Digest Apr 2

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Welcome to the second issue of the Dx2 Digest! This is going to be EXTREMELY packed week, we apologize in advanced for the long article!

All times and dates mentioned are in JPT.

  • Issue: 2
  • Date: 2021/04/22 - 2021/04/28
  • Written by User:Reika

Featured Banner


Dimensional Banner is getting rerun with two new demon additions! For an in-depth analysis of them, scroll down below.

New Demons: Thor A, Surt A Also Featured: Shiva A, Susano-o A, Garuda A, Quetzalcoatl A, Lakshmi A

Most of the Dimensionals are pretty useful for PVP, consider rolling one of the banners if you want to shake up your PVP teams. Check Tier List for an idea of how they can be used.

There are four different type of banners this time, make sure you don't end up accidentally rolling the wrong one! A very important point to note is that these banners will all refresh next week, when Part 2 of the event commences. This means exhausted banners will be made available again, and more crucially your step progress will be reset!!

Another important note is there are no single-demon guarantees this time. This means you could theoretically roll an infinite times and never get a Surt A. If you are chasing a specific demon, you might want to reconsider.

Featured Dimensional Step-up Summons

(Image to be uploaded once update is live)

Brief Description: 9,000 gems for a Guaranteed Surt A or Thor A at the end, and bonus 100 Dimensional Tomes. Limited to one cycle.

Verdict: This is the best banner to roll if you are chasing after either of the new demons.

Special Dimensional Step-up Summons

(Image to be uploaded once update is live)

Brief Description: 5,500 gems for a Guaranteed Dimensional Demon, and bonus 60 Dimensional Tomes. Limited to one cycle.

Verdict: This is a good banner to roll for if your roster lacks Dimensionals (or simply for Dimensional panels).

Dimensional Step-up Summons

(Image to be uploaded once update is live)

Brief Description: 9,000 gems for 100 Dimensional Tomes. Limited to two cycles.

Verdict: This banner is purely for those who have exhausted all the other banners and need more Dimensional Tomes. You should stay far away from this one, though doing just the discounted step 1 isn't a bad idea.

Dimensional Gem Summons

(Image to be uploaded once update is live)

Brief Description: 100 gems for 1 try and 1 Dimensional Tome.

Verdict: This is for those who have exhausted every single step-up available. Avoid this like 16 Scourges.

Dimensional Absolute Summons

(Image to be uploaded once update is live)

Brief Description: 200 Dimensional Tomes for 1 random Dimensional.

Verdict: We will need to wait for the update to see if Surt A and Thor A have boosted rates like Shiva A and Susano-o A did on their previous shared banner. Assuming they do, you should be fine cashing in your tomes if you want either of them.

New Demon Analysis