6★ Stats
1192 (92/432)
175 (93/432)
81 (369/432)
151 (204/432)
230 (13/432)
152 (195/432)
Innate Skills |
Elusis's Blessing Passive +50% to Max HP. Adds Null Mortal.
Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of the first turn:
Adds Bulwark with 1500 HP for all party members for 1 turn, and restores 2 MP.
Activates the following Chain Effect when a party member (excluding the one with this skill) takes Physical, Magic or Fractional damage:
All party members gain Bulwark with 25% of their respective HP and increases ATK, DEF, EV/AC of All Party Members by 20% for 1 turn.
While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect:
While party members have Bulwark, they will gain immunity to all status ailments and take 20% less damage.
My Harvest! 6 MP Inflict Almighty (Magic) damage (Power: 150) with Remnants to a single enemy.
Activates the following Chain Effect if the attack is successful:
Grants all party members a Bulwark with 20% of their respective HP values for one turn, and all party members recover 2 MP.
Awaken: Gacha: -
Awaken: Judgement 9 MP Inflicts Almighty (Magic) damage with 100 power on All Enemies and increases own party's ATK 20% for 3 turns. Gacha: Great Idea Passive +20 to St, Ma, Vi, Ag and Lu.
Awaken: Harvest's Blessing Passive Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of the first turn: +20% to DEF of all party members and -20% to ATK of all enemies. (1 turn) Gacha: 6th Sense Survivor Passive -50% to Critical hit rate of damage received. HP stops at 1 HP upon receiving the first killing blow.
Awaken: Almighty Survivor Passive +15% to Almighty damage and HP stops at 1 HP upon receiving the first killing blow. Gacha: Lunar Downfall Passive Activates the following Chain Effect at the beginning of a battle if the enemy attacks first:
Reduces all enemy ATK and EV/AC by 20%. (1 turn)
Spirit Merge Panel Upgrades
Panel 1 |
Panel 2 |
Panel 3
Panel Completion Bonus |
-20% to all damage received by the one with this skill while their Bulwark is active. |
Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of enemy turn: Grants all party members a Bulwark with 20% of their respective HP for 1 turn, and reduces ATK of all enemies by 20% for 1 turn. |
+20% to Almighty damage. +20% to Max HP.
Panel Step Stat Bonus |
HP: +250(MAX) |
Mag ATK: +100(MAX) |
HP: +250(MAX)
Only available from a banner specific event.
Available from the gacha.
Role Summary
Best Archetype(s)
Offense |
S |
A |
A |
- |
Pros |
- Casts bulky Bulwarks very often - at the start of the battle, whenever any teammate other than herself takes damage, and whenever casting her unique skill My Harvest!. If Panel 2, she also Bulwarks at the start of the enemy's turn and debuffs the foe's ATK. This makes her team incredibly tanky.
- My Harvest! Bulwarks the team and gives each of them 2 MP, offering both defensive and offensive pressure against the enemy. It also has Remnants, ensuring she uses up only half a press turn to cast it.
- Whenever any teammate (other than herself) is attacked or takes fractional damage, she Bulwarks the team and casts a 1-turn Luster Candy. This heavily punishes AoE and random attacks without Bulwark Pierce, effectively undoing much of the damage dealt by the enemy.
- Elusis's Blessing makes any Bulwarked teammate immune to ailments and take -20% damage, making her team even more bulky. Panel 1 also doubles down on this for Demeter herself.
- Yellow casts a 1-turn Defensive Cry to make it harder to take her down turn 1, while Purple gives her an endure.
Cons |
- Due to how duration ticks work, her Bulwarks will always go offline at the start of her team's turn, and won't go back online until she casts My Harvest. This makes her team susceptible to "at start of enemy turn" chain effects, as their HP bars are exposed and the ailment immunity isn't active.
- She is also susceptible to “start of 1st turn” Chain Effects if her team goes second.
- If her team gets ailmented somehow, she doesn't have an innate way to cleanse them.
- While she makes your team nearly unkillable in PvE, it's worth noting if you want fast clears, her chains massively slow you down.
Notes |
- Somewhat countered by Bulwark Pierce, although her damage reduction, buff swing and ailment immunity still make her a good unit for PvP.
- Hard countered by Loup-Garou and Madoka Kaname who just straight up removes Bulwark.
- Countered EVEN HARDER by Masakado B who just straight up removes her ability to create Bulwark.
- Regarding the effect where Demeter casts Bulwarks upon an ally being attacked:
- This effect will still activate if the enemy's attack misses.
- The Defense Support mechanic in PvP will also trigger this effect, letting Demeter's team tank through it for a while.
- Oddly, Recarmdra does not trigger this effect, despite it effectively being 100% Fractional Damage to the user.
- If the Luster Candy chain effect is activated during the enemy's turn (it usually will be), the buffs will wear off once her own team's turn starts.
- Anahita and Madoka Kaname casts Bulwarks at the start of her team's turn - this can close the window where Demeter's Bulwarks are offline. Alternatively, if the enemy has a "start of enemy turn" AoE that doesn't ailment (and doesn't hurt too much), that will restore Demeter's Bulwarks with the same timing.
- Can generate a lot of buff stacks in Demon Alliance Invasion events.
Synergies |
PvE Builds
PvP Builds
Official Profile
A Greek goddess whose name means "Mother Earth." She is Zeus's elder sister and has a long history of worship. Though known as a gentle goddess of fertility who taught humans to cultivate grain, she brings famine if angered. Of her, even Zeus is wary. Because her knowledge helped birth civilization, and civilization requires law, she is also known as the bringer of law