Kartikeya Multifusion Boss

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  • You need Parvati in first or second team to start the fight!


KartikeyaRakshasa.png KartikeyaStats.png KartikeyaSarasvati.png

  • Battlespeed = 36866

General Tactic

  • Either outspeed or sacrifice the first team.
  • Dodge helps a lot.
  • Run Alilat/Rama for Physical coverage.
  • Bring some sort of healer (Amaterasu is suggested for stat buffs) and a mortal user to deal with Sarasvati. If you don't have units like Masakado or Alice, White Rider will work.

Teams Proven to Work


DX2-Megakin - 6* Yellow Amaterasu with sacrecarm transferred -6* Rama with evade transferred. Life/dodge brands -6* Siegfried -6* Alice

In order for this team to work, you have to sacrifice your first team with Parvati because otherwise you get outsped. For this team, you can substitute out Alice for any mortal user and Siegfried for any demon with drain phys. At the start of the battle use your mortal move to kill Sarasvati. If you are using White Rider and don't first try you can retreat and try again or pass around for a second try which is riskier. Once Sarasvati is down you can focus all of your damage on Rakshasa. Keep in mind that he has endure. Use Amaterasu for Tenson Kourin and tarunda. Healing won't be much of an issue if you can keep up the buffs. After you kill Raks you can focus on Kartikeya. There's not much to say here but Kartikeya has high agility and luck so be careful if you're using phys attackers.