Aura Gate 1

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Aura Gate is an area that features a randomly generated dungeon with 50 floors. It's open 0~55 minutes every hour and randomized the floors during the 5 minutes that it isn't available. Action power is consumed while inside Aura Gate, which restores at 1 per minute.


Each floor is traditional dungeon crawling with random encounters. A boss is at the end of every floor, and you can return back to any of the floors you’ve cleared every time you enter.

  • When the time that Aura Gate is open for is over, it will forcibly kick you out if you were exploring.
    • If you are in a battle, it will not end your battle but wait until the end of the battle.
    • If you were in a boss battle and defeated the boss, that will still be saved even after you are kicked out of Aura Gate.
  • The main loot in Aura Gate is Icon Mag.png Magnetite, 3~4★ Demon Talk, and 6★ Brands, which are found at the highest floors.
    • Hence, the main goal should to be climb as far as you can, and that’s by seeking out the boss of every new floor.
  • Floor 46~50 is the best floor to farm Icon Mag.png Magnetite. To farm Magnetite, you should seek out the MAG chest on every floor and move onto the next.
    • Earlier versions of the game had an exploitable bug that caused the MAG chest to refresh when taking a break and re-entering AG, resetting the chances of a jackpot/dud by generating a new chest. As of 2021, the chests are global for each floor, so taking a break doesn't reset them anymore.
Floor 50 Before Patch 1.4 Patch 1.4
Random Magnetite ~60 ~120
Normal Battle ~110 ~220
Rare Battle ~600 ~1000
Gravestone ~550 ~825
MAG Chest ~900 ~1,000
MAG Chest Jackpot ~12,600 ~100,000
There are a couple gimmicks in Aura Gate indicated by the tile
Gimmick Description
Damage Tile Take damage and lower HP of your party demons every time you step on this tile.
Dark Zone Tile Consume a lot of action points. Hides the Minimap.
Magnetite Chest If a jackpot is pulled, you get the amount specified. If you pull a dud, you lose 10% of your max steps. Otherwise you gain a handful of magnetite determined by floor.
Fountain Restores 50 action points and your party’s HP to full. Usable only once per Aura Gate exploration.
Moon The moon changes phase every 10 minutes. During the full moon or new moon, the amount of magnetite and experience acquired inside will increase.
Random Item You can acquire some magnetite or action points or an item.
Gatekeeper Powerful demon appearing on the floor for all players. Receive a reward according to the ranking of damage dealt at the end.
Gravestone Appears when another player is defeated. If you choose to battle, you'll battle with the defeated party (this won't affect your main party at all). If you win, you get fame, magnetite, and a demon's soul
Chaos Knight If you succeed in the picking the right card, the number of random items encountered on this floor will increase for all players, and HP + Steps will be restored to full. If you fail, you’ll take damage or all random items on the floor will become 1 in quantity for all players. There is no indicator for when the White Rider will appear, it’s completely random.

To deal with the gimmicks, a sub party like below is recommended:

Null Dark Zone Null Damage Tiles (Awakened) Any Demon Any Demon
ArchClear.png Hare of Inaba.jpg Hare of Inaba ArchPurple.png Zouchouten.jpg Zouchouten Any Demon Any Demon

Additionally, since your party’s HP isn’t recovered after battle, a healer is necessary.

Party Building

While floors are randomly generated, the demons you find are not.


Main party options

  • Templar.png Templar Dragon for difficult fights which usually require you to use items constantly.
  • Chalk.png Chalk Eater, if you can hit weaknesses consistently.
  • Balloon.png Meat Balloon is also relevant if you are cheesing a boss, thanks to the chance of press turns and additional damage.
  • Megakin.png Megakin if you're farming, for the increased talk rate on fodder.

Sub party


Mortal Demons

Bosses are immune to Mortal (instant-kill attack) but their adds are not.

Floor 41+ Demons

  • Demons with Speedster are optimal, as going second has the cost of the time it takes for the enemy to complete their turn.
  • You may still use a turn 2 team in Aura Gate, as long as you bring a Makaraka Shift if your weaknesses aren't covered, and Intimidating Stance; you will require decent healing to keep your party sustained, and Zhong Kui.jpg Zhong Kui with a physical All Targets All Targets attack is extremely helpful for clearing encounters quickly and in one turn (though not necessary).
  • There are only a few random encounters with Pierce; namely Jack Frost, Pyro Jack and Shadow. Jack Frost and Pyro Jack only appear on 41-45F while Shadow does appear past there and has access to Mudo and Mazio. However, with one Intimidating Stance, the Shadows will use Tarukaja, Rakunda and Mazio twice (they may behave differently with a Zio weakness!), so as long as you can kill the encounter in one turn, you can sustain that level of damage.
  • Icon Barrier.png Barriers are not necessary, but will pretty much ensure a reset is necessary on Lilim encounters unless you have a means to counter ailments otherwise.
  • Auto-buffs are also very valuable in Aura Gate encounters.

Speedster Options

Slow Team Options

  • Fenrir.jpg Fenrir - Comes with Auto-Taruka. Any color works, although Fenrir isn't going to be doing much unless he has skill transfers, and any color but Purple Purple is suboptimal. A Purple Fenrir does just fine in a slow team; he can run Rakunda to raise your damage further and Makarakarn to cover your team's weaknesses if you can't survive. Consider him if you don't have Zhong Kui.jpg Zhong Kui.
  • Purple Zhong Kui.jpg Zhong Kui (Purple) - Comes with Auto-Taruka, the most valuable buff in Aura Gate by far. Comes with Intimidating Stance, which neuters the Shadow encounter. Highest STR stat in the game, absolutely shreds Aura Gate with All Targets All Targets (AoE) attacks, though he may not need it if your AoE damage is good. By far the best slow team option for Aura Gate; every team should have him ideally. A right-arm brand with accuracy as the main stat is greatly recommended for consistency.
  • Purple Baihu.jpg Baihu (Purple) - Budget Intimidating Stance option. Two Intimidating Stances will completely neuter many of these encounters and make them quite easy to deal with, or you can use him as your Intimidating Stance. Has Zionga and Elec Boost, so he can contribute to clears pretty well with Mazio.
  • Purple Beelzebub.jpg Beelzebub (Purple) - Has Makara Shift, Mazionga for the several Zio-weak enemies and sustain through Gluttony, making Single Target Single Target healing more viable.
  • Prometheus.jpg Prometheus - Has Makaraka Shift and good All Targets All Targets magic damage. Wouldn't be the best farmer without skill transfers. Purple Purple preferred.
  • Purple Dantalian.jpg Dantalian (Purple) - Has Makaraka Shift and innate Makarakarn as well. Can be used to cover your weaknesses consistently, since most encounters in Aura Gate do not have Pierce.
  • Purple Azrael.jpg Azrael (Purple) - Pretty much a worse Dantalian with Tetrakarn instead. Can be helpful if your team is weaker on the physical defense side.
  • Apis.jpg Apis - Budget Makaraka Shift option that also has Tarukaja. Consider him if you're not running Zhong Kui, though you better have some good damage. Teal Teal greatly preferred, though ultimately not necessary.
  • Purple Tam Lin.jpg Tam Lin (Purple) - Comes with Tetraka Shift and Dark Sword. Can consistently disable threats to your composition or the more annoying casters around. Does okay damage, but he would mostly be a fix for a team that is wiping to physical attacks. If you are not covering your weaknesses, replacing Makaraka Shift with Tetraka Shift is a bad idea; if you are covering your weaknesses, then you don't need Makaraka Shift.
  • Purple Gucumatz.jpg Gucumatz (Purple) - Comes with Tetraka Shift. A much more ideal option than Tam Lin. Auto-Tarunda will ensure you can survive and may help with your sustain if your healing isn't up to par.
  • Yellow Sphinx.jpg Sphinx (Yellow) - Comes with Tetraka Shift. Has Mediarahan, the strongest All Targets All Targets healing skill in the game, so he can make up for some pretty squishy people.
  • Yellow Sarasvati.jpg Sarasvati (Yellow) - No overt synergy with slow teams other than she is kind of slow. Has Mediarama. Icon Barrier.png Barrier and Silent Prayer have a lot of problems, but if she goes first in your team you can run her to counter Lilim.
  • Teal Feng Huang.jpg Feng Huang (Teal) - Comes with Auto-Tarunda and Mediarama. Your best budget option for a healer that can sustain your team.
  • Pazuzu.jpg Pazuzu - Any color is fine, but an Aura Gate team benefits most from Yellow Yellow as Pazuzu really wants Samrecarm and it saves the SP of transferring it; other colors can be better if you're willing to invest such as Purple Purple and Teal Teal. Clear Clear can also work if you're just trying to save costs as he is the cheapest 4★ Mediarama option that way. Pazuzu is bulky and good for bossing; he doesn't heal as much as the other 4★ options but works just fine.

Budget Teams

Floors 1~30

Floors 1 ~ 30 aren't generally considered terribly difficult to get through.

Physical Attacker Magical Attacker Healer Buffer
Ose.jpg Ose Baphomet.jpg Baphomet Feng Huang.jpg Feng Huang Jatayu.jpg Jatayu
Oni-Kagura Hama Tarunda Tarukaja
Bufu Zio

Floors 31~35

This section drops 5★ Brands. Recommended Battle Speed is going to be around 11,000+.

Physical Attacker Magical Attacker Healer Debuffer/Magical Attacker
ArchTeal.png Ose.jpg Ose ArchTeal.png Baphomet.jpg Baphomet ArchTeal.png Feng Huang.jpg Feng Huang ArchYellow.png Illuyanka.jpg Illuyanka
Oni-Kagura Bufu Tarunda Tarukaja
Zan Zio Zio

Floors 36~40

This section also drops 5★ Brands. Recommended Battle Speed is going to be around 14,000+.

Physical Attacker Magical Attacker Healer Debuffer/Magical Attacker
ArchTeal.png Ose.jpg Ose ArchPurple.png Isis.jpg Isis ArchTeal.png Feng Huang.jpg Feng Huang ArchYellow.png Illuyanka.jpg Illuyanka
Oni-Kagura Agi Tarunda Tarukaja
Bufu Zio Zio

Floors 41~45

This section drops 6★ Brands. Recommended Battle Speed is going to be around 18,400+.

Don't bother farming this set of floors, just move onto the next set at F46~50 by boss rushing (closing app/retreating on every encounter up to the boss).

Floors 46~50

This section also drops 6★ Brands. Recommended Battle Speed is going to be around 20,467+.

Auto-Tarukaja Sweeper #1 Sweeper #2 Sweeper #3
ArchPurple.png Fenrir.jpg Fenrir Sleipnir.jpg Sleipnir ArchPurple.png Horus.jpg Horus ArchPurple.png Shadow.jpg Shadow
Makarakarn Mazan Mazan Mazan
Rakunda Mazio Mahama

Recommended Magic Atk: 900+ on Sleipnir/Horus/Shadow

Give Sleipnir Bufu/Bufula if you want to deal with Lilim or Mazio for better coverage. Give your fastest member Ward brands if you cannot kill Lilim on the first turn. This makes her waste three press turns trying to charm your fastest demon. If Fenrir gets Magic Atk on his brands, you can try Mazan instead of Rakunda.


Floors 31~35

Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Fomorian - Weak Resist - - - -
Mabufu, Vajra Blast, Hamaon, —
Decarabia - - - - - Weak Resist
Maragi, Mabufu, Bufu, —
Incubus - - - Weak Resist - -
Marin Karin, Mudoon, Zan, —
Mou-Ryo - - - - - Weak Null
Mudo, Shibabooon, Fire Breath, —
Battle Speed - 9,326
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Shiisaa - Resist - - Resist Resist -
Shibaboo, Zan, Wind Breath, —
Oni - - - Weak - - -
Tetra Break, Maragi, Vajra Blast, —
Oni - - - Weak - - -
Tetra Break, Maragi, Vajra Blast, —
Oni - - - Weak - - -
Tetra Break, Maragi, Vajra Blast, —
Battle Speed - 8,851
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Naga - Weak Resist Resist Weak - Weak
Fatal Sword, Bufula, Hundred Hits, —
Orthrus - Null Weak - - - Resist
Agilao, Eat Whole, Maragi, —
Angel - - - Weak - Null Weak
Hama, Mahama, Diara, —
Yaksini - - - Weak Null - -
Resist Curse, Agilao, Mazan, —
Battle Speed - 9,725
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Kurama Tengu - - - Weak Null - -
Sukukaja, Hama, Mazan, —, Mazandyne, Mahamadyne
Kurama Tengu - - - Weak Null - -
Sukukaja, Hama, Mazan, —, Mazandyne, Mahamadyne
Kurama Tengu - - - Weak Null - -
Sukukaja, Hama, Mazan, —, Mazandyne, Mahamadyne
Battle Speed - 14,400
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Principality - - - - - Null Weak
Recarm, Hamaon, Bufu, —
Shadow Resist - - - Weak Weak Null
Rakunda, Mazio, Mudo, —
Yomotsu-Shikome - Weak - - - Weak Resist
Tarunda, Toxic Sting, Bufula, —
Battle Speed - 11,667
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Dis - - Resist Resist - - Weak
Makajam, Agilao, Zan, —
High Pixie - - - - Resist - -
Desolate, Media, Mazio, —
Take-Minakata - Weak - Resist - - -
Counter, Zionga, Oni-Kagura, —
Battle Speed - 10,401
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Dis - - Resist Resist - - Weak
Makajam, Agilao, Zan, —
Yomotsu-Shikome - Weak - - - Weak Resist
Tarunda, Toxic Sting, Bufula, —
Fomorian - Weak Resist - - - -
Mabufu, Vajra Blast, Hamaon, —
Battle Speed - 9,801
No Transferred Skills
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Shiisaa - Resist - - Resist Resist -
Shibaboo, Zan, Wind Breath, —
Naga - Weak Resist Resist Weak - Weak
Fatal Sword, Bufula, Hundred Hits, —
Decarabia - - - - - Weak Resist
Maragi, Mabufu, Bufu, —
Battle Speed - 10,467

Floors 36~40

Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Momunofu Resist - - - Weak - -
Mow Down, Counter, —, Charge, Violent Core, Sharp Core
Momunofu Resist - - - Weak - -
Mow Down, Counter, —, Charge, Violent Core, Sharp Core
Momunofu Resist - - - Weak - -
Mow Down, Counter, —, Charge, Violent Core, Sharp Core
Momunofu Resist - - - Weak - -
Mow Down, Counter, —, Charge, Violent Core, Sharp Core
Battle Speed - 14,100
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Naga - Weak Resist Resist Weak - Weak
Fatal Sword, Bufula, Hundred Hits, —
Shadow Resist - - - Weak Weak Null
Rakunda, Mazio, Mudo, —
Pyro Jack - Resist Weak - - - -
Agi, Maragi, —, —
Raijuu - - - Resist Weak - -
Resist Weak, Zionga, Shock, —
Battle Speed - 11,900
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Naga - Weak Resist Resist Weak - Weak
Fatal Sword, Bufula, Hundred Hits, —
Fomorian - Weak Resist - - - -
Mabufu, Vajra Blast, Hamaon, —
Decarabia - - - - - Weak Resist
Maragi, Mabufu, Bufu, —
Angel - - - Weak - Null Weak
Hama, Mahama, Diara, —
Battle Speed - 9,400
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Shiisaa - Resist - - Resist Resist -
Shibaboo, Zan, Wind Breath, —, Off-Season Flowering, Violent Core
Shiisaa - Resist - - Resist Resist -
Shibaboo, Zan, Wind Breath, —, Off-Season Flowering, Violent Core
Shiisaa - Resist - - Resist Resist -
Shibaboo, Zan, Wind Breath, —, Off-Season Flowering, Violent Core
Shiisaa - Resist - - Resist Resist -
Shibaboo, Zan, Wind Breath, —, Off-Season Flowering, Violent Core
Battle Speed - 14,200
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Take-Minakata - Weak - Resist - - -
Counter, Zionga, Oni-Kagura, —
Nozuchi Resist Weak Resist Resist Weak - Weak
Life Bonus, Mazio, —, —
Phantom Resist - - - Weak Weak Null
Zio, Mudo, —, —
Battle Speed - 11,600
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Yaksini - - - Weak Null - -
Resist Curse, Agilao, Mazan, —
Angel - - - Weak - Null Weak
Hama, Mahama, Diara, —
Decarabia - - - - - Weak Resist
Maragi, Mabufu, Bufu, —
Battle Speed - 10,300
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Valkyrie Resist - - Weak Resist - -
Mahama, Fatal Sword, Phys Boost, —
Black Ooze Resist - - Weak - Weak Null
Ju, Poisma, Charm Bite, —
Abraxas ab Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak
Dekunda, Tarukaja, Bufula, —
Legion - - - Weak - Weak Resist
Mazan, Mudo, Agi, —
Battle Speed - 10,300

Floors 41~45

Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Isis (1.3k HP) - Resist - Null - - -
Samrecarm, Zandyne, Mamakajam, Mana Gain, Merciless Core, Speedster
Oni (1.2k HP) - - - Weak - - -
Tetra Break, Maragi, Vajra Blast, Oni-Kagura, Merciless Core, Speedster
Oni (1.2k HP) - - - Weak - - -
Tetra Break, Maragi, Vajra Blast, Oni-Kagura, Merciless Core, Speedster
Oni (1.2k HP) - - - Weak - - -
Tetra Break, Maragi, Vajra Blast, Oni-Kagura, Merciless Core, Speedster
Battle Speed - 20,850
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Pyro Jack (1.2k HP) - Resist Drain - - - -
Agi, Maragi, Agilao, Drain Ice, Fire Pierce
Pyro Jack (1.2k HP) - Resist Drain - - - -
Agi, Maragi, Agilao, Drain Ice, Fire Pierce
Pyro Jack (1.2k HP) - Resist Drain - - - -
Agi, Maragi, Agilao, Drain Ice, Fire Pierce
Pyro Jack (1.2k HP) - Resist Drain - - - -
Agi, Maragi, Agilao, Drain Ice, Fire Pierce
Battle Speed - 13,801
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Jack Frost (1.3k HP) - Drain Resist - - - -
Bufu, Mabufu, Hama, Drain Fire, Ice Pierce
Jack Frost (1.3k HP) - Drain Resist - - - -
Bufu, Mabufu, Hama, Drain Fire, Ice Pierce
Jack Frost (1.3k HP) - Drain Resist - - - -
Bufu, Mabufu, Hama, Drain Fire, Ice Pierce
Jack Frost (1.3k HP) - Drain Resist - - - -
Bufu, Mabufu, Hama, Drain Fire, Ice Pierce
Battle Speed - 12,301
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Hathor (1.4k HP) Weak - Resist - Resist Resist -
Amrita, Zan, Zionga, Meposumudi
Dis (1.3k HP) - - Resist Resist - - Weak
Makajam, Agilao, Zan, Mediara
Pisaca (1.5k HP) - Weak - - Null Weak Resist
Mamudo, Charm Bite, Life Drain, Ju
Battle Speed - 17,400
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Yaksini (1.4k HP) - - - Weak Null - -
Resist Curse, Agilao, Mazan, Tempest Slash
Shadow (1.5k HP) Resist - - - Weak Weak Null
Rakunda, Mazio, Mudo, Tarukaja
Blob (1.5k HP) Resist - Weak - - Weak Null
Poisma, Zan, Mazan, Tarunda
Principality (1.2k HP) - - - - - Null Weak
Recarm, Hamaon, Bufu, Media
Battle Speed - 13,526
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Shiisaa (1.1k HP) - Resist - - Resist Resist -
Shibaboo, Zan, Wind Breath, Binding Claw
Blob (1.5k HP) Resist - Weak - - Weak Null
Poisma, Zan, Mazan, Tarunda
Abraxas (1.1k HP) Drain Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak
Dekunda, Tarukaja, Bufula, Rakukaja
Battle Speed - 14,268
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Kurama Tengu (1.1k HP) - - - Weak Null - -
Sukukaja, Hama, Mazan, Mahama
Incubus (1.1k HP) - - - Weak Resist - -
Marin Karin, Mudoon, Zan, Life Drain
Dis (1.3k HP) - - Resist Resist - - Weak
Makajam, Agilao, Zan, Mediara
Take-Minakata (1.4k HP) - Weak - Resist - - -
Counter, Zionga, Oni-Kagura, Elec Boost
Battle Speed - 17,275

Floors 46~50

Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Legion (1.7k HP) - - - Weak - Weak Resist
Mazan, Mudo, Agi, Darkbound
Kelpie (1.3k HP) - - Resist - Weak - -
Diara, Zionga, Rampage, Null Dark Zone
High Pixie (1.1k HP) - - - - Resist - -
Desolate, Media, Mazio, Redia
High Pixie (1.1k HP) - - - - Resist - -
Desolate, Media, Mazio, Redia
Battle Speed - 18,251
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Kelpie (1.3k HP) - - Resist - Weak - -
Diara, Zionga, Rampage, Null Dark Zone
Heqet (1.2k HP) - - - Resist Weak - -
Media, Mazio, Meposumudi, Zionga
Take-Minakata (1.5k HP) - Weak - Resist - - -
Counter, Zionga, Oni-Kagura, Elec Boost
Battle Speed - 18,201
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Shiisaa (1.2k HP) - Resist - - Resist Resist -
Shibaboo, Zan, Wind Breath, Binding Claw
Shiisaa (1.2k HP) - Resist - - Resist Resist -
Shibaboo, Zan, Wind Breath, Binding Claw
Kelpie (1.3k HP) - - Resist - Weak - -
Diara, Zionga, Rampage, Null Dark Zone
Battle Speed - 20,467
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Legion (1.7k HP) - - - Weak - Weak Resist
Mazan, Mudo, Agi, Darkbound
Kurama Tengu (1.2k HP) - - - Weak Null - -
Sukukaja, Hama, Mazan, Mahama
Shadow (1.5k HP) Resist - - - Weak Weak Null
Rakunda, Mazio, Mudo, Tarukaja
Naga (1.6k HP) - Weak Resist Resist Weak - Weak
Fatal Sword, Bufula, Hundred Hits, Rebellion
Battle Speed - 18,450
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Yaksini (1.5k HP) - - - Weak Null - -
Resist Curse, Agilao, Mazan, Tempest Slash
Hathor (1.5k HP) Weak - Resist - Resist Resist -
Amrita, Zan, Zionga, Meposumudi
Kelpie (1.3k HP) - - Resist - Weak - -
Diara, Zionga, Rampage, Null Dark Zone
Shadow (1.5k HP) Resist - - - Weak Weak Null
Rakunda, Mazio, Mudo, Tarukaja
Battle Speed - 18,926
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Hathor (1.5k HP) Weak - Resist - Resist Resist -
Amrita, Zan, Zionga, Meposumudi
Principality (1.3k HP) - - - - - Null Weak
Recarm, Hamaon, Bufu, Media
Nue (1.4k HP) - - - Resist Weak - -
Mazio, Zio, Eat Whole, Binding Claw
Battle Speed - 15,801
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Abraxas (1.2k HP) Drain Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak
Dekunda, Tarukaja, Bufula, Rakukaja
Ikusa (1.1k HP) - - - - Weak Weak Resist
Resist Poison, Ice Breath, Mamudoon, Ruthless Blow
Shikome (1.2k HP) - Weak - - - Weak Resist
Tarunda, Toxic Sting, Bufula, Binding Claw
Dis (1.3k HP) - - Resist Resist - - Weak
Makajam, Agilao, Zan, Mediara
Battle Speed - 18,451
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Shadow (1.5k HP) Resist - - - Weak Weak Null
Rakunda, Mazio, Mudo, Tarukaja, Energy Drain, Elec Pierce
Shadow (1.5k HP) Resist - - - Weak Weak Null
Rakunda, Mazio, Mudo, Tarukaja, Energy Drain, Elec Pierce
Shadow (1.5k HP) Resist - - - Weak Weak Null
Rakunda, Mazio, Mudo, Tarukaja, Energy Drain, Elec Pierce
Battle Speed - 19,401
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Legion (1.7k HP) - - - Weak - Weak Resist
Mazan, Mudo, Agi, Darkbound, Merciless Core, Concentrate
Legion (1.7k HP) - - - Weak - Weak Resist
Mazan, Mudo, Agi, Darkbound, Merciless Core, Concentrate
Legion (1.7k HP) - - - Weak - Weak Resist
Mazan, Mudo, Agi, Darkbound, Merciless Core, Concentrate
Battle Speed - 18,001
Demon Phys Fire Ice Elec Force Light Dark
Lilim (1.3k HP) - - Weak - Null - -
Resist Charm, Mazanma, Marin Karin, Spirit Drain, Merciless Core, Frenzied Core
Battle Speed - 15,301

Boss Guides

General Strategy

  • Tarunda is your best friend, make sure to have it up against the boss at all times.
  • To skip fights, force close the app after you get into a battle and when you re-enter, you'll be at the same tile without an encounter.
  • Use the fodder party strategy if your party battle speed isn't up to par - switch out your main party with your sub party before you enter the boss battle, and let it wipe for your main party to come in and deal with the fight for real. It's recommended to run Forneus.jpg Forneus or other stat debuffers like Yellow Yellow Illuyanka.jpg Illuyanka with Acid Breath, Cerberus.jpg Cerberus with War Cry etc to make the fight easier once your main party enters in. If your demons die instantly in the sub party, run a spare Feng Huang.jpg Feng Huang just for Auto-Tarunda.
  • Abuse Makarakarn and leave the sub mobs alive if they use magic. They will waste the boss's turns (only for Floors 31~40).
  • Use Chalk.png Chalk Eater to keep up -kaja buffs on your party if you can consistently hit weak points. Otherwise, use Templar.png Templar Dragon.
  • Don't be afraid to swap out party members, like removing Ose.jpg Ose against Girimehkala on F41.

Unique Skills

Violent Core: +10 to Strength, +10 to Magic and +5% to damage dealt.
Merciless Core: +20 to Strength, +20 to Magic and +10% to damage dealt.
Speed Core: +20 to Agility, and +100% to Battle Speed.
Strong Guard: -30% to damage received.
Mad King: +50% to ailment success rate.
Elite Healing: +40% to Healing skill effectiveness.

Floors 31~35

Floor 31

Kelpie Efreet Pele

Aura-gate-31-1.jpg Aura-gate-31-2.jpg Aura-gate-31-3.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Kelpie - - Rs - Wk - -
Efreet - Dr Wk - - - -
Pele - Rs Wk - - - -
Battle Speed 12,333
  • First demon in Aura Gate with [x] Pierce, future bosses will also likely have this skill so get used to not being able to mitigate damage.
  • Tarunda is recommended while healing with Mediara or Diarama.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Illuyanka.jpg Illuyanka, 3★ Baphomet.jpg Baphomet, 4★ Succubus.jpg Succubus, 4★ Loki.jpg Loki, 4★ Anubis.jpg Anubis

Floor 32

Tam Lin Ose Tam Lin

Aura-gate-32-1.jpg Aura-gate-32-2.jpg Aura-gate-32-1.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Tam Lin - - - - - Rs Wk
Ose - - - - - - Rs
Tam Lin - - - - - Rs Wk
Battle Speed 12,967
  • Ose has Pierce Phys as well as a powerful All Targets All Targets Phys Phys attack, so try to make use of Tarunda and Sukunda to survive.
  • Ignore Tam Lin as it could [Miss] attacks or hit [Null] against Isis to lose Ose turns.
  • This is a difficult boss, so don’t be afraid to use items while playing as Templar.png Templar Dragon.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Baphomet.jpg Baphomet, 3★ Isis.jpg Isis, 3★ Forneus.jpg Forneus, 4★ Sandalphon.jpg Sandalphon

Floor 33

Baphomet Berserker Mothman

Aura-gate-33-1.jpg Aura-gate-33-2.jpg Aura-gate-33-3.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Baphomet - - - - - Wk Nu
Berserker Nu - - - Wk - -
Mothman - - - Rs Wk - -
Battle Speed 12,900

Floor 34

Unicorn Vetala Valkyrie

Aura-gate-34-1.jpg Aura-gate-34-2.jpg Aura-gate-34-3.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Unicorn - - - Wk - Nu Nu
Vetala - Wk - - - Wk Nu
Valkyrie Rs - - Wk Rs - -
Battle Speed 11,467
  • Attack with Fire Fire/Light Light magic, but be wary of the Unicorn as it's null to Light and knows Bufudyne.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Ose.jpg Ose, 3★ Horus.jpg Horus, 3★ Baihu.jpg Baihu, 3★ Lailah.jpg Lailah, 4★ Sandalphon.jpg Sandalphon

Floor 35

Mitra Mitra

Aura-gate-35.jpg Aura-gate-35.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Mitra Rp - Wk - - Rs Rs
Mitra Rp - Wk - - Rs Rs
Battle Speed 12,800
  • Identical enemies! Only the boss must be killed to end this battle, so if you have enough damage, focus down the boss first.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Illuyanka.jpg Illuyanka, 3★ Gui Xian.jpg Gui Xian, 4★ Succubus.jpg Succubus, 4★ Loki.jpg Loki

Floors 36~40

Floor 36

Mermaid Throne Apis

Aura-gate-36-1.jpg Aura-gate-36-2.jpg Aura-gate-36-3.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Mermaid - - Rs Wk Rs - -
Throne - Nu Wk - - Nu Wk
Apis - - - - - Rs Wk
Battle Speed 13,701
  • Try to use demons with All Targets All Targets Ice Ice magic, and note that the boss has spike in HP.
  • Also, this boss doesn't have pierce, so use demons with Null/Repel/Drain Fire.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Efreet.jpg Efreet, 4★ Prometheus.jpg Prometheus, 4★ Loki.jpg Loki, 4★ Beelzebub.jpg Beelzebub, 4★ Anubis.jpg Anubis

Floor 37

Silky Cerberus Ares

Aura-gate-37-1.jpg Aura-gate-37-2.jpg Aura-gate-37-3.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Silky - Wk Nu - - - -
Cerberus - Rp Wk - - - -
Ares - - - - - Rs Wk
Battle Speed 14,601
  • The boss will use War Cry to lower both ATK/DEF, so make use of Tarunda to lower their ATK and Tarukaja to increase your ATK again.
  • Be careful of this boss's Hell Claw as it tends to crit often.
  • Recommended Demons: 4★ Succubus.jpg Succubus, 4★ Loki.jpg Loki

Floor 38

Chatterskull Sleipnir Gui Xian

Aura-gate-38-1.jpg Aura-gate-38-2.jpg Aura-gate-38-3.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Chatterskull - Dr Wk - - Wk Nu
Sleipnir - Wk - - - Rs -
Gui Xian - Wk Nu - - - -
Battle Speed 16,171
  • This demon hits really hard, but is weak to Fire. Make use of high damage to take it down quickly.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Efreet.jpg Efreet, 4★ Prometheus.jpg Prometheus, 4★ Loki.jpg Loki

Floor 39

Baihu Pallas Athena Ammut

Aura-gate-39-1.jpg Aura-gate-39-2.jpg Aura-gate-39-3.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Baihu - - - Nu Wk - -
Pallas Athena Rs - - - - Nu Wk
Ammut - - Wk Nu - - -
Battle Speed 19,018
  • Since the boss does not have Phys Pierce, you can run a demon with Null/Drain/Repel Phys for an easy fight.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Ose.jpg Ose, 4★ Beelzebub.jpg Beelzebub, 4★ Anubis.jpg Anubis

Floor 40



Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Slime Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk -
Battle Speed 29,401
  • This boss's only non Phys Phys attack is Life Drain, which doesn’t do much damage. Bringing Null/Drain/Repel Phys is a wise choice for this fight.
  • Chalk.png Chalk Eater is also a great Liberator choice.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Ose.jpg Ose, 4★ Wu Kong.jpg Wu Kong, 4★ Loki.jpg Loki

Floors 41~45

Floor 41

Kresnik Girimekhala Koumokuten

Aura-gate-41-1.jpg Aura-gate-41-2.jpg Aura-gate-41-3.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Kresnik - - - Nu Wk Nu -
Girimekhala Rp - - Wk Wk Wk -
Koumokuten - - - Nu Wk Rs -
Battle Speed 19,234
  • Bring Fog Breath to debuff, and try to close the fight as fast as you can as the boss hits very hard.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Forneus.jpg Forneus, 4★ Loki.jpg Loki, 4★ Anubis.jpg Anubis, 4★ Long.jpg Long

Floor 42

Isis Oberon Scathach

Aura-gate-42-1.jpg Aura-gate-42-2.jpg Aura-gate-42-3.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Isis - Rs - Nu - - -
Oberon - - - Wk Dr - -
Scathach - - - Wk Nu Rs -
Battle Speed 14,368
  • This boss doesn’t have Force Pierce, so bringing demons with Force Null/Repel/Drain is useful. If you bring demons with Force Null/Repel/Drain, then the only thing you have to worry about is the charm.
  • Recommended Demons: 4★ Hanuman.jpg Hanuman, 4★ Oberon.jpg Oberon, 4★ Dantalian.jpg Dantalian

Floor 43

Horus Beiji-Weng Berserker

Aura-gate-43-1.jpg Aura-gate-43-2.jpg Aura-gate-43-3.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Horus Rs - - - - Rp Wk
Beiji-Weng - Wk Nu - - Rs -
Berserker Nu - - - Wk - -
Battle Speed 19,268
  • Easy to clear with demons that have Ice Null/Repel/Drain once you clear out the mobs.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Forneus.jpg Forneus, 4★ Loki.jpg Loki, 4★ Fenrir.jpg Fenrir

Floor 44

Vetala Anubis Kikuri-Hime

Aura-gate-44-1.jpg Aura-gate-44-2.jpg Aura-gate-44-3.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Vetala - Wk - - - Wk Nu
Anubis - - - - - Nu Rs
Kikuri-Hime - - - Wk Nu - Wk
Battle Speed 12,668
  • This boss only uses Light Light/Dark Dark magic. Bringing a demon that has a Null/Repel/Drain in both will make this fight easy.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Unicorn.jpg Unicorn, 4★ Sandalphon.jpg Sandalphon, 4★ Beelzebub.jpg Beelzebub

Floor 45

Thor Ishtar

Aura-gate-45-1.jpg Aura-gate-45-2.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Thor Rs Nu - Dr Wk Rs -
Ishtar - - - Nu Wk Nu Wk
Battle Speed 13,600
  • Two Bosses! Both must be killed to end this battle.
  • Bring Force Force magic and aim for a short fight. Kill Ishtar first as it knows Samrecarm, and Mesopotamian Star will do nasty amounts of damage as well as her healing around ~1200 HP per Diarahan. She doesn't have the boss flag, so if you have an Alice.jpg Alice, one Die for Me will take her out.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Isis.jpg Isis, 4★ Beelzebub.jpg Beelzebub, 4★ Loki.jpg Loki, 4★ Sandalphon.jpg Sandalphon

Floors 46~50

Floor 46

Hanuman Bishamonten Horkos

Aura-gate-46-1.jpg Aura-gate-46-2.jpg Aura-gate-46-3.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Hanuman Rs - - Wk Nu - -
Bishamonten - Wk Nu - - - -
Horkos Rs - Wk - - Wk -
Battle Speed 14,701
  • Bring demons with Fire Fire magic to quickly bring down the boss. Fog Breath helps a lot as these attackers are all Phys Phys.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Forneus.jpg Forneus, 4★ Loki.jpg Loki, 4★ Fenrir.jpg Fenrir

Floor 47

Fenrir Odin Virtue

Aura-gate-47-1.jpg Aura-gate-47-2.jpg Aura-gate-47-3.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Fenrir - Wk Dr Rs Wk - -
Odin - - - Rp Wk Rs Rs
Virtue - - - Wk Nu Nu Wk
Battle Speed 19,568

  • As Fenrir is a fast Phys Phys attacker, bring Phys resist. The Elec Elec magic the boss uses is also very strong, and it will pierce so take care of the damage it does. Make sure to use Icon Phys Reflector.png Phys Reflectors to repel his Gungnir for easy damage.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Ose.jpg Ose, 3★ Mitra.jpg Mitra, 4★ Rangda.jpg Rangda

Floor 48

Sandalphon White Rider Jikokuten

Aura-gate-48-3.jpg Aura-gate-48-2.jpg Aura-gate-48-1.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Sandalphon Rs - - Rs - Rp Nu
White Rider - - - Dr Wk Rs Rs
Jikokuten - - - Wk Nu Rs -
Battle Speed 18,334
  • Force, Dark, and Elec resist is recommended here as the enemies use those elements. As well, God’s Bow will do a large amount of damage if it doesn’t hit, so beware of the burst.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Teal Teal Kresnik.jpg Kresnik, 4★ White Rider.jpg White Rider, 4★ Sandalphon.jpg Sandalphon, 4★ Beelzebub.jpg Beelzebub

Floor 49

Sphinx Siegfried Rangda

Aura-gate-49-1.jpg Aura-gate-49-2.jpg Aura-gate-49-3.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Sphinx - Nu Wk - - Rp Wk
Siegfried Dr - - - - - -
Rangda Rp - - Wk - - -
Battle Speed 17,134
  • Physical attacks aren't effective against the boss here. The boss only has Phys Phys skills, so once you take out the other mobs, the boss is easy to kill if you possess Phys Null/Drain.
  • Try not to take Phys Repel, as it will heal the boss whenever they strike that demon.
  • Recommended Demons: 3★ Ose.jpg Ose, 3★ Berserker.jpg Berserker, 3★ Shiki-Ouji.jpg Shiki-Ouji

Floor 50

Asherah Metatron Alice

Aura-gate-50-1.jpg Aura-gate-50-2.jpg Aura-gate-50-3.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Asherah - Nu Wk - Nu - Wk
Metatron - Rs Rs Rs Rs Nu -
Alice - - - - - Wk Rp
Battle Speed 16,701

Recommended Demons

Demons that are resistant to Light/Dark

Demons with Instant Kill skills

  • 4★ White Rider.jpg White Rider, 5★ Alice.jpg Alice. You can instantly kill Asherah at the start of the fight, making it much easier.

  • Kinmamon.jpg Kinmamon for barrier/status removal - when Boss 1 dies, Boss 3 will use Mashibabooon (Bind) until success, and you can loop it by using the item that removes all status ailments or by transferring Meparaladi (Bind cleanse) on Kinmamon and using that.
  • Yellow Sarasvati.jpg Sarasvati (Yellow) or Yellow Sphinx.jpg Sphinx (Yellow) for barrier/status removal and healing - By using Icon Barrier.png Barrier on your demon that goes first, these demons allow you to use Icon Amrita Shower.png Amrita Shower to counter Alice's Mashibabooon spam. If your demon that goes first has Meparaladi, so much the better. Note both these demons have a Dark weakness, so Icon Mag Reflector.png Mag Reflector/Makarakarn is really recommended!

Null to Light/Dark Null to Light/Dark Metatron Killer Bind Removal
Beelzebub.jpg Beelzebub Sandalphon.jpg Sandalphon Anubis.jpg Anubis Kinmamon.jpg Kinmamon
Hama Mudo Hama Meparaladi
Tarukaja Tarunda

Battle Strategy

  • Kill Asherah first as it possesses Samrecarm.
  • Then do either of the two: kill Alice, or leave Alice alive while attacking Metatron. You'll still be clearing Bind with Kinmamon when Alice uses Mashibabooon.
  • Make sure to keep uptime on Tarunda, as the enemies hit very hard.
  • Bring Templar.png Templar Dragon as your Liberator to make your items use ½ Press Turn.

See also

Quest Areas
Permanent Content StoryDx2 QuestsAlter-WorldAura Gate (1, 2, SP)
Farming Quests Strange SignalBrands of SinWanted
Recurring Events Hell's Park (Underside) • AdventKiwamiTokyo AbyssTake Back TokyoDemon Alliance Invasion
Competitive DemocalypseD2 DuelBattle Tower
Retired Events Eclipse