Pixie A/Builds

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Role Summary

Name Best Archetype(s) PVE PVP
PVE PVP Offense Defense
Pixie A.jpg Pixie A
Yellow Purple Teal Yellow Purple Teal - - - - -
  • 20% damage reduction for the team (unless a weakness is hit).
  • Casts Luster Candy at the start of battle, and every player turn.
  • Her active is an Almighty skill with Remnants and a heal. At boost level 1 the heal gets stronger, and at level 2 it also restores 1 MP to the party (up to 2 times per player turn)
  • High AGI, so she can make good use of Speedster for higher battle speed.
  • In Alter-World and Battle Tower, gives the MC Charge/Concentrate every time they make a physical/magic attack, greatly improving the MC's damage output.
  • Colors other than Red allow for choosing 2 elemental nulls each. This especially helps build overbreak gauge in Alter-World farming stages.
  • All stats other than her AGI are awful. This also means she has low MATK and therefore will not heal for very much.
  • Does not have Speedster innately which in turn consumes a skill slot.
  • The charge/conc effect doesn't work outside of Alter-World/Battle Tower.
  • Weak to Dark unless Teal.
  • Event Only, and it's unknown if she'll be rerun.
  • No panels.
  • Red's skill is useless. That said, it may be a reference to normal Pixie's red skill also being an Elec attack.
  • Her stats are very similar to Party Pixie's stats, but slightly lower across the board.

PvE Builds

PvP Builds