Lakshmi A/Builds

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Role Summary

Name Best Archetype(s) PVE PVP Democalypse
PVE PVP Offense Defense Prelim Boss
Lakshmi A.jpg Lakshmi A
Yellow Red Purple 4 3 2 1 1
  • Weak to Force.
  • In Yellow, AI prioritizes Defensive Cry which does not trigger Diwali.
  • The MP restoration aspect is very useful to counter Alice A's passive MP Drain.

PvE Builds


  • Red: Discounted Deathtouch for a cheap attack and to trigger Diwali outside of using heals.
  • Yellow: Defensive Cry to provide defensive buff control
  • Purple: Epic Recovery to have an increased chance to recover from ailments to cast Virtuous Prosperity and trigger Diwali.

Skill Transfers

Healing Boosters to make Virtuous Prosperity heal as much as possible. Support skills since her base kit already does a lot.

Healing Boosters:

  • Epitome of Hardiness: Healing modifier + extra HP for survivability
  • Recovery Boost: Early game/budget option.

Support Skills:

  • War Dance/Cry, Acid/Fog Breath, Blood Rush, Nocturne, Offensive/Agile Cry: Provides multiple buffs/debuffs.
  • Speedster: Boosts team speed if needed
  • Solar/Lunar Prosperity/Downfall: Provides 2 buffs in 1 and procs during the start each wave unlike autos.
  • Samrecarm: Allows Her to revive a dead party member if needed.

Other/Misc. Skills:

  • Resist/Null Force: Covers her Force weakness.


  • Stat priorities: Healing%, Mag ATK%
  • Heal: Increases the amount Virtuous Prosperity heals.
  • Spell: Boosts Mag ATK, which in turn boosts healing.
  • Life: Boosts her bulk.
  • Speed: Boosts team speed if needed.


  1. MAG (20): To boost her Mag ATK for healing
  2. VIT (20/10): Boosts her bulk.
  3. AGI (10/20): Increases team speed.


Festival of Lights
ArchPurple.png Transferred Skills Notes:

A great multi-purpose support that can heal, cleanse and casts Almighty Magic Repel, as well as provide added MP when herself or an ally heals, which removes the need for divines as well as allows powerful skills to be spammed. Any support skills can be to fit a specific situation. Red could also be used as to not make her purely a support demon while still being able to trigger Diwali.

Null Force Samrecarm
Infused Mitama
Ma 20 Vi 10 Ag 20
Spell + Heal with Healing% & Mag ATK%
Target Stats

PvP Builds