Hollow World

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Disclaimer: This guide will call Hollow World "AG2", because it was known as "Aura Gate 2.0" when announced and this is what the community mostly refers to it as.

AG2 is a whole new world inhabited by a race of people called Hollows. Unlocked by clearing F30 of AG1. It is a dungeon-crawler with predetermined floors (in contrast to AG1's randomly-generated), with only a few elements randomized.

News Posts

  • Original News Post: Link
  • Floors 11 to 20 added: Link
  • Floors 21 to 30 added: Link
  • Floors 31 to 40 added: Link
  • Floors 41 to 50 added: Link

Similarities to AG1

Similarities to AG1
  • Same Stamina is used.
  • Full Moon and its bonuses apply.
  • MAG Chests and the number of times you can open them.
  • Most Gimmicks still apply, such as Poison and Damage Tiles.

Differences to AG1

  • AG2 has no time limit.
  • To access the Boss, you need to find the hidden Key(s) first.
  • No Gate Keepers or Chaos Knights.


Reward for completely mapping a Floor.
  • Event Points
    • Yellow Symbols on the mini-map indicate an Event Point
    • Some Event Points open up new Areas of the map or give you a Key.
  • Warp Gates are found from Floor 21 onward
    • These Warp you to a different location on the Floor.
    • Some warp you directly, others give you a choice if you want to warp or not.
Example of Gimmick Rooms.
  • Gimmick Rooms (indicated by a Question mark in a room): These can contain either a MAG Chest, a Treasure Chest or a Berserk Chest. Resets every full hour (You will have to re-enter the floor though).
    • Treasure Chests
      • These contain Treasure, ranging from Mag, Macca to Mitama Extracts and can also include enemy encounters.
    • MAG Chest
      • Same as AG1: You pick a number between 1 and 30, Each number can only be picked once by everyone on the same floor.
        • One of these numbers is the Jackpot and gives you the amount of Magnetite in it, one is a Dud, which will cost you 10% Action Point and double the Jackpot.
        • The other 28 numbers give you a small mag reward.
  • Go-through Wall
    • These walls look normal, but can be penetrated by walking directly through them.
    • Will be shown with a dotted line after you went through that wall once.
    • Start appearing from floor 28 onwards.
  • Save Points
    • From floor 32 onwards there are Save Points, which save your progress in the level.
    • When you restart the floor, you will start at the last Save Point used.
  • Reward for mapping complete floor.
    • Completely mapping a floor gives you a reward, such as a Icon Yasaka Magatama.png Yasaka Magatama.

Icon Berserk Level.png Berserk Level

  • A Special Stat only available in AG2.
  • For each element (including Phys Phys, but excluding Almighty Almighty) you can accumulate Berserk Levels.
    • Each Level in these Elements boosts its respective Damage by 2%.
  • Can be raised in two ways:
    • Collecting Icon Mana.png Mana by defeating enemies in AG2 (Small chance to drop).
      • 10 Mana combined raise the Berserk Level of a random Element by one.
    • Berserk Chests in Gimmick Rooms
      • You have a certain chance when opening these to raise the Berserk Level of a random Element by one.
        • The higher your total Berserk Levels, the lower the chance.
        • If you fail, nothing happens.
        • When already at max Berserk Level, you will gain some Magnetite.
  • A simple way to farm Berserk Levels is getting a floor's map to 100% completion, then putting it on Auto. The AI goes directly for any unopened Gimmick Rooms before anything else at 100% map.
    • Note that you can only get one Berserk Level per floor, per hour, so switch to the next floor once you've found the current floor's Berserk Chest.
    • Note that the hourly limit depends on when you entered the floor, not when you actually found the chest. For example: if you entered floor 26 at 2:55 and then found its Berserk Chest at 3:08, the chest you found was the 2:00 chest for floor 26. If you switch to floor 25 and then immediately back to floor 26, you can now try to get the 3:00 chest for floor 26, and so on.
    • It's recommended to Auto on the highest set of 5 floors you can manage (1-5, 6-10, ... 41-45, 46-50). You have a higher chance to get a Berserk Level on higher floors as opposed to lower floors, and that chance increases by 20% every 5 floors. So, floors 6-10 have a higher chance than 1-5 and so on, for example.
    • When using Auto within a set of 5 floors, go for the earliest floor first (so if you're auto-ing floors 26-30, then auto 26 first, followed by 27, etc). Lower floors will usually have smaller maps, meaning you can get Berserk levels with less move points spent.
  • Starting from floor 28, some enemies may have "Berserk (name)" spells. These spells have high power, but will have their damage reduced by 30% if your Berserk level has reached certain milestones (20+, 40+, etc)

Optional Bosses


  • Certain very hard Bosses, the Celestials, are in preset Locations in AG2.
  • Rewards are 1 Million Icon Macca.png Macca plus the Icon Kasane Magatama.png Kasane Magatama for 100% completing the floor.
  • Specific Information about these fights are located on their respective pages.


  • Certain Multi-Fusions can be unlocked by defeating their respective Bosses in AG2.

General Strategy

Random Battles

The Team you used for Aura Gate 1 probably works well in Hollow World, with some caveats:

  • Almighty Almighty is less and less useful as you climb the Floors, since it cannot be boosted by Berserk levels.
  • Full Phys Phys compositions can work in earlier floors (1-29), however floors 30 onwards will have anti-Phys measures such as 50-80% Phys Reduction, physical counters, and high evasion.

Floors in Hollow World have an Elemental Weakness pattern: random encounters will have higher proportion of demons weak to that element. Using the Element countering the Floor can be good.

  • Floor 1-10 : Weak to Force Force.
  • Floor 11-20 : Weak to Dark Dark.
  • Floor 21-30 : Weak to Fire Fire.
  • Floor 31-40 : Weak to Light Light.
  • Floor 41-50 : Weak to Elec Elec.

Boss Battles

Few Bosses use Almighty Almighty. Nearly all of them have Pierce, but few have Pierce for multiple elements. The sidekicks rarely have Null Mortal.

  • The Basic Strategy is using 1 Team with Mortal Inflictors (Alice.jpg Alice, Masakado.jpg Masakado and/or White Rider.jpg White Rider) to kill the sidekicks.
    • God's Bow from White Rider.jpg White Rider is not to be underestimated: even if the Mortal fails you can close the app, opening it again and going to Aura Gate will reset the Boss Fight without any loss of Stamina or anything.
    • The Reset Strategy can be also used to "Outspeed" any Bosses: Use Kangaroo.png Kangaroo Boxer with Position Hack skill unlock, then reset the battle; at one point, you'll go first.
  • In both teams or in the non-Mortal users team, use Anti-Pierce Demon (Alilat.jpg Alilat, Rama.jpg Rama or Atavaka.jpg Atavaka) and pair them with the Element the Boss has Pierce on.
  • Templar.png Templar Dragon and/or Items are extremely useful; probably one of the best if not the best healer of the game. No need of Demons doing the Healing.

Bosses that have their Sidekicks Mortal'ed, and have their Element countered by Anti-Pierce are essentially harmless as long as you have enough Healing Items.


Hollow World is the best place to farm Icon Mag.png Magnetite. The higher the Floors, the better. For a Full Guide on MAG Farming, see Magnetite


See also

Quest Areas
Permanent Content StoryDx2 QuestsAlter-WorldAura Gate (1, 2, SP)
Farming Quests Strange SignalBrands of SinWanted
Recurring Events Hell's Park (Underside) • AdventKiwamiTokyo AbyssTake Back TokyoDemon Alliance Invasion
Competitive DemocalypseD2 DuelBattle Tower
Retired Events Eclipse