Best Archetype(s)
Offense |
Defense |
Prelim |
Any |
2 |
5 |
5 |
1 |
1 |
Pros |
- Alder King heals your team on your turn, and debuffs the enemy's attack on their's. When paired with P3, this turns into a full defensive buff swing in your favor.
- Has massive survivability thanks to Power of Life providing auto-Lydia, Alder King's healing, his massive HP and VIT stats (further boosted by skill levels and panels) and Null Mortal in Purple. His good bulk allows him to fully capitalize on Recarmdra, as he will usually be the last one standing.
- Low AGI makes him perfect for bulky slow teams.
Cons |
- Weak to Fire. This is particularly bad in a Surt A-heavy meta.
- Maziodyne is a wasted slot.
Notes |
- Due to Alder King's effect timing, it actually procs after most of the enemy's auto-skills have activated. When paired with demons that have similar timings (like Vairocana and Lachesis), it guarantees a full defensive buff swing regardless of what your opponent runs (Solar skills, Angra Mainyu's Panel 2, etc. all go off first, before getting wiped out).