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Barong.jpg Elemental Resistances














Resist - - Null Weak Null Weak
Rarity Race Grade AI
5★ Avatar 84 Support
6★ Stats
HP 1018 (298/441) Vitality 138 (298/441)
Strength 158 (161/441) Agility 178 (73/441)
Magic 158 (222/441) Luck 170 (49/441)
PATK 661 PDEF 560
MATK 661 MDEF 560
Innate Skills
Elec.png Mazionga 6 MP Inflicts Elec (Magic) damage with 100 power on All Enemies.
Elec.png Bolt Storm 5 MP Inflicts Elec (Magic) damage 2 to 4 times with 55 power on Random Enemies.
Support.png Barong Dance 7 MP Heals All Party Members with 95 power and increases ATK, DEF, EV/AC of All Party Members by 20% for 3 turns.
Awaken: Passive.png Endure Passive HP stops at 1 HP upon receiving the first killing blow.
Gacha: -
Awaken: Elec.png Thunder Reign 7 MP Inflicts Elec (Magic) damage with 180 power on a Single Enemy.
Gacha: Ice.png Bufudyne 6 MP Inflicts Ice (Magic) damage with 160 power on a Single Enemy.
Awaken: Recovery.png Recarmdra 8 MP Revive All Party Members with full HP, caster dies. (1 use)
Gacha: Ailment.png Mahashibaboo 6 MP 30% chance to inflict Bind on All Enemies.
Awaken: Passive.png Elec Amp Passive +25% to Elec damage.
Gacha: Passive.png Vitality Amp III Passive +15 to Vitality.
Awaken: Passive.png Null Dark Passive Adds Dark Null.
Gacha: Passive.png Resist Force Passive Adds Force Resist.
Spirit Merge Panel Upgrades
Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3 Panel 4
Panel Completion Bonus Reduces the cost of Barong Dance by 1 MP. +20% to max HP. -70% to Elec damage received. +15% to Elec damage and +15% to Healing skill effectiveness. As long as this demon is alive, -20% to Elec damage received by all allies. Activates the following Chain Effect when Barong Dance is activated: Adds a Bulwark of approximately 500 HP to all party members. (1 turn)
Panel Step Stat Bonus HP +25 (MAX +250) Mag ATK +10 (MAX +100) HP +25 (MAX +250) HP: +250(MAX)



Holy Beast Sword
Holy Beast Sword.jpg Symbol of Good While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -10% to Elec damage received.
Max Stats
physical/magic increase Mag ATK 120% Element Increase Elec 30%
Physical Accuracy 20% Critical Chance 20%
Innate Skills
Elec.png Zionga 5 MP Inflicts Elec (Magic) damage with 140 power on a Single Enemy.
Support.png War Dance 6 MP Increases own parties ATK and DEF by 20% for 3 turns.
Elec.png Calon Arang 7 MP Inflicts Elec (Magic) damage (Power: 80) on all enemies, and Heals around 400 HP of all party members if the attack is successful.
Spirit Merge Panel Upgrades
Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3
Panel Completion Bonus 15% to HP Healing skill effectiveness. Reduces the cost of Calon Arang by 1MP. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -5% to Elec damage received.
Panel Step Stat Bonus Mag ATK +50(MAX) Mag ATK +50(MAX) Mag ATK +50(MAX)


Spirit Beast Mirror
Spirit Beast Mirror.jpg Banas Pati Raja -5% to Elec damage received.
Max Stats
HP 120% Elemental Damage Reduction Elec 20%
Defence 50% Magic Defence 100%
Elemental Resistances














- - - Null Weak - -
Innate Skills
Passive.png Elec Boost Passive +15% to Elec damage.
Passive.png Life Surge Passive +30% to Max HP.
Passive.png Drain Elec Passive Adds Elec Drain.
Spirit Merge Panel Upgrades
Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3
Panel Completion Bonus +10% Elec damage. +30% to max HP +20% to max HP. -10% to Elec damage received.
Panel Step Stat Bonus HP: +200(MAX) HP: +200(MAX) HP: +200(MAX)

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Role Summary

Name Best Archetype(s) PVE PVP
PVE PVP Offense Defense
Barong.jpg Barong
Teal Any C D D -
  • Barong Dance provides a decent AOE heal while giving the party a full Luster Candy buff. It also has infinite uses and can be reduced to a mere 5 MP when maxed with Panel 1 unlocked.
  • Panel 4 makes Barong Dance apply a 1-turn 500 HP Bulwark, which can stack to 1,000 HP if you get 2 casts off during your turn. This increases the value of his heal significantly, as you can set up bulwarks to soak damage while patching up teammates at the same time, particularly helping him keep frail targets alive. Wth the addition of Demeter extra bulwark strength is greatly appreciated.
  • Very high AGI allows him to be used as a fast support, especially with Speedster transferred for Battle Speed requirements.
  • Can be used as a buffer for Elec Democalypse thanks to Barong Dance having high cast priority.
  • Weak to Dark (unless Teal) and Force.
  • Low MAG stat means he won't heal for much.
  • Elec attack spells (and Elec Amp in Purple) are wasted slots considering his bad Magic stat.
  • Does not have Null Mortal like some of his competition, particularly Maria.
  • Only has one revive in Recarmdra in yellow, and can be vulnerable to having teammates Revive Sealed.
  • Niche use in Aura Gate as giving him Support AI with his MATK low enough guarantees he'll heal you with Barong Dance no matter your HP. This is useful to recover HP lost from Talk and/or enemy encounters.
Synergies -

PvE Builds


  • Teal: Null Dark to cover his Dark weakness.

Skill Transfers

Healing Boosters is a must have to make Barong Dance heal huge amounts.

Healing Boosters:

  • Recovery Amp: Highest healing modifier
  • Epitome of Hardiness: Healing modifier + extra HP for survivability
  • Recovery Boost: Early game/budget option.

Support Skills:

  • Speedster: Boosts team speed if needed
  • Samrecarm: Allows Barong to revive a dead party member if needed.

Other/Misc. Skills:

  • Resist/Null Force: Covers his Force weakness.


  • Stat priorities: Healing%, Mag ATK%
  • Heal: Increases the amount Barong Dance heals.
  • Spell: Boosts Mag ATK, which in turn boosts healing.
  • Divine: Allows to spam Barong Dance frequently.
  • Life: Boosts his bulk.
  • Speed: Boosts team speed if needed.


  1. MAG (20): To boost his Mag ATK for healing
  2. VIT (20/10): Boosts his bulk.
  3. AGI (10/20): Increases team speed.


Keep on Dancin'
ArchTeal.png Transferred Skills Notes:

Best end game healer. Heals + Luster Candy in 1 is broken for PVE saving up a team slot for other supports. Use Templar Dragon for more heals.

Null Force Recovery Amp
Infused Mitama
Ma 20 Vi 10 Ag 20
Spell + Heal with Healing% & Mag ATK%
Target Stats

PvP Builds

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Official Profile

A greatly worshiped beast god that dwells in the forests of Bali. Adorned with mirror like jewels, every 210 days a festival is held for this lion like beast. Once an evil demon that was feared, through ritual became the guardian of the people, As a symbol of good, it is fated to war with Rangda, the avatar of evil, for all eternity.