Pros |
- Vile Glare provides Intimidating Stance when paired with another Vile, Drake or Jaki demon. This stacks up to twice, giving you double Intimidating Stance if you run two other partners instead.
- Cry of the Poor deals Fractional damage at the end of turn, which is useful for cleaning up Endures. If you have three or more Vile/Jaki/Drake demons alive, it will instead of proc twice, letting it break multiple Endures in one go.
- Unlike other Racial combos, Vile Glare and Cry of the Poor both work even with just 1 other partner, which allows a lot more freedom in team building.
- Incredible synergy with Vile Demiurge - Demiurge helps to fulfill the Vile requirement, while Pales has three Repel and Drain resistances to complement False God and Supreme Creator.
- With Panel 1 unlocked and a Rallying Survivor transfer, he can stack up to 85% increased ailment recovery, which means a confirmed Turn 1 recovery from Bind and Charm. This allows him to run a Pseudo-cleric set with a Prayer transfer.
- Teal patches up his Fire weakness, while Yellow provides him discounted Recarmdra to further support the team.