Banner Demon Tier List

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Last Updates:

  • 13/08/2019 - Initial List created, all 5*s added, no values.

Name Optimal Color Acceptable Color PvE PvP Sloth 11 Deceit 11 Vanity 11 Positives Negatives Panels? Notes
Metatron.jpg Metatron Clear,Red(PvE),Yellow Purple,Teal PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
  • Has high magic.
  • Resists 5/7 elements and has no weakness.
  • Has innate Infinite Chakra.
  • Strongest random target Almighty move in Fire of Sinai.
  • Low Luck stat
  • Panels give good buffs such as Reduction to almighty skills by 1mp,-20% to Magic based damage recieved and +20% to Magic damage done.
  • As red has access to discounted Mahamadyne which makes him a great Brands of Sloth 10-11 farmer.
  • Only yellow Metatron has access to the rare skill Offensive Cry naturally.
  • Clear gives Enduring Soul which makes him survive for a bit more in a battle.
  • Is fusable but pricy to fuse from scratch(second most costliest).
Lucifer.jpg Lucifer Purple Teal PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
  • Has the highest Base power Almighty AoE spell in-game in Morning Star.
  • Doesnt have the best Magic stat.
  • Low Luck stat.
  • All panels give good buffs such as +15% to all damage,+50% HP and +25% to almighty damage
  • As Teal is one of the only 2 demons that has access to Drain Light.
  • Is weak to Light.
  • Is fusable but is the most cosliest demon to fuse from scratch.
Masakado.jpg Masakado Purple,Teal Red,Yellow PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
  • Has THE highest Strength stat and the second/third highest Luck stat in-game.
  • Powerful and loaded passive in Warlord's Wrath.
  • A really strong ST Phys skill which can also inflict Mortal in Occult Flash.
  • Has no weakness.
  • Doesn't have the best Vitality stat.
  • As Teal can be paired with Rama to initiate Anti Dark and Phys pierce.
  • Banner Exclusive.
Vishnu.jpg Vishnu Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Yoshitsune.jpg Yoshitsune Purple, Teal Red, Yellow PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
No Yes Not Likely Teal Yoshi has Drain Physical and along with rama will allow Yoshitsune to not worry about counters.

Purple has Phys Amp which is a very rare skill that increase physical damage by 25% and is the most popular colour.

Red has Gigantomachia, the most powerful AoE Physical move in existence, unfortunately it is not good as purple due to having the 2nd strongest transferrable physical skill, Vorpal Blade (desu).

Yellow has Charge which allows it to set up for fights, very useful in Kiwami.

Innate Mana Aid will allow it to recovery 10 MP and along with Vorpal Blade and it's Unique make clearing waves and dealing damage to bosses very consistent.
Very weak to Masakado due to having innate counter and Physical Pierce.

Due to only having physical pierce on his unique, it is very unlikely for him to damage the target you want.
Panels gives Yoshitune a huge boost in power and is very needed. Noted that Panel 2 makes Yoshitsune even better in PvE due to it's ability to let it cast it's unique twice by giving him +5 MP capacity which also works with his innate skill Mana Aid to refill a total of at least 13 mana per turn. Is single handily the best PvE demon that can be obtain. Praise Yoshi!

Pairing with Rama allows him to attack without hesistation.

He does not have innate Physical Pierce, only Physical Pierce on it's Unique Skill which does allow him to take damage from Repel Physical Enemies along with Allilat when using his Unique!.
Mother Harlot.jpg Mother Harlot Teal,Yellow Purple,Red PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
  • Has an incredibly powerful Almighty skill in Babylon Goblet which drains 1MP from each enemy.
  • Has high Magic and Luck stats.
  • Babylon Goblet when maxed can be used to both spam repeatedly and drain the enemy team's MP even without Divine brand set.
  • As Teal can be paired with Rama to create a deadly combo.
  • Banner Exclusive.
Trumpeter.jpg Trumpeter Purple: Best for PvP (auto Rakuka) Yellow lacking dmg, but good if stalling with mute
  • Off: Good on some setup (need Barrier Break)
  • Def: Bad, Auto will use concentrate forever (unless panel 3)
Bad Bad Bad the only almighty mute caster, has built in concentrate and decent stats apoc cost 8mp (7 if maxed), and dmg is mediocre Panel 1: Good to have, higher chance to inflict mute
Panel 2: Removes the need for BB
Panel 3: Could possibly conc+apoc at the same turn if going second
Gacha Only
Shiva.jpg Shiva Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Shiva A.jpg Shiva A Purple: if using third eye repeatedly, Teal: for weakness covering Yellow Transfer mana aid and you're good to spam third eye twice every wave (need to max third eye)
  • Off: Good
  • Def: Good (need parvati/ganesha to activate third eye 1st turn)
Usable but not optimal Usable but not optimal Usable but not optimal Strongest Almighty nuker, cannot be blocked by 5elements, can crit, good stats Can miss (tho he has 20% acc built in) N/A yet Gacha only and limited banner
Mot.jpg Mot Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Dante☆.jpg Dante☆ Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Mara.jpg Mara Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Michael.jpg Michael Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Nero☆.jpg Nero☆ Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
V☆.jpg V☆ Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Alice.jpg Alice Purple for nuking
Teal if defensive/spamming dfm
Yellow/Red Good dark nuker, has mortal skill Die For Me! which kills any enemy without null mortal, dark NDR, Makarakarn/5ele (if no dark pierce) or not a boss, bypasses any endures (need to be maxed and use divine for Turn 1 usage)
  • Off: Good
  • Def: Need to have as low magic to actually use DfM!
Bad Bad Good dark nuker (purple) Has Mortal spell, high magic, good overall Only has dark spells innate, need dark pierce to be more effective Panel 1: Increase overall damage
Panel 2: -1mp allows more spamming
Panel 3: Adds 2 more use to DfM!, very useful for PvP
Gacha only
Izanami.jpg Izanami Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Huang Di.jpg Huang Di Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Huang Long.jpg Huang Long Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Indrajit.jpg Indrajit Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Rama.jpg Rama Teal, Yellow, Purple None PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
No No No Yellow has "Luster Candy" which can be upgraded to be cost at 6 MP to allow you to be buff up Taruka, Rakuka, and Sukuka.

Teal has Drain ice which works very well with his "Drain Pierce" skill.

Purple has Ice Pierce to get through those pesky NDR ice demons.
Neg Panel 2 is useful to all Ramas while Panel 1 is only useful for Damage Rama One of the most useful demons in PvE due to the ability of "Drain Pierce", which allows to take press turns off the enemy, very useful in Kiwami/Boss Fights.

Yellow rama is especially popular in PvP due to the the "Drain Pierce" abilities to safely protect allies from incoming source of damage, usually physical.

Yellow Rama is built for evasion as if it dies then the "Drain Pierce" effect will be invalid which makes Panel 2 "15% to Evasion" very helpful to survive against Physical Damage.
Alilat.jpg Alilat Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Bayonetta☆.jpg Bayonetta☆ Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Cybele.jpg Cybele Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Guan Yu.jpg Guan Yu Purple: Prevent mortal spells (Masakado/Ixtab/White Rider/Alice)
Teal: Good if paired with rama (prevents phys pierce)
Red for vorpal spam Red with mana aid can be deadly and good for general Brand and AG Farming
  • Off: Good
  • Def: Good
Acceptable but not optimal Acceptable but not optimal Acceptable but not optimal High Vit, High Str, has self sustain, 55% base crit rate on skills, only demon with null mortal Low agi, not good for fast comp, only has single target skill if not red (aoe does not activate if it misses) N/A yet Gacha only and banner limited
Jeanne☆.jpg Jeanne☆ Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Lakshmi.jpg Lakshmi Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Zaou-Gongen.jpg Zaou-Gongen Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Barong.jpg Barong Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Ixtab.jpg Ixtab Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Samael.jpg Samael Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Seth.jpg Seth Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Yama.jpg Yama Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Ananta.jpg Ananta Purple None No
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
No No No Having all 3 unique auto-buffs allows great flexible of it's skills and having an innate heal can sometimes prove useful. It is weak to force. Not needed but the extra hp it gives is nice Ananta is an ideal support PvP demon due to it's innate abilities; Auto-Sukuka, Auto-Rakuka and Purple Archetype giving Auto-Taruka.

Ideally built as an evasion demon.

being weak to force is a big deal as another very popular demon Mother Harlot is also weak to force and is often not protected making the meta having random force on their demons to eliminate Mother Harlot or take an additional press turn from it.
Asherah.jpg Asherah Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Mastema.jpg Mastema Purple Teal if paired with alilat Strongest light nuker, good for S11 and general farming where there's no light NDR
  • Off: Good need divine and light pierce
  • Def: Good need divine and light pierce
Add mana aid and light boost and he's good to nuke everything down (need to max trial of hate) Bad Bad Strongest AoE light spell (Trial of Hate), decent magic fire weakness, requires 5 Kasane to max ToH N/A yet Cheap to fuse (4*+4* fusion)
Siegfried.jpg Siegfried Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Surt.jpg Surt Clear Purple None
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
No No No Clear having Intimidating Stance is ideal when wanting to go second in PvP.

Purple gives fire pierce which allows Ragnarok to pierce NDR fire demons.

Ragnarok being a fire skill allows easily dispatching Orcus defense teams and damage dealers.
Weak to ice Are not necessary, but will allow you to OHKO more units Being weak to ice mean giving your enemy an additional press turn to those who have an ice skill.

Unfortunately, alot of damage dealers have endure which means Ragnarok will not finish the job sometimes.
Thor.jpg Thor Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Amaterasu.jpg Amaterasu Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Ishtar.jpg Ishtar Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Susano-o.jpg Susano-o Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Black Frost.jpg Black Frost Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Cu Chulainn.jpg Cu Chulainn Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Daisoujou.jpg Daisoujou Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Nergal.jpg Nergal Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Asura.jpg Asura Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Garuda.jpg Garuda Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Gogmagog.jpg Gogmagog Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Kartikeya.jpg Kartikeya Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Lilith.jpg Lilith Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Orcus.jpg Orcus Opt. Color Acc. Color PvE
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
S11 D11 V11 Pos Neg Panels Notes
Quetzalcoatl.jpg Quetzalcoatl Teal, Purple None No
  • Off: x
  • Def: x
No No No Has Ce Acatls' Return, which revives all dead allies.

Teal gives repel physical which is very useful along with Allilat to punish AoE Physical Moves.

Purple gives Auto-Tarunda, which reduces the damage you taken from the enemy and is greatly needed against most Turn 1 Comps.
There is no notable weakness to be shown here None While having dark weak, with the amount of NDR dark in the meta allows Quetz to not have Resist Dark and still be fully fuctionable.