User contributions
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
- 08:32, 11 December 2021 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m Earth Sacrifice (Typo) (current)
- 01:29, 5 November 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+68) . . Main Page
- 21:31, 4 November 2021 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m File:Summon 11-03-21 Featured Dimensional Surt A Garuda A.png (KnockerInDx2 moved page File:Summon 11-03-21 Featured Dimensional (Surt A Garuda A).png to File:Summon 11-03-21 Featured Dimensional Surt A Garuda A.png)
- 21:31, 4 November 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+75) . . N File:Summon 11-03-21 Featured Dimensional (Surt A Garuda A).png (KnockerInDx2 moved page File:Summon 11-03-21 Featured Dimensional (Surt A Garuda A).png to File:Summon 11-03-21 Featured Dimensional Surt A Garuda A.png) (current) (Tag: New redirect)
- 21:13, 4 November 2021 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m File:Summon 11-03-21 Featured Dimensional Surt A Garuda A.png (KnockerInDx2 moved page File:Summo 11-03-21 Featured Dimensional (Surt A Garuda A).png to File:Summon 11-03-21 Featured Dimensional (Surt A Garuda A).png)
- 21:13, 4 November 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+77) . . N File:Summo 11-03-21 Featured Dimensional (Surt A Garuda A).png (KnockerInDx2 moved page File:Summo 11-03-21 Featured Dimensional (Surt A Garuda A).png to File:Summon 11-03-21 Featured Dimensional (Surt A Garuda A).png) (Tag: New redirect)
- 17:14, 2 November 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+445) . . N File:Summon 11-03-21 Featured Dimensional Surt A Garuda A.png (Banner for the "Featured Dimensional" Special Summon of November 2021. One between Surt A and Garuda A was guaranteed at Step 10. All the other Dimensional demons were also featured, at a slightly lower rate-up than Surt A and Garuda A. Featur...)
- 17:07, 2 November 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+501) . . N File:Summon 11-03-21 Special Dimensional.png (Banner for the "Special Dimensional" Special Summon of November 2021. A 4★ Dimensional Demon was guaranteed on Step 3, and a 5★ Dimensional Demon ws guaranteed on Step 6. Featured Demons: Abaddon A, Cu Chulainn A, Garuda A, [[Lakshmi A...)
- 17:00, 2 November 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+149) . . N File:Special Login Bonus Vince.png (Banner for the "Special Login Bonus" featuring Vince. [ Event Page Example])
- 16:57, 2 November 2021 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m File:Shin Megami Tensei Anniversary Login Bonus.png (KnockerInDx2 moved page File:Shin Megami Tensei Anniversary Login Lonus.png to File:Shin Megami Tensei Anniversary Login Bonus.png)
- 16:57, 2 November 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+65) . . N File:Shin Megami Tensei Anniversary Login Lonus.png (KnockerInDx2 moved page File:Shin Megami Tensei Anniversary Login Lonus.png to File:Shin Megami Tensei Anniversary Login Bonus.png) (current) (Tag: New redirect)
- 16:56, 2 November 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-2,561) . . Main Page
- 16:54, 2 November 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+479) . . N File:Summon 10-27-21 Recollection.png (Banner for the "Recollection" Special Summon of October-November 2021. This banner introduced Echidna and Ladon into the game. Demiurge and Pales also were featured, with a slightly inferior rate-up (0.100% vs. Echidna and Ladon's 0.300...)
- 16:44, 2 November 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+258) . . N File:Shin Megami Tensei Anniversary Login Bonus.png (Banner for the "Shin Megami Tensei Anniversary" Login Bonus of October-November 2021. Event Period: 10/27/2021 (Wed) 23:00 PDT~11/10/2021 (Wed) 20:59 PST [No extended] [ Event Page])
- 16:24, 2 November 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+404) . . N File:A Rabbit s Wish and the 13th Night event.png (Banner for the "A Rabbit's Wish and the 13th Night" Special Event of October 2021. Event period (Part 1): 10/13/2021 (Wed) 23:00 PDT~10/20/2021 (Wed) 22:59 PDT Event period (Part 2): 10/20/2021 (Wed) 23:00 PDT~10/27/2021 (Wed) 18:59 PDT Item Exc...)
- 16:14, 2 November 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+415) . . N File:Mother of All Monsters event.png (Banner for the "Mother of All Monsters" event of October-November 2021. Event period (Part 1): After the maintenance on 10/27/2021 (Wed) PDT~11/4/2021 (Thu) 7:59 PDT Event period (Part 2): 11/4/2021 (Thu) 8:00 PDT~11/10/2021 (Wed) 20:59 PST Item...)
- 22:21, 7 October 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+209) . . N File:Berserker Revival Login Bonus.png (Banner for the "Berserker [Revival]" Login Bonus.ù Event Period: 9/29/2021 (Wed) 23:00 PDT~10/13/2021 (Wed) 21:59 PDT [ Event Page])
- 22:14, 7 October 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+72) . . N File:Chalk Eater Special Login Bonus.png (Banner of the "Special Login Bonus" featuring Chalk Eater.)
- 21:58, 7 October 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+211) . . N File:Summon 10-06-21 Tenma.png (Banner of the "Tenma" Special Summon of October 2021. Event Period: 10/6/2021 (Wed) 23:00 PDT~10/20/2021 (Wed) 22:59 PDT [Event Page])
- 21:48, 7 October 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-2) . . m File:Summon 09-29-21 Berserk.png (→Summary)
- 21:47, 7 October 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+312) . . N File:Summon 09-29-21 Berserk.png (Banner for the "Berserk" Special Summon of October 2021. Event Period (First Half): 9/29/2021 (Wed) 23:00 PDT~10/6/2021 (Wed) 22:59 PDT Event Period (Second Half): 10/6/2021 (Wed) 23:00 PDT~10/13/2021 (Wed) 22:59 PDT [[https://d2-megaten-l.sega....)
- 21:30, 7 October 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+74) . . File:Berserker's Revenge.png
- 21:28, 7 October 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+310) . . N File:Berserker's Revenge.png (Banner of the "Berserker's Revenge" of October 2021. Event Period (Part 1): 9/29/2021 (Wed) 23:00 PDT~10/7/2021 (Thu) 7:59 PDT Event period (Part 2): 10/7/2021 (Thu) 8:00 PDT~10/13/2021 (Wed) 21:59 PDT Item Exchange Expiration Time [Vengeful Eth...)
- 22:54, 4 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+463) . . N File:Ghost of Cyberspace event (Revival).png (Banner for the "Ghost of Cyberspace" Special Event, for the "GHOST IN THE SHELL: SAC_2045" Collaboration Revival Event. Event Period (Ranking Part 1): 9/1/2021 (Wed) 23:00 PDT~9/8/2021 (Wed) 7:59 PDT Event Period (Ranking Part 2): 9/8/2021 (Wed) 8:...)
- 22:44, 4 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+420) . . N File:Summon 09-01-21 Ghost In The Shell SAC 2045.png (Banner for the "Ghost In The Shell: SAC_2045" Special Summon. This is a special Limited Time Collaboration Event that introduced Batou in the game. One Tachikoma is garanteed on the 3rd step. Event Period: 9/1/2021 (Wed) 23:00 PDT~9/15/2021...)
- 22:29, 4 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+286) . . N File:Ghost In The Shell SAC 2045 Collaboration Login Bonus.png (Banner for the "Ghost In The Shell: SAC_2045" Collaboration Login Bonus of September 2021. Event Period: 9/1/2021 (Wed) 23:00 PDT~9/15/2021 (Wed) 21:59 PDT [Not exteded over the scheduled period] [
- 22:11, 4 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+213) . . N File:Special Login Bonus 08-26-21.png (Banner of the second "Special Login Bonus" of August 2021. Event Period: 8/26/2021 (Thu) 8:00 PDT~9/1/2021 (Wed) 21:59 PDT [ Event Page])
- 22:02, 4 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+243) . . N File:Summon 08-25-21 Fiend Alice.png (Banner for the "Fiend Alice" Special Summon of August 2021. Event Period: 8/25/2021 (Wed) 23:00 PDT~9/1/2021 (Wed) 22:59 PDT Featured Demons: Alice [ Event Page])
- 21:57, 4 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+247) . . N File:Summon 08-25-21 Yoshitsune.png (Banner for the "Yoshitsune" Special Summon of August 2021. Event Period: 8/25/2021 (Wed) 23:00 PDT~9/1/2021 (Wed) 22:59 PDT Featured Demons: Yoshitsune [ Event Page])
- 03:14, 25 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+1) . . m Banner Demon Tier List
- 02:49, 25 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+2) . . m Sword of Hallel
- 02:37, 25 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m Democalypse (→Schedules)
- 02:36, 25 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m File:Phys.png (KnockerInDx2 moved page File:Physical.png to File:Phys.png)
- 02:36, 25 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+27) . . N File:Physical.png (KnockerInDx2 moved page File:Physical.png to File:Phys.png) (current) (Tag: New redirect)
- 02:35, 25 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m File:Elec.png (KnockerInDx2 moved page File:Electricity.png to File:Elec.png)
- 02:35, 25 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+27) . . N File:Electricity.png (KnockerInDx2 moved page File:Electricity.png to File:Elec.png) (current) (Tag: New redirect)
- 02:35, 25 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-470) . . Democalypse
- 02:05, 25 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-422) . . m Main Page
- 16:26, 22 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+77) . . Main Page
- 22:07, 19 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m Main Page
- 22:05, 19 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-1,256) . . Main Page
- 02:52, 19 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . m 3.5 Year Anniv. Festival & Special Absolute Summon! 2 (current)
- 02:50, 19 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+1) . . m 3.5 Year Anniv. Festival & Special Absolute Summon! 2 (→Hero)
- 02:48, 19 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-53) . . 3.5 Year Anniv. Festival & Special Absolute Summon! 2
- 02:46, 19 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m 3.5 Year Anniv. Festival & Special Absolute Summon! 2 (Whoops)
- 02:45, 19 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+5,922) . . N 3.5 Year Anniv. Festival & Special Absolute Summon! 2 (Created page with "center|link= Hi folks! 3.5 Anniversary is finally here! This...")
- 01:59, 19 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+8) . . m Main Page
- 01:59, 19 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+54) . . m Main Page
- 01:56, 19 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . m File:Wish You Were Here event.png (KnockerInDx2 moved page File:Wish You Were Here.png to File:Wish You Were Here event.png)
- 01:56, 19 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+47) . . N File:Wish You Were Here.png (KnockerInDx2 moved page File:Wish You Were Here.png to File:Wish You Were Here event.png) (current) (Tag: New redirect)
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)