Asherah Midrange
Written by Reika
Asherah Midrange teams run Asherah along with two Sweepers. It is a very flexible team that can adapt to a myriad of teams, making it a very popular team for Random PVP offense.
- Asherah is one of the best support demons in the game due to Mother's Creation.
- This skill revives a teammate and generates a press turn, allowing said teammate to immediately act.
- She is typically run alongside another support, both aiming to keep the rest of your sweepers alive.
- As this team has no preference going first or second and no real fixed strat, teambuilding is extremely fluid depending on your preference.
Pros and Cons
- Very flexible team, decent matchup against almost all teams.
- Fluid teambuilding: Can combine with other strats like Intimidating Stance Teams or Mortal Team with ease.
- Can safely ignore the speedwar as the team doesn't mind going first or second.
- Low barrier of entry: The key demon Asherah is fuseable.
- Requires a lot of investment for full potential.
- Battles are typically slow to finish
The team is typically built with the Core Demon, 1 Utility Supporting Demon and 2 Attacker Supporting Demons
Core Demons
There only core demon is Asherah, of whom the strat is named after.
- Asherah is a bulky support demon that carries Mother's Creation, the strongest revival spell in the game. It resurrects a teammate while refunding a full press turn, giving the revived teammate a chance to act immediately.
- Panel 3 gives her an additional charge of Mother's Creation.
- Teal is recommended for Repel Ice, as Ice weakness is commonly exploited in higher PVP.
- Yellow can also be used to give her discounted Silent Prayer. This removes all Ailments and allows her to act as a Pseudo-Cleric:
- Pairs well with Orcus as she has two open weaknesses.
- Unfortunately, her AI is easily exploitable as she has two high MP spells (Maragion and Mediarama) she will gladly waste MP on if no allies are dead.
- She is also slow and requires Lead Brands if acting as a Pseudo-Cleric.
Skills and Brands:
- Epitome of Fortitude increases her HP and provides Critical Resistance.
- Wild Instinct provides her even more Critical Resistance, consider this if you constantly face Crit-pass teams like Hero Masakado T1.
- Auto-Rakuka and Auto-Tarunda helps to increase your team's survivability.
- Resist Dark can be used to cover her weakness. Consider this if Hecate is common in your PVP tier.
- Suggestions for Pseudo-Cleric Asherah only (Yellow Asherah):
- Null Charm and Null Bind make her immune to the two most common Ailments. But makes you vulnerable to Mute spells which are popular in Ailment Team.
- Epic Recovery leaves your ailment recovery to luck but allows you to face all ailments and leave a skill slot free.
- Infernal Mask operates similarly to Epic Recovery.
- Life Brands are usually used to make her tankier.
Supporting Demons (Utility)
Asherah Midrange teams typically run a second support to compliment her. Some of the more common ones are:
- Daisoujou is a bulky support demon that is immune to Ailments.
- He possesses Cleansing Shout, an Ailment cure skill that also removes debuffs.
- Purple gives him Enduring Soul, giving him an extra later of protection.
- A great support pair for Asherah, as it lets her focus on other skills instead of playing a Pseudo-Cleric role.
Skills and Brands:
- Recarmdra and Samrecarm give him a Resurrection skill.
- Evade lets him act as a Dodge Tank.
- Epitome of Fortitude increases his HP and provides Critical Resistance.
- Wild Instinct provides him even more Critical Resistance, consider this if you constantly face Crit-pass teams like Hero Masakado T1.
- Auto skills allow him to further support his team.
- Life Brands are usually used to make him tankier. Dodge brands are the recommended sub-set if running an evade strat, otherwise Shield and Guard can be used to increase his bulk.
- Orcus is a slow, bulky support demon that can also double as a buff control unit.
- His first unique passive, Law of Hell prevents the enemy from gaining Press Turns when hitting Weakness. This directly feeds his second passive, Hell's Gate which provides your entire team AOE reduction depending on how many weaknesses are open.
- This is especially good to soften up damage from Archangels and V☆ teams.
- Innate War Cry and Nocturne in Yellow give him powerful buff control.
- Consider him if you need a support that can also exert buff control for your team.
Skills and Brands:
- Recarmdra and Samrecarm give him a Resurrection skill.
- Auto skills allow him to further support his team.
- Epitome of Fortitude increases his HP and provides Critical Resistance.
- Wild Instinct provides him even more Critical Resistance, consider this if you constantly face Crit-pass teams like Hero Masakado T1.
- As he is very MP hungry, Divine Brands are recommended. Shield brands can shore up his magic resistance, making him even tankier.
P3 Gogmagog
- Panel 3 Gogmagog is a slow demon typically run as a support due to his excellent Panels.
- His panels provide the entire team Physical reduction (-15%, cannot be pierced) and Crit Resistance (-30%), useful against Hero Masakado T1 Teams.
- He is also an easy demon to fuse, making P3 a reasonable goal to strive toward.
- His three weaknesses make him an good partner for Orcus to give your team massive AOE reduction.
- However pairing the two would mean running two (Utility) Supporting Demons and thus only one (Attacker)!
- Consider him if you are having trouble with Hero Masakado T1 teams.
Skills and Brands:
- His huge bulk and Repel Phys means he is usually left for last, making him a suitable Recarmdra carrier.
- Auto skills allow him to further support his team.
- Epitome of Fortitude increases his HP and provides Critical Resistance.
- Wild Instinct provides him even more Critical Resistance, consider this if you constantly face Crit-pass teams like Hero Masakado T1.
- Life Brands are recommended to boost his bulk further. Shield brands can shore up his magic resistance, making him even tankier.
- Hecatoncheires is a tanky support offering teamwide damage reduction.
- His unique passive, Guards of Tartarus reduces all AOE damage your team receives by 15%.
- This is especially good to soften up damage from Archangels and V☆ teams.
- Use him in Clear as he possesses Auto-Rakuka an extremely useful buff for Asherah Teams when you go second.
- Due to his high HP, he is usually left for last. As such, Recarmdra is a great skill for him as it will revive all his fallen teammates in exchange for his life.
- The AI is also smart enough to save MP for it. This makes him one of the better demons for Defense teams.
- His two weaknesses make him an good partner for Orcus to give your team massive AOE reduction.
- However pairing the two would mean running two (Utility) Supporting Demons and thus only one (Attacker)!
- He is a weaker but cheaper Orcus or P3 Gogmagog. Consider him as a temporary replacement and switch him once you acquire either of the two.
Skills and Brands:
- As mentioned above, Recarmdra is used in almost every PvP build.
- Enduring Soul can provide him a layer of insurance, helping to ensure he gets to cast Recarmdra. It will also prevent Recarmdra's feedback damage from killing him.
- Auto skills let him further support his team.
- Epitome of Fortitude increases his HP and provides Critical Resistance.
- Wild Instinct provides him even more Critical Resistance, consider this if you constantly face Crit-pass teams like Hero Masakado T1.
- Life Brands are recommended to boost his bulk further. Shield brands can shore up his magic resistance, making him even tankier.
- Yama's unique passive, Enma's Judgement provides team wide Null Mortal. This is especially useful to protect Asherah from Alice and Masakado.
- This skill also provides team-wide Rakukaja, saving you an Auto-Rakuka transfer.
- With innate Dark Pierce in purple and a respectable magic stat, he can be run as a Dark Mage.
- Some players choose to give him support skills and run him as a Support instead. This is also a decent option if you are running other sweepers.
- Due to his high LUK stat, he can also work as an Ailment Inflictor. Mahashibabooon can be used to stall for a Meat Balloon Walk it Off proc before casting Recarmdra.
- This build is usually used to stall and frustrate players doing last minute PVP rushes, particularly those using Mortal Teams.
- Do not run with Yellow Asherah, as Silent Prayer will remove your own Null Mortal buff!
- Yama is mainly for your Defense PVP Team. He is strong counter to Mortal Team, a good Offense PVP Team used at higher PVP rank.
Skills and Brands:
- Dark Amp and Dark Enhancement increase his damage if run as a Mage.
- Recarmdra and Samrecarm give him a Resurrection skill.
- Mahashibabooon gives him an Ailment skill to spam if running as an Inflictor.
- Auto skills allow him to further support his team.
- Epitome of Fortitude increases his HP and provides Critical Resistance.
- Wild Instinct provides him even more Critical Resistance, consider this if you constantly face Crit-pass teams like Hero Masakado T1.
- Life Brands with Shield and Guard subsets help to increase his bulk.
- Ananta is the only demon in the game who possesses all 3 Auto-buffs in Purple.
- He is typically run as an Auto-mule, freeing up transfer slots on your other demons.
- Cheap option if you do not possess the Skill Genomes of auto-buffs (Auto-Rakuka,Auto-Taruka and Auto-Sukuka).
Skills and Brands:
- Auto-debuffs further his role as an Auto-mule.
- War Cry, Acid Breath and Fog Breath allow him to act as a debuffer.
- Most players tend to ignore Ananta as he doesn't do damage. Recarmdra can help to turn the tables in such scenarios.
- Evade and Dodge can be used to run an Evasion build.
- Epitome of Fortitude increases his HP and provides Critical Resistance.
- Wild Instinct provides him even more Critical Resistance, consider this if you constantly face Crit-pass teams like Hero Masakado T1.
- Life Brands are usually used to make him tankier. Dodge brands are the recommended sub-set if running an evade strat, otherwise Shield and Guard can be used to increase his bulk.
- Nidhoggr is bulky demon with innate Enduring Soul plus Wild Instinct in purple.
- His unique skill Nastrond heals a large portion of his HP whenever a teammate is killed. This greatly increases his chances of surviving the Turn 1 onslaught (provided he is not killed through Endure by Slaughter All or Die for Me!) and turning the tables through Recarmdra.
- His good LUK stat also makes him a decent Ailment Inflictor. Mahashibabooon can be used to stall for a Meat Balloon Walk it Off proc before casting Recarmdra.
- Usually run with Quetzalcoatl A who can reverse-sweep T1 teams if he survives.
Skills and Brands:
- Recarmdra gives him a Mass Resurrection skill.
- Recarm can be used to cheese Meat Balloon Walk it Off procs.
- Auto skills allow him to further support his team.
- Mahashibabooon gives him an Ailment skill to spam if running as an Inflictor. This strategy is especially powerful if paired with Yellow Asherah as she can clear Barriers using Silent Prayer.
- Epitome of Fortitude increases his HP and provides Critical Resistance.
- Resist Light can be used to cover his Light weakness, which can be crucial versus T1 Archangels.
- Life Brands with Shield and Guard subsets help to increase his bulk. As Bind disables skills like Nastrond, Ward brands can also be used to provide some protection.
Supporting Demons (Attackers)
You have total freedom over which attackers to use, though Pierce and/or Almighty is usually preferred to avoid being walled.
- The OG PVP Nightmare, Masakado is a physical powerhouse who is still one of the most powerful demons in the game.
- His unique passive Warlord's Wrath provides him Intimidating Stance, Phys Pierce and a 100% Counter on receiving Physical damage.
- His signature Occult Flash is a high-damage, high-critical single target Physical skill that inflicts Mortal. This skill has 3 charges.
- Innate Vorpal Blade gives him a powerful AOE against teams without Physical Anti-Pierce.
- Purple gives him Phys Amp, greatly amplifying his damage.
- Even though Occult Flash inflicts Mortal damage, most players tend to build Masakado as a Phys Sweeper anyway. The Physical damage comes in handy when matched with Purple Guan Yu (who has Null Mortal) and also against T1 teams (his high damage allows him to counter-sweep them).
- Panel 3 gives him 2 MP reduction on Occult Flash, letting him cast it T1 even without Divine Brands.
- One of the strongest if not the strongest option. Use him if you have him.
Skills and Brands:
- Phys Boost and Epitome of Carnage are good options to boost his damage.
- Great Aim and Epitome of Aggression can be used to patch up his shaky accuracy.
- Usually runs Life brands to compensate for his rather low HP. Aim brands are the recommended sub-set.
Guan Yu
- Guan Yu is a bulky physical sweeper that has Phys Pierce.
- His signature Dragon Blade does heavy damage to a single target, and chains into an AOE physical sweep.
- His unique passive Loyal God of War heals him and refunds MP upon killing an enemy.
- Paired with his excellent STR, HP and VIT stats, he can quickly snowball off kills and extra Press Turns generated from crits. Not only does Loyal God of War keep him healthy through healing, it allows him to repeatedly spam Dragon Blade from the MP refund.
- Purple gives him the incredible Null Mortal passive, making him immune to instakills such as Alice's Die for Me! and Masakado's Occult Flash.
- One of the best option if you do not want to go for a Double Intimidating Stance involving Masakado.
Skills and Brands:
- Phys Amp and Epitome of Carnage can be used to increase his damage.
- Great Aim and Epitome of Aggression can be used to patch up his shaky accuracy.
- Life Brands are usually used to make him tankier. Higher HP also improves Loyal God of War's heal efficiency, as the base heal amount depends on your max HP. Aim brands are the recommended sub-set.
- Has Intimidating Stance in purple. When paired with Masakado, it turns the team into a Hybrid Double Intimidating Stance Teams.
- His unique active Enemy Annihilation fully debuffs the enemy before firing off a powerful Piercing AOE Physical attack.
- His other unique, War Aid, increases his accuracy and acts as Anti-Pierce: While he is alive, Repel Resistances will negate Pierce effects.
- This pairs well with Teal Asherah to prevent Ice Pierce sweeping.
- This combination of abilities make him a highly flexible unit.
- Excellent option especially if you also use Masakado or P3 Gogmagog, or lack debuff control.
Skills and Brands:
- Phys Amp and is a good option to boost his damage.
- Auto skills allow him to further support his team.
- Epitome of Fortitude increases his HP and provides Critical Resistance.
- Wild Instinct provides him even more Critical Resistance, consider this if you constantly face Crit-pass teams like Hero Masakado T1.
- As Enemy Annihilation has a high MP cost, most players choose to run Divine Brands. Life brands can also be used to increase his HP. Aim brands are the recommended sub-set.
- Excellent option especially if you also use Masakado or P3 Gogmagog, or lack debuff control.
- Has Intimidating Stance in Clear.
- Tetra Shift synergizes well with Stance, and is great to catch teams running leads without Phys Pierce / cheap attacks.
- Ragnarok is a single-target Nuke that hits extremely hard despite his low MAG.
- It does not Pierce though, keep that in mind when selecting targets!
- On the downside, his AI is notoriously bad for defense if not running Divine Brands with maxed Ragnarok.
- Surt is the only Stance demon with a Magic focus.
- Strong fusable option for a second Intimidating Stance demon in your team (preferably paired Masakado or Purple Atavaka)
Skills and Brands:
- Surt can be run as either a Nuker or a Support.
- If run as a Nuker:
- Fire Amp and Fire Boost are good options to boost his damage.
- Divine Brands are recommended on Defense, as the AI will default to Berserker God after the first maxed Ragnarok without it.
- Spell Brands can be used for Offense, or if you are confident of winning after a single Ragnarok on Defense.
- If run as a Support:
- Auto skills allow him to further support his team.
- Epitome of Fortitude increases his HP and provides Critical Resistance.
- Wild Instinct provides him even more Critical Resistance, consider this if you constantly face Crit-pass teams like Hero Masakado T1.
- Life Brands are useful for increasing bulk.
Quetzalcoatl A
- Quetzalcoatl A is a deadly Fire mage that is capable of dealing high amounts of damage, thanks to having innate Fire Amp and Butcher.
- His unique passive Ce Acatl automatically revives him if he is dead at the start of your turn, and refunds a Press Turn icon.
- As long as your tank survives, he will come back to life the next turn, allowing you to reverse-sweep with double Aztec Pulses. This makes him a very powerful counter to T1 teams like Archangels and Hero Masakado T1 when paired with Asherah. He is also a weak counter to Ailment Team.
Skills and Brands:
- Fire Boost and Fire Enhancement are a good options to boost his damage.
- Auto skills allow him to further support his team.
- Resist Dark can be used to cover her weakness. Consider this if Hecate is common in your PVP tier.
- Epitome of Fortitude increases his HP and provides Critical Resistance.
- Wild Instinct provides him even more Critical Resistance, consider this if you constantly face Crit-pass teams like Hero Masakado T1.
- Divine Brands are recommended for Aztec Pulse spam. Guard and Shield brands help to increase his bulk.
- Hecate is a powerful Dark Mage with respectable bulk.
- Her signature Hell's Trivia hits a single-target for massive damage, and chains into an AOE cleave. Not only does this function as an Endure breaker, it also allows her to ignore Dark Anti-Pierce as chain effects do not lose her Press Turns.
- She is immune to Ailments thanks to Lunar Awakening, which also heals her every turn and purges her of Ailments. By transferring Prayer or Silent Prayer, she can act as an effective Cleric.
- Purple gains access to Dark Enhancement, further increasing her damage and allowing her to murder demons weak to Dark like Asherah and Quetzalcoatl A.
- Strong option for a Magic user. She is even better if you lack a counter to Ailment Team.
Skills and Brands:
- Dark Amp and Dark Boost increase her damage output.
- Prayer and Silent Prayer allow her to function as a cleric.
- Life brands with Shield and Guard sub-sets are recommended to increase her bulk.
- The OG Instakill demon, Alice's signature Die for Me! is a Dark spell that inflicts Mortal and ignores Endure effects.
- As she does not Pierce by default, Dark Pierce (weak) is mandatory on her.
- Panel 3 gives her 3 charges of Die for Me!, allowing her to repeatedly spam the skill.
- Teal gives her Repel Light to prevent her weakness being exploited.
- Can be paired with Masakado to form a terrific Mortal Team.
- Strong to incredible magic Sniper option depending of the number of Panels she has.
Skills and Brands:
- Dark Pierce (weak) is mandatory for her to bypass Null/Drain/Repel Dark. Bypassing NDR is mandatory if she is Panel 3.
- Speedster helps boost Battle Speed. This is mostly against mirror match-up or other Midrange teams in order to (barely) outspeed them.
- Risky if you are not confident in the defense of your team; in this case you may want to opt for more defensive skills.
- Evade can be used to give her some protection against Physical.
- She is a very good candidate for Auto-skills:
- Auto-Tarunda or Auto-Rakuka for more teamwide defense. Good if you do not rely on Evasion.
- Auto-Sukunda or Auto-Sukuka if you go the Evasion tactics for defense. It has the double function to give you Accuracy for your Physical demons to counterattack.
- Other defensive skills that only protect Alice are an option, especially if she is Panel 3:
- Enduring Soul is a cheap skill that gives an extra layer of protection. But countered by demons that bypass it.
- Epitome of Fortitude increases her HP and provides Critical Resistance.
- Wild Instinct provides him even more Critical Resistance, consider this if you constantly face Crit-pass teams like Hero Masakado T1.
- Divine brands let her spam Die for Me! repeatedly. Dodge, Shield and Guard subsets can be sued to increase her survivability.
- Indrajit is one of the strongest Single-Target mage and he has innate Pierce. Lightning Shower deals massive damage and can even clear demons with Endure effects thanks to its multi-hits.
- When he kills an enemy, Lord of Clouds triggers a chain effect restoring 3 MP and casting Five Elements.
- Thus it becomes extremely important for him to kill his target when using Lightning Shower.
- The MP refund can allow him the spam Lightning Shower and go on a killing spree.
- The casting of Five Elements makes him a hard counter to Mother Harlot and other Almighty users.
- Purple is his best color: being granted Master Assassin is very important to being able to kill the target.
- His Panels are very strong and complement his role of Sniper perfectly well.
- Low VIT and no innate durability kit makes him quite fragile.
- Extremely strong and consistent magic Sniper: perhaps only beaten by P3 Alice. Unlike Alice he does not need a particular skill genome or Panels to be able to perform his role.
Skills and Brands
- He needs as many damage boosters as possible: Elec Amp and Elec Enhancement are good skill to transfer.
- Cheaper skills can be Elec Boost and/or Assassin.
- Auto-Taruka and Auto-Rakunda if you could not fit these skills in his teammates' transfer slots and do not have a buff control support demon that can cast Attack buff and Defense debuff.
- Spell Brands and focus on MAtk are potent option. His Lightning Shower needs to be max level.
- Vairocana is an Almighty Mage who excels going second.
- Radiant Mantra wipes out all buffs on the enemy side and debuffs on your side at the start of their turn, essentially negating all their Auto skills.
- This also frees up Transfer Slots on your side, as you are guaranteed to force neutral buffs going second.
- Path of Prominence deals respectable Almighty damage while giving your team full buffs, letting him attack and support at the same time.
- Purple gives him Butcher to further enhance his damage.
- As he naturally repels Fire and Light, this makes him an ideal partner for Atavaka. This combination in particular counters Archangels, as he is immune to two of their AOE elements.
- You can also run Teal for yet another Repel resistance in Repel Dark.
- An Almighty Mage that really shines with Atavaka, consider running him if you are running Atavaka.
Skills and Brands:
- Serial Killer and Berserker can be used to increase his damage.
- Auto skills allow him to further support his team.
- Epitome of Fortitude increases his HP and provides Critical Resistance.
- Wild Instinct provides him even more Critical Resistance, consider this if you constantly face Crit-pass teams like Hero Masakado T1.
- Divine Brands are recommended as Path of Prominence has a steep cost.
Mother Harlot
- Mother Harlot is a slow Mage who excels in Almighty damage, while having a Charm ailment focus.
- Death Lust automatically charms her opponent at the start of her first turn, while increasing her damage versus charmed enemies. This is particularly potent with her Panel 1 automatically applying Barrier Break if going second.
- Babylon Goblet deals heavy AOE damage and drains 1 MP all enemies.
- The MP drain allows her to spam the attack repeatedly, provided the opponent hasn't run out of MP.
- It also punishes greedy builds that run non-Divine brands, as it messes with their overall MP regeneration.
- Panel 2 will randomly charm enemies after casting Babylon Goblet. Considering how spammable this skill is, it is not uncommon to see entire teams charmed by the end of your turn.
- Purple is the recommended color as it provides Deadly Charm to increase her damage towards Charmed enemies.
- One of the best options for consistent Magic damage. She is not an explosive sweeper, preferring to slowly grind down her enemies via MP drains.
Skills and Brands:
- Butcher can be used to increase her damage.
- It is recommended to cover up her weakness with Resist Force, as Force is a popular attacking element.
- Life Brands are recommended to increase her overall longevity. This gives her more chances to spam Babylon Goblet.
Other Damage Dealers
At the end of the day any strong Attackers are suitable. Here are other (maybe less optimal) options:
- Susano-o A: Very strong Phys Sniper. His Boost level does not reset if he is revived by Asherah.
- Mahakala: A powerhouse.
- Lucifer: Strong Almighty sweeper. His Panel 2 pairs well with Asherah as he can divert attacks from her (or the reverse).
- Izanami: At Panel 2, she gets Elec Pierce and becomes an incredible Elec sweeper.
- Cu Chulainn: Has Force Pierce in Purple.
- Susano-o: Fusable magic Sniper.
- Huang Di: Strong Phys sweeper. You need ways to kill Rama to make full use of him.
Finalized Team
Your final team should have Asherah and at least 1 support, plus 1 or 2 sweepers.
Quetzalcoatl A Team
A team built around Quetzalcoatl A running the Asherah Midrange engine. Alice is used to remove Anti-Pierce units that prevent Quetzalcoatl A from sweeping, with Yellow Asherah removing Null Mortal buffs if required. Nidhoggr improves your matchup against T1 teams.
Double Intimidation Stance Asherah
A Hybrid Asherah-Intimidating Stance team. Daisoujou compliments Asherah by removing Ailments, and can Recarmdra if needed. Masakado is the main sweeper, with Atavaka providing buff control.
Checks and Counters
Ailment Team
Pale Rider
Ailment Teams can easily handle Asherah Midrange defenses. Even against Asherah teams with Daisoujou and Double Intimidating Stance, two Press Turns are sufficient to remove Daisoujou and Mute the whole team, with more Ailment follow up the next turn.
Pale Rider's unique Pestilence will kill all demons below 4700 HP after two turns. By wiping all demons in one go, it denies Asherah the chance to use signature Mother's Creation.
Hecate is a powerful dark caster who can deal huge amounts of damage to Asherah especially if her Dark weakness is not covered. She also has good sustain in Lunar Awakening, especially if Panel 2 is unlocked for added MP regeneration.
These demons can remove Asherah regardless of her HP. Some teams tech Yama to protect themselves against Mortal, take note when you see these demons.
Revive Counter
Persephone's unique Fruit of the Dead causes all demons to be resurrected with only 1 HP, allowing you to easily kill them again the next turn. This won't stop them from sweeping you with the added Press Turn though, making this a shaky counter at best.
See also
- Tier List
- Skill List
- Brands
- PVP Team Guide for more Team guides