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Dark Dark is an attribute.

Physical Dark Damage

Skills that deal Physical Dark damage

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Dark Dark Black Slash 5 MP Single Target Single Target 10 -
Dark Dark Rending Black 6 MP All Targets All Targets 10 -
Dark Dark Black Drill Destruction 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Unit 01 Dx2 Type.jpg Unit 01 Dx2 Type
Dark Dark Dark Gift 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Guedhe.jpg Guedhe
Dark Dark Demonic Sword 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Unit 01 Dx2 Type.jpg Unit 01 Dx2 Type
Dark Dark Dynamic Evil Spear 5 MP Single Target Single Target - Murmur.jpg Murmur
Dark Dark Fangs of Vengeance 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Tiamat A.jpg Tiamat A
Dark Dark Temptation 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Lilith A.jpg Lilith A
Passive Passive Demonized Form Passive All Targets All Targets - Unit 01 Dx2 Type.jpg Unit 01 Dx2 Type
Passive Passive Forbidden Fruit Passive Single Target Single Target - Lilith A.jpg Lilith A
Passive Passive Tempestuous Malice Passive All Targets All Targets - Tiamat A.jpg Tiamat A
Passive Passive Trillion Dark Passive Single Target Single Target - Meliodas.jpg Meliodas

Magic Dark Damage

Skills that deal Magic Dark damage

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Dark Dark Mudo 4 MP Single Target Single Target 1 -
Dark Dark Mudoon 5 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Dark Dark Mudoon L 4 MP Single Target Single Target 6 -
Dark Dark Mudodyne 6 MP Single Target Single Target 9 -
Dark Dark Hell Gaze 7 MP Single Target Single Target 12 -
Dark Dark Mamudo 5 MP All Targets All Targets 2 -
Dark Dark Mamudo L 4 MP All Targets All Targets 2 -
Dark Dark Mamudoon 6 MP All Targets All Targets 6 -
Dark Dark Mamudodyne 7 MP All Targets All Targets 9 -
Dark Dark Mamudodyne H 8 MP All Targets All Targets 9 -
Dark Dark Mamudobarion 8 MP All Targets All Targets 12 -
Dark Dark Evil Gaze 4 MP Random Targets Random Targets 7 -
Dark Dark Purgatory 5 MP Random Targets Random Targets 10 -
Dark Dark Eternal Hell 6 MP Random Targets Random Targets 12 -
Dark Dark Allure 6 MP All Targets All Targets - Lilith.jpg Lilith
Dark Dark Die for Me! 7 MP Single Target Single Target - Alice.jpg Alice
Dark Dark Gluttony 7 MP All Targets All Targets - Beelzebub.jpg Beelzebub
Dark Dark Go to Hell! 7 MP All Targets All Targets - Black Frost.jpg Black Frost
Dark Dark Hell's Trivia 6 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Hecate.jpg Hecate
Dark Dark Hero-Killing Venom 6 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Hydra.jpg Hydra
Dark Dark Light Devourer 5 MP Single Target Single Target - Lucifuge.jpg Lucifuge
Dark Dark Malicious Scale 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Vanitas.jpg Vanitas
Dark Dark Mayhem 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Shiva M.jpg Shiva M
Dark Dark Soul Hunt 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Cernunnos.jpg Cernunnos
Dark Dark Soul Levy 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Mephisto.jpg Mephisto
Dark Dark Underworld Miasma 6 MP Single Target Single Target - Osiris.jpg Osiris
Dark Dark Yohuallipoca 6 MP All Targets All Targets + Random Targets Random Targets - Tezcatlipoca.jpg Tezcatlipoca
Light Dark Light + Dark Light of Ruin 6 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Metatron M.jpg Metatron M
Dark Elec Dark + Elec Great Chaos 7 MP Single Target Single Target + All Targets All Targets - Beelzebub (Human).jpg Beelzebub (Human)
Multi.pngDark.png Ailment/Dark Dark Premonition 5 MP All Targets All Targets - Tzitzimitl.jpg Tzitzimitl
Light.pngDark.png Light/Dark Enigma's Rage 7 MP Single Target Single Target - Ame no Futotama.jpg Ame no Futotama
Light.pngDark.png Light/Dark Scapulimancy 7 MP All Targets All Targets - Ame no Futotama.jpg Ame no Futotama
Passive Passive Attack Function Passive Single Target Single Target - Vanitas.jpg Vanitas
Passive Passive Five Divine Attendants Passive All Targets All Targets - Ame no Futotama.jpg Ame no Futotama
Passive Passive God of Ubiquity Passive All Targets All Targets - Vishnu A.jpg Vishnu A
Passive Passive Guilty Passive All Targets All Targets - Yama.jpg Yama

Demon Panels that deal Magic Dark damage

Demon Panel # Effect
Alice.jpg Alice Panel 4 Activates the following Chain Effect when Die For Me! is activated: Inflicts Dark (Magic) Pierce effect damage (Power: 200) on a single enemy with 100% chance to inflict Mortal. Nullifies all death prevention skills.
Ame no Futotama.jpg Ame no Futotama Panel 2 Activates the following Chain Effect when Scapulimancy is used: Inflicts Light or Dark damage (Magic, Power: 60) with Bulwark Pierce to all enemies. *The attribute will be decided automatically based on the situation.

Armament Skills that deal Magic Dark damage

Armament Type Name MP Cost Target
SwordIcon.png Alice.jpg Alice Sword Dark Dark Gotcha! 6 MP Single Target Single Target
SwordIcon.png Black Frost.jpg Black Frost Sword Dark Dark Mahelldyne 7 MP All Targets All Targets
SwordIcon.png Lilith.jpg Lilith Sword Dark Dark Midnight Feast 7 MP All Targets All Targets
SwordIcon.png Izanami.jpg Izanami Sword Elec.pngDark.png Elec/Dark Thunderous Curse 6 MP Single Target Single Target
ShieldIcon.png Alice.jpg Alice Shield Passive Passive Innocent Laughter Passive All Targets All Targets

Dark Damage Up

Skills that increase Dark damage

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points
Passive Passive Dark Boost Passive Self 6 -
Passive Passive Dark Amp Passive Self 21 -
Passive Passive Dark Debuff Passive Self 14 -
Passive Passive Dark Enhancement Passive Self 16 -
Passive Passive Dark Prana Passive Self 14 -
Passive Passive Dark Accele Passive Self 16
Passive Passive Dark Slowda Passive Self 16 -
Passive Passive Dark Survivor Passive Self 14 -
Passive Passive Dark Vital Passive Self - -
Passive Passive Yin Yang Cycle Passive Self 14 -
Passive Passive Chaos Incarnate Passive Self - Tiamat A.jpg Tiamat A
Unit 01 Dx2 Type.jpg Unit 01 Dx2 Type
Passive Passive Demonized Form Passive Self - Unit 01 Dx2 Type.jpg Unit 01 Dx2 Type
Passive Passive Destroyer of Virtue Passive Self - Mephisto.jpg Mephisto
Passive Passive Enma's Conviction Passive Self - Yama.jpg Yama
Passive Passive Five Divine Attendants Passive Self - Ame no Futotama.jpg Ame no Futotama
Passive Passive Guilty Passive Self - Yama.jpg Yama
Passive Passive God of Ubiquity Passive Self - Vishnu A.jpg Vishnu A
Passive Passive Marshland Monster Passive Self - Hydra.jpg Hydra
Passive Passive Yomotsu Okami Passive All Allies - Izanami.jpg Izanami

Demon Panels that increase Dark damage

Demon Panel # Effect
Alice.jpg Alice Panel 1 +15% to Dark Damage. -30% to Dark damage received.
Ame no Futotama.jpg Ame no Futotama Panel 1 +20% to Light/Dark damage.
Ame no Futotama.jpg Ame no Futotama Panel 3 +30% to Light/Dark damage.
Beelzebub (Human).jpg Beelzebub (Human) Panel 3 +20% to Elec/Dark damage. +20% to max HP.
Cernunnos.jpg Cernunnos Panel 1 +15% to Dark damage. +20% Phys evasion rate.
Cernunnos.jpg Cernunnos Panel 3 +20% to Dark damage. +20% to max HP.
Guedhe.jpg Guedhe Panel 3 +20% to Dark damage. +20% to hit rate.
Hecate.jpg Hecate Panel 3 +20% to Dark damage inflicted. +20% to HP Healing skill effectiveness.
Hydra.jpg Hydra Panel 3 +30% to Dark damage.
Izanami.jpg Izanami Panel 1 -1 MP to MP consumed by Elec & Dark skills. +10% to Elec/Dark damage.
Izanami.jpg Izanami Panel 3 +10% to Elec & Dark damage dealt by all party members while this demon is alive.
Izanami.jpg Izanami Panel 4 +25% to Elec/Dark damage. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: Reduces the cost of Elec/Dark skills by 1 MP.
Lilith.jpg Lilith Panel 1 +15% to Dark damage. +20% chance to inflict status ailments.
Lilith A.jpg Lilith A Panel 3 +20% to Dark damage and +20% chance to inflict status ailments.
Mephisto.jpg Mephisto Panel 1 Reduces the cost of Soul Levy by 1 MP. +15% to Dark damage.
Meliodas.jpg Meliodas Panel 3 +20% to Phys/Dark damage. +20% to Critical hit rate.
Mephisto.jpg Mephisto Panel 3 +20% to Dark damage. +20% to Max HP.
Metatron M.jpg Metatron M Panel 1 Reduces the cost of Light of Ruin by 1 MP. +20% to Light/Dark damage.
Metatron M.jpg Metatron M Panel 3 +20% to Light/Dark damage. +20% to max HP.
Murmur.jpg Murmur Panel 3 +20% to Dark damage. +20% to max HP.
Osiris.jpg Osiris Panel 1 Adds Null Bind. +15% to Dark damage.
Osiris.jpg Osiris Panel 3 +20% to Dark damage. +20% to max HP.
Tezcatlipoca.jpg Tezcatlipoca Panel 1 +15% to Dark damage. +20% to own affect on Battle Speed.
Tezcatlipoca.jpg Tezcatlipoca Panel 3 +20% to Dark damage. +20% to max HP.
Tiamat A.jpg Tiamat A Panel 3 +20% to Dark damage. +20% to Phys hit rate.
Tzitzimitl.jpg Tzitzimitl Panel 1 +15% to Dark damage. +20% to max HP.
Tzitzimitl.jpg Tzitzimitl Panel 3 +20% to Dark damage and +20% chance to inflict status ailments
Unit 01 Dx2 Type.jpg Unit 01 Dx2 Type Panel 3 +20% to Dark damage. +20% to Phys hit rate.
Vanitas.jpg Vanitas Panel 3 +20% to Max HP. +20% to Dark damage.
Vishnu A.jpg Vishnu A Panel 1 +15% to Light/Dark damage. -30% to Light/Dark damage received.
Vishnu A.jpg Vishnu A Panel 2 Increases naturally recovered MP by 1 MP. +15% to Light/Dark damage
Vishnu A.jpg Vishnu A Panel 3 +20% to max HP. +20% to Light/Dark damage. Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of the 1st turn: Adds 1 Boost level to the one with this skill's Nirvana skill.
Yama.jpg Yama Panel 1 +15% to Dark damage. +20% chance to inflict status ailments.
Yama.jpg Yama Panel 3 +30% to Dark damage. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: Reduces the cost of Dark skills by 1 MP.
Anubis.jpg Anubis Panel 3 +10% to Dark damage.
Azrael.jpg Azrael Panel 3 +10% to Dark damage.
Kudlak.jpg Kudlak Panel 3 +8% to Dark/Almighty damage.

Armament Talents that increase Dark damage

Armament Name Effect
SwordIcon.png Alice.jpg Alice Sword Miserable Girl Adds Dark Pierce. While the character with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Dark damage.
SwordIcon.png Black Frost.jpg Black Frost Sword Symbol of Bad While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +15% to Dark damage.
SwordIcon.png Izanami.jpg Izanami Sword Pursuer Goddess While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Elec and Dark damage.
SwordIcon.png Anubis.jpg Anubis Sword Judgement Blade While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Dark damage.
ShieldIcon.png Alice.jpg Alice Shield Cruel Girl +5% to Dark damage. -5% to Dark damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Black Frost.jpg Black Frost Shield Demon Badassery +5% to Dark damage.
ShieldIcon.png Izanami.jpg Izanami Shield Creation's End +5% to Elec/Dark damage.
ShieldIcon.png Kudlak.jpg Kudlak Shield Vampire Armor +5% to Dark damage.

Armament Panels that increase Dark damage

Armament Panel # Effect
SwordIcon.png Alice.jpg Alice Sword Panel 3 While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Dark damage.
SwordIcon.png Black Frost.jpg Black Frost Sword Panel 1 +15% to Dark damage.
SwordIcon.png Black Frost.jpg Black Frost Sword Panel 3 While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Dark damage.
SwordIcon.png Izanami.jpg Izanami Sword Panel 1 +10% to Elec and Dark damage.
SwordIcon.png Izanami.jpg Izanami Sword Panel 3 While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Elec and Dark damage.
ShieldIcon.png Alice.jpg Alice Shield Panel 1 +10% to Dark damage.
ShieldIcon.png Alice.jpg Alice Shield Panel 3 +20% to max HP. +10% to Dark damage.
ShieldIcon.png Black Frost.jpg Black Frost Shield Panel 1 +10% to Dark damage.
ShieldIcon.png Black Frost.jpg Black Frost Shield Panel 3 +20% to Dark damage.
ShieldIcon.png Ixtab.jpg Ixtab Shield Panel 2 +10% to Dark/Almighty damage inflicted.

Damage Reduction

Skills that reduce Dark damage

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Moment of Fate Passive Self - Norn.jpg Norn

Demon Panels that reduce Dark damage

Demon Panel # Effect
Alice.jpg Alice Panel 1 +15% to Dark Damage. -30% to Dark damage received.
Alilat.jpg Alilat Panel 2 -20% to Phys/Light/Dark damage received.
Erlkonig.jpg Erlkonig Panel 2 While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -20% to Dark damage received and while being the recipient of Bulwark, -30% to all damage received except when a weak point is struck.
Flauros Hallel.jpg Flauros Hallel Panel 1 -50% to Light/Dark damage received.
Hecate.jpg Hecate Panel 1 -50% to Fire/Dark damage received.
Lilith.jpg Lilith Panel 2 -70% to Dark damage received.
Nebiros.jpg Nebiros Panel 1 -70% to Dark damage received. While the one with this skill is alive, all enemies will receive the following effect: -25% to Curse auto recovery rate.
Orcus.jpg Orcus Panel 1 -70% to Dark damage received.
Vishnu A.jpg Vishnu A Panel 1 +15% to Light/Dark damage. -30% to Light/Dark damage received.
Beelzebub.jpg Beelzebub Panel 2 -30% to Light/Dark damage received.
Kudlak.jpg Kudlak Panel 2 -25% to Dark damage received.
Persephone.jpg Persephone Panel 2 -15% to Ice/Dark damage received.

Armament Talents that reduce Dark damage

Armament Name Effect
SwordIcon.png Lilith.jpg Lilith Sword Mother of the Shedim While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -10% to Dark damage received.
SwordIcon.png Kaiwan.jpg Kaiwan Sword Zodiac Blade While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -5% to Dark damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Alice.jpg Alice Shield Cruel Girl +5% to Dark damage. -5% to Dark damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Lilith.jpg Lilith Shield First Woman -5% to Dark damage received
ShieldIcon.png Samael.jpg Samael Shield Toxic Light -20% to Dark damage received

Armament Panels that reduce Dark damage

Armament Panel # Effect
SwordIcon.png Lilith.jpg Lilith Sword Panel 3 While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -5% to Dark damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Alice.jpg Alice Sword Panel 2 +20% to max HP. -10% to Dark damage received.
ShieldIcon.png Izanami.jpg Izanami Shield Panel 3 +10% to Elec and Dark damage. -10% to Elec and Dark damage received.


Skills that grant resistances to Dark

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Resist Dark Passive Self 8 -
Passive Passive Null Dark Passive Self 12 -
Passive Passive Drain Dark Passive Self 20 -
Passive Passive Repel Dark Passive Self 16 -
Passive Passive Null Light-Dark Passive Self - Ame no Futotama.jpg Ame no Futotama
Gozu-Tennoh.jpg Gozu-Tennoh
Masakado B.jpg Masakado B
Pixie A.jpg Pixie A
Passive Passive Godly Shield Passive Self - Elohim.jpg Elohim
Kuzuryu.jpg Kuzuryu
Sabaoth.jpg Sabaoth
Shaddai.jpg Shaddai
Passive Passive Defense Function Passive Self - Vanitas.jpg Vanitas


Skills that grant Dark Pierce

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Dark Pierce (weak) Passive Self 16 -
Passive Passive Dark Pierce Passive Self 32 -
Passive Passive Dark Gift Passive Self - Guedhe.jpg Guedhe
Passive Passive Demonized Form Passive Self - Unit 01 Dx2 Type.jpg Unit 01 Dx2 Type
Passive Passive Destroyer of Virtue Passive Self - Mephisto.jpg Mephisto
Passive Passive Enma's Judgement Passive Self - Yama.jpg Yama
Passive Passive Five Divine Attendants Passive Self - Ame no Futotama.jpg Ame no Futotama
Passive Passive Forbidden Fruit Passive Self - Lilith A.jpg Lilith A
Passive Passive God of Ubiquity Passive Self - Vishnu A.jpg Vishnu A
Passive Passive Guardian of Records Passive Self - Thoth.jpg Thoth
Passive Passive Immortal Sea Serpent Passive Self - Hydra.jpg Hydra
Passive Passive Inventio Passive Self - Osiris.jpg Osiris
Passive Passive Ome Acatl Passive Self - Tezcatlipoca.jpg Tezcatlipoca
Passive Passive Power of Black Forest Passive Self - Erlkonig.jpg Erlkonig
Passive Passive Sinister Malice Passive Self - Metatron M.jpg Metatron M
Passive Passive Tempestuous Malice Passive Self - Tiamat A.jpg Tiamat A

Demon Panels that grant Dark Pierce

Demon Panel # Effect
Lilith.jpg Lilith Panel 4 Adds Dark Pierce. While the one with this skill is alive, -25% to enemy Charm and Bind auto cure rate.
Beelzebub.jpg Beelzebub Panel 3 Gains Dark Pierce.

Armament Talents that grant Dark Pierce

Armament Name Effect
SwordIcon.png Alice.jpg Alice Sword Miserable Girl Adds Dark Pierce. While the character with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: +10% to Dark damage.

MP Cost Reduction

Demon Skills that reduce MP cost of Dark skills

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Enma's Judgement Passive All Allies - Yama.jpg Yama

Demon Panels that reduce MP cost of Dark skills

Demon Panel # Effect
Izanami.jpg Izanami Panel 1 -1 MP to MP consumed by Elec & Dark skills. +10% to Elec/Dark damage.
Izanami.jpg Izanami Panel 4 +25% to Elec/Dark damage. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: Reduces the cost of Elec/Dark skills by 1 MP.
Yama.jpg Yama Panel 3 +30% to Dark damage. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: Reduces the cost of Dark skills by 1 MP.

Chain Effects

Skills that activate upon a Dark skill being cast

Element Name MP Cost Target Skill Points Exclusive?
Passive Passive Sinister Malice Passive All Targets All Targets - Metatron M.jpg Metatron M
Skill Effects
Phys PhysFire FireIce IceElec ElecForce ForceLight LightDark DarkAlmighty AlmightyMulti Multi Skills
(Bad Status Effects)
Icon Bind.png BindIcon Charm.png CharmIcon Curse.png CurseIcon Mute.png MuteIcon Poison.png PoisonIcon Weak.png WeakStatus Ailment ResonanceCleric
Good Status Effects Icon Barrier.png BarrierIcon Charge.png ChargeIcon Concentrate.png ConcentrateIcon Critical.png MightIcon Lydia.png LydiaIcon Repel Magic.pngIcon Repel Almighty Magic.png Repel MagicIcon Repel Physical.pngIcon Repel Almighty Physical.png Repel PhysicalIcon Null Mortal.png Evade Mortal
Spirit Chains Icon Spirit Chains of Corrosion.png CorrosionIcon Spirit Chains of Indignation.png IndignationIcon Spirit Chains of Intimidation.png IntimidationIcon Spirit Chains of Salvation.png SalvationIcon Spirit Chains of Suppression.png Suppression
Other Special Effects Icon Youre Next.png You're NextIcon Revive Ban.png Revive BanIcon Zenith.png ZenithIcon Gloom.png GloomIcon Attribute Affinity Reinforcement.png Attribute Affinity ReinforcementIcon Elec Resistance Down 2.png Attribute affinity downIcon Fortify.png FortifyIcon Decay.png DecayIcon Malice.png MaliceOrder Crest
Buffs Icon ATK Buff.png ATK BuffIcon DEF Buff.png DEF BuffIcon EVAC Buff.png EV/AC Buff
Debuffs Icon ATK Debuff.png ATK DebuffIcon DEF Debuff.png DEF DebuffIcon EVAC Debuff.png EV/AC Debuff
HP Max HPHealingSteal HP
MP Max MPNaturally recovered MPRecover MPSteal MPLose MPMP cost upMP cost down
Stats Strength (Str)Magic (Mag)Vitality (Vit)Agility (Agi)Luck (Luk)
Offense PierceMortalFractional DamageFixed DamageAccuracy and EvasionCritical hitWeak pointStandard/Normal AttackDamage boostReverse damage reduction
Defense Pierce Negation (Anti-Pierce)BulwarkCounterDeath Prevention (Endures)RevivalReverse damage boostDamage reductionPreferential TargetSuper Reaction
Other Press TurnRemnantsPassingBattle SpeedChain Effect turn orderBoost LevelParty EffectField Effects
Non-Combative Trap NegationIcon Tome of Exp 12h.png EXP UpIcon Macca.png Macca Up