Innate Skills |
Bolt Storm 5 MP Inflicts Elec (Magic) damage 2 to 4 times with 55 power on Random Enemies.
Merciless Blow Passive +20% damage when attacking the enemy's weak point.
Yomotsu Okami Passive While the demon with this skill is alive, all party members gain +10% damage to Elec and Dark attacks.
Gacha: -
Awaken: Hell Gaze 7 MP Inflicts Dark (Magic) damage with 180 power on a Single Enemy. Gacha: Auto-Rakunda Passive Casts Rakunda at the beginning of the 1st turn.
Awaken: Concentrate 6 MP Self enters a state of Concentrate. Increases the next Mag attack damage by 125%. Gacha: Silent Prayer 7 MP Cures all status ailments and removes all Good Status effects of All Party Members and Enemies.
Awaken: Elec Amp Passive +25% to Elec damage. Gacha: Maziodyne 7 MP Inflicts Elec (Magic) damage with 120 power on All Enemies.
Gacha: Recarmdra 8 MP Revive All Party Members with full HP, caster dies. (1 use)