Innate Skills |
Hades Blast 6 MP Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage with 120 power on All Enemies. Fog of Death Passive When an enemy is Weakened, reduces all enemy EV/AC by 20% (3 turns) and 100% chance to inflict Poison.
Gacha: -
Awaken: Dark Sword 5 MP Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage with 120 power on a Single Enemy with 40% chance to inflict Mute. Gacha: Deadly Mute Passive +30% damage to Muted enemies.
Awaken: Outbreak 6 MP 60% chance to inflict Weak 3 to 4 times on Random Enemies. Gacha: Dmg Panel V II Passive -50% to damage received from Damage Panels in the Aura Gate.
Gacha: Tempest Slash 5 MP Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage 2 to 5 times with 50 power on Random Enemy/(ies).