Brands of Sin: Avarice

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Brands of Sin


Brand of Avarice

Yatagarasu.jpg Yatagarasu (Stage 1~5)

Flauros.jpg Flauros (Stage 6~9)

Shiva.jpg Shiva (Stage 10)

Wave 1



Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Seth - Wk - Nu Nu - Dr
Battle Speed 15,800

Wave 2



Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Shiva Rs Dr Wk Dr - - -
Battle Speed 20,200

Endure+.jpg Avarice Fire and Ice.jpg

Auto Party

There are two possible strategies, either deal massive damage to kill Seth and Shiva T1, or send in tanky Demons, with good Brands, and a powerful healer to keep the fight going.

Suggestions for resistant Teams:

  • Select the Dx2 Eileen.png Eileen to randomly get free Turns when passing.
  • Careful when choosing Support Demons. Check if they are Evasive enough and don't have Phys or Force Weaknesses.
  • P3 Erlkonig.jpg Erlkonig to passively heal all Party Members every turn. A second passive healer may help, like Maria.jpg Maria.
  • Evasive Demons, with Dodge Brands and Evade% Stats, to make Seth and Shiva miss and waste turns.
  • Masakado A.jpg Masakado A helps with his Kuyo Flash, as it increases EV of the whole Team and reduces AC of all enemies, increasing the chances of them missing. Also, Seth's Debilitate is replaced by Null Mortal, so he won't be able to debuff the Team.
  • Check Battle Speed, the party should outspeed Shiva (BS 27,300 on Lv. 12) to debuff him before his Turn, otherwise it's a lot more difficult to evade his attacks.
  • Avarice: Fire & Ice reduces all damage by 80%, except from Fire Fire and Ice Ice, so take Demons with Fire and Ice Skills into the battle.
    • Although Seth can be normally hit by Ice Skills, he is weak to Fire Fire, which should be exploited. Transfer a Fire Skill (e.g., Fire Breath) to a Demon with an Ice Skill to have it deal with both Seth and Shiva and save one Demon slot.
    • Shiva has Ice Ice Weakness, so hit it to get extra turns. Be aware that Shiva Drains Fire, so your Demons must have Fire Pierce, in case you decide to attack with Fire. Surviving his attacks is easier than Seth's, because he has only AoE Skills, meaning he's forced to attack all Demons at once, so he will usually miss some of them and lose Turns.

Shiva.jpg Shiva (Stage 11)

Wave 1



Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Seth - Wk - Nu Nu - Dr
Battle Speed 17,000

Wave 2



Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Shiva Rs Dr Wk Dr - - -
Battle Speed 21,700

Endure+.jpg Avarice Fire and Ice.jpg

Shiva.jpg Shiva (Stage 12)

Wave 1



Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Seth - Wk - Nu Nu - Dr
Battle Speed 17,000

Wave 2



Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Shiva Rs Dr Wk Dr - - -
Battle Speed 27,300

Avarice Rebirth.jpg Avarice Fire and Ice.jpg

Shiva.jpg Shiva (Stage 13)

Wave 1

Black Rider


Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Black Rider - Wk Rp - - Rs Rs
Battle Speed 20,800

Wave 2



Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Shiva Rs Dr Wk Dr - - -
Battle Speed 29,800

Avarice Rebirth+.jpg Avarice Fire and Ice.jpg


  • Black Rider has his panel 1-3 effects, which includes -50% to ice damage received and -30% to crit rate of damage received.

Shiva.jpg Shiva (Stage 14)

Wave 1

Dakini Vasuki Kali

Avarice-14-dakini.jpg Avarice-14-vasuki.jpg Avarice-14-kali.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Dakini Rs Dr Wk - - - -
Vasuki - Wk Dr - - - Rs
Kali - Nu Wk - - Rs Nu
Battle Speed 18,967

Single-Target Ordinance.jpg Great Dragon Kings Protection.jpg Intimidating Stance+.jpg Goddess of Slaughter+.jpg Multi Amp.jpg Avarice Immortal.jpg Avarice Fire and Ice+.jpg

Wave 2

Shiva Parvati

Avarice-14-shiva.jpg Avarice-14-parvati.jpg

Resistances Phys.png Fire.png Ice.png Elec.png Force.png Light.png Dark.png
Shiva Rs Dr Wk Dr - - -
Parvati - Wk Nu - - Rs Rs
Battle Speed 21,800

Single-Target Ordinance.jpg Destruction and Creation.jpg Intimidating Stance+.jpg Joy Song+.jpg Avarice Immortal.jpg Avarice Fire and Ice+.jpg


  • Avarice: Fire and Ice+ reduces all damage by 80%, except from Fire Fire and Ice Ice, so take Demons with Fire and Ice Skills into the battle.
    • The enemies have a mix of Weak or Null/Drain/Repel for these two elements, so all attackers should have pierce for their respective element, or you should bring attribute affinity down.
    • If you bring affinity down, make sure that it does NOT require hitting the enemy first to apply the affinity down - since you cannot hit NDR.
  • Avarice Immortal grants 5 endures, so try to use endure-ignoring skills.
  • Single-Target Ordinance makes enemies only take damage from Single Target Single Target attacks.
  • Kali has +300% accuracy and Shiva has +320% accuracy, so building your team for evasion will probably not be effective.

Wave 1 notes:

  • Vasuki has his panel 1-4 effects, which includes: turn-1 Icon Barrier.png Barrier Break, turn-1 Icon Gloom.png Gloom (for 1 turn), 50% personal damage boost when all foes are Icon Gloom.png Gloomed, 20% damage aura against Icon Poison.png Poisoned foes, and a Bulwark-piercing Ice AoE when a foe becomes Poisoned.
    • The 50% damage boost will be disabled if even one of your demons isn't Icon Gloom.png Gloomed, so consider using Icon Zenith.png Zenith to counteract it.
  • Great Dragon King's Protection triggers a bunch of dangerous effects if the enemy kills one of your demons, including Icon Poison.png Poison, Icon Weak.png Weak, Icon Curse.png Curse, Icon Decay.png Decay, Icon ATK Debuff.png ATK Debuff, and makes your team deal no damage while ailmented. Avoid ally deaths at all costs.
  • Goddess of Slaughter+ casts Physical Almighty Almighty Bulwark-piercing attacks every turn, and focuses on your lowest-HP demon to try and push for a kill.
    • She also has resistance to Icon Spirit Chains of Intimidation.png Spirit Chains of Intimidation, so that won't soften the hits unless you cast more than 1 stack at a time.
    • Casting Icon Critical.png Might on yourself will make Kali match it and Debilitate your team - so try to avoid using chain effects that cast Might.
    • Even if you avoid giving her Might, she'll cast it on herself when using Violent Dance.

Wave 2 notes:

  • Shiva has resistance to Icon Spirit Chains of Intimidation.png Spirit Chains of Intimidation and Icon Spirit Chains of Corrosion.png Spirit Chains of Corrosion, so you'd need to inflict 2 stacks at a time to have an effect for either.
  • Shiva will cast a Physical Almighty Almighty revenge attack whenever he's hit by Physical, Magic, or Fractional damage. He'll also trigger it when he's below 50% HP.
    • Up to 3 times per battle, he'll also heal 60% HP if this Almighty attack succeeds.
  • Shiva does not have Phys Pierce. This means that Icon Repel Almighty Physical.png Repel Almighty Physical can shut down both his Vorpal Blade and his Almighty revenge hit, so it's an effective way to keep yourself alive here.
  • Parvati makes her team take -30% damage unless you hit a weak point.