Before Cull: After the maintenance on 8/28/2019 (Wed) PDT - 8/29/2019 (Thu) 22:59 PDT
During Cull: 8/29/2019 (Thu) 23:00 PDT - 9/5/2019 (Thu) 22:59 PDT
After the maintenance on 8/28/2019 (Wed) PDT - 9/4/2019 22:59 PDT
20% off of all Races!
8/19/2019 (Mon) 8:00 PDT - 8/31/2019 (Sat) 7:59 PDT
Huang Di
8/21/2019 (Wed) 23:00 PDT - 8/31/2019 (Sat) 7:59 PDT
8/20/2019 (Tue) 23:00 PDT - 9/5/2019 (Thu) 7:59 PDT