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Revision as of 06:17, 15 February 2024

Icon Bind.png Bind is an Ailment that prevents the target from taking any actions.


If a demon is affected by Bind, its turn is effectively skipped until the effect is cleansed.


  • Affected demons' evasion to physical hits is nullified.
  • Affected demons are unable to counter-attack.
  • Affected demons may be unable to perform certain chain effects.

Auto Cure rate

Each turn that a demon has an ailment, there is a chance that the ailment will automatically be cured, removing its effects.

The chance that an ailment will be auto-cured increases with the amount of turns the ailment is active, capping at 4 consecutive turns of the ailment persisting.

The auto cure rate progression for Bind is as follows:

Turn 1 25%
Turn 2 50%
Turn 3 70%
Turn >=4 100%


  • This page is meant to list effects that specifically mention Bind. For effects that apply to any ailment, see the Ailments article.

Bind Appliers

Skills that apply Bind

Type Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Phys Phys Binding Claw 5 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Multi.png Ailment Shibaboo 5 MP Single Target Single Target 2 -
Multi.png Ailment Shibabooon 6 MP Single Target Single Target 8 -
Multi.png Ailment Mahashibaboo 6 MP All Targets All Targets 5 -
Multi.png Ailment Mahashibabooon 7 MP All Targets All Targets 9 -
Multi.png Ailment Binding Cry 6 MP Random Targets Random Targets 7 -
Phys Phys Iron Judgement 5 MP Single Target Single Target - Demonee-Ho.jpg Demonee-Ho
Phys Phys Gomorrah (J) 7 MP All Targets All Targets - Jeanne☆.jpg Jeanne☆
Phys Phys Paralyzing Bite 5 MP Single Target Single Target - Kamiotoko.jpg Kamiotoko
Fire Fire Quivering Flames 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Moloch.jpg Moloch
Elec Elec Lightning Shower 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Indrajit.jpg Indrajit
Force Force Sanction 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Sabaoth.jpg Sabaoth
Light Light Goddess's Prank 5 MP Single Target Single Target - Idun.jpg Idun
Dark Elec Dark/Elec Great Chaos 7 MP All Targets All Targets - Beelzebub (Human).jpg Beelzebub (Human)
Almighty Almighty Ark 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Elizabeth.jpg Elizabeth
Almighty Almighty God's Malice 7 MP Single Target Single Target - Samael.jpg Samael
Almighty Almighty Lost Sanity 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Cthulhu.jpg Cthulhu
Multi.png Fractional 16 Scourges 8 MP All Targets All Targets - Angra Mainyu.jpg Angra Mainyu
Multi.png Fractional Blade of Terror 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Red Rider.jpg Red Rider
Multi.png Ailment Ghost Hack 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Motoko Kusanagi.jpg Motoko Kusanagi
Multi.png Support Fury Raid 7 MP All Targets All Targets - Ladon.jpg Ladon
Passive Passive Madama Uppercut Passive Single Target Single Target - Jeanne☆.jpg Jeanne☆
Passive Passive Yaksha Claw Passive Random Targets Random Targets - Gurr.jpg Gurr

Demon Panels that apply Bind

Demon Panel # Effect
Lilith.jpg Lilith Panel 3 Activates the following Chain Effect when enemy is Charmed: 30% chance to Bind all enemies.
Samael.jpg Samael Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect at the end of own turn: Inflicts Almighty (Magic) damage (Power: 40) on all enemies with 10% chance to inflict Poison, Bind, Charm and Mute.
Chernobog.jpg Chernobog Panel 3 Activates the following Chain Effect after Fog of Death is activated: 15% chance to inflict Bind on all enemies.

Inflict Chance Down

Skills that decrease the chance to inflict Bind

Type Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Multi.png Recovery Paraladi 3 MP Single Target Single Target 1 -
Multi.png Recovery Meparaladi 4 MP All Allies 5 -
Passive Passive Resist Bind Passive Self 4 -

Additional Effects

Skills that grant additional effects against Bound enemies

Type Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Deadly Bondage Passive Self 13 -

Auto Cure Rate Down

Demon Panels that decrease the Auto Cure Rate of Bind

Demon Panel # Effect
Lilith.jpg Lilith Panel 4 Adds Dark Pierce. While the one with this skill is alive, -25% to enemy Charm and Bind auto cure rate.
Moloch.jpg Moloch Panel 2 +20% to Max HP. +20% chance to inflict status ailments. While the one with this skill is alive, all enemies will receive the following effect: -25% to the chance of auto recovery from Bind.

Bind Immunity

Skills that grant immunity to Bind

Type Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Null Bind Passive Self 12 -
Passive Passive Null Bind-Weak Passive Self 16 -
Passive Passive Blood Cradle Passive Self - Moloch.jpg Moloch
Passive Passive Crawling Chaos Passive Self - Nyarlathotep.jpg Nyarlathotep
Passive Passive Determined Hero Passive Self - Masakado B.jpg Masakado B
Passive Passive Eternal Order Passive Self - Kalki.jpg Kalki
Passive Passive Fecund Womb Passive Self - Echidna.jpg Echidna
Passive Passive Godly Bastion Passive Self - Elohim.jpg Elohim
Kuzuryu.jpg Kuzuryu
Sabaoth.jpg Sabaoth
Shaddai.jpg Shaddai
Passive Passive Narcissism Passive Self - Narcissus.jpg Narcissus
Passive Passive Pure-White Devil Passive Self - Albedo.jpg Albedo
Passive Passive The Bloody Valkyrie Passive Self - Shalltear.jpg Shalltear
Passive Passive World Tree Passive Self - Yggdrasil.jpg Yggdrasil

Demon Panels that grant immunity to Bind

Demon Panel # Effect
Amon.jpg Amon Panel 1 Adds Null Mortal/Bind.+500 to own Mag DEF.
Beelzebub☆.jpg Beelzebub☆ Panel 2 Adds Null Mute, Null Bind and Null Charm.
Cthulhu.jpg Cthulhu Panel 1 Adds Null Bind. -20% to Fire, Ice, Elec & Force damage received.
Elizabeth.jpg Elizabeth Panel 1 Adds Null Mute, Null Bind, Null Poison and Null Weak.
Griffith.jpg Griffith Panel 2 Adds Null Mute/Bind/Charm. Activates the following Chain Effect when the enemy enters a state of Repel Phys: Removes Repel Phys from all enemies.
Heimdall.jpg Heimdall Panel 1 +15% to Almighty damage. Adds Null Bind.
Kangiten.jpg Kangiten Panel 1 Adds Null Mortal/Charm/Bind. While the one with this skill is alive, all allies receive the following effect: +20% to Healing skill effectiveness.
Lachesis.jpg Lachesis Panel 2 +10% to max HP. While the one with this skill is alive, Femme/Lady allies gain Null Bind.
Quetzalcoatl A.jpg Quetzalcoatl A Panel 1 Adds Null Bind. -50% to Fire/Force damage received.
Susano-o A.jpg Susano-o A Panel 2 Adds Null Bind/Mortal. Activates the following Chain Effect when the one with this skill downs a demon: Recovers 2 MP.
The 10th Angel.jpg The 10th Angel Panel 2 Adds Null Bind/Charm. +30% to max HP.
Vishnu.jpg Vishnu Panel 1 -50% to Ice damage received. Adds Null Bind. +20% to max HP.

Cleansing Bind

Skills that cleanse Bind

Type Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Multi.png Support Paraladi 3 MP Single Target Single Target 1 -
Multi.png Support Meparaladi 4 MP All Allies 5 -
Passive Passive Goddess Aid Passive All Allies - Elizabeth.jpg Elizabeth
Skill Effects
Attributes/Elements Phys PhysFire FireIce IceElec ElecForce ForceLight LightDark DarkAlmighty AlmightyMulti Multi Skills
Ailments Icon Bind.png BindIcon Charm.png CharmIcon Curse.png CurseIcon Mute.png MuteIcon Poison.png PoisonIcon Weak.png WeakStatus Ailment ResonanceCleric
Good Status Effects Icon Barrier.png BarrierIcon Charge.png ChargeIcon Concentrate.png ConcentrateIcon Critical.png MightIcon Lydia.png LydiaIcon Repel Magic.pngIcon Repel Almighty Magic.png Repel MagicIcon Repel Physical.pngIcon Repel Almighty Physical.png Repel PhysicalIcon Null Mortal.png Evade Mortal
Spirit Chains Icon Spirit Chains of Corrosion.png CorrosionIcon Spirit Chains of Indignation.png IndignationIcon Spirit Chains of Intimidation.png IntimidationIcon Spirit Chains of Salvation.png SalvationIcon Spirit Chains of Suppression.png Suppression
Other Special Effects Icon Youre Next.png You're NextIcon Revive Ban.png Revive BanIcon Zenith.png ZenithIcon Gloom.png GloomIcon Attribute Affinity Reinforcement.png Attribute Affinity ReinforcementIcon Elec Resistance Down 2.png Attribute affinity downIcon Fortify.png FortifyIcon Decay.png DecayIcon Malice.png Malice
Buffs Icon ATK Buff.png ATK BuffIcon DEF Buff.png DEF BuffIcon EVAC Buff.png EV/AC Buff
Debuffs Icon ATK Debuff.png ATK DebuffIcon DEF Debuff.png DEF DebuffIcon EVAC Debuff.png EV/AC Debuff
HP Max HPHealingSteal HP
MP Max MPNaturally recovered MPRecover MPSteal MPLose MPMP cost upMP cost down
Stats Strength (Str)Magic (Mag)Vitality (Vit)Agility (Agi)Luck (Luk)
Offense PierceMortalFractional DamageFixed DamageAccuracy and EvasionCritical hitWeak pointStandard/Normal AttackDamage boostReverse damage reduction
Defense Pierce Negation (Anti-Pierce)BulwarkCounterDeath Prevention (Endures)RevivalReverse damage boostDamage reductionPreferential TargetSuper Reaction
Other Press TurnRemnantsPassingBattle SpeedChain Effect turn orderBoost LevelParty EffectField EffectsOrder Crest
Non-Combative Trap NegationIcon Tome of Exp 12h.png EXP UpIcon Macca.png Macca Up