User talk:Melfaize

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hey melfaize, would you mind taking a look at what i said in the discussion page of TierListData? i love the new section but i want to determine a criteria for who would fit

thanks, Sire

Synergies Criteria

I think that the Synergies should be limited to who is the most dominant in the current meta, and also demons who mutually benefit from each other, such as Homura lowering Phys affinities and Hagen increasing Phys damage for the party. However, I wouldn't put Angra Mainyu even though he increases the chance of Homura inflicting Bind because he isn't seen in the current meta and doesn't really capitalize off Homura's abilities. I think we should limit it to 3-4 demons, and focus on the current meta and who can benefit the most. I hope you also have good ideas about the criteria!