Innate Skills |
Mecharmdi 4 MP Cures All Party Members of Charm. Reduces the chance of being Charmed during this wave by 30%.
Mazan 5 MP Inflicts Force (Magic) damage with 80 power on All Enemies.
Awaken: Bufudyne 6 MP Inflicts Ice (Magic) damage with 160 power on a Single Enemy. Gacha: -
Awaken: Glacial Blast 5 MP Inflicts Ice (Magic) damage 2 to 4 times with 55 power on Random Enemies. Gacha: Agi 4 MP Inflicts Fire (Magic) damage with 120 power on a Single Enemy.
It has been suggested that this page should be deleted. Reason: "Misspelling of Memutudi"
Type |
Description |
Meclosedi | Demons | MP: 4 MP | Skill Points: ? | Target: All Party Members | Use Limit: {{{uselimit}}}
Cures All Party Members of Mute. Reduces the chance of being Muteed during this wave by 30%. {{{levels}}} |
Gacha: Mow Down 4 MP Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage with 80 power on All Enemies.
Awaken: Serial Killer Passive +10% to multiple-target attack skill damage. Gacha: Cursedi 3 MP Cures a Single Party Member of Curse. Reduces the chance of being Cursed during this wave by 30%.