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Role Summary

Name Best Archetype(s) PVE PVP
PVE PVP Offense Defense
Cleopatra.jpg Cleopatra
Purple Purple A S S -
  • Offers a wide array of various effects via Peerless Beauty, such as an auto Barrier break, 1 count of both Corrosion and Intimidation, as well as Charm on all enemies at the start of battle.
    • To make things even worse, while Cleopatra is alive, all enemies receive +30% damage and deal -60% damage while inflicted with an ailment, severely crippling the enemy party before they even have a chance to act.
  • Innate Null Charm along with naturally reducing oncoming counts of Intimidation by 1 help protect her against a mirror match.
  • Radiant Blast is currently one of the hardest hitting skills in the entire game, with an incredible 300BP. This skill also has an 80% chance to inflict Charm on hit enemies, and as the cherry on top, adds 1 count of Corrosion on all enemies and grants an extra Press Turn Icon when successful.
  • Good amount of damage boosters, with Light Debuff and Peerless Beauty alone giving Cleopatra +35% to Light damage. Light Vital in purple offers yet another +15%.
  • Very fast, with innate 235 agility right off the bat, perfect for T1 teams.
  • Strong panels, with P1 offering reduced MP cost to Radiant Blast and +15% Light damage and P2 increasing the amount of damage all enemies inflicted with Corrosion receive.
  • Synergizes well with Metatron M, as her T0 ailments will allow for Sinister Malice's light damage to hit even harder.
  • Innate Drain Light makes her immune to Camael's One Who Sees God's 80 BP AOE Light (Physical) Chain when paired with sources of Drain Pierce like Kalki and Femto.
  • Despite her high agility, she has zero innate speed boosters outside of Light Accele as yellow's gacha skill.