Awaken: Curse is an Ailment that causes the target to receive significantly less healing.
If a demon is affected by Curse, any healing they receive is reduced by 75%.
- This applies to all forms of healing, including standard healing, steal HP, and fractional healing such as
Auto Cure rate
Each turn that a demon has an ailment, there is a chance that the ailment will automatically be cured, removing its effects.
The chance that an ailment will be auto-cured increases with the amount of turns the ailment is active, capping at 4 consecutive turns of the ailment persisting.
The auto cure rate progression for Curse is as follows:
Turn 1 |
Turn 2 |
Turn 3 |
Turn >=4 |
Recovered (100%)
- This page is meant to list effects that specifically mention Curse. For effects that apply to any ailment, see the Ailments article.
Curse Appliers
Skills that apply Curse
Demon Panels that apply Curse
Demon |
Panel # |
Panel 3
Activates the following Chain Effect after Hand of Glory is activated: Heals all party members for 30% of their max HP. Activates the following Chain Effect when an ally is hit with Physical, Magic, or Fractional damage: 80% chance to inflict Curse on all enemies. (Activates up to 3 times per turn)
Dx2 Skills that apply Curse
Dx2 |
Skill |
Lunar Destruction
50% chance to cast when the enemy defeats a demon. When cast, has a 100% chance to Curse all enemies
Lunar Energy
50% chance to cast when an enemy is revived. When cast, has a 100% chance to Curse all enemies
Armament Skills that apply Curse
Armament Talents that apply Curse
Armament |
Name |
Alice A Shield
Black Plushie
Activates the following Chain Effect when a party member (other than the one with this skill) is downed: 80% chance to inflict Curse on all enemies. The one with this skill will take -20% damage from enemies that are Cursed.
Armament Panels that apply Curse
Armament |
Panel # |
Alice A Sword
Panel 3
Activates the following Chain Effect after using [I Want Friends] or [What Should We Play?]: Inflicts 50% fractional damage (Max: 3000) based on current HP to a single enemy, and then inflict Curse on a single enemy with an 80% success rate. (Activates once per turn.)
Alice A Shield
Panel 3
Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of the 1st turn: 80% chance to inflict Curse on all enemies.
Inflict Chance Down
Skills that decrease the chance to inflict Curse
Type |
Name |
MP Cost |
Target |
Skill Points |
3 MP
Single Target
4 MP
All Allies
Resist Curse
Chain Effects
Skills that activate upon applying Curse
Demon Panels that activate upon applying Curse
Demon |
Panel # |
Panel 4
Reduces the count of Spirit Chains (Intimidation) applied on the one with this skill by 1. Activates the following Chain Effect when an enemy is inflicted with Curse: Inflicts Fire damage (Physical, Power: 50) with Bulwark Pierce on all Cursed enemies, and then places self into a state of Might. (Activates up to 3 times per turn)
Black Frost
Panel 4
Activates the following Chain Effect when an enemy becomes Cursed: Increases ATK and DEF of all party members by 20% (3 Turns). Restore 1 MP to all party members. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will deal +15% damage to Cursed enemies.
Panel 2
Activates the following Chain Effect when an enemy is Cursed: Increases own Party's ATK by 20% and reduces DEF of all enemies by 20%. (1 turn)
Armament Talents that activate upon applying Curse
Armament |
Name |
Alice A Sword
Red Plushie
Adds Dark Pierce. Activates the following Chain Effect when the enemy is inflicted with Curse: Removes Evade Mortal resulting from Good Status from all enemies. (Activates once per turn.)
Healing amount down
Dx2 Skills that decrease the healing received by Cursed enemies
Dx2 |
Skill |
Give Lip (I · II)
When a Cursed enemy is healed, decreases the healing amount by 10% · 20%.
Additional Effects
Skills that grant additional effects against Cursed enemies
Armament Skills that grant additional effects against Cursed enemies
Armament Talents that grant additional effects against Cursed enemies
Armament |
Name |
Alice A Shield
Black Plushie
Activates the following Chain Effect when a party member (other than the one with this skill) is downed: 80% chance to inflict Curse on all enemies. The one with this skill will take -20% damage from enemies that are Cursed.
Demon Panels that grant additional effects against Cursed enemies
Demon |
Panel # |
Alice A
Panel 1
+20% Phys evasion rate. +20% chance to inflict status ailments. -20% to damage received from Cursed enemies.
Alice A
Panel 2
+5 to max MP. Activates the following Chain Effect when an enemy is defeated: All party members recover 1MP. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -20% to damage received from Cursed enemies.
Alice A
Panel 4
While the one with this skill is alive, all enemies will receive the following effect: +1 to MP consumed while inflicted with Curse.
Panel 2
Activates the following Chain Effect after Flames of Gomorrah is activated: Enters a state of Might. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -20% to damage received from Cursed enemies.
Panel 3
+40% to Phys and Fire damage. While the one with this skill is alive, all enemies will receive the following effect: +30% to damage received while Cursed.
Panel 4
Reduces the count of Spirit Chains (Intimidation) applied on the one with this skill by 1. Activates the following Chain Effect when an enemy is inflicted with Curse: Inflicts Fire damage (Physical, Power: 50) with Bulwark Pierce on all Cursed enemies, and then places self into a state of Might. (Activates up to 3 times per turn)
Black Frost
Panel 2
-15% to damage to all party members by Cursed enemies while this demon is alive.
Black Frost
Panel 3
+15% to damage dealt to Cursed enemies by all party members while this demon is alive.
Black Frost
Panel 4
Activates the following Chain Effect when an enemy becomes Cursed: Increases ATK and DEF of all party members by 20% (3 Turns). Restore 1 MP to all party members. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will deal +15% damage to Cursed enemies.
Panel 2
+15% damage dealt by all party members to Charmed enemies and +15% damage dealt by all party members to Cursed enemies while the one with this skill is alive.
Kali A
Panel 2
While the one with this skill is alive, all Cursed enemies will receive the following effect: -50% to Healing skill effectiveness, +15% to damage received.
Panel 2
Adds Null Mortal. +20% to max HP. While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: -20% to damage received from Cursed enemies.
Auto Cure Rate Down
Demon Panels that decrease the Auto Cure Rate of Curse
Demon |
Panel # |
Panel 1
-70% to Dark damage received. While the one with this skill is alive, all enemies will receive the following effect: -25% to Curse auto recovery rate.
Curse Immunity
Skills that grant immunity to Curse
Demon Panels that grant immunity to Curse
Demon |
Panel # |
Panel 1
+10% to max HP. While the one with this skill is alive, Femme/Lady allies gain Null Curse.
Panel 2
Adds Null Bind/Mute/Curse. Activates the following Chain Effect a party member is about to act: Restores 2MP to all party members, then casts Tarukaja+ on all party members. (1 turn) *Activates once per turn.
Panel 2
Activates the following Chain Effect at the beginning of your own turn: Heals 25% HP of caster. Adds Null Curse.
Cleansing Curse
Skills that cleanse Curse
Type |
Name |
MP Cost |
Target |
Skill Points |
3 MP
Single Target
4 MP
All Allies
Goddess Aid
All Allies
Gacha: Eat Whole 5 MP Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage with 120 power on a Single Enemy, while healing caster 25% of damage dealt.