Unknown Predator | Demons | MP: Passive | Skill Points: - | Target: Self | Use Limit: ∞
Adds Force Pierce.
+50% to Max HP +40% to hit rate.
While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect:
+20% to damage dealt, and -1 to MP consumed by skills.
While the one with this skill is alive, all enemies will receive the following effect:
-60% to damage dealt when inflicted with Gloom, and +2 to the MP cost of skills.
Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of the 1st turn:
Adds one count of Spirit Chains (Indignation) to the enemy with the lowest current HP.
Then, removes Zenith from all enemies and inflicts them with Gloom. (2 turns)
Lv2: +5% to max HP.
Lv3: +10% to max HP.
Lv4: +20% to max HP. |