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Role Summary

Name Best Archetype(s) PVE PVP
PVE PVP Offense Defense Tournament
Anthrasax.jpg Anthrasax
Purple Yellow Purple Yellow B B B A
  • Titanic bulk with one of the highest HP and Vitality stats in the game, as well as a whopping +75% Max HP built in.
  • Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy is a powerful passive that grants Null Mortal, Bind, Charm and three counts of Fortify at the start of the battle, bolstering her HP even further. It also grants one whole count of Attribute Affinity Reinforcement, which while active redirects Physical attacks to Anthrasax. On top of that, she takes 30% less damage from single-target attacks, cushioning many of the hits she plans on taking.
    • This redirection is quite handy, as it has a built in Counter against physical attacks, biting back with 160BP Almighty attack that heals for 200% of the damage dealt, possibly undoing much of the damage that was just inflicted. As this attack scales off of Max HP, it will likely hit hard as well.
  • Destructive Light has a respectable 160BP single target that chains into a 100BP multi-target (260BP total) with the standard remnants and bulwark-pierce, as well as dropping the enemies attack and defense for 1 turn. Since the skill scales off of Anthrasax' massive HP stat, it is likely to hit quite hard.
  • Powerful awaken skills across the board, save for maybe Teal.
    • Iron Lightning Anthem turns her normal attack into a 150BP Almighty attack, which helps against teams that would want to deprive her of MP.
    • Intimidating Stance Change removes 2 Press Turns when the enemy strikes first, which is useful if her teammates do not have such options.
    • Epitome of Fortitude grants yet more HP boosters, as well as making her more resistant to crits, which is useful considering she is meant to tank physical attacks.
  • Strong panels the first reducing the count of Indignation by 1, and the second giving her Null Mute as well as a handy -30% to critical damage received.
  • Her sorry 1 count of Attribute Affinity Reinforcement is easily removed by even the weakest affinity reduction. All it takes is one.
    • This makes her redirection very easy to bypass, unless she is paired with a demon like Yggdrasil or Baphomet A.
  • Magic skills will bypass her redirection entirely.
  • Five Elements defangs her entirely. Against a demon like Morrighan, Anthrasax's Counter effect will be repelled.
  • Anthrasax's counter works like any other counter effects, so skills with counter prevention like Demonic Sword or Moon-White Blade will not activate it