Light sweeper. The debuff is icing on the cake.
  • Good set of resistances with 1 Null and 2 Repels.
  • Works well in Archangel Teams in light Democalypse.
  • Panel 4 fixed the issue of his AI eventually only casting Judgement Light if his MP fell low.
  • Laughs at his enemies occasionally.
  • No innate Pierce until Panel 4.
  • Weak to Fire. This is especially problematic in Brands of Sin Sloth 11 and above, as the boss has innate Trisagion.
  • Binding Cry while a flavorful skill is unfortunately wasted on Mastema.
  • The random debuffs on Trial of Hate and Panel 3 can roll duplicate stats, and the duplicates don't stack.
  • Easy 4x4 fusion paths and good panels make him a decent Panel 4 goal to strive toward.
  • Red has a single-target Ice spell in Ice Age, helpful for Ice Democalypse Boss. However, his panels don't boost its damage aside from panel 2's +100 MATK.
Metatron.jpg Metatron
Red Teal Teal Yellow B C C -
  • Divine Proxy gives him some bulk, magic damage, Infinite Chakra, and Repel Pierce (plus Concentrate when a party member repels something), making it one of the most loaded unique skills on a fusible demon.
  • Good HP and VIT stats paired with great resistances gives him decent bulk. This is further improved by his whopping +50 to Vitality in Panel 4, as well as the total +40% Max HP, -40% magic damage, and -20% all damage he gets from Panels.
  • Fire of Sinai is a heavy-hitting random target Almighty attack with Bulwark Pierce and Revive Ban upon kill, making him a supreme option for Hell's Park 100 and Brands of Sin: Deceit 14.
  • Gains discounted Mahamadyne in Red, which is great for Brands of Sin Sloth 10 and 11 farming.
  • Divine Proxy amplifies ALL Magic damage, and Panel 3 does the same but for everyone, making their magic hit even harder.
  • Very difficult to fuse, only 1 recipe available (Barong + Vishnu, with Vishnu himself being a 5+5 fusion).
  • Only random-target skills is a disadvantage in PvP, even with Bulwark Pierce. Mahamadyne in Red does not really resolve the problem, and it doesn't Pierce.
  • Full Almighty / non-Piercing kit means he is shut down hard by Five Elements effects, especially from popular demons like Morrighan and Indrajit.
  • Still needs some kind of MP sustain and possibly Panel 1 to cast Fire of Sinai T1 when facing MP drain units such as Camael or Alice A. Camael is also a massive issue for Metatron, as Fire of Sinai costs 5 MP when maxed + Panel 1, meaning he cannot cast it under Spirit Chains (Indignation) unless he has cost reduction from demons like Skull Knight.
  • Attribute affinity down makes Repel Pierce ineffective.
  • The bonus hits provided by Panel 4 are coded as a different skill from Fire of Sinai and will not inherit effects such as Concentrate.
Synergies -
Michael.jpg Michael
Teal Red Red Teal S B B B
  • Archangel's Revelation casts a 1-turn Luster Candy and Tetraja, then grants his team a large Bulwark at the start of every own turn. Additionally, he will lower all enemies' Light Affinity by 3 levels for 1 turn. This is unprecedented for a fusible and does not have a battle limit!
    • As a bonus under Tetraja, his team will take -20% damage from enemies' random-targeting skills.
  • Soul Judgement deals massive damage against single targets, ideal for bosses and Democalypse. If panel 2, it also generates an extra press turn icon (once per turn). It is also incredibly useful for Sloth 14 as it Bulwark Pierces while healing his party for 15% of their HP and casts a 1-turn Debilitate.
  • While he has pretty mediocre MAG stats, Panels 1, 2, and 3 help to offset this by providing +75% to his overall damage output.
  • Panels 1, 2, and 3 increase his Battle Speed by 90% in total, allowing him to act as the team's Speedster particularly for Archangels or for a slow Sloth 14 team.
  • Panel 3 confers Light Pierce and a 15% damage increase to all Herald and Divine demons in the party. This is very useful, as most demons of those races have Light spells, but several don't have Light Pierce (specifically Mastema pre-P4, Red Metatron, and demons 4-star or below).
  • Panel 4 provides an extra single hit to a random enemy after Michael activates any random skill (mostly used for Soul Judgement). This also chains with itself, meaning it triggers twice. This is great for finishing off Endures or a low HP enemy.
    • This being a separate chain from Soul Judgement also means that Mithras or Metatron M's light damage chains will trigger twice whenever Michael casts his skill.
  • Very good set of resistances, especially in Teal.
  • Weak to Dark unless Teal.
  • Expensive to fuse (only 5+5 fusion paths are available).
  • No innate Light Pierce (before p3) can cause trouble in PvP when going against Attribute Affinity Reinforcement demons, such as Baphomet A.
    • This is worsened by Soul Judgement being a random target skill, which is a liability against such teams. Red's Thunderclap can help a little, but it lacks Bulwark Pierce.
  • Not great transfer or awakening skills. Red is not suited for Democalypse boss, since it may cause his AI to use Thunderclap instead of Soul Judgement, resulting in less damage output.
  • The bonus hits provided by Panel 4 are coded as a different skill from Soul Judgement and will not inherit effects such as Concentrate.
  • Michael is effectively a straight upgrade from Barong in terms of fusible supports. Synergizing with this, both demons prefer Teal, and Michael's cheapest fusion path is Barong + Ishtar. Newer players can consider making a Teal Barong, using him to progress (but not investing into him too heavily, i.e. no panels, evolving, or skill levels), then fusing the Barong with a Clear Ishtar to get a Teal Michael.
Synergies -
Norn.jpg Norn
Clear Clear C F F -
  • Has no offensive skills despite possessing Merciless Blow. Heavily relies on transfers for an offensive presence or at least do more than heal.
  • Not really better than Amaterasu and Barong as a PvE healer/support.
  • Only obtainable through Democalypse grinding.
  • Very good for Dark and Light Alter-World.
  • As the AI will not cast debuffs in Democalypse, Abaddon A still has an edge over her being able to provide both buffs and debuffs.
  • Her Transcend Stones can be redeemed for Democalpyse Coins, so make use of that to unlock skill switches. This lets you give her multiple builds without needing multiple Norns.
Synergies -
Quetzalcoatl.jpg Quetzalcoatl
Teal Red Yellow Purple Teal C D D -
  • Usually run as a support demon. Ce Acatls' Return is an incredible resurrection spell that brings all fallen party members back to life and casts a 3-turn Luster Candy. When maxed and with Panel 2, it only costs 4 MP to cast.
  • Panel 4 increases Ce Acatls' Return's usage limit to 3, and automatically removes Revive Ban from the team at the start of his team's turn. This allows Quetz to immediately and repeatedly revive and buff allies when it gets to his turn, giving him a role similar to Maria. He's also the only source of Revive Ban cleansing aside from Maria herself, and the only fusible one.
  • Repel Phys in Teal pairs well with Pierce Negation units such as Alilat or Metatron.
  • Has 2 strong AOE spells, 3 if in Red.
  • High MP costs.
  • Weak to Dark.
  • Low Magic stat and lack of pierce wastes his AOE potential, despite having good spells and panels.
  • Ce Acatls' Return has to be cast manually, and it does not give extra press turns - so if Quetz is the sole survivor when he casts it, then your newly-revived team won't be able to do anything before the enemy's turn.
  • Since revive-ban cleanse is at the start of his team's turn, if one of your demons somehow gets revive-banned in the middle of your turn, you have to wait for your team's next turn to cleanse it.
  • Overshadowed completely by Maria.
Synergies -
Samael.jpg Samael
Purple Purple C D D -
  • Panel 3 is insanely powerful, providing free Barrier Break and Makara Break at the start of the turn without consuming Press Turns.
  • God's Malice is very good to lock down a single target with multiple Ailments.
  • Panel 4 casts a mini version of God's Malice at the end of his team's turn (10% chance instead of 30% chance for the four ailments).
  • Infinite Chakra helps to reduce MP requirements, allowing him to spam God's Malice.
  • Great set of Panels that provide additional Ailment Infliction, reduce MP costs and the aforementioned breaks. Easy 4x4 fusion paths make him a good Panel 3 goal to strive toward.
  • Weak to Elec.
  • Countered very hard by Daisoujou clearing his ailments and punishing him for using Charm.
  • Middling AGI hurts Battle Speed for fast Ailment teams.
  • Demeter and Maria's presence in the meta severely hamstring his usage.
  • Mana Aid is a great transfer skill.
  • Compared to Nergal, Panel 3 Samael gives you better Press Turn efficiency, but in return all your other demons will require some degree of Ailment Infliction from brands or transfers. Weigh the extra Press Turn versus stat flexibility carefully.
Synergies -
Seraph.jpg Seraph
Clear Clear B F F -
  • Very high Magic stat, combined with Garden of Eden and Merciless Blow it lets him hit weaknesses hard.
  • Innate Trisagion and Thunderclap deal massive damage when targeting weaknesses.
  • Ideal for Democalypse boss: Garden of Eden casts Offensive Cry at the start of a boss fight, and grants a team-wide damage aura when hitting weakness. Panels increase his damage further, ramping up across the 3 turns of boss. At panel 4, he also generates an additional Press Turn as icing on the cake.
  • Can be used in an Archangels team if banking solely on Uriel and Gabriel's passives.
  • Only obtainable through Democalypse grinding.
  • High MP costs make him unsuitable for anything outside Democalypse.
  • Weak to Ice.
  • No pierce.
  • The best way to build him for both Democalypses is by focusing on one element (most likely Light, see below) by transferring its respective Enhancement skill (ex. Light Enhancement) and Master Assassin. As the +10% damage to weak points given by Enhancements affects all the demon's skills regardless of element, this will ensure a +45% on the chosen element and a +30% on the other one (on comparison, a fully-focused Seraph with both an Amp and an Enhancement gets a total of +50% on the chosen element and of 15% on the other one).
  • His Transcend Stones can be redeemed for Democalpyse Coins, so make use of that to unlock skill switches. This lets you give him multiple builds without needing multiple Seraphs.
  • P4 Michael is a great mate for Seraph in Light Democalypse, as they both give damage boost to the whole party (Michael only to Divine/Heralds) and are both of the Herald race, meaning that you can kick in another Archangel (likely Gabriel), boost their damage and proc their passive, for a stellar amount of damage!
  • Seraph Gaming.
Synergies -
Seth.jpg Seth
Purple Teal Teal Purple B D D -
  • Ouas is a piercing, powerful, cheap ST nuke that crits often and heals as well. Additionally, it hits either as Phys or Force damage, depending on what will do more damage.
  • Extremely high STR and LUK means he will hit hard and crit often.
  • Purple gives him Force Amp, which is valuable when aiming to use Ouas as a force attack. Teal covers his weakness, while Clear gives him an AOE skill in Titanomachia.
  • Good set of panels that provide him damage, bulk and MP reduction. Also easy to fuse with 4x4 fusion paths.
    • With P1, P4, and Purple archetype, he can reach 40% Phys damage up and 65% Force damage up before transfers.
  • 100% HP boost from panels helps make up for his low VIT.
  • Pierce is only on Ouas, so Clear's Titanomachia will not pierce.
  • Weak to Fire unless Teal.
  • Extremely low MAG means Zandyne is a wasted slot.
  • Difficult to build in both elements simultaneously - generally it's best to pick one (probably Force) and stick with it. Master Assassin is a good transfer that boosts both. If you unlock his Skill Switches from Transcend, you could swap the builds around at will.
  • Charge is a very effective transfer against PvE bosses.
Synergies -
Shiva.jpg Shiva
Red Red B D D D
  • Effective physical sweeper - his Vorpal Blade-esque Standard Attack plus high strength, automatic DEF debuff, +90% crit rate, and panel 4's auto-Charge upon landing a crit all let him output high AoE damage.
  • Does not require MP to use his AoE standard attack, meaning he is not impeded by Spirit Chains of Indignation.
  • Has three sets of Drain resistances and no weakness if Teal, making him a valuable teammate for Pierce Negation users. This can also combo with his panel 3 to deal a punishing AoE when an enemy hits into NDR.
  • Pralaya removes Repel Almighty Physical such as the chain effect from Lord of the Dead. This makes him a good complement for Almighty Physical attackers like Shiva A, who are otherwise walled by it.
  • Pralaya deals a pursuing chain attack towards the lowest-HP enemy, potentially helping to secure a kill.
  • Pralaya has Remnants, costs 4 MP at max level, and if panel 2, grants Might after use. This helps make it press-turn-efficient to use when needed, compared to simply spamming crits with his standard attack.
  • Pralaya cannot remove Repel Almighty Magic, as the skill must hit before the removal chain is triggered.
  • Even though Pralaya and his panel 3 have bulwark pierce, his standard attack does not.
  • Pralaya and his panel 3 deal magic damage, meaning they cannot benefit from Might, Charge, or his crit rate boosts.
  • His automatic Repel Magic is only the normal version, meaning Almighty can go through it. Given that most demons have pierce, this means the shield is unlikely to protect your team from anything.
  • Weak to Ice unless Teal.
  • Very expensive to fuse (Cheapest path requires Vishnu, who is 5+5. All other paths are 5+5 and require demons that are at least 5+4).
    • This is also bad since Kartikeya can only be obtained through a Multi-Fusion involving a Clear Shiva, making it difficult to panel them both at the same time.
  • Expensive with limited damage output. Kit strangely tries to cover multiple niches (magic DPS, physical DPS, defensive support), but it falls short of all of them. Unsuited for the current meta.
Notes -
Surt.jpg Surt
Purple Clear Clear C D D -
  • Weak to Ice unless Teal.
  • No innate Fire Pierce if not Purple.
  • MATK is the primary stat to boost, as Ragnarok still greatly relies on it for damage. %PATK is his preferred tertiary stat on Arm and Leg brands, while Head and Body brands will still prefer %MATK as a tertiary.
  • Divine brands are recommended if using him for PvP Defense. Otherwise, his AI will Ragnarok once and then default to spamming Berserker God every other turn, wasting all his damage potential.
Synergies -
Susano-o.jpg Susano-o
Purple Purple B F F -
  • Powerful Force nuker for PvE. Kusanagi hits extremely hard, ignores endures, and autocasts Tarukaja to further buff your team's attack.
  • As Kusanagi is treated as a spell, it bypasses any accuracy checks letting him land it reliably.
  • Both Kusanagi and Mortal Jihad scale from Phys Attack, allowing him to cover two elements decently (albeit without Phys Pierce).
  • Easy 4x4 fusion paths and good panels make him a decent Panel 4 goal to strive toward.
  • No innate Force Pierce until Panel 4.
  • No innate Phys Pierce at all.
  • Weak to Fire.
  • No place in PvP.
Notes -
Synergies -
Thor.jpg Thor
Purple Clear Purple C F F -
  • Mjolnir deals good damage against single targets, ideal for Bosses and Democalypse. At max level it also refunds 2 MP when used, allowing to be used repeatedly even without Divine brands.
  • Panel 4 casts a free Mjolnir at the end of his team's turn, once per battle.
  • Panels grant him a lot of damage, making him an ideal Elec mage especially with Elec Pierce in Purple.
  • If pierce is not needed, Clear's Maziodyne is able to handle sweeping while using the same boosts as Mjolnir (panel 1, transfers like Serial Killer, etc)
  • Weak to Force.
  • Despite his high STR, building him for Phys is not very viable due to his low AGI and LUK - he's going to miss a lot. His panels also don't support a Phys build at all.
  • Megaton Raid and Charge are wasted slots for an Elec mage build.
  • Random target skills are very hard to use for PvP.
  • AI is extremely bad on Auto, as Charge will mess him up.
Synergies -
Vasuki.jpg Vasuki
Purple Red Purple Clear B C C -
  • Innate Ice Debuff, Butcher in Purple, and another 65-85% damage from panels 1 and 2 make him a powerful Ice mage.
  • Halahala deals massive damage against single targets and debuffs ATK and DEF, ideal for Bosses and Democalypse. It's also useful for breaking the multiple endures in Brands of Sin: Avarice.
  • Very high chance for Halahala to inflict Poison: 165% chance when adding up its base 50%, Insanity, Ice Debuff, panels 1 + 3, and Gloom. The skill also attempts infliction 6 times per cast.
    • Panel 1 offers synergy with Auto Barrier Break and +20% to Poisoned enemies for the party, while Panel 4 casts a follow-up Bulwark-piercing AoE when an enemy gets Poisoned.
    • Allies can access 60% of that chance boost, making Vasuki a solid partner for ailmenters.
  • Being limited to only random targeting can be a problem in PvP.
  • Weak to Fire unless Teal.
  • Halahala does not have Bulwark pierce, only his panel 4 chain effect does.
Synergies -
Vishnu.jpg Vishnu
Red Red D F F -
  • Avatar provides him free a Enduring Soul +, while giving him additional MAG and HP from levels. Combined with decent natural bulk and Healing from Panel 1, this makes him a very tanky Mage.
  • Panel 4 provides him a free Megido-proc at the end of your turn, useful for breaking Endures and/or cleanup. In addition, it also gives him free Intimidating Stance which synergizes well with his low AGI.
  • Red gains access to discounted Megidolaon, which is further reduced to 5 MP once Panel 3 is unlocked.
  • Null Bind from Panel 1 ensures his chain effects will always go off. Null Curse from Panel 2 ensures he will always heal for decent amounts, in addition to being immune to Alice A's AOE Mortal.
  • Weak to Fire.
  • Expensive to fuse (only 5+5 fusion paths are available).
  • Bufudyne and Holy Wrath are wasted skills for PvP builds, and don't synergize with each other in PvE ones.
  • Lack of damage boosters means he will have poor damage output.
  • Lack of Pierce and an Almighty-based kit means he is shut down hard by Five Elements and similar effects.
  • Slow chip damage builds are no longer viable due to Demeter, making him absolutely useless in PvP.
Synergies -