Wanderingseth's User Page
Seth's reminders of useful Templates:
Seth's created Templates:
Questions for Me
Let it fly:
Template To-Do's
Going to plan to construct a Demon/Build Template as I haven't found one yet.
Known Information when residing on a demon's "Build" tab: Specific Demon, Stock Moveset via Archetype, Stock Demon Stats @6*
Unkonwn Information when looking at a demon's build: Purpose/Application/Role, Archetype, Inherited Skills, Infused Mitama, Brand Setup, Target Stats (If applicable), Build Notes (excess notes).
Party Examples
Sef's Aura Gate 2 fl. 40 team using full Demon Build Template
Transferred Skills
Easily replaceable with a fast light sweeper sporting more than 1300 MATK.
Light Amp |
Resist Fire
Infused Mitama
Spell brands are fine as 2 Mahamaons are all you should need. Matk% primaries.
Target Stats
MATK 1300
Transferred Skills
Trial of Hate sweeper. No Kasanes into ToH needed.
Resist Fire |
Infused Mitama
Ma 20
Divine will help you use Trial of Hate twice which may be necessary. Matk% primaries.
Target Stats
MATK 1600
Transferred Skills
Ensures you'll always go first with the necessary speed. Auto-rakunda is a gigantic help also.
Speedster |
Infused Mitama
Ag 20
Spell brands are fine as 2 Mahamaons are all you should need. Matk% primaries.
Target Stats
MATK 1550
Transferred Skills
I'm sure any strong and quick dark based magic user will help you drop the crowd of fights on fl 40.
Dark Pierce (weak) |
Resist Light
Infused Mitama
Ma 20
Like most of the others, spell brands are going to be good enough. You guessed it Matk% primaries.
Target Stats
MATK 1600
Sef's Aura Gate 2 fl. 40 team using thin Demon Build Template. Speed > 24000.
| Skills |
- |
- |
Brands |
Divine, MAtk% |
Requirements |
MATK > 1600 |