Innate Skills |
Endure Passive HP stops at 1 HP upon receiving the first killing blow. Retaliate Passive When receiving a Phys Attack, 50% chance to counter dealing Phys damage with 100 power. Hellfire 5 MP Inflicts Fire (Magic) damage 2 to 4 times with 55 power on Random Enemies.
Gacha: -
Awaken: Power Hit 7 MP Use 10% of own HP to Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage with 170 power on a Single Enemy. Gacha: Mabufu 5 MP Inflicts Ice (Magic) damage with 80 power on All Enemies.
Awaken: Tetra Break 3 MP Removes Repel Phys from All Enemies. Gacha: Zan 4 MP Inflicts Force (Magic) damage with 120 power on a Single Enemy.
Gacha: Wild Guess Passive -25% to Critical hit rate of damage received.
Gacha: Fast Recovery Passive +20% to status ailment auto cure rate.