Cybele Multifusion Boss
- Need
Attis in Party to fight her!
- Battlespeed: 22300
- Cybele Ice Weak, Drain Fire, Null Light, Resist Dark/Force
General Tactic
Dionysus has Auto-Barrier Break and will spam his AOE mute skill. Items are not allowed, so have a plan to prevent or cure Mute. Or just get lucky; that can work too.
Persephone will spam Debilitate if your party isn't fully debuffed. If you are, she'll cast Makarakarn. Piercing or Almighty spells are recommended.
Alilat or
Rama, along with a Repel Fire or Drain Fire demon, will restrict Cybele to using her single-target fire attacks. If you can maintain a Tarunda effect, it's not too hard to survive and heal the damage.
Amaterasu and
Garuda are both useful Repel Fire demons.