Virtuous Prosperity | Demons | MP: 6 | Skill Points: - | Target: All Party Members | Use Limit: ∞
Heals all party members (Power: 100), then removes status ailments from all party members and adds immunity to skills that inflict Mortal. (1 turn)
*This skill will gain 1 Boost level with each use.
Boost Level 1: Will now cast Barrier on all party members (1 turn).
Boost Level 2: Will now cast Repel Magic (including Almighty) on all allies. (1 turn)
Boost Level 3: Increases Power to 130.
Lv2: +5% to Healing amount of this skill.
Lv3: +10% to Healing amount of this skill.
Lv4: +10% to Healing amount of this skill. MP cost of this skill -1. |