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Role Summary

Name Best Archetype(s) PVE PVP
PVE PVP Offense Defense
Clotho.jpg Clotho
Purple Purple D F F -
  • A powerful (but not mandatory) addition to the Moirai Sisters team composition, as Woven Fate is a 6 times use AOE Heal that also randomly revives one of your fallen teammates. Not only does this allow you to constantly revive Atropos, but it also ensures that all of the Sisters' chain effects can go off.
  • When combined with two other Lady or Femme demons (preferably her two other sisters), Passionate Allure charms all enemies at the end of the enemy team's turn. This forces teams to constantly waste turns curing Charm, while Passionate Rage constantly chips at them.
  • Has arguably the best Panels for ailment immunity. Panel 1 prevents the team from being swept by Alice A, while Panel 2 makes them immune to Charm in the events of a mirror match.
  • High Luck helps her with landing ailments and run a Dodge Tank build relatively well, especially if you have access to Epitome of Madness.
  • Passionate Allure's Auto-Charm can be punished by Daisoujou on the opposing team. This point is moot if you have Panel 2 Atropos, which makes your team immune to Mute.
  • Passionate Allure's Auto-Charm can be completely shut down by Demeter or Maria.
  • Requires a good team built around her to work.
  • Due to the way the Moirai Sisters archetype is typically built, Revive Sealing units like Zeus and Astaroth are a very powerful counter.
  • Limited uses on healing, no Null Mortal, and the downfall of the Sisters archetype really limits her use in PVP in the Demeter meta.
  • As it is classified as a Recovery skill, the AI will spam Woven Fate to heal HP even if there are no downed demons, wasting the charges.
  • Highly reliant on having Panels to do well, as she faces stiff competition from other Lady / Femme demons like Xi Wangmu and Asherah for the slot in Moirai Sister teams.
  • In the current meta, Moirai Sisters are nothing more than a bad dream.

PvE Builds

PvP Builds


  • Purple: Insanity so her passive can apply as much as possible.

Skill Transfers

Support skills to go along her support role. Evasion boosters for a dodge tank build. Ailments to go along with her innate Insanity and barrier break in Passionate Allure in purple.

Support Skills:

  • Epitome of Fortitude: Gives her extra bulk + crit resistance
  • Epitome of Endurance: Extra bulk + lowers team speed to outslow opposing Sisters or IS teams.
  • Auto skills: Provides buff/debuff control.
  • Lunar Prosperity/Downfall: Like autos but 2 in 1. No point in having Solar skills if the team is meant to be as slow as possible.

Evasion Boosters:

  • Evade: Highest Evasion modifier
  • Epitome of Madness: Evasion + ailment infliction modifier
  • Epitome of Illusion: Evasion modifier + ailment resistance (helpful if you do not run Ward Brands or lack P1+2 on the sisters)
  • Dodge: Early game/budget option.


  • Mahashibaboo/Mahashibabooon: Inflicts bind to shut down passives.
  • Mahamakajam/Mahamakajamaon: Inflicts mute to shut down offensive demons.
  • Mahaju/Mahajuon: Inflicts curse, perfect when paired with Ulice.

Other/Misc. Skills:

  • Enduring Soul/+: Adds survivability
  • Mind Blast/Break: Allows her remove MP from enemies so they can't use their attacks.


  • Stat priorities: HP%, Phys EV%
  • Life: Gives her more HP.
  • Dodge: More evasion
  • Ward: Protects her from ailments for 3 turns (No need if you have the other 2 sisters with P1 and P2 unlocked alongside her own)


  1. VIT (20): Increases her bulk.
  2. LUK (20): Increases her chances of inflicting ailments and dodging attacks.


Spinning the thread
ArchPurple.png Transferred Skills Notes:

She helps sustain the team with AOE heals + revives (Albeit limited to 6 uses). Her passive breaks barriers + applies Charm & Poison. Additional ailments help to ease the team's matchup against offensive teams. Be weary of Daisoujou as he punishes Passionate Allure with AOE mute unless you have Ward brands on all party members or you have P2 Atropos.

Mahashibabooon Epitome of Endurance
Infused Mitama
Vi 20 Lu 20
Life + Ward
Target Stats